HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1949-08-24, Page 2'WROXETER —S E E — Bannon & Casemore 'Phone 447 Wingham For Your BUILDING, CARPENTERING Repair Work \Built-in CUPBOARDS TAXI DAY or NIGHT Phone 63 JIM CAMERON All Passengers Insured 1 I Coffee Tables Lamp Tables Drum Tables Nests of Tables DEEP LITTER 'Phone 58 Wingham pAor Two. Wednesday, August 24, 1949 'THE WINGHAM ADVANCE-TIMES AMMO ern Wingtoun .Advance.Tim,c14 ple-Aishea WINGRAM - OICZAIZIO W. E. E.Z•trr. anl rublister gentler Antatorzued as .t;!!....aend Class Mai: Offir:e riepartuatut Sobsuipt.::: Rate - $2.k-ta $13.- aamthsILEVI advar,ce To :1,Z1 per year Fereign Rate .$3.00 per year Advertisiag rates on application Mrce So.:5 an.; zu..-+ •.;,1Z71tQ-5 Wert' tkresent, Mr. :r..1 1,11. n Mr. and Mrs. Lack %...Vii!z:n. Mr. • I !' a a n n n n n • 1111 a • n n n n n Twice as Easy -- Twice as Fast LABOR DAY MONSTER LEGION NEW TONI SPIN CURLERS hIrs. 1;c4:1 an Mrs. watcr. ar.,i .; • +fi e fa a "' • •••:: 14, " U. 0. . - • fa ",17,- n U 111 , a • - a a a • a ,paper • - , srs. n 111 n BINGO WinghamArena Prizes Amounting to $500.00 IS Games for $1.00 3 Special Games Amounting $2t)(i.110:.! Mon., Sept * 5th Doors Open S: Ski Games Star: at 9:0 PRIZES Nylons, Bankets, Electric Tea Kettles, Featherweight Irons, Sheets, Pillow Cases Sponsored by Branth 150, Wingham Legion ls at:7 " 7;s-tr.: •'.. CUT WINDING TIME IN HALF t Wa.men's Ins4tate j. N. •.: 7;,c. - :e mt.::: s Comfort! V '•-:::v N NO RUBBER BANDS YOU'LL be on the inside lock- ing cut ctur.placently while Win- ter rages, if you r." xerer W men's. ten: e.1 Mrs. s-, ..ret saitens 17_1% hirs. to, visited .71.: :712 in the • Miss r. V. wift: Miss friend. Miss N. rz.n. :onto. Mr. and Mrs. Hat :r T.tursiiay a trip ti-e• Nes: c:•:- Cariadia--.: ramie the Ur :e tates, trip Mr. Mrs. Ar..17ew drir.e and .wifla Mr. 77.t..s. Insulate Now! Toni Twin, Kathiene Crescenie, says ifiTS:a0t rti sAwriN hyl.;11,0re than a million Canadian women cnrrent evcnts. Mrs Agri:it:titre and In by Mrs. V. M.:Kerne, Mrs. Wylie., Mrs. Miilward, Wins Scholarship A Toronto laily ami: urced the cwleelk'r!zewhIncid schoiarai it i, t e 'h Irleir.nser Or Last --oiar- ships won by Alien J. Challicambe t f ,111 '7",tarc.r.to rniversirc. taraelv: Uruguay , :prize in Spanish of Inci...err. . '!guageit and 4iteraturers crurse; W'ntercorleviz Scholarship •ri mE t r:lat.siern lang-za,tes and literatures n • German. sian German and Span . oir.r Came: honcil Frenc. A-er. is a a•-:: 7,1: Mr. Mrs. J. Cha-.1i,-.....rnb. T..: . the: was the f.:Tiner ressie 4th line of Tunil-erry. a: he is a • ! repl•ew Mr. an.I Mrs. El lre i • 1 Bzarn-At Brantford Ger.eral Hos- pita:. on An eust3511 Mr, an ,: Mrs, Norman Bushy Ire: MuIlioar: of \Yr:meter a so:: U Mn and Mrs. A. Adams. M.rs. W. . Eiliot and Mrs. Hastie were Sun-• Due to an unprecedented demand we were only cuests of Mr. and Mrs. GorInn allowed a limited qu,,antity. 'Phone or Write— , and HAVE ONE RESERVED TODAY! 1111 BELGRAVE • E omen's institute Kerr's 'Drug Store The reaular ^eel :f the Belgrave 11 I NVomen's instil-ate was: held in the /1 VITA-RAY ..:r:.?and R c area. in 11.7,i;. tree INSULATION prevents chill winds from entering, prevents precious heat iron escaping, in- sures home comfort while cutting Euel bills up to 30c-l•,. Come in to the Beaver Lumber Co. or call 66 about INSULATION for your 17=e this week! livr.r. Er in the w over member ' c . the .iistr: r‘t-et: -ate r.-as'1. W.7...reter • a,-„; •••••-e7t as asstst.,..:::: t M. t.sr‘ Acr e. V.. K R -Protect What You Have —FOR— INSURANCE OF ALL TYPES CALL Stewart A. Scott rerer- ' • a • a Ws the world's most popular permanent the wove that gives that alat;iral look Mr. .." rlea..eter WINGHAM - ONT. C. A. Loucks, Manager i 'Phone 293 Wingham We Stand Between You aid 1 S .,-.} Loss All Year! : -,S I SPECIAL OFFER WARREN HOUSE Wina- • :vice urcu. Mr. ter- ▪ and REFILL $1.25 41 $3.50 Value New Spin Curlers $2.00 for only New Creme Rinse .25 -I $2.79 .01.....*••••••4 FURNISHINGS Drapery Rugs Stair Carpet Venetian Blinds Cornice Boxes Mrs. Paul A 7.•ims. Wr3.x- s. Case W Rte has -eturne 7 From a .er brother. :f. Port Mrs- Leslie a- - -..' • - W. R. an:. Mrs Rae ▪ niembers e: y a: tke t: cele- brate Mr. ar..1 Mrs. Rae's we-- anniversary. Friends En hts e‘ ter - • 3 wish :F:: many extended :.:., the bereav- Mr. WeI,eter :k rLare Saturday Wing: General Hos- (Cosmetics) BuBARRY 11 TELEPHONE 18 WINGHAM • 5 a .111111111111111111111111111111111111111111ffainallaal F...-ester's 1-iall. when the local Insti- .. mite entertair:ed members ai the Ma- jestic institute of Brussels, The • meeting was conducted by Mrs. Stew- ',.. art Procter and Mrs. Doug. Hernirg- t -a -. the rwo presidents, The minutes were read by Mrs. Ken 1 Wheele.: and Mrs. Jahn Spiers. Each i president tack np the business far ' d Instiute. P:ans were nin3e to, attend ' the pio-nic at Goderich. Mrs.. George Bone of Brussels. took !. .e chair f::::. the progratrrr,e. Mrs. i .•Wes. Kerr gave the mo.t•to,,, ''The ; ".s.m.allest good deed is better than the ,•bigge-s: intention." . Mrs. Roy Cousins accompanied a .i the pl•-•• by Mrs. William Spiers, sang as a solo, ''Eless This House." I Mrs. Manning gave a reading. ".A..." " Itarentor's Wife?' Mrs. James P-,ryans. ; gave a reading. "G‘od gave us merr.r.r- i lies that we night have roses in Dec- ' ember.- The speaker of the afternoon was 0 Miss Cara McGowan of Elyth. who i is with the Children's Aid Society at i Gaicriz:-.1. Miss McGowan told of her `t, -ark with. the children and of their i ork tryMg to serare good foster ,,r,. r. es. fo,r nee3y children. MrS, Doug- ';', ilas Fienniny moved a 17.1:1te of !thanks ::, the. E-e:grave. a.- lies. Refresh- ; iments were serve3. at daintily app.rint- 'i; ed tea tables by the committee in ' charge, Mrs. 1.., E.appe.r, Mrs. IL j. ,.Ma.,-1;:.er.zie, Mrs, W. Reily and Mrs. : : Anders:r. Beautiful Lawns Made EASY1 t NA-CHURSt- :SAM FEZTELIZER • Early App.Bei • Od=iess • Nelsearweig,ht • Amazing Ulnas St---inton's E. S. Lewis:, Florist Wingliam - Ontario General Accountancy Small kitchen? This °COMPACT LAMPS GIFTS i I PICTURE FRAMING 1 ! i i I BUSINESS & TAX SERVICE for the SMALL BUSINESS MAN, PROFESSIONAL MAN FRIGIDAIRE Electric Range Bricklaying Plastering and Chimney Building Cement Work John McKay 'Phone 637r22 Wingham I whase death 1 aftei-no:n in C. C. MzKi:-filon gives youlig ranges/advantages! S. J. PYMM r.17.1E. :eanCe.i. With refire: the seri ztti; ar.cident suffered by Miss Helena Mahood. a life time residentof Fordwich. Miss llahood suffered a fail at her home on Saturday resultir.g ha a fracture o the hip. She was !is: al-ere-1 .a meighbon:. Bob Connel who summoned help and oal e•71 Dr. R. B. Palmer of Wroxeter. who 'Izad -Adis:: Mahood rem:ved to Wing- ..":!eriera: Hospratl. Mrs. John Gowdy is a gent in Wir.glizain General Hospital. Mrs. u-as taken a: while 'atives in Carrick. Her liz-pe for 3 sy-ted3t re.r:Ater.e. Gnests :17 Mrs. Susar, Var.velszm ar„i Miss Rona dmring the past week were Mrs. C. Ment:nan.3. daugh- ters,. Alice ar_3 Torriito. Mr. ar...3 Mrs, Car: 1-1xper and baby. Ken *real, M:ss R N. Mrs. Van- Hain: Mr.▪ Mrs.Fr Mrs. Mary M.:47.en- Miss :ea N4^- .. 3;1 rtr- tzreek''s Here's a briaht, new, stream- lined Frigidaire Electric Range compactly desi=ed to fit in smallest kitchens. In- cludes all basic features for fine electric cooldng. Easy to operate - economical to buy and use. See it today. Fresh Shipment of English Pipes • made by BARLING $3.50 Yes. and like its 5-YEAR ,wig GUARANTEE! Haseigrove's SMOKE SHOP • aztliantube 5-speed Surface Units • full Sias Tvils-Urtit Even-lieat Oven • Wet-Speed BriflIBT -Nalst high s Lifeline ?maga-inside and out • lust 21yi° wide Hari Glass Wool Insulation • Strearalned design One spra*'--ing with BERLOU Mothronaci- 'protects blatilk et B.ERLOU p inrr,it"-e for years. or ays for the darr-,age. EERLOU gives sure, :zw-cost r=Lai per, ca-nt: Not electen ALL MAKES OF Refrigerators Repaired 1 1 any poziltranter l3e:ieve that deep litter a= an...4wer dee.: tze ;rest-1w- ": the faults throught::: :tier zaz.- Stewart Home Appliances WINGHAM ONTARIO OUR SPECIALTY Pamper vour Refrigerator Worn_ •:: CALL 549 at the first sign of, trumble- Weill. fix it ii.mnne...diately and ex- Ite.ttly at reasonable cot. Repair for Longer Wear T. DARLING Donald Rae ec Sons Wig Ont. ATTEND GODERICH BUSINESS COLLEGE .ns.,:tti.n...mtreases the warn:- PI ...cosi,: and. the water it are lacks.z.. in a :itte!::" will n_t work. - :it such a Ata ea 4.2n. Go by Train to the Huron's Centre of Modern Business Training Modern Equipment Individual Instruction TORONTO Experienced Teachers New Typewriters ANTED Canadian National EXHIBITION YOUNG 'WOMEN fir Peachm•s•„ Pears, re•ties. Grapes. Toma- toes air.,: titer Fail Pr ai ar Veg,etahl m. ACktet-.2-71-itdation b.:•• P` arm Force Camps Aug-ast lt5 tz 1-5 -a b:& 1,1=-Vets., Aets ni:low eases tormia:nam. write: ONTARIO FARM SERVICE FORCE S P.dzimonni Street_ RoN1z, a ONTARIO ktroi-1.=.-Prairlitt- Farm -N e • er - • the amount, ratil. the desired depth '11,, . attaizedl. Eight inthes of :itter ±3 the a • -use when the birds are housed Wl.:11 eak and settie, Succeeding layers dded as this takes Place will bm."•id up finely broker dry litter. If build-up is not cormlietted ealr:y tEe. Fail before tat weather turns :4*, comderost.Hon will take riate. .en aty :itter added evil: bezr.c.tr.e ,.= vilth ntoiSture and pack - _ gate Anders:. • ',f !arc,: Anderson tLe :Act:de:so The was atter..iied "*.• r.to trot: r1niscue.2. VMS tr'_rte by Steuart. cerern:_ left on a m aU mr., reside:ire at tit atsr,t24te. at Cantiaclete. where M. Grant has e'real.F,s.-:••=7.1.-.,ztoe-,..5 his etas- :pate. 13:-..--thsay ?any and Mts. Pahl! A. lants mere 3 'Pt:•tS!.t55 1..ast %%Tee at a Zattes -a;,,73 Placement Service for Graduates M=ber Canadian Business Schools Association REGISTRATION WEEK Plan now to visit us during Registration Week. The School will be open daily from 2 p.m. to 5 pan.0 starting AUGUST 29 awl we urge a..1 sbod=its to register as early AS 'possible. FALL TERM OPENS SEPTEMBER 6th 'Phones 428 and 166w AZ:"G. .26 to SEPT. 10 Low Rail Fares From WINGHAM $6.40 C-ood Thurs Ang„ Satirday, Sept. 10 inelusive Retu rn t...Trit-Sep+- 14 FoLl' -rruatioci from =y ag=t ring colour to dark corners with smooth, washable B-H Eggshell Finish. Lovely pastel shades. • Ll If detp titter iS boolt-ifp earl'y in is ,itae Fan in a well tentiiatod and !st:aten loVase, the f•- t.'.•..at te-od tat charge tIe ""er titte -the folic/C:1g year. Howard Machan ectexatiew = F. M. Weaver, Prin. G. Donnelly, B.A., Inst. LiailielICHTICABOICIR;aralialc1011111111:111131131111111111111111111111111111ACIIMilil