HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1949-07-20, Page 4ATTENTION Ford Tractor Owners HURON MOTORS, WINGHAM, to give EFFICIENT are prepared Tractor Service at your Farm They have a special TRACTOR PANEL TRUCK. with necesarry TRACTOR PARTS and EQUIP- MENT. Upon your call a Factory-trained Me- chanic will drive to your farm and make any necesi- ary repairs ON THE JOB—for FORD and FORD- FERGUSON TRACTORS. • HURON MOTORS Wingham A. D. MacWilliam Phone 237 Make more Money from STURDIER Pullets with ROE VITA-GROW Edwards' Motor Sales Chrysler, Plymouth Cars and Fargo Trucks PARTS and ACCESSORIES Telephone—Days 417, Winghaa rombia. FEE DT FIF94 ROE FARMS MILLING (0., ATWOOD, ONT. YOU CAN GET ROE FEEDS FROM: rN Howson & Howson, Wingham A. C. Adorns, Wingham Belgrave Co-Op., Belgrave R. J. McKenzie, Belgrave Bluevale Milling Co., Bluevale Dobson Bros., Wrozeter Libby, McNeill & Libby of Canada Limited Chatham, Ontario, Phone: 1860 NEED Town. 41,4**4444'44 • 4, ***** * 44444 Phone4r044•44544444444•• r 4444ra4t 4450440440•4444 Women over GO and men Over 65 not employed Aso Ahwi 4ai...4 PAGE FOUR THE WINGHAM ADVANCE-TIME Wednesday, July 20, 1940 **06•440.444.4.44444.4404.4"..,4444.441.,4404.1,41140 VORTY YEARS AGO I.O.O.F. tire the of:hrers Ms'fonef. L:d e e.Y. 0.0.F., r as !- atal:el W ; 7'7 at the reeulan rneetinn evening; Jr. N N rlt- fax71 ELS., .14.117Qtt: T.reni.. H. a War-. Toltr 'Lane 7T. 7 C r. r, b.G., P. S 2. R.S.N.G., 3nest: A. L. S. S., .4. s -ad 1.0444444, :4414444 twig 10 tiarrft P*2 Zr.trrat 'at= Poultry Wante d -,-.1,-siczni01.441....:34AVAW.4427.,MeMS0X44ostogno,I of I Ferguson. is to bran a :was week. ;-•-lilav ,,n. ikti.et nee! meal M. ate! Mrs 1. i" tiger are awn:: oti Her First it; lintf.4—' Parkey kin!. onerneil by Mr. J. E. inearrs, r :ts tewn. 'her first tLt: " at 7 taro liaute, on. Toes 1.13, T7:7v: raze: la3, 2..65 r env-se f The :Le :Lest i'ine %lit.: 2.01 4. at t7,e yas ;.aret.t,s, 1-21.3., by Rev, IV. J. liVest, M. I. A, Mr. Renben Foare"ss -elM. TriS. t '.7.ar -t•- Helen Soett. dnnentta ,n11 ' r.. are: !ars. F. 73. - %%tn.:or:neon - Switzer—Marrled at,- the B..rne the: bride on Jnly '41:, by ft,e^.-- E. POwe:l. Mr. William- .1: le I*: of Grey. to, NiEss Nellie !! lau‘,%ter Mr. art 1 Mrs. Chas. 1 Switzee, f tires" ,Me.Milil.in—Married • nery 'was GUARANTEED MINIMUM RATES OF PAY. ABOUT 10 HOURS PAID TIME PER SHIFT: Women .60 per hour. Men.75 per hour. (.05 per hour extra for Night Shift). BONUS FOR WORK. ABOVE NORMAL DAY'S WORK. HIGHER RATES ON SPECIAL JOBS. REST PERIODS: Two 15-Minute-Rest Periods per shift. NO EXPERIENCE NECESSARY. EASY-TO-LEARN JOBS. FULLY QUALIFIED INSTRUCTORS. MODERN PLANT, GOOD WORKING CONDI- TIONS. *REGISTERED NURSE IN FIRST'AID ROOM. BUS SERVICE TO AND FROM PLANT FOR ALL PARTS OF CHATHAM. EXCELLENT CAFETERIA SERVICE: Hot meals served at very reasonable prices during lunch periods on day and night shifts. Soft drinks, Milk, Coffee, Tea, Cigarettes, Candy, etc., may be bought in Cafeteria during rest and lunch. periods. OPPORTUNITIES FOR WORK AFTER TOMATO SEASON: Each year, many seasonal employees who prove themselves are chosen to fill vacancies on regular staff, rtew's rre':-:bytgziw; Cht.rei;„ Tatbs day,. del_ when bliss Eizie Gert. suue r.rsklne was. united in marria,ze .; to Mr. a Inint, S'iitirl)-nniy. by tree Rev. Dr. V.r]-... Raytt Arne SOIL, at Presbyterian Manse. Pntsbur. Pe-- by Dr. Cu:Ler...44 Mr. 3,s. 'Grant Har.z„ 44.1 Paul. tiau;!...mr a the late - Mr. a:..1 Mr.. Fan!, agnevai'v, C :en:Latin-n-4in Wetir-esdnYn 3.-o we.! ti ;'"aer.‘. :awn of the bride's o4re7.ts. Mr. anti • her: iturinanar.„ dtl. enn., of East WawannsIn when tl.:eir no_ntnin.-st -n daunt:ter, became 0..-e wife of Mr. Stanley f,....nfik. s, s Mr. and Mrs. Fred Cnnit, cern. 6. Foist Wawa- :'nth. with R.v. P. S. Par.eioB. A., 4 EX, IM Xer*W4V an—sonen Saenn:11 Wagner — Marrle.1 at "Riverview Farm" Hial:ett. on June oP eeer,042:94 t-1 tt il:. 4' o and Mrs. H. Wagner, to James P. AROUND LAKE SIMCot necneeen, sem nf ndr„ and Mete. W. Mr. Cornelius Drise;:l to Miss May . j.s.eltsott. of Hallett Twin M.:Miriam, formerly .1 Kinless. .M.z1^-4* Ferrier—Married a: Stan. There's never a dull moment in this. Ernerson Tiffin-Married at Moore- favourite holiday area—whether lelgie, Alta- on June 24:h, Mr. D. H. you're on the water or in it. And MC 17,7741i5 WinuiPez. ir-471:er!:.." El there's always a gang on the beach Miss Eva. daughter or at the dance 'round •Simeoe's many resorts, lodges and hotels. For or*. Mr. an! Mrs. Ferrier of Stanlei47a. accommodation details, write the ArArew tiaS Chamber of Commerce, Orillia or •arlived a. a arm sr. the West, acc.:n4,- Barrie. Good trait' and bus service— ,ant,.! by nne bride, Who was a Miss or about 2, hours drive by highways No. 21, 7, 11 or 12, north from Rut-herd:7dr! and inrt.nerly resided in veer_... Lake Ontario. Every year, thou,. Witiord n. - Gar er---O WeirmslaY lands of visitors enjoy holidays here iZre . . . we can help make sure they 'c :as: week the rzeirrnsole was sn:emn- want to come again Bze.i nid'attahter of Persenals—Mrs. Gen. T. Robertson, Mrs. Cxaril:er and the late Dr. Gall:- ``LET'S MAKE THEM Mr. and Mrs. E. S. Co:,,eland, Misses k'Kentburnie londge. Grand. Vet::ey, to E. C. Wilinrd. stn.: ni WANT TO COME BACK:" Edna Robertson and Alice Reading, arl Mrs. ;fol.= Myth. bv :spent Thursday of last week at Bruze- :be Rev. E. S:sangwaFs, B.A., B.1 ?field. Mr. .0aarlei Kneehtel of 'Men- !1iori, is busy shaking hands with old uzz:e the bri e. 'acquaintances this week. Mr. and Mrs. Balevale—Misses Ccra Messer and .Wrrt. Isbister have returned after Nerlie Burgess an Mr. Frei johr.stor, visitei. Teeswaner M77.7.,•;.1a),.% Mr. —13aVWERS 1832 spending the past three weeks visiting Edward Leech. of Trneebridge, was - !with their son. jack. in °noway, Mich. J. H. Deemer, former C.P.R. b.ntiter. Mr. Joseph .Lee-:, sta- ng e pa week Mr. 1lVaker 11 ition agent here, was a welcome visitor dtiri -ths: , Burgess of Wolsiev, Sask., is visiting !in our Sanctum on Wednesday. Miss under the parental rooi and Ilisses after a two weeks visit to Winnipeg. Eritscliffe Musgrove is home from 2.47e:lie Burgess and Annie Oliver of Mr. C. If. Walker has returned home for her vacation. Taranta, a„ a:sz„, spending thei r after several weeks business trip! Staples - Rintoui—A quiet wedding clays here. Several kind-hearted people through the West, Mr. and Mrs. A. ,,took place in Buffalo, or. Thursday, are .aating. hy the F„ah Air societi es oflat Dungannon. Dr. T. Chisholm, mOO.-onl, youngest daughter of Mr. and Olive M. Rin- k.eeping ha Ts sent,far a country Carr and two children are -visiting- :July 3rd., when Miss P., returned home rais week from a Mrs. C. A. Rintoul. of Wingham, was visit out West. Dr. and Mrs. Kennedy, .united in marriage to Mr. Frederick H. visited over Sunday at Simcoe. iStaples of Stevensville, son of Mr. and John ManNanghtott of Turr.berry. * • !Mrs. Richard Staples of Orono, with Persona'.—Me. Jas. E. Cope was in• TWENTY-FIVE YEARS AGO W. W. Cr. Ramsay officiating. ,Woodstock for a few days this week. Sherbondv - Erskine— A pretty Morgan - Deacon—Married in. De- Mr. C. A. Rintoul has returned home -wedding was solemnized in St. And- troit on July 3rd., at the home of her Our greatest glory is not in never falling, but in rising every time we fall. Many people are often displeased with a portrait because they are used to seeing their faces in the mirror, which reverses the hair parting and. other unsymetrical features. Quality Always Spare yourself the pain of "shopping around" for a Monument to honour your loved one. Depend on our reputation for highest quality and fair dealings. See Us First. ALL CLASSES OF MONUMENTS IN STOCK Most Modern Equipment for Shop and Cemetery Work Inscription Work Promptly Attended to. Brownlie Memorials WEARING APPAREL: Women may bring their own aprons or head coverings, or they may purchase same from Com- pany Storeroom. Men, ordinary work clothes and cap. PAID WEEKLY EACH FRIDAY FOR PREVIOUS WEEK'S WORK. LODGING PLACES ARRANGED FOR. WORK- ERS FROM OUT OF TOWN. Da Nat Delay ... Fill Out and Mail the Blank Below Employment Office, gpt. Libby, McNeill & Libby of Canada, Limited. CHATHAM, Ontario I am interested in working in Libby's rood Proces- sing Plant during the corning Tomato Season and Want more information: NAME """ ''''''' * ...........,..., *** 4,440$404Y44ii STREET OR RURAL ADDRESS... 4 4 44.ivili* 4 ,4 ,4444464 **4141 4440•*444444 1HW-49 MOIL r. ”tlf,•"5 • ' "" REMINISCINli CANADA PACKERS "Your SHUR-GAIN FEED MILL" WINGHANI 'PHONE 142 ONT, WE PAY HIGHEST. MARKET PRICES. 'PHONE or CALL BEFORE YOU SELL !!--;:ff„, -g F. 4 *1:—.1k,-,:tar,:ttcrEIXtt.vv.”4,444kaugawrumertcrallgirIttomfaxtuam icat,met. by Rev, D. D. :4...taker. reentry as :tad :re: .5.8419 werfn eel s:::.k„ there was ins-:ranee of $6,000 7.:te Mr. -ln:- :7se heat:ily tn ?"...:^Ye tnnan- ranenr.nz Beniartnteret. as he or-4 art Enstirance of :7,..-1•99, and he Bnist • :ie.:: CI. eeseb : reunit—Maerie V"- lf,fin?. r..o: the le:,:nte lon,Be's arent. 5f.-qt 'West ..:::rand De:r::t. Mirh. by the Rev. A. Yr.'. Cstinnerert. 74i Maude Cheese- dore:tn.:-ter- f A. J. and '-+:t-.. •:: 1-7.-no: f.rrnerly• M. nt,t-nsh"-;-•. s:n C'nos. arn: Mrs. Rezen. Pers:nals--Mr, tins Mrs. A. J. A'ld.- ers:n. Mrs, A'nderzer.. and Mies A. neenne seen: a few days the -1.7ast. week ar. MIss C:ra Beek.- 'With returned even: n We !nes Bay after visiting- her e-arer.ts :nem. Me. Mrs. H. Davis are -cis!: irr their s-„,n, Mr. .Toronto, among the hostesses are,. Mrs. Will Johnston, Mrs. Peacock, and Mrs. Forrest of Morris, and Mrs. field. on Wednesday. 2nd. by Rev. W. A. Taylor. Valetta, older daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Reuben Tif- fin of Langside, to Mr. Wm. Victor Eme"‘r*,t * son of Mr. annd Mrs. Ales Emers::,n, of West Wawanosh. • Ter -n - Gannett—Married in Tor- c, :t., by the Rev., J. H. MacKay, Flora may. younttest daughter of Mr. 'and Mrs. Wm. Gannett, Win.zham, to ;Mr. Jas. H. Jermyn. son of Mr. Wm. ••Jerneyn of Toronto. 300 MEN AND 300 WOMEN 4 OR BOYS AND GIRLS 16 YEARS AND OVER who want to EARN SOME EXTRA MONEY During late August and the month of September doing pleasant and very important work, processing Tomatoes for Libby's "Gentle Press" Tomato Products. r 4.- aunt, Mrs. Her.l, Sarah Elizabeth (Bessie), second daughter of Mr. Samuel Deacon of East Wawanosh, to Mr. Clyde Morgan of Tennessee. Wade -Nethery—On Wednesday, July 9th, a pretty wedding took place in Trinity Church, Belgrave, when Miss Mary Nethery, youngest daugh- ter of Mr. and Mrs. John Nethery, be-, came the bride of Clarence Harold Wade, of Belgrave, son of Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Wade, of Fordwich, with Rev. W. E, Hawkins officiating. Ashfield—Mr. and Mrs. Alf. Arm- strong and two boys from London, are visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Will Ir- win. Mr. and Mrs. Dave Little and Vera, of Courey's Corners, spent Sun- day at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Will Irwin, 9th con. Mr. and Mrs. Will Baldwin, and Mr, and Mrs. Gilbert Vint, were over to Marnoch to visit. their sister, Mrs. Dunbar. Mrs. Fred To.pp of Toronto, is visiting with her •brother and sister. Mr. Charlie Mc- Donagh of Zion and Mrs. James Cook tot Belfast. « FIFTEEN YEARS AGO Winsor Beck—A wedding ofinter- est took place in St. John's Cathedral, Winnipeg, on Thursday, June 28th„ 1934. when Miss Doris Myrtle Beck, elder daughter of Mr. annd Mrs. Ar- qhto: Beck, was united in marriage to Mr. Rnnald Blandford Winsor, of Shawinigan Falls, Quebec. Miss Beck's mother was Miss Lucina Blow before h er gaarrola.ge and lived in Gorrie sonic years Gorrie—Those who are attending 1.s:unmet school in St. Thomas this iweek are: Rev. G. W. Butt, President of the School; Elmer and William Mutt, Hector Hamilton, Mervin Step- ?hens, Misses Evelyn Stephens, Bessie .Wylie, Catherine Warrell, Georgina 1Galbraith, Marjorie Schaefer, (Ford- iwich) and. Agnes Edgar. Mr. and Mrs. 'Gen. King and son, Harold, also Mr. and Mrs. Chas. King spent the week- end in London. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Gatlaher of Brussels, were recent guests of Mr, annd Mrs. Milton Wat- son. Whitechurch—The young ladies of the United Church met at the home of Mrs. C. 'Gillespie on • Tuesday last and organized a Mission Circle, with the following officers: Hon. Pres, Mrs: J. D. Eeecroft; Press, Mrs. Chas. Gil- lespie; 1st. Vice-Pres., Mrs. Russel Gaunt; Treas„ Miss Agnes Gillespie; Rec.-Sec., Miss Lorna. •McCleriaghan, Cor. -Sec., Miss Muriel Watt; Pian- ist, Miss Susan Carrick; Christian Stewardship, May Wig,htinan; Tem- perance, Mrs. E. Scholtz; Strangers Sec., Miss Lettie Fox. MacNeil - Martin—A pretty wed- ding was soletrinized at the Manse, St. Helens, on Thursday, July 6th, 1934, when Miss Laura pearl, young-, r daughter of Mr. and Mrs. D. Mar- tin of E. Wawanosh, became the bride of Mr, Malcolm MacNeil, formerly front Scotland, with the Rev, T. C. Wilkinson officiating, Gorrie—Harry Steuernol spent the Week-end in Wingham. Mr. and Mrs. W. j. Gallaher were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. J. lartott of Turn- berry. Messrs. Reg. Newton, Robert Dargue and John Lapole spent Sun- day in Owen Sound. Rev. R. S. and Mrs. Jones and son, Dick, left on Monday for three weeks' vacation at Presquet Point, Ill. Mr. Jas. Douglas was a Kitchener visitor last Wednes- day. Miss Janet Ruttan is attending summer school at Goderich this week. Wroxeter—Mr. and Mrs. T. G. Hemphill, Mr. and Mrs. j. J. Allen and Miss Mary Harris, spent the week-end at Lions Head. Misses Mar- jorie Paulin and Isobel Milligan -visit- ed at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wil- ford Brown, Gorrie, last week. Miss WILLIAM BROWNLIE, Owner and Operator Alfred St. Wingham Box 373 - 'Phone 450 .01 ".4,. 41„. n.,.• ..... „, "1 ,14 1 IIMIE%1111111'd Jean Walker of Fordwich, is a guest at the home of Mr. and Mrs, Wm. Wade. Mr. and Mrs. earl Sproule spent the week-end at Burlington. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. T. MacLean and Jack, also Mrs. Patterson, spent Thursday at Bayfield. 61111_1111