HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1949-09-07, Page 2General Accountancy BUSINESS & TAX SERVICE for the • SMALL BUSINESS MAN, PROFESSIONAL MAN S. J. PYMM P. 0. Box 74 Telephone 23 LUCKNOW - ONT. This Could Be , Yours! And The Beaver Lumber Co. Ltd. is prepared to make it yours! We've Plan Books filled with ideas for comfortable, attractive homes . . . an experi- enced staff to guide you in your choice, to explain financing . and complete stocks of LUMBER and Building MATERIALS Let's get started on that home of your own this week. "BEAVER LUMBER WINGHAM - ONT. C. A. Loucks, Manager TAXI DAY or NIGHT Phone 65 JIM CAMERON All Passengers Insured Memorials We realize our obligation when we fill your order for a Mem- orial—and we provide only ma- terials of unending serviceability. Design and workmanship are of the finest, and our prices are most moderate. CEMETERY LETTERING Promptly Done All MODERN EQUIPMENT ,Wingham Memorial Shop 'Phone 256 R. A. Spotton e _ - ite Ford, Anna Toner, Ruby Taylor, Gwen Ruttan and Mrs. Cecil Wilson were iii Seaforth on Wednesday for Huron County Achievement Day, Each member received the award of a sil- ver spoon for having completed time course, Airs. Wilson received County honors having completed six Home- making Club units. Miss Gwen Rut- tan received County honours last year. Parrish Adams A pretty wedding was solemnized on Saturday, Sept, 3rd, at St, Stephens Church, Gorrie, by Rev. 3, C. Caley, when 'Cherie Sadie Adams, only daugh- ter of Mr. and Mrs, Wm,, F. Adams, Gorrie sideroad north, and formerly of England, was united in marriage to Jasper Whyte Famish, eldest sort of Reeve and Mrs. Elmer Parrish. The bride, given in marriage by her father, wore a green suit with black accessories and a corsage of yellow roses. The bridesmaid, Mill Mildred Parrish, sister of the groom, wore a grey suit with green accessories and a corsage of pink roses, Mr, Ross A, Bacon of Camp Borden, was grooms- man, and Mm'. Roy Yorke,. also of Camp Borden, was usher, The groom, best man and usher were in. R.C,A.r, uniform. The grol3M guyed in the R. C.A,P, in World War II And enlisted Choose Your Lovely New ' Patterns- Now Here's a way to bring an entirely new atmosphere —New colour—and per- sonality to any room. SUN-TESTED WALL- PAPERS offer you an unusually wide range of charming colours and designs from which to choose. At our store you will find a complete selection of Sun-Tested WALL". PAPERS — Vresh Gay colours or subdued tones together with other Decorating Supplies "Come in and see them today" up. ESTED WALLPAPiii The Wallpaper Shop Elmer Wilkinson - Decorator :c0( a Litt hot Wing, being stationed now at Camp Borden. Mrs. J. C. Caley, Played the wedding music. A wedding luncheon was served at the home of the groom's parents, after which the young couple left, on a wed- ding c,trip to Niagara Falls and other points, Women's Missionary Society The September meeting of the Wo- men's Alissionary Society was held at the home of Mrs. C. Mack on Thurs- day evening, .when seventeen ladies were present. Mrs. W. Ford, leader for the devotional service led with the theme of the Dominion Board, "Ad- vance Thy Church, 0 God, throughout the coming years, wide' as time World and broad as human kind", Time hymn "Thy Kingdom Come, 0 Lord, wide circling as the sun" was followed by responsive reiiiling„ Ps. 145. Prayers of thanksgiving for our church were given by Mrs. Nelson Strong, Mrs. Ruttan and Mrs, H. Ashton. 'Airs, Ford read the scripture from Isaiah 40:3-5, 9-11. After the theme hymn "Heralds of Christ, who hear time King's command" was sung, Mrs.,A. Taylor gave an impressive outline of messages from the Dominion Board meeting. Our field of action is in An- gola, Korea, China, Trinidad, Central India, Japan and mission work at home where need of our support is urgent. Miss Jean Sparling very ably introduc- ed the new Study. Book "Growing with the Years" written by Kenneth J. Bea- ton, During time business period, con- ducted by the president, plans were made for time Autumn Thank-offering meeting. A' hymn and the benediction closed the meeting. Adainty lunch was served aid an enjoyable half-hour spent. Alr. and Mrs, Clarence Nethercott and Kennth of Atwood, Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Stewart, Wallaceburg, and Mr. and Mrs Stewart, St. Thomas, were Sunday visitors at the home of yr, and Mrs. Cecil Grainger. Air, and Mrs. W, Graham of Ced- arville, W. G. McInnis and son, 'Win., Mr. and Airs. Pratt and children of Walkerton, were recent visitors with Air. and Mrs. T. L. McInnis. Mr. and Mrs. Win. Ford and Reeve and Mrs. E. J. Parrish, left" Monday on a motor trip to Michigan. Mr. John Koch held an auction sale of his farm stock on Tuesday of last week and, has left to return to Ger- many. S E E — Bennett & Casemore 'Phone 447 Wingham For Your BUILDING, CARPENTERING Repair Work Built-in CUPBOARDS $101 Wednesday, September 7th, 1949 '511ammalmaillunanam4;71,8 .11,11 1.,9,13 'mu:: IVITAMINSA . II:1 01 MI ti1 MI /-t- CHEMKAI: FOOD nt-1 TOP tIVER Ix . bbl • a • • a • • 4 1 . • • TONIC . - LY:.;.t.d. .••': M II Complete and Economical A Pleasant Tasting, i ;1 " X- 4C ° 1: 1,,,,, 41' 7 e: ,,,,, • a --is‘D il IN za --,,9 ...-„, • 01 VITAMIN and MINERAL -1zings;aavgJ :••••"'''''-'7 1 O FOOD SUPPLEMENT . I 211445' 1.35 741,1`&"2.95 "12V11.95 I I.D.A. Halibut Liver Oil Capsules I a • 4 oz. 75c 16 oz.:.1239 5 ; • • Boxes of 100 CAPSULES $4.79 n111 : Boxes of 500 CAPSULES ' n • a '(SAVE $1.45 on _the Large Size)• n alia a " NEO-CHEMICAL " SCOTT'S • -,-, - - EMULSION ri a a FOOD a hRoEunenrdgy a: I. a .,- Thyeel-lairg. • III - - 't -7- ';!-'-'-'i;- l'Z'''P.J71" TONIC I.TS i gm Family Tonic— • A Pleasant Tasting, Rich in Vitamin A • • mt:: • • Complete and Economical rt÷:-= and Sunshine ii • ii VITAMIN and MINERAL IN • FOOD SUPPLEMENT Vitamin D M 11 Wampole's Ext. Cod Liver Oil I 63c'4 and: $1:11.090 ! 1111 16 oz. bottle a • • MALTLEVOL (A, B, C, D, Liver and Iron) $2.00 • • • .▪ Kerr's Drug Store I • • • a LAURA SECORD CANDY • I TELEPHONE 18 WINGHAM • • • • rlESIIIIINUMIIIMEMEIMMIIIIIIIIIMIIIIIIIIIII• Week-end visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Feigle were: and Mrs. Blake Broad, Newmarket, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Broad and child- ren of Uxbridge. Sunday visitors at the same home were: Mr. and Airs, W. J. Heayn and family, Pt. Perry, Mrs. Alice Heayn and son, Elton, of Prince Albert and Misses Catharine and Pepe Clarke, Mattawa. Mr. and Mrs. Glad Edgar were vis- itors in Toronto and at the Ex. on Monday and Tuesday of last_ week. Mr. Donald Edgar also spent from Thursday until Saturday in the city. "Protect What You Have" — FOR FIRE - LIFE - AUTO INSURANCE CALL Stewart A. Scott 'Phone 293 Wingham We Stand Between You aad Loss All Year! • n 23 DAYS' MI 45 SO DAYS' SO L c 133 Oir a WPM 0 SUPPLY S2. 65 SUM EXTRA BIG! Frigidaire MASTER-7 Actually has 7.7 cu. ft. food storage space • Famous Meter-Miser mechanism • Exclusive Quickube Trays • Full-width, roller-bearing Hydrator • Large Super-Freezer Many other FEATURESt YOU should come, In and soo. I lExpert Service For your Hudson Car — and — 'Ferguson Tractor Complete stock of PARTS. WINGHAM \ONTARIO 40annaMINNINIMMINNEIMME111.111.116. I • I • I I I I I I • mumEEEENEEEEENEEEEEEEnumm manuni 1 ri ol Don't neglect getting a a a a 3 mi Wingham Motors • • a sa a 3a n. 'Safery Check-up a . : as : a ma Brakes - Lights - Horn - Steering aa a • Etc. are expertly adjusted • PI • EA a a II a a a • Our SPECIAL ENGINE TUNE-UP helps KEEP DOWN COSTS of operating your car. Make an appointment today! 3 ▪ Wing a ham NOW you can buy... lma Motors • • Telephone 139 .... 011 our GmAc PLAID E • a m 3 Chevrolet, Oldsmobile Cars Chevrolet Trucks a 11 11111111111112111111100111111BEIMINMEMINIMINNIEMENNIMIIIIME II 01115111111111111111511M11011111111111111111111.11111111111111311111111111111111111111111111111111111111t111111111111111111111111111111111-: • • a a REPAIRspnd ACCESSORIES • n n • • • a a a a a a -RANGES-, GURNEY 4-BURNER $219.00 GURNEY TABLE-TOP 4-burner .... .1279.00 Amca HEAVY DUTY 2-Burner $84.50 Canadian Beauty 2-burner RANGETTE $62.50 a • HOT-PLATES .. $5.95 up a Tappan GAS RANGE $149.00 (For use with Propane or Essotane Gas) • Holds more food than ever before in the same kitchen space! THE WINGHAM ADVANCE-TIMES Mr. and Airs. Aliluoi Watson, Aliss Norma Swift of Toronto, spent a few (lays with her sister, Airs. Itat'- dd l':(10r Edgar, Miss Margaret I leibein rettirued on Saturday from a h•diday with friends in Fergus. Air. Wm. 'Whitfield returned Thurs- dale from it week's visit with friends • at ft aw kStollO. Airs. Thos. Grant of Molesworth, a sister of Mrs. Alet Miller, passed away suddenly on Sunday morning, at her home. 1Ve e> tend sympathy to Mrs. Miller. Guests of Mr, and Mrs, Cl n•ne Michel on Sunday, were, Air, and Airs. Miehel, Toronto, Mr. and. Airs, Gordon Alusselman, Kitch- ener, Air, and Airs. Bert Vodden and Airs. Michel Sr., of Ethel, Airs. Michel is remaining for a longer visit. Mr. and Airs, Milton Smith of Siotifiville visited the latter's' brother, Air. Ken Hastie and Mrs. Hastie for a couple of days last week. Mrs. Em- ma Hastie returned with them. Airs. Geo. Robertson has returned after spending a month with relatives at Durham and Greenodk. Air, and Airs, Birks Robertson and Grace, of Greenock, visited friends here on Thursday. Cameron Robert- son, who has been holidaying with the Edgar families returned with them. and Mrs. Ross Ford and fam- ily of Ottawa spent several days with Mr, and Mrs. William Ford and fam- ily. Air, and Mrs. Clarence Grainger of \Vallacehurg, visited Mr. and Airs. Cecil 'Grainger on Sunday. Alvin Grainger returned home with them af- ter a holiday in Wallaceburg. Mr. and Mrs. Roger Robbins and family of Detroit, Mich., spent the weep.-curl with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Ford and family. Air. and Airs. Harold Roil, Billy and Peter of Cookstown, were week- end guests with relatives. Frank Radford, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Radford, who hays spent the holidays with his grandmother, Mrs, R. Ashton and other relatives, left on Saturday whore he will begin the tall term at the Clinton High School. C. N. E. visitors last week were: Mr. and Mrs. Ewart Whitfield, Doug- and Donald, Margaret Brown, Mr. and Airs. Harold Hyndman, Air. and .Mrs. Allan Hyndman, Mr. and Airs. Harvey Spading, Miss Jean Snarling, Alr, Clarence Spading. and Yvonne, Air. and Mrs. Thos. Edgar, Miss Alma Nash of Toronto, vis- ited her mother and other relatives last week. Air. and Mrs. Walter Wellington of Sarnia, were gl!ests of the former's brother, Mr. E. E. Wellington and Mrs, Wellington last week. They left on Friday for Muskoka and Mr% and Mrs, E. E. Wellington will join them on Wednesday, when they leave en a two week's vacation, which they will spend together on a motor trip to Huntsville, North Bay and ether points. Air, Hurren will take Mr. Wel- lington's work at the C.P.R, station, during his absence. Mrs. Ritchie visited with relatives in Toronto last week. Mr. and Mrs, Harry Ferguson are visiting relatives at Parkhill. Paul and Billie Higgins of Wrox- eter, have been visiting their cousins, Billie and Bobbie Baker. Airs, Jennie Edgar of Belmore, spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs, Tom Edgar. Girls Auxiliary The Girls' Auxiliary met on Friday evening at the home of Miss Thelma Stafford, with a good attendance, In the absence of the President„ Thelma Stafford presided and Beryl Bennett read from the new Study Book which is letters written from China, Rev. J. C, Caley gave a very interesting talk on the psalms. A dainty lunch was served by the hostels. We welcome Mrs. J. R. Watt, Judy and in fant son, Larry James, who joined Rev. Mr. Watt at the parsonage last week. The twins, John and Rob- bie, are spending some time with their grandparents. GORRIE Mrs. Tom Bradnock spent several days last week with friends in Toronto and took in the C.N.E. Rev, and Mrs. J. C. Caley visited relatives in Rodney last week. David returned with them after a holiday of several weeks in Rodney. Born — in Wingham Hospital on Sunday, Aug. 28th, to Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Brooks, a daughter. Rev. Stanley R. Johnston ,Thames- ford, and his bride, the former, Mrs. P. Burgess of Kitchener, were honor- ed by the Thamesford congregation re- cently when a welcome was extended to Mrs. Johnston and a presentation made. Rev. Mr. Johnston is a former Gorrie resident. Mr. and Mrs. Jos: Bennett spent a few days with friends in Toronto and attended the exhibition. Mr. and Mrs. Schroeder of Hanover, visited Mr. and Mrs. M. Gilkinson and Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Cook of Clifford, vis- ited relatives here last week. Mr. and Mrs. Dean Earngey of Fer- gus, are visiting the former's mother, Mrs. Frances Earngey. Mr. Campbell Brown has been en- gaged as teacher at S.S. No. 6, Turn- berry township. Mr. and Mrs. Harry King and Way- ne visited Mr. and Mrs. E. King in Detroit for a few clays last week. School. reopens on Tuesday with the same teachers in this district as last year. Mr, and Mrs. Harry Fuller and child of Watford, also Mrs. Fydell were re- cent guests of Mrs. Fuller's sister, Mrs. 'Gerald Galbraith and Mr. Gal- braith. Mrs. P. Kahle, leader of the Girls' Garden Brigade sponsored by the Gor- rie Women's Institute and the follow- ing members, Alice Downey, Marguer- ALL MAKES OF Ref rigerators Repaired OUR SPECIALTY' Stewart Home Appliances Merkley Motors FERGUSON TRACTORS HUDSON CARS Sales and Service -- Telephone 84 Wingham linill1111111111111111111mummummiller PAGE TWO Wingham ,Advance-TilmiP$ Published at WINGHAM - ONTARIO W. B. McCool, Editor and Publisher ember Audit Bureau of Circulation Authorized as Second Class Mail Post Office Department Satiscription Rate — One year $2.00 Six Months $1,00 nclvanee To U.S.A. 2.50 per year Foreign Rate $3.00 per year Advertising rates on application Vol. 70 — No. 51 GORRIE Al r, and Mrs. \V, C. Kin's, leave on Tuesday for Sarnia where they will sail on the "City of Cleveland" on a cruise for Shriners and their wives to Sault Ste. Marie, where Shriners will take part in a ceremonial and initia- tion of candidates. Mr. and MI's, Rola. Gibson of Wroxeter will accompany them.. 2 bey will return to Detroit on Friday night where they will spend the week-end. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Watson of Kitchener, were week-end guests of Haselgrove's SMOKE SHOP - for - Smokers' SUNDRIES MAGAZINES SOFT DRINKS Sash Complete Also DOOR FRAMES Agents for Johns-Mansville Shingles, Roofing and Insul-Brick Storm 'and Screen Sash Made to Measure Campbell Gorbutt Diagonal Rd., Wingham LADIES— SHAW'S Upholstery Cleaners 'WINGHAM, ONT. Ar,e now well acquainted here and are Taking Orders for. Fall Cleaning, Shampooing, Rugs, Chesterfields Suites and Occasional Furniture We Guarantee All Our Work Shrink-Proof - Moth-Proof It is Clean - It Looks Clean ' It Smells Clean! Agents— Walker's Home Furnishings Washing Machines U U a a U U • U a 9 GAIN,A-DAY PHILIPS INGLIS ta Pamper your Refrigerator these days, $145.00 to $179.00 i CALL 549 at the first sign of ' trottble We'll fix it immediately and ex,. pertly at reasonable cost, § McGill Radio Service Repair for Longer Wear Li TELEPHONE 380 WINGHAM . T. DARLING , %1•00EinsimuiEutialsosi moilitialismEmittimEmamic -,..- ,,