HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1949-08-31, Page 3Superior Fapot, Market Crown Fruit Jars pints doz. $1.19 NEW LARGER PACKAGE 201b MORE SOO 35' TO GIVE YOU MORE WASHING POWER illi1111•111MMIM•1•11111•111111, Green Giant Golden WAX BEANS, 20 oz. tin 17c CERTO, bottle 25c Hillcrest SHORTENING, 1 lb. carton 29c Royal York ORANGE PEKOE TEA, 1/2 lb. 47c NESCAFE INSTANT COFFEE, 4 oz. tin .. , .53c N110•1•11•.. Kellogg's RICE KRISPIES, pkg. 15c 41•••••••11.101•11119IMMIZIOW. Quaker Quick OATS - 3 lb. box 27c FRESH FRUITS AND VEGETABLES — ARRIVING DAILY — 1*.e.7,-••••••• 23c- 29c- 45c I IVORY EARE5 35c Green Giant Fancy Tender Peas iiro:1 15c ED. NASH'S SERVICE STATION WILL BE OPEN ON SUN., SEPT. 4th m•••••=niogamostoisan j"-,,///// IF YOU PREFER YOU CAN ,/ /1 WE DELIVER—RAIN OR SHINE, rsIDENABIEMEla Alfred Wood, Fergus. Thursday afternoon, 1,30, The Maple Leaf; address, Mrs. C. Hayes, George- town; Mrs. J. R. Iwteher, presiding for report of Nominating Committee, Mrs. A. Hamilton, Atwood. Election of officers, voting on Reso- lutions, Publicity Convener, Mrs. Milian 'Weber, West Montrose; Un- finished business, questions answered, National Anthem. Committees—Reception, Mrs. J. R. White, Ripley, Mrs. Ford Sudden, Galt ;Registration, f irs. Rutherford, Ayr, Mrs. W. Connie, Fergus; Mrs. A. Darroeh, Mrs, Loren .Guild, Rockwood; pianist, Mrs, Roy MacKenzie, Ripley; Press, Mrs. 1), 'MacNaughton, Bluevale; Assistant, Mrs, Stanley Wheeler, Brussels Cour- tesy Convener, Mrs. Milton Wet er West Montrose; Auditors, Mrs. F Rinehart, Campbellville, Mrs. H. Han- 1=nelph. Mrs. Robert Davidson, London, England, WaS a recent with her cousin, Idi s Nlae Davidson. N1r, r.",)11k• Moffat and ilaughtf-r, of ngers••II, were week-end visitors of Miss Mae Davidson. ONTARIO Flwaea Before you ever cross the road ,---"PAUSE , Look both ways” is your safety code. Wise persons, young and old, use extra tare when Crossing road- ways. They look both LEFT and RIGHT to see that the way is dear. It takes but a second ,Y • but it spells S-A,F-E-T-Y. OEM H. boUtErr, Mtnicter DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAYS U U I a a • U U U a a a U U a U a U U a a ie a N U a a FIRST LINE TIRES COST YOU C.T.C.„LESS AT C.T. --because your old tires are worth MORE Double 'Trade-in Allowance For the Unused Mileage in Your Old Tires WHY P Y MOA'!'E Ira W Y CCEPT LESS? 0 Siam &7.8 BERVICE WINGHAM; ONT. Phone 184 Robin E. Campbell I Coke goes along , Ask for it either way . . both trade-marks mean the same thing. 195 Authorized bottler of Coca-Cola under contract with Coca-Cola Ltd. STRATFORD BOTTLING COMPANY TELEPHONE 78 STRATFORD, ONT. USED CARS 1947 MONARCH 5-passenger COUPE—Excellent mechanical shape-7-New Tires. 1947 1-ton FORD PICKUP—Mechanically perfect Body and Tires Good 1936 CHEVROLET COACH--Al throughout 1929 MODEL A COACH—A real buy at the price. 1928 WHIPPET—Cheap Transportation. HURON MOTORS A. D*11/1acWILLIAM Wingham Ford and Monarch 'Phone 237 Wed. noaday, August 31, 1049 THE WINGHAM ADVANCE-TINIES A 1•••••••••••••••1••••1••• ocommiroaloplualopmailatiariallailiumiwalialompotailialtailicairmingiamatigiciiirilwilainiatialwiliiritiffirvirlord Air. and Mrs, Al. Millar, Detroit, were week-end glmsts of Mr. and Mrs. ▪ Robert Gbson. Mr. and Mrs, Jim Sanderson and lamilY, spent the week-end at :Becton and, attended the wedding of their Dobbs (nee Margaret Sanderson.) Mr. and Mrs. Ira illaci.c,ait and family, spent the week-end with friends at St. Thomas. Guest speaker at the United Church on Sunday morning was Mr. Cunning- di am of Listowel. The speakers mes- sage was especially for young people, and was inspiring. Mrs, John Reidt attended the funeral of a relative in Kitchener on Saturday. The engagement is anrirsunced of N orma Jea n , daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Norma Sheppard Brandon, Toronto, to Calvin Carl, son of Mr. and Mrs. James Alvin Moffat, Wroxeter, the marriage to take place September 10th, in Leaside United Church, Mr. Norman Hall of Aylmer. a for- fifer resident of Wroxeter, was a recent visitor with Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Higgins, Mrs. H. Waller, Miss M. Waller and Master Lennie Hayes, have re- turned to Toronto after spending the past few weeks at their home h e re. Mr. and Mrs, Alex McTavish, Mr. and Mrs. James Wright and Gordon, visited on Sunday with Mr, and Mrs. Norman Walker of Stratford. Miss Joyce Walker accompanied them borne for a week's holiday. Essey Competition Announced, The CountryWomans Day Members of the Women's Institute will have opportunity to take part in a World Wide CoMpetition, The `Countrywoman's Day' a typical day in your life is the subject told in a thous- and words which may be written in pencil, ink or typed and must reach the Dept. not later than October 5th. Winners in Ontario will compete with those from 25 nations of the World. and later a book of the winning Essays will be compiled by The Associated Countrywomen of the World, Ontario entries will be judged by members of the Dept. assisted by the English Dept. of O.A.C. Further information will be given by Secretary, Mrs, W. T. MacLean at the September meeting' of the W.I. Women's Institute Motto, Home is where the heart is, Mrs. J. N. Allen; the home of ,.firs. Lyle Brothers. The roll call, Spices and their origin; current events, Mrs. Hector Knight; paper. "Agriculture and Canadian Industry, (Canadian Exports) Mrs. H. V. McKenney. Date September 7th at 2,30 p.m. Hostesses, Mrs. 5. H. Wylie, Mrs. F. B. Mill- ward, Mrs. John Colwill. a Miss Helena Mahood IS At Wingham General'. Hospital, on Saturday, August 27th, the death took place of a highly esteemed life long citizen of Fordwich, in the person of El Miss Helena Mahood, in her 83rd. is year. Miss Mahood is survived by three brothers, all living in the 'United States. Private funeral services were T. held from liar late residence on Sun- 1110,1- 11111111111111.11/111113VallO11112111111111111111111111111111181111•111111111M111M11•111111111111111111111111m1IU11U111n1110mninittmEmomm11mq day afternoon. Rev. 5. R. Watt of Misses Elsie and Marian Gibson left on Saturday for Winnipeg after spending the two vacation months at their summer Roane here. Last week, Dr. Thomas Gibson and son, also Mr, — niece, tlaughter of Mr, and Mrs, Selby U U U U U U I a • A etter r y Then Ever Beu r CANADA'S FINEST FIRST LINE TIRES — FOR CARS-TRUCKS-TRACTORS P • N I U U a a • a U U a N a U I U a N U a a U U U is a Combined Districts of Bruce East, North and Suoth, Halton, Waterloo, and Mrs. Kenneth Gibson and family, North and Suoth; Grey South, Huron all of Hamilton, were their guests. East, Perth North and Centre, Wel- Mr. and Mrs. Harold Durst have lington North, South and Centre, Me- returned from Ottawa where they vis- morial Hall, Ontario Agricultural Col- ited the latter's sister, Mrs. Francis lege, Guelph., Ontario, September 14th Glossop. and 15th, 1949. Mr. and Mrs. Mel Martin, Peter and The Theme: Happiness is not an Patricia, Of Toronto, were week-end end to be attained; It is a by-product guests of J k FL and Mrs. Wylie. of constructive thinking and successful Misses A.larilyif and Marjorie Timm, every day living. Happiness is an in- spent part of last week with their ner achievement, friend, Miss Ann Douglas, Wroxeter j Programme: Wethiesday morning, South. Sept. 14th. Chairman of Sessions, .Mrs. Rev. U. E. and Mrs. Croiddelm and C Robertson, Rockwood ;10.00 Regis- children, are expected home from tration ;10.30, Opening- Ode, Lord's North Bay this week, where they have Prayer. 'Minutes of 1948 convention. spent the past month holidaying. Rev. President's Address, Mfrs, Robertson: Mr. Cronhielm will have charge of Treasurer's Report, Mrs. Lorne Guild, Wroxeter and Salem charge on Sun- Rockwood. Reading of Resolutions, day next, Sept. 4th. Mrs, A. Cowan, Palermo; appointment Mr. and Mrs. Allen Munro and of nominating committee, reports on Winnifred, spent last week at Sault Home Economics, Mrs. J. J. itcKin- Ste. Marie, where they visited the non, Chesley; publicity, •Mrs, S. former's brother, Donald Munro and Wheeler, Ethel. family. Wednesday afternoon; 1.30, Assenl- Mr.' and Mrs, Thos. Burke, ac- bly singing, report, Social • Welfare, companied by Toronto friends have Mrs. I. Wade, Allenford; address, Mrs. had a delightful holiday visiting sev- J. R. P'utcher, president F. W. I, 0. eral points in United States including Music, Speedside W. I, Centre, Wel- Boston and New York. lington. Remarks On Hand Book, Miss Mr, and Mrs. Harold Hamilton vis- Anna P. Lewis, director W. I. Branch ited Fergus friends last week, on their and Home Economics service. Re- return they were accompanied by ports, Citizenship, Mrs, A. R. Mat- Master Ronald and Master David thews, R. R., Preston; Historical Re- Tremer, who are their guests. search, Mrs, D. MacPherson, Elmira. Miss Frances Wylie was successful Wednesday Evening, 6,15, Banquet In passin g. summer Course, exams, Chairman,. Mrs, C. Robertson, Toast. which qualifies her to teach Kinder- The King: Address of Welcome, Dr. garter work. Misses Jean Moffat and W. R. Reek, 0.A,C.,; Reply, Mrs. J. Margaret \Warring. both students at Feasby, H, R. 1, Kitchener, Greetings Listowel H, S. were successful in their from Mrs, J. R. butcher, final year, and plan to attend Toronto meeting adjourns to Memorial Normal in the coming year. Congratu- 8,15, Chairman, Mrs. 5. R. White, lotions,Ripley: Reading, Mrs. Albert Mighton Miss Patsy Bridgman returned of Pergus. Vocal selections, Miss with Miss Edythe Weir from Toronto Leona Qibb, Rockwood, Address, Re- and is holidaying here. Mrs, P, 13ridg- cent Developments in , international man and Miss Winnie Reid, also of Affairs, 'by Dr. F, T. Salmon, Pro- Toronto, werQ guests at the Weir home 'tessor of Ancient History, McMaster during the weekend, University, ,Mrs. W. R. Hughes, Hamilton,. vis- Thursday morning; 0,00 ft,m., Wo- ited on Tuesday last with her niece, men's Institute Ode; Mary Stewart, Mrs. D. S, MaeNtufghton, Mr, jack Collect. Report junior, Mrs, 3. Ruth- McLaughlin Wingham, was also a erford, Ayr. Girls' Session, Address, Sunday visitor at the MacNaughton Miss Anna P, Lewis; report, Agricult- home. ure and Canadian Industries, Mrs. WROXETER Gorrie United Church was in charge, Interment was made in the family plot, in Fordwich cemetery. Women's Institute 'Convention