HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1949-07-27, Page 8LAZY MEADOWS By Harry J, Boyle The sky darkened up while we were taking the last of the clover off on Tuesday afternoon. Ed. Higgins look- ed up and squinted an eye and said, "Looks like it but it won't ... not to- day anyhow." The young fellew from the city who was helping us laughed at Ed. "I'll bet you a dollar it rains today." Ed reached in his pocket and pulled out a handful of silver and counted out a dollar and twenty-eight cents. "A dollar twenty eight says it won't rain today," I held the money. It didn't rain until the next morning. The young fellow is still shaking his head when he thinks about it, I never was much for weather signs. I could never seem to get the hang of them. My grandmother had a finger she broke one time wheti she was chopping the head off a chicken. I can still see her look up from what she wa$ working at in the kitchen and say, "I think it'll rain. I'm getting twinges in that finger again," I can't swear to it but it did seem to me as if she were right in the majority of cases. My father always complained of a sore back before a storm in the sum- mer time. My uncle Jim took pains in his shoulders. I must confess that when I take pains they never seem. to herald anything in the way of a change in the weather. Just the same sitting on the ver- andeh the other morning being amus- ed at the perplexity of the young man who had lost a dollar twenty eight, I again sampled that Wohderful feeling that comes to a farmer when he can sit and watch the rain pouring down in straight, pencil lines. This was a per- fect one, It came down gently and in great volume. There was no bad wind accompanying it and the thunderstorm was a mere plaything, You could hear the ground sucking up the water, The cavetroughs gurg- lets and there was a splashing sound as it poured into the almost empty cis- tern. The ducks waddled through the barnyard and chickens tan around In circles trying to find shelter, There ••••••• ••••••• •Olieff• migonlir =Wawa :bow. .••••• 1.••••11 Nom, 10•1••• 101•141••• -01••••• 81.1•1111. Men's and Boys' Wear Harvest Time Work Clothing of Outstanding Value and Quality .... ! ... !!!!!!!!!#!!!!!!!!!!!!!! .. !! ...... rann1111.14 ..... ........ 11111#1.111.11ragnit .......... Quality Workwear 11 11 1 11 1 11 1 1 11 1 11 1 1 1 1 1 11 1 11 1 11 1 1M MI 1 1 11 1 1 .111mS nal=• 100•••• Nana. I•I•1•••• imi=111 10101••• 01•1••• •MR•11.. MINN. ammo :WM* impaa maw. M.MI• Wane', mWeft• MMMIN 11.••• immIMO nnOmml mm.10 •1=M omMIN 4mi=m1 •MNim 1••••• MOM. •=1.0 im•.• INWM• 1••••• IIMM• malMa twolm• aft• amilMm wmPos• mmal•fm AmmUmi mmia. Empm, ••••••• ami•a• •••••• m•••• vm•mo m.••••• •••••• •••••• m=MYM 0.11Me .atam l••••• ••••••• ••••••• onlm• .11Y• • Mm• •••••• l••••• 4MI•m• =MIMI =MEW WIR•0 .11•••• ONNMON AOMM •=11•M Iml•M f/gat welm• MIMMM •••11M1 iMOM. .•••• f•M•• NOMmel OM.= Om.* 11••••• •••••• mill•••• 1•11 ••••• 111111•1M MOM. 4•1•1••• Mle !MEM •••••••• 11,11•••41 1••••••• 11•0..M Wm.= 111111 111•101 0101••• ••••Nal 1110.11.1 MOON". 1.1•MOW - For Farmer • Mechanic and Labourer Cotton DENIM WORK PANTS Various shades and qualities to suit every type of worker. Cottons, moleskin, cords and khaki. Sizes to 44 $3.50 to $3.95 WORK SHIRTS for rugged wear and lasting com- fort. Strong sanforized covert cloth, drills, chambrays. Plains and stripes. Made for hard wear, with reinforced seams, double pockets in coat styles. For dairyman, farmer and mechanic. In navy, blue, brown maroon, checks. Sizes up to 20. From $1.98 to $2.95 Sturdy COTTON CORD PANTS In grey and brown. Just a good sturdy knock-about pant for work or evening wear. Perfect for the fisherman or for holiday time. Sizes 32 to 40 ......... .....$6.95 WORK SOCKS of heavy cotton. With ribbed top and reinforced toe and heel. Plain colors in grey or brown . . 45c, 59c WORK BOOTS for heavy outdoor wear. Full grain black cowhide. Bellows tongue in well oiled leather and with full double sole or' extra half sole and plated heels .. , . $6.95 and $9.50 Haugh's BIG "88" OVERALLS Sturdy blue denim or navy blue drill. Our best quality fabric of sanforized fast color material. Double stitched seams and reinforced at points of wear. Roomy for working comfort. Sizes 34 to 44 $4.95 "BIG B" BRAND BY BRADSHAW Good quality blue denim. Roomy and com- fortable. Well reinforced with plenty of pock- ets. Sizes 34 to 44 $3.95 OVERALL SMOCKS In Haugh's, Bradshaw or Carhartt's. Same high quality denim or drill. Snap fastener wide waist band and roomy pockets. Sizes 36 to 44 $3.75 and $4.95 Overall ,WORK PANTS or DUNGAREES Strong blue denim or navy drill. Well made, roomy and sanforized. Double stitching and rivetted at points Of wear. Sizes 30 to 44. $3.50 and $3.95 IMml• ••11•=1 OWN= .1•••• WINN/ MIMMI •••••• IMMr NOW= 1.•MI NOMMX WaNNMI •••••I 1.1=M1 OnI••• .0••• mOMMO gm/M. ..0•MS imi•=1 m•MMI •••••• man. MMEnn .0••• mMlmaf liMum• im•IM• 4=0•MI !MO •Mmal/ }Wm.* M••=111 •MI••• .••••• =Mb POMP•Ne NM••• MORN.• ••••••• •••••16 =MN. Iml•M• BOYS' WORK WEAR BOYS' SHIRTS of durable quality for tough wear. Same good quality as dad's. , Plain shades and checks. $1.39 and $1.49 PLAY OR WORK PANTS in heavy cottonade or cotton cord. Dark blue or brown. Sizes 24 to 36 $2.98 _-= Ti-omininimmimmionommoommulo iommounomminommounommonnommoommoolle BOYS' OVERALLS in Haugh "88" make. Same quality as the men's, in navy drill. Sizes 24 to 34 . ...... . . $3.19 BOYS' OVERALLS in blue denim or black denim. Sturdy and well cut. Sides 24 to 34 $2.79 BOYS' OVERALL PANTS Heavy blue denim and rivetted at points of wear. Cowboy Rodeo style. Sizes 4 to 34 , , .$2.95 BOYS' OVERALL PANTS in blue or khaki. Lighter, weight cotton with wide elastic band at back. Sizes 24 to 34 K. D. S. tumbled into the 'rain barrel at the • end of the back kitchen, This was eutnnzer rain • drought tiasathiag: Otte hay was iii and. wouldn't. hurt it. Vim Phil came tO the doer and . stood Witching out acrose the fields 'with evident satisfac- tion, 'lust think of what this will do I Set smoking with lazy dernfore) was a good Sound to the water as it the wheat ready' to cut but the rain for the cucumbers," she. said, and satisfaction oozing through me. There's nothing like a good and Steady rain after a hot spell. ii • .4 Wednesday., July,. 27, 1949 - - r -,-.0t, • lialartylawnwilti• oliduir.iiipiimsistiug of oil, pig-ment„ dryer and thin- iremaieed for e louger visit, gill111101111111111111111111110111111111111111111111111111111111011111111111111111111111111111 - .. 111111111111011111111111111111111111111111111111111MIL . ........ ;Titer. The proportions of each in any - Mr, and Mrs, R. II. Saint spent sev- --• - - -- • • - it can of paint is a matter of cereful : eral weeks with their daeghter anal ......=- ••••••• , , i d•••••• i technical measurement, se) that the re- eson-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth- RIM••• .././. Jug of proteetion and beautification, ,reterned home lest week. Mr. and • t Woe. ING pEPT. STORE _ SimEb 4.1.11=0 11...•10 11.M10 limm. eieultine paint job can do 4 complete 'Sellars, Ie, it, 1, Preston. ;Mr. Salm -= Ilieceuse of their different densities,all 'Airs ralph tieint end children elso , 1 . . N . . 1.. , TT. .....r..." .., Othese materials tend to separate when spent a holiday at the same home, *TT •••••.• cleft standing, and the mixture becomes Mr, and, Mrs, joseph l3eiley Sr., „..,..,.., - mar. al good paint again only after they are attended the christening in London of _et. iiiiiiiiiiiiin ,,,,, iningiiiminiimingiiiiiiimmiligiiiiiiiimailillingliii111111110 ,, ,, i ,,, illingliglin 'AG E EIGHT A hearty Welcome awaits at the Salvation Army. • a Beach Electric Ranges a . • i i III i • nER al I 1111 a * • Immediate Delivery a , ill a a i • II E Ul a LILI II E al 111 • El i 111 • i • • III RI 1 1 ll al IA i 1 II I a = II II III • II •II • U MIX PAINT WELL . surface to be painted was well prepar- • IN Sometimes that paint job done at led, the reason is generally because II • kerne does not prove as satisfactory as ,the paint was not properly mixed, • -eras to be expected. And assuming the I Paint is a complex material con- maimummuniumismmumummuir tmonnonsommaimmurmumunumumuummustammummumuum the week-end with Dr. W. W. and a all NI Alton returned with them, after spend- Prompt 'Phone 161 IN Mg the past three weeks with his cote- Service Free Delivery • lf if :sins, Masters Donald and Douglas . FOOD SAVINGS .Se a PHIL OSIFER OF I Se Sherwin, II serve Smith's Economy Food Store serve Lasco CLEANSER, pkg. .. .7c Seedless RAISINS, lb. 17c Lushus Jelly Powder, pkg. . .10c SPECIAL McCormick's Granny's OATMEAL COOKIES 23 c lb. SPECIAL 1 Cake Palmolive SOAP and 1 pkg. FAB-BOTH for 39c ..... SPECIAL ODEX SOAP DEAL' 3 CAKES 20 c OXYDOL RINSO - CHIPS° 37c pkg. For Jams and Jellies CERTO, bottle ... .25c • 4!. Heavy ZINC RINGS, doz. 39c 12-cut Red Rubber Rings, 3 doz. 25c Seal-A-Wax Sealing Wax lb. pkg. 19c Club House SPICES, pkg. 5c SPECIAL! Homemade Sweet Mixed Pickles '637:. 19c a 111 a 71Ti a a a 1-11111111111111111111111l1111111111111111111111111111111CMIUMM111113111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 a SOAPS to Lentheric Colognes 1.25 - 1.65 (Tweed, Miracle, Confetti) Helena Rubinstein Colognes 85c - $1.25 (Apple Blossom, Heaven Sent) 50c - $1.00 - $1.50 We are pleased to serve you with your everyday needs for your Baby! POWDERS - FOODS OILS - NIPPLES BOTTLES, ETC. We have recently received a shipment of novel FEEDING DISHES, RUBBER BOTTLE HOLDERS, BRUSH and COMB SETS, KANT-SPILL TRAINING CUPS. You will love them! "\e Turn your daily scrub session into a luxurious, relaxing interlude that leaves you cool . . . enchantingly dainty-that perks you up and ban- ishes the tension and fatigue that steals away beauty, Yardley Bath Crystals 1.25 Yardley Toilet Soap 50c Lavender Talc. 50c $1.00 Lavender & April Dusting $1..75 Mr. and Mrs. James Howell mid usons, jimmy and Kenneth of Toronto, spent the week-end with relatives in Utown, They were accompanied home iby the former's mother,Mrs, Jessie L.:Howell, who has spent te past three e4weeks here. I_ Miss Pauzie Champion is holidaying (this week in Northern Ontario with alter aunt, Myree Milian and Lloyd .FeMcDonald of London. Mr, and Mrs, A. Loucks and daugh- ter, Ann, also Mr. and Mrs. Bert iArmstrong and daughter, Mary Alice, =spent the week-end in Napanee and =O ttawa, taking in the 1000 Island 1boat cruise, Mrs. Loucks and Anne L guairmainummisionmiumassunonnumnons :a • :LOCALS AND PERSONALS iII al a 111 III i II II . a Ill 1 • U -1 III i I. Ill I Ill i a IN 3 MODELS to Choose from Model E 414 Four-burner $219.50 Model E 434 Four-burner, Table Top, with Warming Oven $279.00 Model E 444 Four-burner, Table Top, with Warming Oven $299.00 A Size to Suit Any Kitchen! grandparents for a visit, Mr, and Mrs, Will Alton of town, accompanied by Mr. Elmer and Mas- ter Prank Alton of Lucknow, spent Monday- 7 ;00 p.m.-Sunshine Houi, Tuesday-- 2:30 p.m.-Home League. 8 p.m.-Youth Group. Thursday- 8 p.m.-Prayer Meeting. The Salvation Army Captain and Mrs. H. deVries 11;00 a.m.-Holiness Meeting. 2;30 p.m.-Sunday School. 7:00 p.m.-GOsPel Service. ‘", II III RADIO & ELECTRIC Mrs. Sherwin, Orono. Master Wendell a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a 'a a a a SPECIAL! WISHING WELL DRINKS Orange, Ginger Ale, Lemon-Lime, Lime Rickey, Cream Soda 6 BOTTLE CARTON 25 c plus depOsit SPECIAL! MASON FRUIT JARS SMALL, doz, 99 c MEDIUM, doz. $1.19 a a a a a m a n a n • n • a a a a it n a, • n a • a a • a a a a • • • a • n a a n "The Friendly Store"' THE WINGRAM ADVANCE-TIMES =completely blended together before their great grandchild, Jo Anne Add- st. kJ:teeing, ley, daughter of Mr. and Mrs, = Stirring is the most common way ..Addley, formerly Mary Veinier of ;blending the materials, but it must be town, Mrs. Addley and babe, also Frthorough until all the pigment, which Wilfred Vernier returned with their le settles at the botto mof the can, is iiNiixed in with the liquids. It is not jsufficient to stir the paint only before =starting the job, it should be mixed -from time to time as the painting is Rdone. Red Bird MATCHES 3 pkgs. 25c " tvernmerom Interlake Toilet TISSUE ....3 rolls 32c All Fresh Fruits and Vegetables in Season ss niaaaamoinsaissisiniummatianagamomaaaaaanalion Phone 161 Two Deliveries Daily • 41!