HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1949-08-10, Page 6PAGE SIX ittit TkA Make tea double strength and while still hot pour into glasses filled with cracked ice .., Add sugar and lemon to taste. "SALADA" Frigidaire MASTER -7 Actually has 7.7 cu. ft. food storage space • Famous Meter-Miser mechanism • Exclusive Quickube Trays • Full-width, roller-bearing Hydrator • Large Super-Freezer Many other FEATURES YOU should Come, In and see. e EXTRA SIG! ittiW Holds more food than ever before in the same kitchen space! ROE VITA FEEDS PROMOTE GLOWING NEALTN0 FATTER PROFITS, DUE TO SCIENTIFIC BALANCE OF FINEST INGREDIENTS for Stget" 1NSECI IIVES yoisoo et an druggists 0.s' Libby, McNeill & Libby of Canada Limited Chatham, Ontario, Phone: 1860 NEED 300 MEN AND 300 WOMEN OR BOYS AND GIRLS 16 YEARS AND OVER who want to EARN SOME EXTRA MONEY During late August and the month of September doing pleasant and very important work, processing Tomatoes for Libby's "Gentle Press" Tomato Products. GUARANTEED MINIMUM RATES OF PAY. ABOUT 10 HOURS PAID TIME PER SHIFT: Women .60 per hour. Men.75 per hour. (.05 per hour extra for Night Shift). BONUS FOR WORK ABOVE NORMAL DAY'S WORK. HIGHER RATES ON SPECIAL JOBS. REST PERIODS: Two 15-minute Rest Periods per shift. NO EXPERIENCE NECESSARY. EASY-TO-LEARN JOBS. FULLY QUALIFIED INSTRUCTORS. MODERN PLANT, GOOD WORKING CONDI- TIONS. REGISTERED NURSE IN FIRST AID ROOM. BUS SERVICE TO AND FROM PLANT FOR ALL PARTS OF CHATHAM. EXCELLENT CAFETERIA SERVICE: Hot meals served at very reasonable prices during lunch periods on day and night shifts. Soft drinks, Milk, Coffee, Tea, Cigarettes, Candy, etc., may be bought in Cafeteria during rest and lunch periods. OPPORTUNITIES FOR WORK AFTER TOMATO SEASON: Eakh year, many seasonal employees who prove themselves are chosen to fill vacancies or: regular staff. WEARING APPAREL: Women' may bring their own aprons or head coverings, or they may purchase same from Com- pany Storeroom. Men, ordinary work clothes and cap. PAID WEEKLY EACH FRIDAY FOR PREVIOUS WEEK'S WORK. LODGING PLACES ARRANGED FOR WORK:- ERS FROM OUT OF TOWN. Do Not Delay ... Fill Out and Mail the Blank Below Employment Office, Dept. I Libby, McNeill & Libby of Canada,Limited. CHATHA, Ontario I am interested in working in Libby's Food Proces- sing Plant during the coming Tomato Season and want more information: NAME . . STREET OR RURAL ADDRESS.... 0 • a • Town... Phone... '06000•00.41.1r Wortien over 60 and men over 65 hot employed 461.6i 4W...wit irmog 4elarti Ommi mos 04.4 orto,..4 LHVV-49 r i.1.11111110111111.11111110111$11011111111101110111•1111111111111•11101111110111411112111101111111111111111111•1111111111111105 a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a • E. DRAW FOR 425.00 Wroxeter Thur., Aug. 11 GIRLS' SOFTBALL 6:30 p.m, BRUSSELS vs. TIVERTON GAMES! BINGO ! BOOTHS! Fun and Profit for. All Splendid Prizes Refreshments PONY RIDES FOR THE CHILDREN MODERN JITNEY DANCING— WILBEE'S ORCHESTRA (Fireworks) in. Community Park (Fireworks) HOWICK LIONS CLUB 7th ANNUAL. OLIC in 30 Prizes at Midnight which is sanctioned by Municipal Authority Proceeds for Children's Welfare a NEW DUNDEE LITTLE GERMAN BAND The Sensation of the year in band entertainment! a i "THE FIRST RURAL SERVICE CLUB IN CANADA'-' Admission to Park—Adults 25c Public School Children Free Ili a • II = Ken. Edgar, President Hector„L. Knight, Secretary it imilowsmolimilmisuoimismoloisiinio/1111110110111011101101110111111111111111113 1 In case of rain, will be held following night Charles and Mrs. Lawrence. Mr. Jen- nings gave ten clays of his vacation to the staff of the Anglican, Camp at Bayfield. Miss Edna Lawrence, Tor- onto, is also visiting her parents, .Mrs. Hersey of Kent, Iowa, was a sliest at the Lawrence home, during the past week, Mrs. J. Beattie and Mrs. J. Carson, Carol and. Lynda Jane, all of Toronto, are staying with their father, Mr. Geo. Edwards for a vacation, A typical catch near Kenora AT LAKE OF THE WOODS Vacationists say Canadian hospi- tality is at its best at lovely Lake of the Woods-2,000 square miles of playground for sportsmen, where Ontario borders 9n Manitoba 'and the State of Minnesota. Hundreds of lakes and inlets teeming with small mouth bass, muskies, lake trout and walleyes yearly attract anglers out to smash fishing records. Write the Lake of the Woods Tourist Bureau, Kenora, Ont., about accommodation rang- ing from luxury lodges to cabins and camp sites. If you hanker for a true northland holiday—plan a trip to Lake of the Woods by rail or plane, Or by the Trans-Canada highway, :if you, have 'time for a leisurely summer chive. In Ontario we have a holiday paradise .. . let's all do all we can to encourage visitors from across the border. Published in support of the tourist busi- ness by John Labatt Limited. LET'S MAKE THEM WANT TO COME BACK! Mull II 'auto. IN CONVENIENCE • COMFORT • QUALITY. In the heart of the downtown, office, theater, and shopping area. Friendly, courteous Service to make your stay in Detroit a pleasant memory. Th e Teller Coffee Shop or Cafeteria for excel. lent Food modestly priced, The Hotel Teller, Detroit's largest„is the place to stay. VISIT OUR eaekiaii Zoiltige ONE OF DETROIT'g FINEST 800 ROOMS WITH OATH FROM $275 /kr FACING GRAND CIRCUS PARK prank X. Cannon, General Manager Ii WINGKANT ,ADVANCE-TIMES , WROXETER (Holiday Week Budget) Misses Joyce and Dorothy Durst of Stratford, were holiday visitors with Mr. and Mrs, Phil Durst and Mr, and Mrs, Harold Durst, Mr. and Mrs, John Howes, Tor- onto, were week-end guests of the former's parents, Mr; and Mrs, Gil- bert Howes. Miss Lenora Higgins, R. N., of Vic- toria Hospital Staff in London, was a week-end visitor of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Chester Higgins. • Mr. and Mrs. Al, Barclay also Mr. and Mrs. T. Chapman, all of Toronto, were week-end guests of Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Burke. Mr. and, Mrs. Albert Tone and two children, Annabel and Allen of Tor- onto, spent last week at Howard's Havne Cottage at Amberley. The sum- mer home of Mr. J. H. Wylie, Master Larry Durst is holidaying with relatives at Stratford. 4001001.000. Miss Nancy Palmer is a holiday guest of her grandaprents at Burgess vine. Mrs, Marjorie Travis, London, is a guest of Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Mof- fatt, one day last week. Mrs, M. S. Aitkenhead, Mrs. Walter Hilton and two children, Susanne and jeffray of Bayfield and London, vis- ited I), S. and Mrs. MacNaughton, on Friday, Mr. and Mrs, Norman Brandon, Toronto, were week-end visitors with Mr. and Mrs, Harvey Timm. Mrs, Gay. Davidson also Mr. and Mrs, L. F, McLaughlin, all of Oshawa visited with Miss Mae Davidson and other friends, during the week-end. Mrs. John Gibson of Chicago, is a visitor with Misses Elsie and Marion Gibson, Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert McDermitt of Collingwood, have been visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Gal- laher, during the past week. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Waller and Miss June Waller of Toronto, are spending a vacation at their home in Wroxeter. Mr. Donald Munro, Sault Ste. Mar- ie ,and his daughter, Shirley, who has been at Camp in Fergus spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Allen Munro, at their cottage at Amberley, Holiday guests of Mr. and Mrs, Lyle Brothers, were Mr. and Mrs. F. I Lowe, Mr. A. M. Holt, all of Listowel, :Mrs. M. CcCauley, Devil's Lake north 1Dakota. l Mr. Webb Willits is very ill in ;Wingharn General Hospital, His many friends hope for a speedy and com- plete recovery. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Patterson, London, spent the past week with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. T. Maclean, Week- end guests at the Maclean home were, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Williams, Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Williams and son, Edward all of Toronto. Miss Rona Vanvelsor is spending, the week-end at Weston, where she was formerly on the school staff for Skinny men, women gain 5, 10, 1 5 lbs. Get New Pep, Vim, Vigor mist a thrlill Bony limbs Oil out; ugly hollows all up' Seek no longer scrawny; body loses half. starved, sickly "bean-pole" look. Thousands of girls, women, men, who never could gain before, pn:aw proud specialapely, healthy-looking bodies. thank the vigor-building, flesh-MUlding °litre& Ita tonics, stimulants, invigorators, a, ti B1, calcium, enrich bloOd, !minors Fob and digestion so food gives you 1:11^R. and nourishment; put flesh on bare boil*. fear setting too fat. Stop when you've gained kir or 20 lbs. you need for normal weight. Now "get aoqualated" else only Imam Oetreog Tonle Tablets all nit r added made, this►MY day. At all &unlit& 'OE FARMS MILLING CO., ATWOOD, ONT. YOU CAN GET ROE FEEDS From Howson & Howson, Wingham A. C. Adams, Wingham Belgrave Co-Op., Belgrave R. J. McKenzie, Belgrave . Bluevale Milling Co., Bluevale Dobson Bros., Wroxeter — — some years, Mr, and Mrs. Ed, Stafford and -heir daughter, Marilyn, of Port Burwell, also Miss Georgina McMichael R. N., Toronto General Hospital are holiday- ing with Mrs. Thos. 'McMichael. Mr. and Mrs. Allister Green mud daughter, Lynda, of Wingham, were Sunday guests of Mrs. W. E. Weir. Mrs. Ruth MacDonald and Miss Gertrude Sangster are enjoying a boat trip up North. Mr. Peter McEwen of the Forestry School at Dorset, spent part of last week with his brother, ' Mr. George and Miss E. McEwen. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Magee and children have returned from a two week's vacation at Bayfield, with the former's mother, Mr. and .Mrs. J, Jackman, Tor- onto, spent the week-end with Mr, and Mrs, Thus. Brown, going on to Orchard Beach to complete their day. Mr, and Mrs, G. K. Brown, Osh- awa, were guests during the week-end of Mr, Thomas and Miss Beatrice Shearer, Gifts Presented to J, H, and Mrs. Higgins A Jarewell party for Mr, and Mrs. I. H. Higgins was held on Thursday evening in Fordwich Community Hall, when a large crowd gathered to spend a social hour with the Higgins family, before their ,departure for their new home in Drumbo. An address was read by Mr. Harold Pollock, and on behalf of the community, a chromium kitchen table was presented by Mr. Arch Rob- erts. On behalf.of the Athletic Assoc- iation, Frank Graham and Glenn Johnston presented a waffle iron and sandwich toaster. Miss Joan was pre- sented with an identification bracelet and Master Wayne was delighted with a waggon, a gift from his friends. Mrs. Higgins was pleased to accept a Life Membership from members of the Fordwich Women's Institute of which she has been a valuable mem- ber, Mr. Higgins has been principal of Fordwich Public School. He and Mrs. Higgins having during the years in the village, proved themselves good citizens. The good wishes of a host of friends wish for them every suc- cess in their new community. Mr, Hig- gins is the son of Mr, and Mrs. Ches- ter Higgins, 6th line of Turnberry. W. I. Short Course Mrs. Wm. Maclean has received word that' the District project for the Women's Institute of East Huron Dis- trict will be held on October 19th and 20th, The project chosen was "Health Before and After Forty." 'Wroxeter Branch project "Living Together in the Family" will be held on October 24, 25, 26, 27, in the afternoons, with Mrs. M. McBride of the Dept. in charge. This project will be open to the community. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Weir who were recently married • in Vancouver and are visiting with the former's mother, and sister, Mrs, W. E. Weir and Miss Edythe Weir, were guests of honour at several parties during the week. On Wednesday evening, Mr. and Mrs. Weir were presented with a walnut end table, by the Chivaree Gang. On Thursday evening, the Edgar cousins, numbering twenty, gathered to meet their new cousin, and enjoy a social time together. An address was read by Mrs. ,Lloyd Jacques and on, behalf of the cousins, Donald Ireland of Tees- water, presented a pair of wall brack- ets and matching Book-ends. Cousins were present from Wingham, Tees- water, Gorrie and Fordwich, On Fri- day night a group of twenty-five rela- tives and friends presented the bride and groom with a miscellaneous show- er, Refreshments were served and the family get-to-gether greatly enjoyed. Rev. and Mrs. U. E. Cronhielm, David and Mary, left last week for a month's holidays in the Sault Ste. Marie district. On Sunday last the annual holiday was observed with no service. On Sunday, August 14th and 21st., Rev. George Wylie of Otter- ville, who is well known here will have charge of the service in the Un- ited Church at Wroxeter and Salem. On August 28th, Mr. Cunningham of Listowel, who is a leader in Young People's work, will be the guest speak- er. Weir - Bullough At St. Andrew's. Wesley United Church, Vancouver, on Saturday, July 16th, 1949, at 6 p.m., Pearl Bullough, daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Bullough Toronto, became the bride of Lloyd Weir, only son of Mrs. W. E. Weir and the late Mr. Weir of Wrox- eter, Ontario. Rev, W. J. Melvin was the officiating minister. The bride was lovely in a white suit of gabardine with all white acces- sories, a corsage of red roses and car- ried a white prayer book. -Mr. and Mrs. Wilford Weir of Vancouver were the attendants, the latter in a Fuschia coloured costume, white accessories and a corsage of red and yellow roses. Following the ceremony, a wedding dinner was served at Hotel Vancouver. Later Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Weir left for Banff and from there to the groom's home in Wroxeter, Ontario, and will take up residence in Toronto, Mrs. Jack Meahen spent an enjoy- able holiday recently at Crystal Beach and Buffalo. Mrs, L, Carr and son, Deane, re- turned to Toronto, after spending the past two weeks with her mother, Mrs, H. Waller. Mrs. J. Conners and small daughter, Dianne, Toronto, spent.the past week- end with Mrs. H. Waller and Mrs. L. Carr, Mrs. L, Carr and Deaiiie, Mrs. J. Conners and Diane, and Mrs. H, Wai- ler visited last week at. Lticknow with Mr. and Mrs. Roy McInnes. Mr. and Mrs. H. Waller and Miss June 'Waller, were week-end guests. at the home of Mr., and Mrs. Wm, Bishop at Ethel. Mrs. George Edwards is holidaying with her sister at Delaware, Mr. and Mrs, Al, Selma of Cleve- land, spent the past week with Mr. and Mrs, A, Munro, and other Mewls. Miss Eleanor Sanderson, Toronto, was a week-end guest of hermother Mrs. Prank. Sanderson,. 11arry and Mrs. Jennings of ttantfbrd, have been spending their Vacation With the latter's parents, Wednesday., August 10, 1949 Stewart Home Appliances WINGHAM ONTARIO