HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1949-06-29, Page 2can do! It can be used for BUILDING—There's a Mason- ite Presdwood for both interi- or and exterior finish. MODERNIZING — Perfect for every room in the house, bath and kitchen included. Good for shops and stores, too. Making Cabinets, Cupboards, bookcases You'll find it at The Beaver Lumber Co. Stop in this week.. Beautify Your Windows ALL COLOURS Plain and Striped Material FREE ESTIMATES 10 DAYS DELIVERY VENETIAN BLINDS DRAPERY SLIP COVERS Occasional Furniture LAMPS RUGS C. C. McKIBBON Telephone 475 TAXI DAY or NIGHT Phone 65 JIM CAMERON All Passengers Insured Spray - Crete Stucco applied by Air Pressure, Your old Brick or Block Home can also be Resurfaced and Waterproofed in color. SPRAY-CRETE it Not a Paint CALL— Stainton Hardware for information, 'Phone 80 Spray-Crete Waterproofing Company of Canada 1772 Durham Place Windsor F; ,tl ito r FrlrfflWYl m A$1 ON OA Oil tit Ito It ., n.gban Advance-Times 25th wcrldir. anniversary, on Sattar- tor the Dane Reunion and spent the , 4 Published at, c lay ex ening. 'wee'. end at the home of Mr. and Mrs. WINGHAM. - ONTARIO Mr. and Mrs. Archie Sou and. eNoonan Dane. Edith, also Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Miss Nellie Longley spent a few Member Audit Bureau Ili Circulation c I"tial%in,, w e r , •;it 1,,tise Huron Va days with friemls on the 11. Line, W. B. MeCool, Editor and Publisher • sun day, Mr. and Mrs. I Itr,ld 1 ly mis I low lek. 0 Authorized as Scoond class Mau • man and children avert, at lik,:rna.,sa , Mr. and Mrs. Harold Errington, Post Office Department Park. I Dungannon, visited on Sunday at the Eabacription Rate — Otte year $2,00 Mr. Ja.,. Lou ley and datt4ter, :home of Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Grainger. Miss Frances of Toronto ' are Yisiting ; Mr. Geo. Dane sr., and Miss Mar- the former's sister, Miss Nellie Longs ;naret Dane, visited friends in Kincar- ley. ;dine last week. , Mrs. Anson Galbraith is spending ; Mrs. Anson Thornton 'was a recent some time with her sister, Mrs. Bert ;visitor with her daughter, Mrs, Chas. 'Abel at Listowel, following several Lake and Mr. Lake, Ethel. weeks illness in the Wunghtun Hospi- " Mr. and Mrs. John Kahle and Keith, GORR1E tai. .of Brooklin, were week-end visitors Mr. and Mrs. Percy Copeland, of 'with the former's mother, Mrs. Pearl Rev. and Mrs, G. G. Howse were Wroxeter, called on Mr. and Mrs. jas. Kahle. in Toronto last week where they at- Shera on Sunday. I Mr. Harry McGregor of Windsor, tended the Howse-Dhunond wedding Mr. and Mrs, Elgin Fulton of is visiting with his sister, Mrs., Robert ira Toronto. Rev. M. Howse Stratford, spent the week-end with the Walker. officiating. Both bride and groom are latter's parents Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Mr. and Mrs. Emerson Downey relatives of Mr, and Mrs. Howse. Harrison, 1of Harriston, visited with Mr. and The bride is a daughter of Mrs. Diam- Mrs. Etta Day called. on Mrs, Thos. Mrs. Elmer Downey on Sunday. and and the late Mr. Diamond. Stewart and other friends in Harris- I Mr. and Mrs. E, J. Farrish and Mr. and Mrs. joint Cochrane, Mr. and Mrs. Don t ochrane of Paris, were week-end visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs, Wad Edgar. A number from this community at- tended a reception held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Watson Brown, of Malesworth, on the occasion of their Six Months $1.00 in advance To U.S.A. 2.50 per year 'Foreign Rate $3.00 per year Advertising rates on application Fresh Shipment of English Pipes made by BARLING $3.50 Haseigrove's SMOKE SHOP FERGUSON TRACTORS HUDSON CARS — Sales and Service — Telephone 84 Demonstration on Your Farm of Ferguson Tractor and 3-Furrow Plow Merkley Motors There is No Obligation Vol. — No, 41 ARRANGE FOR A DEMONSTRATION TODAY! ton on Saturday evening. 1Mrs. Geo, Adams, attended the Love- Mr. and Mrs. Win, Lynn attended Long wedding at Holstein on Satur- the Holland-Schaefer nuptials near day. Fordwich on Saturday. Miss Bunston ; Mr. and Mrs. Milton Smith of of Toronto, was a week-end visitor of Stouffville, spent the week-end with her sister, Mrs, Lynn, !Mr. and Mrs. K. Hastie. On Sunday Mr. and Mrs. D. W. Dane of Tor- they, accompanied by ;Mrs,Emma Has- onto, were in Listowel on Saturday tie and Mr. and Mrs. Ken Hastie vis- ited Mr. and Mrs. Thos, MacDonald, tat Molesworth, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest King and Mr, .and Mrs. Harry King spent the week- end in Toronto. I Mr. and Mrs. Don Ireland and fain- lily- of Teeswater, spent Sunday with !Mr. and Mrs. Harry Ferguson. 1 About fifty junior Farmers Club 'members spent Friday at the O,A.C.,. Guelph, and enjoyed a full day's pro- ,gram when winners from twenty !counties competed for prizes. / Mrs. Beatrice Clark, Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Hermiston and fam- ily from near Mount Forest, spent ;Sunday with Mr. and Mr's. E. H. !Strong. Mrs. George Auger returned to her home last week after spending over two weeks in the Wingham Hospital. Mrs. Francis Strong, Mr. Roy Strong, Mr. and Mrs': E. H. Strong attended the Strong Reunion in the Hanover Park on Saturday. On Tuesday evening Belgrave and Gorrie softball teams played in Gorrie; "the score was Belgrave 21, Gorrie 12. Mr. Lorne Walker. has purchased I the barn on the Harry Forgie farm in !Turnberry, and with volunteer help from neighbours and friends is having it moved to his farm to replace the ;barn destroyed by fire a few weeks !ago. Women's Institute I The Gorrie Women's Institute will ;hold their July meeting one week learlier, on Tuesday, July 5th, at 2,30 ;p.m., at the home of Mrs. Norman ;Gedcke, con. 2. It will take the form lof a picnic and leaders and Girls of ;the Junior Homemaking Clubs will be i n charge. Roll Call, "My Favorite Sport." A special invitation is extend- !ed to all the girls and women of the community. Everybody please bring lunch. Cars will leave Stephen's store at 2 p.m. Dane Reunion The Dane family held their first iReunion picnic in the Listowel Park on Saturday with a good attendance from Toronto, St. Thomas, Mount Forest, Listowel, Atwood, Wingham and Howl& township. Dinner and supper were served in the Park and a good program of sports enjoyed. Women's Association The June meeting of the W.A. was 'held at the home of Mrs. Geo. Brown, — S E E — Bennett & Casemore 'Phone 447 Wingham For Your BUILDING, CARPENTERING Repair Work Built-in CUPBOARDS Wingham Listowel, on Saturday, June 18th. Over 100 registered coming from De- troit, Forest, Toronto, Kitchener, tMil- verton, Brussels, Atwood, Listowel and Gorrie. Miss Joyce Jardine, Brussels, was the holder of the lucky ticket and was crowned "Queen of the Day." A min- ute of silence was observed in loving memory of Thos. J. Earl, Mrs. Robt. Cathers, Mrs. Robt. Earl and Russel Yeo._There were races for the younger members and ball games were enjoyed by the older members. After supper all returned home after spending a happy holiday together and all hope tomeet again next year in the Listowel Park on the 3rd. Saturday in June. llllll 1111111111A1 Atilt 11111111111111 tttttttttttt lllll 111111, t I llllll AL ss Count Off... just a few of the jobs Masonite lowismonnonsammenmeallallellar Vice-Pres.. Mrs. P. Ashton, psesiding. 'The theme for worship was "Handi- caps", The hymn Pass Me Not 0 Gentle .Saviour" was sung and Psalm 67 was read by Mrs. Maine. The story lof Fanny Crosby's life was read by Mrs. R. Ashton, Mrs. Wellington led 'in prayer. Quilt blocks were pieced and plans completed for the garden party, !packing of the bale and redecorating "some of the rooms in the parsonage. iA gift was given Mrs. Howse and ;she made a very suitable reply. The :hymn "I am Thine 0 Lord" was sung and Mrs. Ashton closed the ;meeting with prayer. Lunch was ser- -ved by the lunch committee assisted 'g by the hostess. Earl Reunion t The 17th annual reunion of the Earl :fancily was held in the Memorial Park, II -41- Ati MONUMENTS ; 1 11 iR Exceptionally Low Prices. o• Wm. Brownlie 11 Box 373 'Phone 450 = Alfred St. Wingham ti — A family plot should be graced with the shrine-like beauty of a monument which will be ever- lastingly a tribute to those at rest. We have many classic styles to suggest, and will work with you on custom designs. • U U U U I U `4111 Repairing Fi inscription s Sandblasting Memorials S years experience The latest in Portable Sandblast Equipment II- All Work Personally Executed 1111111111111111111i11111111111011111RilliA111015 BEAykki,yMBER WINGHAM - ONT. C. A. Loucks, Manager WARREN HOUSE FURNISHINGS 7/tArte 7eeeiattfte AND HIGHER WAGES HAVE GREATLY INCREASED OUR COSTS IN THE PAST five years the number of employees has doubled and our payroll has gone up from 20 million dollars to over 50 million dollars. Yet, up to now, despite rising costs on all sides there has been no increase in the basic telephone rates established 22 years ago. To meet unprecedented post-war demand for more telephones, our expansion and improvement of service have of necessity taken place in a period of rapidly rising costs. Most businesses have offset their higher costs by higher prices for their products. We have not yet done so. You can be sure we will keep on doing our best to provide you with adequate and constantly improving tele- phone service —and to provide it at the lowest rates con- sistent with a fair return to our investors and employees, THE BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY OF CANADA giumummunnummumniaminiunumn n n Vacation Needs • n TOOTH PASTE TOOTH BRUSHES SHAVING CREAMS RAZOR BLADES BATHING CAPS 'TOILET SOAPS KLEENEX THERMOS BOTTLES PICNIC JUGS WAX PAPER SUN GLASSES SUNTAN LOTIONS SUNTAN CREAMS FACE CREAMS HAIR SHAMPOOS , HAIR BRUSHES MANICURE NEEDS FIRST AID KITS Poison IVY LOTIONS Mosquito Repellants INSECT KILLERS Sunburn Remedies DEODORANTS DEPILATORIES a a n n n n a . • N n • • • • • • N • • n • n n I I n n n n If you are going away for the day, the week- end or your vacation, be sure you look after every need in advance. Here ig a list of items you might overlook. You'll find them all at our store at minimum prices. Cameras -- Kodaks - Films Baby Brownie ....$3.47 Kodak Duaflex . .$14.56 Brownie Six-20 ..$6.72 Kodak Six-20 ...$20.44 Brownie Six-16 . .$8.12 Kodak Six-16 ...$33.88 Printing and Developing Have your Pictures brought up to the (Larger Size 31/2 x51/4 ) at an additional cost of only ONE CENT PER PRINT. MIRROR TRUE PROCESSING. Compare the DIFFERENCE! DuBARRY Cosmetics Telephone 18 VITA-RAY Wingham U I n n • n n • • • • • • • • • • Kerr's Drug Store n • • • • rinnunimmunimummummumum. EASY DOES IT WHEN DRIVING! THOUSANDS of miles df fine, modern highways and roads leading to cities, resorts, innumerable beauty spots, make Motoring in Ontario a real joy—a holiday to remember! But there's something else you should remember toot Drive carefully! Take it easy! You'll see more of the wonderful scenery . be more relaxed . . and you'll assure a safe holiday for you and your fantly. Enjoy motoring on Ontario's fine highways—and when driving, remember "Easy does it!" LET'S MAKE THEM WANT TO COME BACKI 1 • In Ontario we have a holiday paradise . . . let's do all WO can to encourage visitors from across the border. Published in support of the tourist busi- ness by Joint Labatt Limited. PAGE TWO THE WINGHAM ADVANCE-TIMES. Wednesday, June 29, 1949 MM. Farewell Service A large congregation attended Rev. G. Howse's farewell on Sunday • morningr in the United Church. He chose as his text, Luke 18-18, In his remarks he emphasized that in many countries there is a definite war going on to destroy the Christian faith and most of the world is a living echo of .the Lord's cry, "When the Son of Man Cometh shall He find faith on the 'Earth." Three new members, Mrs. John Campbell, of Centennial Church, London, and Mr, and Mrs. Earl Baker of Fordwieh, were welcomed and re- ceived into the fellowship of the church. Rev, Howse's new charge is at Alvinston, iu Lambton county, Rev. J. W. Watt of Whiteehurch, will have charge of the service on Sunday nett, BELGRAVE Women's Institute The regular meeting of the Bel- grave Women's Institute was held at the home of Mrs. C. H. Wade, with Mrs, Wade and Mrs. Wellings as conveners. Mrs. Stewart Procter the president, was in the chair and open- ed the meeting with the opening ode and the Lord's Prayer, Mrs. Kenneth Wheeler read the minutes and the correspondence. A collection of white cotton to be Used for dressing for the Cancer Soc- iety was asked for at this meeting. A letter was read from Mrs. Fulcher, the president, giving the qualities of an Institute member. Other correspond- ence included a letter from Miss Dick about a 9 months course in nursing for girls, a visit to Guelph, the Home Crafts Association and Mr. Neil of Gorrie. The annual memorial service will be held in Brandon cemetery on July 3rd. in the evening. Five dollars was donated to the Salvation Army. Mrs. S. Procter was elected for nomi- nation to the trustee board of the Athletic Association, It was decided to have the short course 'Oven Meals' late in October. Mrs. Earl Anderson gave a report of the convention held at St. Helens. Mrs. W. J, Moores and Mrs. J. C. Procter sang a duet "Sleep Kentucky Babe" with Mrs. Wade at the piano. Mrs. 'W. G. Cruickshank conducted a series of quizzes, Do you really see, Sizes and Appetites Annonymous. The roll call was answered by one thing a good hostess would do. ;Mrs. Edgar Wightman was the guest speaker. She spoke on Table Etiqu- ette. Mrs. Vannan and Mrs. Wellings gave a demonstration and talk on setting a well appointed table. Mrs. C. R. Coultes, citizenship convener, reminded the ladies to use their fran- chise next week. The meeting was closed with the 'King. Refreshments were served by the hostess assisted by Mrs. N. Walsh, Mrs. H. Wheeler and Mrs. C. R. Coultes. Mr. and Mrs. Art Scott attended the Smith - Wright wedding in Wel- lington United Church on Saturday.. Mrs. Earl AndersOn attended the capping exercises in Hamilton General Hospital, when Miss Audrey Ander- son received her cap.. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Ellery of Inger- sol, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Robert Stonehouse and Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Hopper. Dedication Service A Dedication Service for the newly installed electric lights in Trinity An- glican Church was held on Sunday evening. Neighbouring congregations were invited to attend the ceremony. Rev. J. H. L. Henderson of Blenheim • former rector, gave 'th-e address. Junior Farmers Field Day A chartered bus took a large number of the Belgrave Junior Farmers to the Field Day in Guelph. Memorial Service The annual Memorial Service will be held in Brandon Cemtery on Sun- day, July 3rd., at 3 o'clock, Rev. Geo. Milne will be the guest speaker. Mr. and Mrs. Will Bennett of Wal- ton, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Albert Bennett. Congratulations to Mr. Robert Yuill who won the Deluxe Plymouth given by the Blyth Legion, lir. and Mrs. Lyle Armstrtng, Mrs. Robert Armstrong of Tyler, Sask,, Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Armstrong and family of Thorndale, Mr. and Mrs. Gibson Armstrong, London, Mr. Jack Armstrong of Tavistock and Miss June Schmidt of New Hamburg, were the guests of Mr. and. Mrs. David Arm- strong. "Protect What You Have" — FOR — INSURANCE OF ALL TYPES CALL Stewart A. Scott 'Phone 293 Wingham We Stand Between You and Loss All Year! Bricklaying Plastering arid Chimney Building Cement Work John McKay 'Phone 637r22 Wingham o!,