HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1949-07-27, Page 2.11•111.....••••••••••••••••, Mr. Amos Denny of Fergus, is spending a few weeks at the home of Ltis son, Vern and Mrs. Denny, Judge and Mrs. Robert Forsyth of Toronto, were visitors with Mrs. Prank Sanderson one day last Week, Misses Elsie and Marion Gibson are spending this week with friends at Hamilton and Gananoque. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Wylie and Mas- ai Jimmy Wylie, left on Tuesday for a, motor trip to the Western Coast. Mr. Wylie, who is secretary for the Howick Mutual Fire Insurance Co., has been granted a month's leave of absence. During his absence Miss Frances Wylie will be in charge of the office assisted by Miss Margaret Mes- .Wingham AdvAnce,,Tirae$ ter of the regular staff. V4Published at 1, 'Word has been received from Mr. WINGHAM ONTARIO !and Mrs. Harold Hamilton from Win- 'peg to say they are enjoying their F. B McCool, Editor and Publ i shertrip,Mr;,. Hamilton. travelled Member Audit ilurean of Circulation the Canadian Route and fouud the Authorized as Second Class Mail f roads very ;,:orid. They plan to go to Post Office Department the coast and return home through - Subscription Rate — One year $2.00 the States, $ix Months 400 in advance Visitors last week' with Mr. and. T o 2459 ,per year ,Airs, J. Colwill were Mrs, If. R. Foreign Rate $3,00 per year advertising rates on application Vol. 76 — No, 45 WROXETER Scheiding and son, Philip of Toronto. Visitors on Sunday last with Mr, and Mrs. L. Brothers were, Mrs. For- sythe and, daughter, Edyth, Alr. McQuarrie r Mr. amid Mrs. A, Moses and daughters, Margaret and Joan, all of Brussels. Mr, and Mrs. R. R, Hunter and Scott, have returned to town from an TAXI DAY or NIGHT Phone 65 JIM CAMERON All Passengers Insured 11........10.111•111011111111111110.111MM.111. A strike/ Plaoto eourtesti AT DRYDEN —SIOUX LOOKOUT Edwards' Motor Sales Chrysler, Plymbuth Cars and Fargo Trucks PARTS and ACCESSORIES Telephone—Days 417, Wingham lanville Hammerton Child and Animal Photography a Specialty Portraits - Weddings - Commercial Films Developed and Printed Cameras Repaired 24 Flour Service Telephone 199 Quality Always Spare yourself the pain of "shopping around" for a Monument to honour your loved one. Depend on our reputation for highest quality and fair dealings. See Us First. ALL CLASSES OF MONUMENTS IN STOCK Most Modern Equipment for Shop and Cemetery Work Inscription Work Promptly Attended to. Brownlie Memorials WILLIAM BROWNLIE, Owner and Operator Alfred St. Wingham Box 373 'Phone 450 "Don't Forget to Get the Door In, Tour Your entrance door can, and should be, an attractive access- ory to your home! Stop in and see our large selection of both interior and exterior DOORS There are types for every style home among them. Order the SASH you need, too. Stop in this week. BEAYRIPMBER WINGHAM - ONT. C. A. Loucks, Manager PAGE TWO TffE WINGHAM ADVANCE-TIMES Wednesday, Jui1y 27, 1949. opposprimmommow...04111 YOUR EYES NEED ATTENTION For the ardent fisherman, this is the centre of some terrific musItie country. Here, "Canada's heavyweight fighting fish" will give you the battle of a lifetime, in Ontario's newest sportland. By train, Dryden is a two days' journey from the Southern Ontario areas. Air-taxi service too, from Parry Sound. Write the Board of Trade, Dryden, Ontario, for par, Menial's. And remember, va,eationists from the U.S. are our guests. LEt'S MAKE THEM WANT t0 COME Mai S E E — Bennett & Casernore 'Phone 447 Wingham For Your BUILDING, CARPENTERING Repair Work Built-in CUPBOARDS enjoyable motor trip through the Stat es. Mr. and Mrs. John Colwill are on two vacation visiting at Walter's Falls, Red Bay and points north. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Stamper spent a day last week in London/ They were accompanied by the latter's father, Mr. South of Morris Township, Mrs. Frank Sanderson is spending a week's vacation with her daughter, Miss Eleanor Sanderson, Miss Marjorie Foster, Vordwich, spent part of last week with D. S. and Mrs, MacNaughton, ;11r, and Mrs, Robert MoKercher and son, of Montreal, spent part of last week with Mrs. \N.% S. McKereher, leaving later on a trip through the Canadian West as far as Banff. Miss Norma Brandon who has been visiting friends here for the past two weeks, has joined her parents, who are holidaying in Northern Ontario. Mrs. J. Lovell and Miss A. B. Fres- er, are spending this week with rela- tives and friends at Ridgetown and Blenhiem, Mr. and Mrs. Chad Henning, Miss Mildred and Master Billy, also Mr. and. Mrs. Wm. Bolt suffered injuries in an accident, north of Formosa on Sunday evening. Mr, Henning had stopped at Walkerton highway and waited for an oncoming truck to pass before making a left turn. The truck drove into the car damaging it exten- sively. Most seriously injured was Mr. Win, Bolt, who had four teeth broken off and both knees badly cut. All other occupants of the car suffered cuts and bruises. Although the driver of the truck was not injured his corn— pardon was taken to the hospital with a badly cut knee, Women's Association Mrs. Hart presided over the July meeting_ ,of the Women's Association of the United Church and opened with the singing of the hymn, "Where Cross the crowded Ways of Life," followed by the Lord's Prayer. Mrs. J. N. Al- len chose for the scripture lesson, psalm 13, Fourteen members respond- ed to the Roll Call with a verse con- taining the word Trust, The members were glad to welcome a former mem- ber, Mrs. M. 11,cTavish, now of Wind- sor. "When Mothers of Salem" was the closing hymn, with a closing pray- er by the President, Mrs. Les. Doug- las and Miss M. Jardine were in charge of arrangements and hostesses at the usual pot luck supper. Mr. and Mrs. Allen Munro and Winnifred are holidaying at Amberley' Beach and staying with them is Shir- ley daughter of Mr, and Mrs. Donald Munro of Sault Ste. Marie. Master Jackie Barclay, Toronto, is holidaying with Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Burke,. • Mr. and. Mrs. Mervyn Grainger and family, and Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Howse, attended the Dept. of High- ways picnic at Seaforth last week. Miss Frances Wylie, Toronto, spent the week-end at the home of her par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Wylie: Mr. and Mrs. Mel Martin and children were also week-end guests at the Wylie ,home. The. Women's Missionary Society of the United Church will not hold a meeting in August, as it is their usual holiday month. W. I. Annual Picnic On Thursday of this week, July 28th, members of Wroxeter W. I. will be guests of Mr. and Mrs. Allen Munro at their cottage, Amberley, for their annual picnic. Mrs. L. Brothers, Mrs. Harvey Timm and. Mrs. John Colwill are the committee in charge of programme arrangements. Members 'are asked to bring sandwiches, cake, cookies and tarts, Trousseau Tea Mrs. Alvin Moffat entertained at her home on Saturday afternoon and evening with a Trousseau Tea in hon- our of her daughter, Margaret. As- sisiting Mrs. Moffat and her daughter, in receiving the guests were Mrs. John Work of Brussels. Throughout the dining room, a pink and white col- our scheme was carried out. The tea table was centred with a bowl of sweet peas and presided over by Mrs. Wm. Jardine, Mrs. Wm. Spiers and Mrs. Jack MacDonald, all of Brussels. As- sisiting in serving the guests were, Mrs, Jean Ireland, Brussels, Mrs. Merle McIntosh, Ethel and Miss Mar- garet Wearring, Wroxeter, Miss. Jean Moffat showed the linens, silverware and china for her sister. Miss Norma Brandon, Toronto, the trousseau and also took charge of the register—Miss June Work, Brussels, the gifts, Miss Margaret Moffat's marriage to Mr. Graham Work, Brussels, will take place next week in Wroxeter United Church. Cup and Saucer Shower Miss Margaret Moffat whose mar- riage will take place next week was guest of honour at a surprise party and cup and saucer shower on Tues- day evening, when Miss Thelma Den- ny and Miss Edythe Weir entertained a groUp of girl friends at the former's home, A social time was enjoyed. Miss Moffat was asked to take a suitably N FIRST CLASS WATCH REPAIRING at Moderate Prices Owing to lack of space, am compelled to restrict REPAIRS TO WATCHES ONLY PROMPT SERVICE 1111111MMNNumaanimaiwaimaanammiaamt a n n n a • a a a I • • • I No detail is neglected in tuning up engines for N • u their best performance at lowest cost to you. • m Our SPECIAL ENGINE TUNE-UP helps KEEP 1 iii DOWN COSTS of operating your car. • I II a • a Make an appointment today! a • a I • Wingham • Row YOU tan boy.... • REPAIRS and • • is a Motors AccEtsoms. • N • I Telephone 139 ...00 our GmAc NAN 1 N i Chevrolet, Oldsmobile Cars Chevrolet Trucial 2 210101110111111110111081011•001•111011•MUMMILITHII decorated chair and the gifts of china were brought to her in a .$111all decor- ated wagon. Refreshments were served. by the hostesses. Miss .111offat express- ed her thanks to her girl friends fur their kindness. 1ELGRAVE Misses Ruth Bradburn and Norma Brydges and Eva Dow, of the Tor- onto Normal School, spent the week- end at their home. Mr, and Mrs. Rod McLeod of Lon- don, were week-end visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs, Nelson Higgins, of Morris. A shower was held in the Forester's Hall, Belgrave, for Mr, and Mrs. Bruce Marshall (nee Gwen Cook), to honor their recent marriage, McDow- ell's Orchestra played for dancing and Mr. Mel Bradburn and Mr. Allan Dun- bar made the presentation of a sum of money, Mrs. H. T. Perdue underwent an operation in the Wingham General Hospital on Thursday of last week, Mr. James .Perdue of Toronto, spent some time with his mother. Canadian Industries Institute Meeting The regular meeting of the Belgrve Women's Institute was held at the home of Mrs. Nelson Higgins with a large crowd in attendance. The meet- ing was opened in the usual manner, with the president, Mrs, Stewart Proc- ter in the chair. Mrs. j, C. Procter assistant secretary had charge of the minutes and the correspondence, Any donations of soft white material over 5 inches in width to be used by the Cancer Society are to be left at Mac- Kenzie's Store. The Majestic Institute of Brussels, will be guests at tat next meeting of the W. I. to be held in the Forester's Hall, and they will supply the pro- gramme. Mrs. 0. G. Anderson was present and explained the new plan of the Huron Co-Operative Medical ServiceS. ,Misses Audrey and Shirley Bradburn favored with a duet ac- companined by their mother, Mrs. M. Bradburn. Miss Agnes Mason very capably took the motto, choosing as her topic, "Let us have more real enjoyment. Mrs. Richard Procter gave the address for the day speaking on the three grains, explaining the manufacture of cereal 'foods, through to the finished pfoduct.. The roll call was answered by an Industry of Hur- on County. Refreshments werah served by the hostess assisted by Mrs. A. E. Coultes, Mrs. C. Wade and Mrs. H. McGuire. WESTFIELD Mr. and Mrs. Lyman Jardin of Tor- onto, visited this week-end with Mr. and Mrs. J. L. McDowell. Mr, and Mrs, Frank Harburn and children of Hensal, spent last week with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Walden. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. McVittie visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. East of London. Mrs. Frank Campbell, Miss Winn- ifred and Mr'. Cecil Campbell visited over the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Milton Hooper of St. Marys. Wheelsman Ronald Taylor spent a few days last week with his parents, Mr, and Mrs. Bert Taylor. He drove with his 'parents and Miss Eileen Taylor to Midland on Thursday night to join the Melvana Yacht. Mrs. Alva McDowell opened her home for the Women's Missionary Society meeting on Wednesday, when the society entertained the Mission Band. Mrs. Wm. Carter, group leader for the July meeting was in charge. The opening number was the singing of the hymn, "Jesus bids us shine," followed by prayer. Mrs. Wm, Walden and Mrs. Frank Campbell, the Mis- sion Band members gave the following numbers, scripture lesson was read by Johnny Buchanan, duet by Lois Camp- bell,and Ruth Cook. Readings by 'Dor- othy Howatt, iGordon and. Lyle Smith, John Campbell, Donald McDowell. Solos by Barbara Smith, Betty Blair, John McDowell. Instrumental num- bers by Gerald McDowell and Gwen- dolyn McDowell. Mrs. Earl Wight- man, 'as guest speaker gave a very in- teresting talk which was appreciated by both Mission Band and W.M.S. members. A word of appreciation was tenderedMrs. Wightman by Mrs. Wm, Carter, as group leader. Mrs. Norman McDowell as Band leader and Mrs. Wm, ,McVittie, president of the Soc- iety. The president took the chair for the business. The hymn Far and Near the fields are teeming" was sung and prayer by Mrs. McVittie, also a teni- perance reading. Minutes of the June meeting were read and approved. Roll Call was answered by 19 members and 3 visitors, The president gave the re- port of articles sent in a relief bale, also a letter of thanks from headquar- ters. The bale was valued at $242.85. There were letters of thanks read from three patients in Beck's Memor- ial Hospital for parcels received. The meeting was dismissed with prayer. Lunch was served and a social time was spent. Bricklaying Plastering and Chimney Building Cement Work John McKay 'Phone 637r22 Wingham i Aitimmasmumminumississammuummusi ELASTIC APPLIANCES The NEW, FIRER, SEAMLESS "NUFASHION" Laster Hose for Mon and Women who suffer from Varicose Veins Invisibto Under Shear Stocking! New two-way stretch gives gentle, steady support that is great relief for leg sufferers, Seamless weave insures neater fit, longer wear. Pull length or garter length as re- quired. Sold by Druggists. • n A correct diagnosis of your case is essential to obtain the Security with Comfort derived from a We carry a complete stock of TRUSSES, Elastic or Flexible Spring-Steel Types Prices range from $6.00 to $15.00 BODY BELTS a Sacro-Iliac Belts • • • Post-operative Belts n • • Obesity Belts • • Bracers (for men) • m Shoulder Supports Lumbago Belts Supporters (for men) Suspensories (men) • Arch Supports • • • You are welcome to U consult our illuitrated • • catalogues. Store • n• Kerr's •Drug, a FIRST AID NEEDS n Telephone 18 Wingham P oultry Wanted WE PAY HIGHEST MARKET PRICES. 'PHONE or CALL BEFORE ' YOU SELL CANADA PACKERS "Your SHUR-GAIN FEED MILL" WINGHAM 'PHONE 142 ONT. U LAMPS! LAMPS! U U • a • FLOOR LAMPS complete . . , . $15.95 $32.50 a • Silver Stands (Onyx Insert) U Bronze Stands (Onyx Insdrt) U Each 7-way Tri-light. Silk, double band, Ruffle a Shade (Assorted Colours) a TRILIGHT TABLE LAMPS— Assorted Colours, complete with bulb . .$14.95 111 TABLE LAMPS, assorted colours, complete with FE. Silk Shades and Bulbs • . .. . $5.00 $14.50 a U DRESSER LAMPS, BED LAMPS, PINUP a LAMPS—Assorted Colours — Range of Prices ORNAMENTAL RADIO LAMPS $5.50 - $12.50 • " McGill Radio Service tr TELVPHONE 380 WINGHAM illiiIIIIIIIIIMMilicillift11112111111121021122112104111111101121111MINIIMilthia Our 25 point Scientific Examind lion enables us to give you Clear, Comfortable Vision. F, F, HOM11111 Optometrist Phone 118 tIstrriston For Sale, LAYING PULLETS 500 White Leghorns 500 Rock x Leghorn 250 Sussex x Red Mtch;i ven Poultry Farm WROXETER - ONT. Telephone 5 - 17 WATCH REPAIRS GEORGE WILLIAMS LOCATED IN MASON'S Store 1 HOLIDAYS AHEAD! Wingham Motors I ENGINE TUNE-UP TIME FOR • n a a n n 1111 n n a a n n a • n • • n n • • n n rn n • • n n n n 111 ELASTIC STOCKINGS Garter Type (below Knee) per pair $9.00 THIGH. HOSE (above knee) pair $10. SEAMLESS Elastic (Anklets) each $2.00 SEAMLESS Elastic (Knee Caps) each $2. CREPE BANDAGES (No rubber) 2", 21/x" 3" and 4" Elastic BANDAGES 2" 21/2", 3" and 4" • • • • • m r, • m • • • • • n • n a n n 111 n a n t