HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1949-08-24, Page 8sstaesizi.tmsMx,-- Driving a car, or riding a bike—Requires great care from both alike. Motorists and bicyclists have an equal responsibilty to prevent highway accidents ...bicyclists should keep well to the right and avoid weaving or swerving —motorists should slow down and exercise special caution when meeting or passing bicycjes. GEO. H. DOUCETT, Ministor ONTARIO DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAYS HW749 "SAL ABW B Lunching off the morning's catch near Fort William VhippyMiegt AT THE LAKEHEAD Every year artists, camera enthusi- asts, hunting and fishing sportsmen enjoy the varied vacation opportuni- ties in the Pt. Arthur, Ft. William area. It's a delightful two-day cruise to the Lakehead through the locks at Sault Ste. Marie, from Georgian Bay and Lake Huron ports. There's year-'round, 24-hour train service and it's just 6 hours by plane from Toronto! Or the adventurous, in In Ontario we have a ho day paradise . . . let's a do all we can to encourage visitors from across the border. Published in sup- port of the tourist business by John Labatt Limited. summer, can drive the new Trans- Canada Highway—allow 6 days from any city in Southern Ontario via Highways 11 and 17. There are lots of cabins, resorts, hotels and camping grounds along these roads. Write the Ft. William Civic Tourist Bureau, or the Pt. Arthur Chamber of Commerce for further details on Lakehead holidays. LET'S MAKE THEM WANT TO COME BACK! and A. H. Musgrove, M.P,P., are in Toronto for a few days on business.I Master Charlie Fowler, Bluevale Road,1 is spending his holidays at Guelph. Mr. W. T. Hall is spending a week at Owen Sound. Mrs. (Dr.) H. E. W. P., Tamlyn is spending a month at REMINISCING FORTY YEARS AGO Personal—Dr. T. Chisholm, M. the new ease-the new certainty of success brought by- 04116'ER 8R610 It is unbelievably easy to turn out the lightest, tastiest Gingerbread Squares that you ever tasted with the new DOWNYPLAKE Gingerbread Mix. You add water only — the milk is in the mix. Success — every time — is sure, because all these new DOWNYFLAKE Mixes have been perfected out of an experience of 25 years in blending the finest ingredients obtainable in exactly the right balance. Everywhere the name DOWNY- PLAKE is becoming the word for per- fection in mixes. And small wonder. Serve the new DOWNYFLAKE Gin- gerbread Mix today. a d daes6 ornier VONYMAKE /11/05 DEVIL'S FOOD CAKE EGG PANCAKE WHITE CAKE BRAN MUFFIN GOLDEN CAKE COOKIE HOT ROLL EGG WAFFLE SPICE CAKE CORN MUFFIN HOT BISCUIT SPICE COOKIE CONTAINS FULL 16 OZ, A PRODUCT OF CANADIAN DOUGHNUT' COMPANY, LTD. D4 LOOK FOR THE TWIN BAKER SEAL OF APPROVAL AND BUY WITH CONFIDENCE * * TWENTY7FIVE YEARS AGO Wingham 'Defeat Clinton—The la- crosse match on Friday evening drew the largest croWd of spectators pres- ent at any game this season in Wing- ham, when the local team defeated Clinton 6 to 4. The Wingham line-up: W. (Bill, McCoy, goal; Alf. Locker- idge, point. F. MacLean, eover point; Neil McLean, lst. defence; Chas. Smith, 2nd. defence; W. Lockeridge, centre; H. Towne, 2nd. Home; Fred Skelding,. lst. Home; W. VanWyck, outside Home; Gord. Cruiokshanks, inside Home; Ed. Forgie and Chas. Bell, subs. Bluevale—Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hans- on, of Mitchell, visited for a couple of days with Mr. and Mrs. Win. Hol- mes. Mr. and Mrs. E. Gee of Shaun- avon, Sask., are visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. King, M. P. Mr. Eldrid Nichol visited at Stratfrod last week. Mr. and Mrs, W. Stewart and Miss M. Stewart, spent Sunday with friends in Grey Township. Mr, Roy Powell of Ingersoll, spent a few days with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Thorn- ton, • Salem—Mr, and Mrs. Duncan from near Pilot Mound, Man., spent a' few days with the latter's sister, Mrs, Eli Bolt, Mr. Roy MeKersie had a suc- cessful raising last Friday of his straw shed. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Harris and little daughter, Erma, of the 15th con. of Howick, called on Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Gallaher last Sunday evening. Mr. Oliver McCreery and Miss Eva Mc- Creery from south of Wroxeter, vis- ited friends here last Sunday. Whitechureb—•Mr. and Mrs. Alf. Naylor and -children of Chatham, vis- ited with Mr. and Mrs. B. S. Naylor on Friday. Mr. and Mrs.. Victor Em- erson of Kinloss, visited with his par- ents, Mr. and Mrs: Alex Emerson on Sunddy. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Webb and daughter, spent Sunday at For- dyce. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Wilson, Ag- nes and Tommy, spent Sunday at Exeter. Mr. and Mrs. Hunter and children of Turnberry, moved into the house south of the Methodist church last week. Pilance-Westlake—A quiel wed- ding was solemnized at the Methodist Parsonage, Wroxeter, on Saturday, July 26th, when Miss Kathleen West- lake, daughter of Mrs. W. J. Mitchell, of Wroxeter, was united in marriage to Mr. FIarry Pilance, son of Mr. and Mrs, John Pilance, of Stratford, by Rev. Dr. Brown. Personals—Rev. C. E. Cragg and party consisting of Rev. John Peters of Dungannon, Harry Hopper, F. NV. French, M. A., and A. E. Lloyd of town, left on Monday morning for a motor trip to Romeo, Mich. MK, and Mrs, D. B. Porter left on Tuesday for an extended visit in Vancouver, 13. C., and San Ditgo, Cal. Stanley - Bax—A pretty wedding was solemnized Wednesday, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. 'N. Donaldson, 27 Central Ave., London, when Miss An- nie M. Bax, sister of-Mrs. Donaldson, was united ill marriage to Mr. L, D. Stanley of St, Marys, by the Rev. H. B. Ashby. The bride was formerly a teacher at Delmore. * * * FIFTEEN YEARS AGO Reeves-Tiffin—A quiet wedding was soitninized in Toronto at thc home of Rev. J. W. Graham', pastor of 13loor St. 'United Church, on July 24th, when Olive V., elder daughter of Mrs, A, r. Tiffin of Wingham, became the bride of Aubrey William Reeves, of Lon- don, son of Mr. W. H. Reeves of WoAdstock. Wroxeter—Mr. and Mrs. Geo, An- ger and family spent Sunday at South- amnion. Messrs. Wesley Paulin and Eight Hoffman spent the week-end at Lions Head. Mrs. j% Lovd1, Miss A, B. Fraser and Miss Jessie Fraser spenl, Sunuay at Palmerston. Mr, and Mrs, Bill Aurtin and Glenn, were Sunday guests of Mrs, Rasmussen. Rev. W. A. and Mrs, Finlay and Wendell spent the week-end at Toronto, Mrs, Fl arl Sproule spent part of last week at BrUsscls, Gc,rrie.--Among those registered for the Sekt mg Course being field ;it the Twp. Hall here ate: Melbmes I. Ashton, S. Ashton, C, MI. ton. A 1-leibein and R. Newton; also Mi::ses Margaret Dane, Nceie Dins- more. Mcr to Eatngey, Alberta Vero- soo, Arlene Galbraith Nellie Mary later, Maria 14:tMaitin, AU(4- rine ryke., Jean Spailing, jean Stanr- Go By Trate to the CANADIAN NATIONAL EXHIBITION AT TORONTO Aug. 26 to Sept. 10 Low Rail Fares FARE AND ONE.HALF FOR THE -ROUND TRIP Good going Thursday, Aug:15 to Saturday, Sept. 10 Inclusive.; Rotum Limit-46m. 14 FOE information froin any agent. CANADIAN NATIONAL Immediate Delivery Ford Tractors AND THE FOLLOWING Tractor Equipment REAR MOWERS SWEEP RAKES CULTIVATORS (Stiff and Spring-tooth) TANDEM DISCS - 2-FURROW PLOUGHS HURON MOTORS Wingham A. D. MacWilliam 'Phone 237 11111111 DETROIT'S "FIRST" • IN CONWNIENCE • COMFORT QUALITY In the heart of the downtown, office, theater, and shopping area. Friendly, courteous service to make your stay in Detroit a pleasant memory. The Teller Coffee Shop or Cafeteria for excel- lent Food modestly priced, The Hotel Tuner, Detroit's largest, is the place ta stay. VISIT OUR eOcktalI,Couirge ONE OF DETkOIT'S INEST 800 ROOMS WITH CATH FROM $273 Rotel lier FACING GRAND CIRCUS PARK Prank X. Cannon, General Manage 1111,4 to willIIIIIC.,1"::7111111 nol, Loreen Thornton, Blyth 'Uncle] - woof!' and Miss Miller. - Montgomery - Field—On Tuesday, July 17th, 1934, Anona, only daugh- ter of Mrs. W. S. Field and the late Mr. Field, became the bride of Mr. Win. George MontgometrA eldest son of Mrs. J. J. Montgomery tt.nd the late Mr. Montgomery, at a pretty cere- mony in Christ Church, Edmonton, with the Rev, J. M. Comp' Ching officiating. Mr. Montgomery was a former Orangehill boy. Field - Eckmier—Melvin Presbyter- ian Church, Brussels, was the scene of a pretty wedding on Saturday, Aug. 4th, 1934, when. Florence Wilamina. second daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Louis Eckmier was married to Dr, William John Field, of Manchester, Conn,, son of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Field of Wingham, by the Rev. Wm. Moore. Stanley - Stanley—St. Paul's Ang- lican Church was the scene of a pretty wedding, on Saturday, August 4th, 1934, when Eva May, daughter of Mr. and Mrs, Edward Stanley of Kinloss, was united in marriage with Albert Thomas Stanley, son of.Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Stanley., of Kinloss, by the Rev. F. L. Richards. Won At Goderich—In the Invitation Scotch Doubles Tournament held at Goderich, on Wednesday of last week, Andy Taylor and Art Wilson won the Trophy Event, and Wally Miller and Alex Crawford won the second event. Munro - Wright—A pretty wedding was solemnized on Friday, August 3, 1934, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Alex Wright, when their eldset daugh- ter, Lauratta Pearl, became the bride of Mr. Allen N. Munro, second son of Mrs. Janet Munro and the late Don- ald Munro, with Rev. W. A, Finlay officiating. Itne4t Qty Ccati U91 Mr, McDonald assisted the Lucknow Pipe Band and won third prize in the piping competition. Miss McDonald in the dancing competitions won first for Highland Fling, Sailor's Horn- pipe and Shauntruse; second for Irish Jig and Sword Dance and first in the girl's foot race, ' jamestown•-•-•Mr. and Mrs, Job King visited at the home. ot Mrs. B. King on Monday last, Miss Berva Bryans left 'last Tuesday for her school At Grayson Sask, Mr, and Mrs, Wrn, L. ,Mc141vie and family of Hamilton, are visiting at the home of Mr, Wm, McKelvie, Mr. Woods of Briissels, took the service in the hall on Sunday lasBt.lyth—Mr. A. H. Wilford of Lon- , don, spent a day or two at',.his home here, Mr, Howard has completed his contract of the brickwork of Mr, Stot- her's house, Walter McGowan and Rebecca, are away on A' visit to Seat- tle and Portland, C. A. and Mrs. Howe, who have spent some time in Prince Edward County, arrived home last week. Dr, E. C. Wilford and bride arrived at the home of his father, after being engaged for several days order- ing a supply of goods to be forwarded in a few weeks to their future home in China. ford Bay, Muskoka. Lakes, Mr, Got- don •Griffin of Owen Sound, was visit- , ling for a few days with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. N, Griffin. Mr. and Mrs. W. IL Rintoul and- two children left on Tuesday for a month's holidays in Nova Scotia, Bluevale—Miss Mary Aitcheson is visiting friends in 1Guelph, Mrs. Robert Black was in Kincardine ast Tuesday, Rev, W. J. West occupied his own pnl- : pit last Sunday and returned to his family at Bruce Beach on Tuesday morning, Mr. and Mrs, J. C. Johnston who have been in the West for the past few weeks returned home on Sat- urday. Mr. Hartley Patterson of New York, spent a few days in the village last week. Grey—The trustees of the Whitfield Public School, 12th con„ have engaged the services of Miss Ida Frain, daugh- ter of ex-councillor Frain at a salary of $400.00 per annum, duties to com- mence at the opening of the Pall term. Robert Forrest of Morris, who has been teaching in this school, talks of going to the West. East Wawanosh—Miss Annie Mc- Gowan ,of East Wawanosh, has been engaged by the trustees of S. S. No, 3, Morris, known as the Miller School, 5th line, duties to commence on the opening of the Fall term. Salary $425„, per annum. Miss Florence Armstrong, who did good work in the schobl for the past six months, will have to at- tend the Normal before she can con- tinue to teach. S. 0. S. Excursion—The weather was perfect for the Sons of Scotland excursion. The excursion train took nearly 1,300 people into Kincardine and of this number 281 were from Wingham, 60 from Bluevale and 155 from Whitechurch. The 48th High- landers Band gave a good program and the Scottish games, dancing, etc., were enjoyed by all, Misses Mabel, Flora and Verna McDonald, of this town, won a number of prizes in the dancing competitions. Dunford — McGillivray—The home of Mr. Archip McGillivray was the scene of a quiet wedding on Wednes- day, when his daughter, Amelia Annie, was married to Mr. Lorne S. Dunford, of Brussels, by Rev. A. C. Wishart. Wingham Always Leads—The fol- lowing paragraph is from last week's Chesley Enterprise: "In Grey County just :the same number were successful as in Bruce, namely, 48. Toronto has 4 Collegiate Institutes and 3 High Schools with 71 teachers, yet only 56 students were successful at the Normal Entrance. Huron County with its 4 High Schools leads the province, 104 candidates being successful, and, we suppose, Wingham, as usual, takes the lead." 'McDonalds Are Prize Winners— Mr. D. E. McDonald and Miss Mabel McDonald attended the Old Boys: reunion celebration at Embro last week and report a good celebration. 01011111101 AG EIGHT THE WINGHAM ADVANCE-TIMES Wednos4ay, August Z41 1949