HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1949-06-29, Page 4VA cents a word per insertion, with a minimum charge of 25c. RANGES a n n n no table m $219.00 a▪ • aj Control, $83.00 a n a a. nuunammamammanummummusimmig GURNEY RANGE, deluxe, fully automatic time clock . . . 0 .$339.00 GURNEY RANGE, less. Clock $279.00 SMALL RANGE, 4-element plate, space RANGETTES CANADIAN BEAUTY with Oven AMCO HEAVY DUTY, 220 volt ... $84.50 Choice of HOTPLATES IVORY ENAMEL, large and small plates ....$8.45 BLUE GRANITE, 2 large plates $8.95. IVORY ENAMEL, 2 small plates $5.95 McGill Radio Service TELEPHONE 380 WINGHAM 5.79edz-,eof..ae4 STORE NAME The 10// Parker The beautiful new Parker "51" is a scientific triumph! New, fast, simple filling mechanism. New ink-level. win- doss. New "Aero- metric" control pre- vents leaking. Come in and try it today! 14 NEW ADVANCES CHOICE OF 4 COLOURS Pens 114.50 and 51730 Sets 121,50 and $26.50 9D-1 Here's To a Safe And Sane Holiday Vacationists can do much to assure themselves accident-free and disease- free holidays this summer. the Health League of Canada states in its annual vacation-time message to citizens of the Dominion and tourists from the United States. The Health League lists as impor- tant reminders, the following "safe and sane" vacation hints, If you are a non-swimmer avoid! deep water and stay out of a canoe! No one should go in the water im- mediately after eating! Learn about artificial respiration, you may save somebody's life. Make sure your vacation milk sup- ply is pastuerized, if the commercial! product is not available, pasteurize it yourself! Home pasteurization infor- mation may be obtained from the Health League of Canada, 111 Avenue Road. Toronto, Ontario. Be sure your water supply is pure! Take the sun in easy doses, sunburn is a real burn! Learn what poison ivy looks like, then avoid it! • Avoid over exertion. particularly if you are unaccustomed to strenuous exercise! In hot weather use more salt in your diet! Take precautions against possible food supply contamination by flies and rodents. I) FOR SALE—Giant 8 ,Cockshutt mo- wers, 1 power mower, also hayload- ers expected soon. See the 10 ft. self propelled Combine now on dis- play. For everything in farm mach- inery, see John Bumstead & Son, Victoria St., Wingham. LIVESTOCK FEEDING 01 L— Guaranteed Potency, 1200 units vitamin "A" & 200 units vitamin D3 (poultry) in each Gram. New low price $3.75 per gallon, with your own container, $3.60. Kerr's Drug Store, Wingham, Ontario. NOTICE—The Gorrie Welding Shop will be closed during July and Aug- ust, Geo. Brown, Prop. PERSONALITY BEAUTY SHOP specializes in all types of Perman- ents, Machine, Machineless and Cold, also Shampooing, Finger Wav- ing and Ogilvie. Sisters Scalp Treat- ments. 'Phone 33 for appointment. PERSONAL—Skinny Men, Women, Gain 5 to 15 lbs. New pep, too. Try famous Ostrex Tonic Tablets for double results; new, healthy flesh, new vigor, New "get acquainted" size only 60c. All druggists. PROTESTANT TEACHERS want- ed, by the Turnberry School Area Board. Please state qualifications, if any and salary expected. Applica- tions to 'he in by July 1st. Alex Corrigan. Sec.-Treas. SEWING MACHINE REPAIRS— All makes, Parts, Belts, Needles, Machines Electri fied. Have your treadle machine converted into a portable electric. Apply Stainton Hardware... STRAIGHT FROM THE SHOW- room, is how your ear will look if you give,it a dry-clean with "TAR-N OFF".aimjile, easy, to use, 16 oz. tin 60c; 86 oz, tin, $1.00. Merkley Motors, I4ank Caskinette, Bert Armstrong, Ed, Nash, STARTED CHICKS, 2 WEEK-OLD Non-sexed Barred Rocks, Light Sussex X New Hampshires, White Rocks, 21.95; New Hampshires 21.45; Light Sussex 22.95, Assorted Heavies 20.45; Pullets; Barred Rocks, Light Sussex X, New Hamp- shires 30.95, White Rocks, Light Sussex 32.95, Assorted Heavies, 29.95, Cockerels: Barred Rocks, Light Sussex X New Hampshires, New Hampshires, Light Sussex 20.95, White Rocks, 22.95; Assorted Heavies 20.75, Three week-old add 5c per Chick. Also other Breeds. Day olds, 12 pure Breeds and 13 Cross Breeds, Non-Sexed, Pullets and Heavy Cockerels. Prompt Del- ivery, Turkey Poults. Older Pullets eight weeks to laying. Tweddle Chick Hatcheries Limited. Fergus, Ontario, WANTED Girl's Bicycle in good condition. Phone 610W12. WANTED—Practical Nurse for con- valescent lady, must be able to ad- minsiter hypodermic. Apply Box M.R. Huron County .Public Health Unit Applications will be received by the undersigned for the position of an ex- perienced Stenographer at a salary of $1800.00 p@i• year. Duties to commence July 4th. A personal interview will be necessary. N. W. Miller, Clerk, County of Huron. Goderich, Ontario. Notice To Contractors Tenders will be received by the Township of Morris for the contract of digging and repairing, laying tile and backfilling the Turvey and Mc- Donald drains, Work to be done un- der the supervision of the Engineer in charge. Tenders must be in by 3 p.m., July 4th. 1949. Plans and specifica- tions may be seen at the Clerk's Of- fice. Lowest or any tender not neces- sarily accepted. Geo. C. Martin, R. R. 4, Brussels. Tenders will be received until July 1st., for the painting of No. 3 interior and exterior; and No. 5 interior; also for shingling No. 3 and one side of No. 2 in Turnberry School Area. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. For further information contact Mr, A. D. Smith (chairman). Alex Corrigan, Sec.-Treas. AUCTION SALE . OF CHURCH PROPERTY Known as Ebenezer United Church, 2% miles South of BLUEVALE On the 2nd. Concession of Morris Twp., at 2 p.m., D. S. T., on SATURDAY, JULY 2nd., 1949 Brick Veneer Church, 26'x47' con- taining 25 pine pews, closed Shed, 66' x50', Small Woodshed, Settee and 2 Chairs, Quantity of Linoleum, Organ, Table, Pulpit, Cupboard, Stove and Pipes, 3 Double Lamps (Gasoline); 2 Linen Tablecloths, 3 Tables 12'x13', 14 Chairs, Bookcase, Railing. Terms - Cash M, Mathers, Sec.-Treas Trustee Board Wellington Henderson, Auctioneer, Lucknow, NOTICE TO CREDITORS All persons having claims against the estate of Fanny Longley, late of the Village of Gorrie, in the County of Huron, Spinster, who died on or about the twenty-fourth day of April, A.D., 1949, are notified to send to the undersigned on or before the sixteenth day of July, A.D., 1949, full particul- ars of their claims in writing. Immed- iately after the said sixteenth day of July the assets of the said testatrix will be distributed amongst the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to claims which the executor shall then have notice. DATED this twenty-third day of June, A.D., 1949. CRAWFORD &HETHERINGTON Wingham, Ontario. Solicitors for the executor. BIRTHS BEGG—At St, Joseph's Hospital, Guelph, on Friday, June 24th, to Mr. and Mrs. Norman Begg, (nee Edna Jenkins) a son—Yanon CARTER—In Wingham General Hospital, on Tuesday, June 21st, to Mr. and Mrs. Geo, Carter, R.R. 5, Wingham, a son. DeVRIES—In Wingham General Hospital on Saturday, June 25th, to Capt. and Mrs. H. dcVries, a son, David Henry. DOBSON—In Wingham General Hospital, on Friday, June 24th, to Mr. and Mrs. Roy Dobson, R. R. 1, Formosa, a son. EADIE—In Wingham General Hos- pital on Tuesday, June 21, to Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Eadie, R. R. 3, Haslyrood, a son. MARTIN—In Wingham General Hospital, on Tuesday, June 28th, to Mr. and Mrs, Howard Martin, R. R. 3, Lucknow, a daughter. RITCHIE—In Wingham General Hospital, on Sunday, June 26th, to Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Ritchie, R. R. 3, Wingham, a son. WILLIAMS—In Victoria Hospital. London, on Wednesday. June 22, to Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Williams, of London, nee Irene Robinson, a daughter, Lynne Margaret. WEDDINGS P pi i tfl i' ill .......... NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE MATTER OF THE ES-Tkrn of WILLIAM ANTHONY MINES, late of the Village of Wrox- eter, in time County of Huron, Retired her will reside ill Wingham, Guests attended front Toronto, Han- over and Lucknow. Marshall . Cook The Westfield United Church was SPECIAL! SALT WATER TAFFY lb. box 49c SHERBONDY 'S COFFEE SHOP Next to Lyceum Theatre a French crepe gown with panama straw hat and navy accessories. Her corsage was of Talisman roses. Mrs. Barrett, mother of the groom, chose a navy sheer ensemble with navy milan straw hat and white accessories and. a corsage of red roses. For a 'wedding trip to New York-. State, the bride donned a blue and .white polka dot dress with gathered full skirt with navy and white acces- sories. Mr. and Mrs. Barrett will re- side in Milton. PAGE FOUR.' THE WINGHAM ADVANCE-TIMr,9 Wednesday, June 29, 1949 IWO I Farmer, deceased, TAKE NOTICE that creditors and others having claims against the estate 01 the said William Anthony Mines, deceased, are required to file ,their claims duly verified with the under- signed on or before the sixteenth day of July, A,D., 1949, and that after the said date the Executors will. distribute the estate having regard only to t he claims of which they shall then have notice. DATED this twenty-seventh day of June, A,D., 1949, A. H. MacTavish, Teeswater, Ontario. Solicitor for the Administrator, gliummitinimituomnimilmour The bride, given in marriage by her 14 Plastic Wall Tile ! father, was charming in a floor length 0 dress of white slipper satin with fitted 0- bodice and net yoke, with an mu- ll For skirt ending in a train t r i m- -12 Kitchen and Bathroom ; med with Italian lace and pearls. She • • wore a veil with train of French Illus-_ ion and beaded tiara of pearls and rhinestones and carried a cascade of red roses. Her only ornament was a M string of pearls, the gift of the groom? Mrs, S. J. Walker of Wingham, cousin wearing a floor length of the bride, was matrong oownf ofhovnooalcir, h taffeta with fitted bodice, full skirt and puff sleeves. She also wore a white tiara, lace gloves and carried a bouquet of peach roses, Miss Lorna Buchanan also a cousin of the bride, and Miss Jean Renton, niece of the groom, were bridesmaids, gowned in yellow taffeta and pale green taffeta, 'designed along similiar lines as that of the matron of honour. They wore matching braided head bands and lace gloves, and carried bouquets of yellow roses, The groomsman was George Crowe, of Toronto, and the ushers were Jack Cook, brother of the bride and Edward Bailey of Wingham. Following the ceremony the recep- tion was held at the home of the brid- e's parents, where Mrs. Cook received in a waltz blue crepe dress with navy and white accessories, .her corsage was pink carnations. She was assisted by Mrs. Marshall, mother of the groom, in a black and white check jer- FOR SALE—Renfrew Cook Stove, with warming closet and reservoir, Harvey Taylor. Minnie St., Phone 446J. FOR SALE—Two screen doors. Call 308R, Wingham. FOR SALE-1 two-year-old heifer, T.B. tested. Phone 703J1, Thos. C. Dunkin, Glenaunan. FOR SALE-10 acres of hay, Alfalfa and Timothy. Mitch Haven Poul- try Farm, Wroxeter, FOR SALE—Complete demonstrator set of waterless .Aluminum Cook- ware. Excellent shape, Reasonable. Phone 519. FOR SALE-10 young pigs. Apply Harry Bateman, Phone 737W3. FOR SALE—Extra good 40x60 barn with extra material, 1 low steel tire farm wagon with flat rack, 1 mower in good condition. Apply Hugh Rion, Belgrave. FOR SALE—Beatty Hay Fork, swing car 160 ft, hay fork rope, trip rope and 2 pulleys. J, W. Leggatt, Phone 747W2. FOR SALE-1949 Meteor Sedan, in new car condition. Phone 92, Wing- ham. FOR SALE-6 roomed frame house, ideal location. All conveniences, in gs.sal condition, large lot,reasonable price. Apply Elmer Put Ion, Frances St. FOR SALE-12 weanling pigs, jas, H. Currie, Phone 719W3. FOR SALE-4 burner "New Perfec- tion Coal Oil Stove with high shelf and 2 burner oven in good condition. Lloyd Hingston, Phone 258J. FOR SALE—Best cash offer for 1930 Pontiac . Must sell this week. Phone 411. FOR SALE—Kitchen stove, suitable for wood. Reasonable, 9 piece dining room suite in good condition. Phone 413W. FOR SALE-1937 Dodge Sedan, 5 good tires, low mileage and priced reasonably. Phone Wroxeter 11r14. FOR SALE-12 Yorkshire Chunks, 10 weeks old. Apply A. R. Sacre, R. R. 5, Brussels. FOR SALE—Massey-Harris Binder, nearly new. Apply Thos. Shearer, Wroxeter. FOR SALE—The following new Cockshutt machinery, two hayload- ers, two 8A mowers, two rubber tired wagons, two No. 30 Tractors, four narrow bottom tractor ploughs. Also the following used machinery, A. C. Tractor, M.H., Mower, Cock- shutt tractor plough 1 H,C., ensilage cutter, M. H. disc plough. J. Bum- stead & Son, Wingham. • a 1 7 ,12z- 1171 ------_: - rool - .4, i = .0, 'Va.- *•• ...4 1 .11111.- ▪ 4C.14 i RUBBER and i Mastic Tile Flooring i for Homes, Offices and :4 = ------.„ Stores. CUSTOM BUILT il i Kitchen CABINETS -_-! iESTIMATES FREE i i Ag ent for i i ARBORITE WALLBOARD i Plastic Finish : '52 Norman Rintoul 1-1 i 'Phone 251 Wingham i AIIIIIIIIIIIIRMINIIVAIMISIIIIIMIlni Notice To Contractors Tenders will be received by the Township of Morris for the contract of cleaning and repairing the McCall Drain. Work to be done under the accepted. Geo. C. Martin, R. R. 4, Brussels. Tenders For Wiring Tenders will be received until July 1st., for the wiring of No. 2 and No. 9 schools in Turnberry School Area. Lowest or any tender not necessarily Tenders For Painting and Shingling Paint your rooniso Use them the same day. One coat of ‘,‘Fresconette" covers wallpaper, plaster and lcalso- mine with a wash- able satin Punish. Howard Mahan sey with' white accessories and cor- sage of pink carnations. For travelling the bride chose a paddy green crepe dress with navy coat and accessories. On their return front Manitoulin and other points, Mr, and Mrs. Marshall will reside in Wingham. Guests were present from Belgrave, Blyth, Orillia, Auburn, Tor- onto, Ballagh and Wingham, Bennett - Merkley A pretty wedding took place on Wednesday, afternoon, June 15th, at the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Merkley, Wroxeter, when their daughter, Pauline Victoria, became the bride of Mr. Ronald Rae Bennett, son of Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Bennett, Walton. Rev. R. G. Hazel- wood performed the ceremony and was assisted by the Rev. U. E. Cron- hielin of Wroxeter. The cermony took place on the lawn where a beautifully arranged arch of evergreens and peon- ies with ribbons and bells cascading down each side, was the settingfor the marriage of this popular young couple. The bride, who was given in marriage by her father, was tastefully gowned in brocaded petit point satin, floor- length with a headdress crown effect, and finger-tip veil. Her flowers were red roses. Miss Shirley Bennett, sister of the groom, was smartly gowned in pale pink brocaded satin, sweetheart head- dress with mittens to match her gown and carried a cascade of pink roses. Mr. Harley Merkley of Wroxeter, brother of the bride, was best man, and Ernie Merkley of Wingham, es- corted the guests from the house to the lawn. Little Sharon !Merkley, sister of the bride, made a charming flower girl in pale gieen organdy and carried a nosegay of pink roses. The groom's gift to the bride was a silver tea ser- vice, to the bridesmaid, a compact, to the flower girl a locket and to the best man a lighter. A reception was held at the home following the ceremony when the bride's mother received in a steel grey ensemble with navy blue accessories and a corsage of red roses, The groom's mother chose a pink printed mesh dress with grey accessories and with red and white carnations. Those serving lunch were Doreen Long and Madelene Ryan of Brussels and Barbara Templeman of Wing- ham. Their gifts were cups and sauc- ers. Mr. and Mrs. Bennett left on a trip to Northern Ontario and on their re- turn will reside hi Walton. Guests were present front London, Seaforth, Brussels, Wingham, Belmore, Van- couver and. Wroxeter, Bremner - Shaw Rose peonies, syringa and ferns formed a lovely setting in Knox Pres- byterian Church, Bluevale, on Satur- day, June 25th, at 2.30 o'clock, for the marriage of Francis Mary, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Shaw of Blue- vale and Mr. William Clare Bremner, son of Mr. amid Mrs, James Bremner of Ethel. Rev. Leland C. Jorgensen per- formed the double ring ceremony. The bride was charming in a gown of white duchess satin with train, lace sleeves and deep yoke buttoned from the neck. She wore a veil of embroider- ed silk net and carried deep red roses. Her bridesmaids were her twin sister. Miss Nora Shaw, dressed in lime green taffeta silk with full skirt 4.orming a train, a headdress of the same shade and material and carried pink roses and Miss Mary Lou McFarlane of Brussels, wearing orchid taffeta in similar style with matching headdress, and carried yellow roses. Dorothy Shaw, cousin of the bride made a win- some flower girl wearing a pale yellow taffeta dress with a headdress of flow- ers. She carried a dainty basket of pansies. Mr. Barry Bremner of Ethel, was best man for his brother. The wedding ,music was played by Mrs. :Leland C, Jorgensen and during the signing of the register, Mr, Bob Cunningham sang "Because." The ushers were Mr. Charley Shaw, broth- er of the bride and Mr, Delmer Dils- worth. cousin of the groom. Following the ceremony a reception was held at the home of the bride's parents, when about thirty geusts Barrett - Forbes Peonies in summer pastel shades arranged with green fern banked the altaf• of St. James (Westminster) Anglican Church, London, on Wed- nesday, June 22nd., for the wedding of Mary. 'daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Forbes of London, formerly of Wingham, to Charles 'Victor Bar- rett, son of ‘fr. and Mrs. E. E. Bar- rett, London. Rev. H. E. Merrifield officiated and George Chubb presided at the organ. The soloist, Bill Mc- Rae sang "The Lord's Prayer" and "Because." • The bride, given in marriage by her father, was lovely in a gown of white slipper satin with scalloped neckline enhancing - the fitted bodice. The gathered skirt fell in graceful fullness. Her veil of French illusion, extending to a train,, was held with a white satin cap with scalloped edge. Sloe carried a, white prayer book from which fell streamers of pink roses and stephanotis,. Miss Helen Ann Forbes, was her sister's only attendant, wearing an orchid taffeta gown styled like the bride's with a wide brimmed biscuit picture hat trimmed with veiling and 'purple flowers. She carried a colon- ial bouquet of mauve sweet peas and yellow rosebuds, Harold Fletcher was groomsman, and the ushers were Peter Neely and Richard Hartley. Receiving the guests at Llyn Lodge after the ceremony, Mrs. Forbes wore FOR SALE—Sewing Machines, Sin- ger, Electric portable treadles, new and used, guaranteed motors. Re- ' pairs and button hole attachments. Write your Singer Service Rep., Box 473, Wingham. ! 1111.P1r-' supervision of the Engineer in charge. Templeman - Bennett Tenders must be in by 2.30 p.m., July 4th, 1949. Plans and specifications Walker - Bennett may be seen at the Clerk's office. Beautiful summer flowers before the Lowest or any tenders not necessarily altar of Wingham United Church was the attractive setting on Saturday at the scene of a lovely double ring cere- high noon for the double wedding o f mony on Saturday, June 25th, at 2.30 the daughters of Mr. and Mrs. Carl p.m., when Violet Gwendolyn, only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Stanley M. Bennett of Wingham, when Mabel Margaret, older daughter, became the Cook, was united in marriage with bride of Freddie A. Templeman, son Bruce Isaacs Marshall, son of Mrs. of Mr. and Mrs. Fred A. Templeman Melvin Marshall and the late Mr. 'of Wingliam, and Iona Dorothy IGert- Marshall of Orillia, rude, became the bride of Allen F. Pink and white peonies ,and roses accepted. Plans and Specifications Walker, son of Mr. and Mrs. E. E. and ferns were arranged as a back- FOR SALE-30 cord of 12" dry may be seen at Bluevale Post Office. Walker, Wingham. Rev. W. A. Bee- ground for the ceremony at which FOR SALE—Coleman Oil Heater, Sec.-Treas. Elaine Walsh presided at the organ Mrs. Emerson Rodger, who sang, Vilood Range, with reservoir and IN MEMORIAM wearing heavenly blue crepe with BI NETT—In loving memory of our dear mother, Bertha Elizabeth Ben- black and pink accessories and a cor- nett, who passed away, July 2lids sage of Better Time roses, Assisting, 1948, Mrs. F. Templeman chose light brown "Loving and kind in all her ways, crepe, white accessories and a corsage of yellow roses and Mrs. E. Walker was dressed in pink with black acces- sories and yellow roses. Fora. wedding trip to points East, Mabel donned a navy gabardine suit with navy and white accessories and -a corsage of red roses. Irma ch`ose grey gabardine with black and pink accessories. ; any way during her recent illness in On their return ilTr, and Mrs. Tent- Wingham General Hospital. , „. Oman and Mr, and Mrs, A, F, Wal- Upright and just to the end of her days, Sincere and true in her heart and mind, Beautiful memories she left behind." --Sadly missed by her family. • Mrs, Andrew Kirk wishes to thank all who so kindly remembered her in CARD OF THANKS sk.ameo*i wood. Phone 20r11, Wroxeter. Alex Corrigan, Rev. A. G. Hewitt officiated. Miss practically new, McClary Cook and and also accompanied the soloist, waterfront. Apply Eleanore McLean. "I'll walk beside you and "Because." croft officiated with. Mrs. W. W. Cur- rie at the organ playing traditional wedding music. Mrs. A. 3. Lockridge. soloist, sang "The Lord's Prayer" and "Because." The lovely brides given in marriage ;by their father and uncle, Mr. Wilbert 'Procter of Brussels, respectively, were 'gowned alike in white slipper satin with nylon yoke with bertha fold and long pointed sleeves. A double bertha fold at the hipline ended in a butterfly !bustle. Each carried a shower of red roses. The maids of honour, Norma Rit- chic( and Pat Wild, both of Wingham, (wore taffeta gowns of mauve and tur- quoise respectively, fashioned similarly with bertha fold forming sleeves. The :skirts were full and gathered with bustle effect at back. Long fingerless !gloves, quaker poke bonnetts and 'bouquets of white gladioli completed their costumes. Their junior brides- maids, Gail Cavin of Wingham, and Linnetta Bennett, younger sister of the brides, were gowned in yellow taffeta land carried nosegays. I Mr. Bill Templeman and Mr. Elmer ,Walker, brothers of the grooms were !groomsmen and the ushers were Glen iBennett, brother of the brides and ,Clarence Ohm, both of Wingham, and Roy Walker of Hanover. Following the ceremony a reception was held in the church parlour, when the brides' mother received her guests David Crompton JEWELLER Certified Watchmaker Gifts For All Occasions WINGHAM PHONE 59 the during the register. Signing of a were received by the bride's mother, wearing a navy and white costume with white accessories, Mrs. Bremner, mother of the groom received along with her wearing a gown of dusty rose with black accessories, Both lad- ies wore a corsage of red roses. Four girl friends of the bride served the guests, Mrs. Bill Coleman, Miss Doro- thy Armstrong, Miss Marie Storey and Miss Isobel Spiers, all of Brussels. Mr. Jorgensen proposed a toast to the bride to which the bridegroom responded. The groom's gift to the bride was` a silver tea service, to the bridesmaids, engraved gold compacts and to the watiresses silver candy dish- es. Later in the afternoon the bridal couple left -for London and other points, for travelling the bride wore a yellow dress with white accessories and a black top coat. On their return they will live on the groom's farm at Ethel. Guests from a distance attending the wedding included the groom's grand- mother, Mrs. Ham of Toronto, Mics Isobel Skinner and Mr. Orville Allen of London. 4 Pryce - Bannell A quiet wedding took place at the Presbyterian Manse, Brantford, on Saturday, June 18th, when Rev. Dean Johnson, united in marriage. Miss Louie Bannell of Salisbury. Eng- land and A. J. Pryce of London, Ont., and formerly of Winghani. They were attended by Mrs. Albert Horne and Mr. Fred Horne of Mount Pleasant. ..... • , 1 ..... Immediate Delivery of Ford Tractors COME IN TO HURON MOTORS,' YOUR FORD TRACTOR DEALER FOR — FORD TRACTORS PLOUGHS - CULTIVATORS - BUCK-RAKES REAR-MOUNTED MOWERS Above Equipment suitable for mounting on FORD and FORD-FERGUSON TRACTORS HURON MOTORS 'Phone 237 A. D. MacWilliam Wingham • el I