HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1949-07-13, Page 3Protection at Low Cosi From Carton To Icebox -To Hospitality 6-Bottle Carton 25° Plitt riefi.sit aft Per beetle Authorized battler of Coca-Oola under Oontroct with Coen,Cola Ltd, STRATFORD BOTTLING COMPANY TELEPHONE STRAMORD, ONT. APOpOMPI,PLUPPIfttOtferriiittorcimill , ,, 141101j001,1110olp ,, ,,,,,,, 4111, ,, 11! , 1i. ,, ,, ,, PICIPPIIPPIUMPIPPIPPIPPO ,,, P! , P , !MOW,/ . . 'VIM" ,, ,, ,, I , PIPAPPOWIP 1P ,, PPAPPIII ,,,,, !PUMP ,,, OPPIPOPPPPPPISPIIIIMPPPPPPIPPPPPPIPPIPPIPIPPOIJptPmi,imomtm. ,,,,,,, imp , llllll l OP Immediate Delivery Ford Tractors 4 AND THE FOLLOWING Tractor Equipment REAR MOWERS SWEEP RAKES CULTIVATORS (Stiff and Spring-tooth) TANDEM DISCS - 2-FURROW PLOUGHS FORD 1/2 and 1-TON PICKUPS FORD OF ENGLAND PASSENGER CARS and PANEL TRUCKS "The Economy Cars" HURON MOTORS Wingham A. D. MacWilliam 'Phone 237 Skinny men, women gain 5,10,15 lbs. Get New Pep, Vim, Vigor What a Brun Bony limbs 011 out: ugly hollows 411 up: neck no longer scrawny; body loses half-!carved. sickly "bean-pole" look. Thousands of sm., women. men, who never Could gain before, MS now proud specialapey, healthy-looking bodies. Thep shank the vigor-building, flesh-budding Me re. estrek. Its 'mice, setnulante, Invigorators. n, vitamin al, calcium, enrich blood, improve Me and digestion iso food gives YOU moreand nourishment,• put flesh on bare bows. I tear getting too tat, atop when you've gained rtamoas Ostrett Tonle Tablets for new rigor 10,14 or 20 1b4 yoll need for normal weight. UM. New "get acquainted" else anis toe. addatl pounds, this very day. At all ft:Mgt& 0 • ettriell 'Frigidaire "Master refrigerator Three sizes 6, 1, 9, co. ft. PARD DOG FOOD 2 tins 27c HILLCREST SHORTENING, lb. ,,,,,, .29c OVALTINE 8 oz. tin 58c 16 oz. ....98c FLUFFS Rail$TED t. seer 140. ,,,,,,,,, Layllock Prterben.0—loreest fn the World ..X4COMM IN THE TRENT VALLEY LIREVVERtS SINCE 1832 Zest Sweet MARMALADE, 24 fl. oz. jar 29c Hawe's LEMON OIL, 12 oz. hot. Stokely's TOMATO JUICE-20 oz. tins ..2 - 19c CROSSETT MOTOR SALES WILL BE OPEN ON SUNDAY, JULY 17th 7//1 IF YOU PREFER YOU CAN //, ati f 534-535 Inlnl WE DELIVER ...RAIN OR SHINE MAKES IRONING EASY c'a THE. WINGHAU ADVANCS.TIMES ra PAGE• TN k MID ,,,, o Mimila pla yo us*niotliomilp1110,01tmPIPPI4mirePPOMPHIPIPPIPPIPPOPIPPPI o IPIPPOPPOOPOP Ianville Hamm erton Child and Animal Photography a Specialty Portraits Weddings - Commercial Films Developed and Printed 24 Hour Service Cazneras Repaired Telephone 199 How can a salaried man save money? On taking out a Mutual Life of Canada policy, many a man learns that not only Is ho protecting his loved ones, but that he has adopted the one sure way of saving money. For many a salaried man the only way he saves is through Mutual Life policy. Have a talk with our local representative. Ho will be glad to work out a plan to meet your needs and requirements. HEAD OFFICE WATERLOO, ONT. 79A YOU'LL' FIND YOUR LOCAL REPRESENTATIVE HERE M. McPhail, Wingham Wm. Webster, Lucknow, R.R. Norm, Clegg, Gorrie Ross H. Martyn, Ripley GORRIE Congratulations to Norman Anger, William Strong and Bonnie Zimmer- man from the IGosrie School and Ida Newton, Jack. Stafford and Reita Vittie from No. 4 school, who have been successful in obtaining their High School Entrance, Perry Strong, son of Mr. and Mrs. John Strong, had the misfortune to break his arm on Thursday. Owing to the serious nature of the break he !was taken to Victoria Hospital, Lon- ' don, where it is expected lie will have to remain' fur a, week. liorn—In Listowel Hospital, on July 1st., to Air, and Airs. Chas. Lake, (nee Joyce Thornton), of Ethel, son, stillborn. Mr. and Mrs. T. L. McInnis, ,Mr. Elgin McInnis and Mr. and Mr's. jack Thornton, were in Teeswater oil Sunday afternoon attending the funer- al of a relative, Mrs. J. McInnis, Mr, Chas, Irwin who has been con- fined to bed for the past several weeks was very much worse last week but is 'somewhat improved, Mr. and Mrs. Vic Sliera of Moore- field, were guests of Mr. and Airs. W. C. King on 'Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Vodden and Mrs, Michel of Ethel, visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs, Cloyne Michel on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. D. M, McLennan and Keith, 2nd, con, of Grey, Mrs, Jean Brown of Wingham, and Mr. Raymond Brown, Toronto, were Sun- day guests at the home of Mr, and Mrs. Archie Miller. ' Miss Nellie Longley left on Satur- day on a three inonth trip to Manitoba to visit her sister. Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Armstrong and Bobbie, and Airs. Robt. Armstrong of Tyner, Sask., who have been visiting in Fordwich and Listowel for the past several weeks, spent Friday at the home of Mr, Geo. Dane Sr., and Miss Margaret. Mr, Carter McKee of Galt, was a visitor with his sister, 'Airs. J. Wylie for a few days last week, Mr. and Mrs. David Dane of Tor- onto, spent a few days last week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Norman Wade and attended the Cotheran reunion at Listowel on Wednesday. Air. Norman Brownlee and nephews, Clifford and Russel Brownlee of Thornbury, were recent visitors at the home of ;Air. and Mrs, Geo. Galbraith. The regular monthly meeting of the Women's Missionary Society of the United Church will be held on Thurs- day evening, July 1.4th, at the home of Mrs. Whiteley. The meeting called for 9 o'clock. Induction Rev, J. R, Watt formerly of Car- stairs, Man., was inducted to the Gor- rie charge on Thursday evening, in the United Church. Rev. W. S. Miner, of Fordwich, was in charge and address- ed the people. Rev. U. Cronhielm of Wroxeter, addressed the minister. Mr. Watt's father, Rev. W. J. Watt of Whitechurch, was also present. Fol- lowing the service an informal. re- ception. was held. Reeve 'E. J. Farrish and Ewart Whitfield introducing the members of the congregation to Mr. Watt. Refreshments were served and a social time enjoyed. Presentation Rev, and Mrs. G. G. Howse were remembered by friends and neighbors and were recipients of a gift of money and the following appreciative address Dear Mr. and Mrs. Howse: We cannot let you go without show- ing you in some manner, the affection esteem and regard which we have for you and of the appreciation of your many kindnesses. Although we can- not adequately express in words how very much we feel the effect of your good influence and the memory of your many kindnesses. We would ask you to accept the accompanying small - gift in memory of the happy days we have spent to gether. We wish you both the very best of health and luck, and trust that you will be spared to enjoy many years of happiness. On behalf of your friends and neigh- bors. Junior Farmers Have Social On Friday evening the Junior Far- mers held their monthly meeting at the home of Mr. and Airs, Wm, Thorn- ton and at the conclusion of the meet- ing had an ice cream social. Mr, and Mrs. Robert Spotton of Wingham, were guests of Air, and Airs. E, H. Strong on Sunday, Miss Loreen King of Toronto, is holidaying at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs, Frank King. Bride and Groom Honoured Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Hockeidge nee Janet Watson, were honoured at a miscellaneous shower in the hall on Friday evening. There was a large at- tendance and the evening was spent ie dancing. A. number from Garde were in Brus- sels on Stinday morning for the re- opening of the Anglican Church which has been rebuilt since the former church was destroyed by fire, The Right Rev, G. N. Lsixton, Bishop of Huron, was the speaker and confirmed a class of seventeen candidates. Fleischauer Johnston The marriage of Betty Noreen John- ston, Reg. N., daughter of Mrs. Mars guerite Johnston and the late Earl Johnston. of Fordwich, to Ray Preis- chatter, son of Airs. C, Fleischauer and the late E, Pleisehauer of Strat- ford, was solemnized in the Evanel- ieal Church, Hanover, Rev. K Pleteh officiating. Miss Ruth Bell, R. N., of Stratford, was bridesmaid, and Max Lind of Tara, was groomsman. A re- ception was held at Pleasure Valley, the bride's mother receiving, On their return from Muskoka and a trip to the West Coast, they will live on Igor- folk St., Stratford, Galbraith - trown, Geraldton--Priday evening at 7 p. 111. a pretty summer wedding was Soli emnized in St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church, when Rev. H. Seegmiller un- ited in marriage, Miss Margaret Luella Brown, daughter of the late Mr.-and Mrs. C, P. .1lrown, Geraldton and George Kenneth H. Galbraith, son 'if Mr. and Mrs, f, G. Galbraith of Gorrie, Ontari o,11 headdress with net trim T e bride wore for the occasion a act. le gth dress in aqua crepe with white ribbon and shoulder veil. A string of pearls, white accessories and a corsage of Tal- isman roses were worn. She was at- tended by her sister, .Mrs, 1. Just, from Marathon, who wore a street length gOwn of shell pink crepe with white net headdress with white velvet flowers and small veil and a corsage of Talisman roses, The groom was attended by his bro- ther-in-law, Mr, Dick Taylor. Following the ceromney a reception for immediate friends was held at the home of Mrs. R. Taylor, sister of the groom. Mrs. Taylor received wear- ing A gown of printed jersey, street length with black accessories. After a short honeymoon trip to Port Arthur and Fort William, the bride and groom will reside in Gerald- ton.—The Fort William Daily Times- Journal, Afonday, June 27th, 1949. John 5, Sparling Following a week's illness from a bloodclot, John S. Spading passed away in Listowel Memorial Hospital, at the age of 81 years. He was born in Blanshard Town- ship, and came with his parents, the late Edwin Spading and Margaret Speiran at the age of 7 years to How- ick township where they settled on lot 9, • con s,. 5, He was married sin June 1900 to. Agnes Spading of Fordwich, who predeceased him in May, 1926. Surviving are two sons, Percy of Sault Ste. Marie; Everett of Harriston and one daughter, Mrs. Lida Balfour of Listowel; also one sister, Mrs. Ed. Johnston (Annie) of Bluevale; three brothers, Dick and Bert of Vancouver and Harvey of Gorrie. A sister, Mrs. Win..Whitfield predeceased him some years ago, Mr, Sparling farmed for the greater part of his life on the 4th Con. of Howick. In 1946 he retired from the farm and went with his s'on Everett Any way you look at it, thete's MORE VALUE, MORE OF EVERYTHING in this groat new series of Frigidaire Refrigerators, More usefulness and beauty. MORE features: Giant Super- Freezer, new Meter-Miser, full'width lrydrator. Come Ant See then} ali. Wednesday, July 1a, 1949 1 E JA11.11LE of CANADA -=' TAXI DAY or NIGHT Phone 65 JIM CAMERON All Passengers Insured STEWART Horne Appliances Model Shown — Has 9,3 cu. ft. capacity, 20.2 sq. ft. shelf area. uperior Food Market 2 pkg. 23c 3 pkg. 29c MATCHES 3 boxes 19c CAMAY 2-39c se FRESH FRUITS And VEGETABLES ARRIVING DAILY 7 quart 29c Levack, were recent visitors at the giner, Airs. Cloyne Michel and Mr. home of Air, and Mrs. Esvact Whit- ,Michel. field, Born—In Listowel Hospital, on Mrs, J. Gununow of London, was Tuesday, July 5th. to Mr, and Mrs. a guest of Mr. and Mrs. Percy Ash- Geo, Neil, con. 5, a dam:liter, ton last week. Airs. Minnie Irwin of Toronto, is Mrs. Zimmerman of Milverton, has visiting her son, Mr. Archie Irwin and been a visitor at the home of her dau- Mrs. Irwin and other relatives. rfti1i,17 a leisurely camping trip 1 through the Trent Valley Waterway system, which extends 181 miles from Lake Sinicoe, east and south to Trenton, on the north-, west tip of the Bay of Quints. It takes in the Kawartha chain of eight large lakes and numerous smaller lakes, rapids and rivers for fishing; Sturgeon Lake . , and most of the other hikes in the system—ate periodically stocked with niuskie fingerlings , , so anglers can be assured of good sport. Start your. trip at Trenton, 57 miles west of Kingston on 'High- way .No.2. For complete details and help in planning a new kind of holiday, write to the Chamber of Commerce, Teterboro, Ont. In Ontario we, have a holiday paradise ... let's do all we can to encourage visitors from Across the border! Published in support, of the tourist busi- ness by John Labatt Limited. LET'S MAKE THEM WANT Tt COME BACK! to reside in Listoseel. He was a member of the former Methodist Church and later, of the Gorrie United Church, taking an ac- tive part in the work of the church and always regular in attendance. Funeral service was held at his home in Listowel on Sunday afternoon, foll- owed by service in the Gorrie United Church which was very largely attend- eel, with Rev, J. R. Watt, Gorrie, and Rev. W. E, Kelley, Listowel, in charge, Mr. John Neilson, Listowel, sang. Interment was in the Gorrie Ceme- tery. Pallbearers were: John Cathers, Irving Toner, Harry Hastie, Lorne Campbell, Lawson Coghlin and Clay- ton 'Bean, Flower bearers were six nephews: Spalding Johnstbn, Carl Johnston, Bluevale; Reuben Fennel, Toronto; Clarence Spading, Everett Spalding, and Norman Harding. Friends and relatives were in attend- ance from Toronto, St, Marys, Sea- forth, Mount Forest, Alliston, Ethel and Bluevale, Women's Institute The July meeting of the Gorrie Wo- men's Institute was in the form of a picnic and was held on the lawn at the home of Mrs. Norman Gedeke, 2nd. con. on Tuesday of last week. All joined in the opening ode and repeated the Institute Creed. The roll call was "tAiy Favorite Sport." After the busi- ness session with the President, Mrs. P, Ashton presiding, Mrs, John Bay- lor very ably presented the motto, "Life is more than making a living." Miss Marianne Doig, Fordwich, win- ner in several public speaking con- tests, gave her talk "Health is your most precious possession." The leaders and girls of the feeler Homemaking, Clubs then took charge and presented a skit given at the Huron Co., Achievement Day at Bay- field, which they have been asked to give at Stratford Fair, Garments made during the course Were modelled and received many compliments. Games and contesets with Mrs. Kahle anti Airs. Wilson in charge concluded the. afternoon's program. Refreshments were then served. It was decided to hold a picnic at the beach at Pt. P,Igin on Wednesday, July 20th, Mr, and Mn,l Leonard White of