HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1949-06-29, Page 5China and Gift Sale Values up to 50% Off Breakfast - Dinner - Tea Sets 331/3% DISCOUNT SALE ENDS SATURDAY, JULY 2nd GRAPE DESIGN DINNER SET 97 pieces Service 12 — $69.50 LESS 331/3% — $46.33 ARISTOCRAT DINNER SET 53 pieces — Service 8 — $48.00 LESS 331/3% — $32.00 FOUR LINES DINNER SET 94 pieces — Service 12 -- $46.25 LESS 331/3% — $30.83 WOOD'S SPRING GARDEN Pink and Blue DINNER SETS 66 pieces .,,,— Service 8 — $40.65 LESS 331/3% — $27.10 BANCROFT FLORAL DESIGN DINNER SET DINNER SET 53 pieces — service 8 — $33.60 39 pieces — Service 6 — $28.40 LESS 331/3% — $22.40 LESS 331/3% — $18.93 • .. _' BREAKFAST SETS alf Price 1 $13.9° — $24.75 LESS 331/3% NOVELTIES WATER SETS COFFEE TABLES, ETC. in Peterboro. The bride is the daugh- ter of Mr. and Mrs. C. C. McIntyre, and a niece of Mr. A. J. Walker. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Robinson and son, Russel and Mr. and Mrs. Elwin Chamney and daughters, Dorothy and' Marilyn, attended the Robinson -Re- union at Turnbull's Grove on Satur- day. George R. Phippen of Port Dal- housie, visited with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. Phippen, enroute to Manitoulin Island, where he will visit with his brother-in-law and his sister, Mr. and Mrs. C. Hunking. Mr. and Mrs. Frank McCormick and son, . Jim, Mr. and Mrs. Ross King and son, Bill, motored to Niag- ara Falls and Queenston last week. They also visited with relatives at Thorold, Welland and Guelph. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Congram Wingham, Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Ivers, Dungannon, Mr. Harold Congram and Miss Isabel Lougheed of Toronto Prince's Gate— photo courtesy C.N.E. P AN this year to visit Toronto's "Show window of the nation"— the Canadian National Exhibition, Last year over two million enthusiastic visitors flocked to this greatest annual exhibition in the world. Filling the weeks just before, and immediately after Labour Day, this annual event has something for everybody, Whether you're interested in industry, com- merce, agriculture, art, science, education, music, pageantry or sports, you'll find plenty to see and to do at the "Ex',.' Write to Toronto Conven- tion and Tourist Association, Toronto, Ontario, for information about aceoni- modation during. exhibition weeks. LET'S MAKE THEM WANT TO COME BACK! 311 Ii FORTY YEARS AGO 1 i REMINISCING Business and Professional Directory L. 6. BRYCE LICENSED AUCTIONEER FARM SALES A SPECIALTY Telephone 62 ifox 331 WINGHAM, ONT. FREDERICK A. PARKER OSTEOPATH Offices: Centre St. Wingham Osteopathic and Electric Treat-ments, Foot Technique Phone 272. Wingham, J. A. FOX Chiropractor and Drugless Therapist. RADIONIC EQUIPMENT COMPLETE HEALTH SERVICE Phone 191. K. M. MacLENNAN Veterinary Surgeon Office — Minnie St. Opposite and South of the United Church. PHONE 195 Winighans, Ontario Aimeneenne 111. McTAVISH BARRISTER, SOLICITOR and NOTARY PUBLIC TEESWATER - ONTARIO Telephone 23 Teeswater WROXETER—Every Wednesday afternoon, 2-4 p.m., or by appointment. J. W. BUSHFIELD, K.C. Barrister, Solicitor, Notary, Etc. Money to Loan Office — Meyer Block, Wingham CRAWFORD & HETHERINfiTON Barristers, Solicitors, Etc. Wingham, Phone 48 J. H. CRAWFORD, K.C, R. S, HETHERINGTON, K.C. DONALD B. BLUE Experienced Auctioneer Licensed for Counties of HURON & BRUCE All Sales Capably Handled Phone 49. Ripley, Ontario WELLINGTON FIRE Insurance Company Est. 1840 An all Canadian Company which has faithfully served its policy holders for over a century. Head Office — Toronto H. C. MacLean Insurance Agency Wingham 1 A. CRAWFORD, M.D. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Phone 150 Wingham DR. W. M. CONNELL OR. B. N. CORRIN PHYSICIANS and SURGEONS Phone 19 S. J. WALKER Funeral and Ambulance Service Upstairs Funeral Parlour 'Phone--Day or Night 10G WINGHAM ONT. Wednesday, June 29, 1949 THE WINGI-iA1V1 ADVANCE-TIMES PAGE VIVO. 0 ) Mr. and Mrs. Peter Fisher. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. J. Woods of Tweed, spent a few days at the home of Mr. and Mrs. L. A. lrfacDougal. Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Balser of Buf- falo, visited with their cousins, gr. and Mrs. R. E. Armitage and family. Mrs. R. H. Lee of Detroit, formerly Mabel Halstead of Wingham, visited last week with Mrs. W. Williamson. Mrs. J. F. Crandall and her sister. Mrs. McMillan returned to Fort Erie, after spending a few days in Wing- ham. Mrs. jt M. Christie and son, Graeme, of Toronto, are visiting with Mr. and Mrs. W. B. McCool and Mrs. J. H. Christie. Reeve and Mrs. Murray Johnson are attending the annual County Home Convention being held in Owen Sound this week. Mr. Harold Congram and Miss Isabel Lougheed, Mrs. Lorne Ivers. were week-end visitors at the Con- gram home. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Henning of New York City, visited old friends and relatives there, their first trip back in thirty-five years. Dr. and Mrs. H. G. Armstrong. Jane and Beth of Port Credit, spent the week-end with Mrs. Armstrong's parents, Mr. and Mrs. J,. S. Isard. Mr. and Mrs. A. Williamson, Har- old Williamson and !Miss Peggy Rose, of Toronto, spent the week-end with the former's mother, Mrs. Williamson, in town. Mr, and Mrs, A. J. Walker attend- ed the Redmond - McIntyre wedding NOW you con buy... REPAIRS and ACCESSORIES' • THE WALLPAPER SHOP WILKI NSONELMER WINGHAM HOLIDAYS AHEAD! TIME • Wingham FOR Motors ENGINE TUNE-UP • kiiiiiiiiirniii•MMEMOMMEIMMEMMil • • a a II • III • a a a • a a a a II NI Our SPECIAL ENGINE TUNE-UP helps KEEP M a DOWN COSTS of operating your car. . • a a • Make an appointment today ! • a • a • • No detail is neglected in tuning up engines for a a • their best performance at lowest cost to you. • • • a a a a a a a • 1 Telephone 139 ..« OD our GMAC PLAN • s a la 1 Chevrolet, Oldsmobile Cars Chevrolet Trucks I IM 111111111111111111111111111NIUM11101111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111110 TEA SETS $12.50 — $20.70 LESS 331/3% PICTURES TRAYS LOCALS AND PERSONALS Mr. and Mrs. Carl Clark of Detroit, spent a few days with Mrs. H. Buch- anan. Mrs. W. J. Henderson is spending a week in London, with her daughter, Mrs. Don French. Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Pryce of Lon- don, were recent guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. B. Collar. Peter F. Fisher of Toronto, spent the week-end out at Eagles Nest with st oftv`*\*' EXPERT WORKMANSHIP BROWNE'S SHOE REPAIR 6 Wingham n Motors • attended the wedding of Mr. Charles Harvey Congram and Miss Kathleen Bernice Gibson on Saturday, June 18th. 10,000 Reserve Army Men To Train In Ontario Central Command Headquarters has annonuced that more than 10,000 members of the Canadian Army Re- iserve Force from all parts of eastern Canada will train at three of Ont- ario's large military camps this sum- mer. Training will get under way at Picton on June 19th, Petawawa and Barriefield on June 26th, and will be the most extensive seen in Ontario since the war years: Largest of the three camps will be Petawawa. where preparations have been made to train more than 8,000 men, representing. some 160 units, be- tween June 26 and August 26. The Army's most modern equip- ment will be made available at all three camps, as will the latest in training aids. Fully qualified instruc- tor and administrative staff will be drawn from the three commands, supplemented where necessary by per- sonnel! from Active Force units and establishments. The 21st. Anti-Tank Regiment, R.C.A., under command of Lt. Col. R. S. Hetherington,. train at Pet- awawa from August' 7th to 13th. WROXETER Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Cathers had as guests for several days last week, Mr. and Mrs. Jackie Main. Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Mines and son Billy of Niagara Falls, N,Y., visited with 'Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Wright on Saturday of last week. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Harris, Jean and Marie, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Aim, Gadke, Lakelet, Mr. and Ma's. Henry Hohnitein and son Douglas of Cliff- ord. were visitors at the. same home. Messrs. Harry McGuire of Belgrave, C. Mines and H. V. McKinney were in Durham renewing old acquaintances on Thursday of last week. Mr. and Mrs. Ted Smithand fam- ily, also Mr. and Mrs. Wes. Newton and family were at Amberly Beach recently. Mrs. H. V. Kenney and Mrs, L. Parker were in Molesworth on Wed- nesday of last week when they were the guests of the Molesworth Women's Institute at their regular meeting. Mrs. McKenney who is President of East Huron District of the W. I. was the guest speaker. Held Successful Picnic The St. James' Junior W.A. and Sunday School combined picnic was a real success. Every child was favored with a treat of a box of cracker-nut as well as an ice cream eating contest, in which all participated. The picnic was held in the Sunday School rooms owing to the rainy weather. Mrs. Caley was in charge of sports events, assisted by the Junior W. A. Leader, Mrs. Mary Archer. Several games were played, including musical chairs, the winner being Nancy Newton. Un- der-school age race: Maureen Evans, Wesley Newton. Sr. girls' race: Grace Paulin, Carol Millward; boys' race: Bill Higgins. David Caley; wheelbarr- ow race: Nancy Newton, Grace Paul- in, 2nd Carol Millward„ Bernice !Grain- ger, Hit the Target: Bert Pocalnyko, Grace Paulin; Slipper Race: G. Paul- in, Paul Higgins; Minute Race, Ber- nice Grainger; Lucky Spot, Bilb Higg- ins; 3-legged race: Grace Paulin and Nancy Newton, David Caley and Bill Higgins. A prize for the youngest child at the picnie went to Wayne Draper, Mr. and Mrs. Millward supplied the ice cream for the Sunday School. Sandwiches, cookies, home-made cakes and drinks were served. . A vote of thanks was extended by Grace Paulin on behalf of the children, to the leaders ant especially Mrs, Caley r for her' very fine. sports program, The Junior W. A, .will not be in session on Tuesday until September, as this is the holiday period, Youmans Strachan—Married at lje the home of the bride, on June 23rd., by Rev. A, C. Wishart, B.A.. Mr, A, = ' P. Youmans of Toronto, to Miss lsa- —I I I belle, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Strachan, Jamestown. • Davidson - Roos—Married in the Presbyterian Church, St. George, on ,Wednesday„ Miss Florence, daughter — of Mr. and Mrs, Ed, Roos, of St. • George. to Mr. Walter Davidson, of ill Regina, son of Mrs. Gavin Davidson of Wingliam, by the Rev. D. H, Mar- = • shall, Funson - Fair—A happy event took LT-. place at Purple Grove, Pine River, on i Wednesday, of last week, when Miss Lillian Fair, cousin of Mr. and Mrs. J, Moffat of Turnberry, was joined = in wedlock with Mr. Frank Funson of Pine River, by the Rev. ,Mr. Pat- II terson of BePvie. Greer-Skink—Mr. and Mrs. Samuel j Skink of Winnipeg, announce the marriage of their daughter, Miss — Olive Gertrude, to Mr, Norman Percy P. Greer, (former well-known resident a of Wingham) on Wednesday, June 23, Johnston - Joynt—A pretty June i wedding was solemnized on Wednes- day, June 23rd., at the residence of Reeve and —Mrs. Joynt, Ross St., • N N I I N U U U U U U 1111 • N U N N U N U U N U N • U % .11111111111111111111111111111111111111311111111•11111111111111111112111111111111111111N111111111111111121111111a FIFTEEN YEARS AGO week-end in Sudbury. Among those Stapleton - Chandler—The rnarri_ who attendea the camp meeting at age of Mary Matilda, daughter of Mr. Demmerton on Sunday were Mr. and and Mrs. Wm. Levi Chandler of Mrs. G. A. Dawson and Mr. A. Sip- Turnberry.pel. Mrs. Thos. Nash spent the week- ton, son to Arthur f M r. r. Jas. W Stapletonad Wade Staple- a end in Toronto, the late Mrs. Stapleton of Turnberry, was solemnized by the Rev. K. Mac- Lean, at the Presbyterian Manse, on Monday, June 18th. "Retreat" Held at Kintail—Largely attended by clergy, members of the session and managers. the annual re- treat of Maitland Presbytery, Pres- byterian Church in Canada, was held nesday, June 18th, when their young- at the Church's permanent campsite est daughter, Margaret Lavina, was united in marriage to Lieut. R. George Scott, D.D.S., second son of Mr. and J Mrs. Robert J. Scott, of Port Elgin. .by the Rev. Mr, McTaggart. 12th Con. Howick—Mr. and Mrs. Tom Vittie visited the latter's mother near Molesworth recently. Mr. and Mrs. Percy Coupland are visitors at Kitchener. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Woods entertained a car load of friends on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Zur- brigg from near Harriston, visited at the home of Clare Pritchard on Sun- day. fat Kintail on Wednesday afternoon of last week with the following present from Wingham: Rev, K. MacLean, Mr. John Gray. Mr. A. E. Hammond, Mr. and Mrs. A, E. Lloyd, Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Lloyd, Mr. and Mrs, J. Pugh, Mr. and Mrs. J. E Homuth, and Mr. and Mrs. H. F. McGee. Gorrie—Mr. and Mrs. J. Robinson and son, also Mrs. Harvey Sparling. spent last Thursday in Guelph. Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Walker and son, spent the week-end at Coldwater. I Mr, and Mrs. R. H. Carson, also Mr. and Mrs. F. C. Taylor, spent the N U U • U U U U U U U SALAD DRESSING 45c KAM - ICE CREAM BRICKS 25c Miracle Whip 16 oz. jar York Brand BOLOGNA Kraft 8 oz. jar FRENCH DRESSING 26c Red Front Grocery Our Number has been changed to 590 Do-More SOAP Powder WHILE IT LASTS—Reg. Price 32c SALE 2 pkgs. 29c Notice — Phone 5 9 0 IN ORDER TO HAVE BOTH TELE- PHONES ON SAME SWITCHBOARD Our Prices Are Lower We Keep Down the Upkeep BISSETS It takes years for a man out of her minutes for another fool out of him. Rheumatic, Arthritic Sufferers! McKitttoons PHONE WiNGHAM 12 oz. tin •—,1 C SALE I 3 ON OO OR MONEY BACK a mother to make son, and twenty woman to make a 12 oz. tin 35c OBITUARY Mrs, Min Lake On Saturday, June 18th, at the home of her daughter, Mrs. A. Henry of Ethel, death came quietly to Mrs. Laura M, Lake, wife of 'the late John Lake, in her 87th year./ Mrs. Lake was born in Morris town- ship and moved to Grey Township 55 years ago, where they farmed until retiring to Brussels twenty-five years ago. There leaves to mourn her loss, three sons, Charles of Brussels; Milton of Elora and Bert ofthe 12th con. of Elma Township, and two daughters, Olive, Mrs. A, Henry, Ethel; (Emma) Mrs. Lyle Hopper, Belgrave and one brother, Henry Bosman of Morris Township; three sisters, Mrs. Sarah Maguire, Wingham; Mrs. L. Pepper, Vancouver, B.C., and Mrs, Martha Leishman of Liberty, Saskatchewan; 10 grandchildren and 10 great grand- children, Funeral service was held on Mon- day; June 20th, from her late residence, Queen Street, Brussels, at 2 p.m., ser- vice conducted by her pastor, Rev. Hugh Wilson. Pallbearers were six grandsons, Tom Garniss, Lloyd Alcock, Elwood McTaggart, Stanley Hopper, Jack Lake and Angus Matheson. Flower Lucknow, when their daughter, Mam- bearers, were five granddaughters, ie, was given away by marriage to Nora McTaggart, Laura Alcock, Mur- Mr. Robert Johnston, of the same iel Garniss, Jean Hopper arid Lillian town. Rev. Mr. Harris of Amherst- Lake. Interment was in Brussels.ceme- burg, officiated, assisted by the Rev. tery. Mr. Ford of Lucknow. TWENTY-FIVE YEARS AGO Wingham Defeats I3ayfield—A splendid game of baseball was play- ed in Wingham on Wednesday, when the local team defeated Bayfield nine by a score of 4 to 8. Wingham line- 'up: McLean Johnstone and "Net" Morden, c; Gordon Irwin, p; Walton 1 McKihbon lb; G. L. Brackenbury 2b; Dr. Geo. Howson ss; "Net" Morden and Gordon Cruick'shank 3b; H, Wal- ker rf; Gordon Cruickshank and Ar- thur Irwin, cf; Harold Mitchell lf; In the third innings' Johnstone was call- ed to Lucknow by a drowning acci- dent. and Morden went in to catch. Cruickshanks to third and Irwin to centre field. Norman Geddes was plate umpire and Frank MacLean was base umpire Rush - Burritt—A wedding of in- terest to many Wingham citizens was solemniled in Chalmers Presbyterian Church, Toronto, on Friday. June 20. when Ruth O'Connor Burritt, daugh- ter of Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Burritt, became the bride of Mr. J. Nelson Rush, formerly of Wingham. Rev. Stanley Owens officiated. Scott - Bowman—The home of Mr. Jas. Bowman, ex-M. P.. for North Huron and Mrs: Bowman, 131 Nor- thcliffe Boulevard. Toronto, was the scene of a pretty wedding on Wed-