HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1949-06-22, Page 9George Drew, Drew, more than any other national leader knows that government—to remain DEMOCRATIC, —must remain in the hands of the people. As an alderman he concerned himself with the problems of his ward. As mayor, he worked for a better community. As provincial legislator, he worked in the interests of the people of his constituency. As Premier of Ontario he gave his native province the finest administration in its history ... George Drew has succeeded as an administrator becaus'e he believes in TEAMWORK and CO-OPERATION on all levels of government. As PREMIER OF ONTARIO he held more cabinet meetings and with greater frequency than any government in Ontario's history. As leader of the official opposition at Ottawa, he brought new life and energy into the House of Commons, l'Avy finst*CAM 41,„ and a renewed respect for the Ptinciple of Parlia- mentary Government. ,Czagr1—; PROGRESSIVE CONSERVATIVE CANDIDATES give wholehearted support to George Drew because they will be Members of Parliament in FACT as well as in NAME. No. longer will members be forced to yield all power to bureaucratic cabinet ministers and centralizers and fail to give full representation TO THEIR CONSTITUENCIES ... Compare the records of George Drew and YOUR PROGRESSIVE CONSERVATIVE candidate with those of other party leaders and candidates. Your vote on June 27th for 'your PROGRESSIVE CONSERVATIVE CANDIDATE will mean that you will be represented in Parliament by a supporter of A PROGRESSIVE CONSERVATIVE GOVERN- MENT under the leadership of George Drew. C Experience in the Public Serviie COUNTS GEORGE DREW Alderman, Mayor,'Provincial Party Leader, Three Times PREMIER OF ONTARIO . . Then— LEADER OF THE OPPOSITION in The House of Commons, Ottawa. No other national leader can match this record of public service on ALL LEVELS OF GOVERNMENTAL. ACTIVITY: VOTE FOR ELSTON CARDIFF in North Huron YOUR PROGRESSIVE CONSERYAiIY E CANDIDATE us • a • a of Cana a, aunar Ave. Ottawa We410M*, June ZZ, 1949 THE WINGHAM ADVANCE-TIMES PAGE NINE viamommomawirmsos..M.A.MINSIIIIPir AMMIONIMINI• hospital on Thursday afternoon, June Oth., at 4 o'clock with Norman C. Urquhart C,13,E.,, as chairman. Guest speaker was Rev. Wm, John Johnston. Scholarship for post graduate study at University of Toronto, was won by Miss Helen Jefferson, Owen Sound. From Toronto Evening Telegram— Miss Jefferson, is a daughter of Mr. annd Mrs. Gordon Jefferson, Owen Sound, and a granddaughter of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Foster of Elmira, all of whom were in attendance at the gradu- ation exercises. Mr. and Mrs. Jeffer- son and Mr. and Mrs. Foster are for- mer residents of Gorrie. ;Mr. Jefferson being school principal for a number of years. 0 0 ••0 0 0•0 0 • HAVE YOU $10 in U.S. FUNDS? • • • • • • 0 • • III If you have moe than $10 in U,S. cash you should turn it in to your bank, in exchange for Canadian dollars, without delay. Ex- isting regulations make it illegal for any Canadian resident to retain in his possession more than $10 in United States cash. HERE'S THE REASON Canada must have the U.S. dollars spent here by tourists in order to make them available for the pay- ment of imported goods and services needed to keep production and em- ployment at a high level. FOREIGN EXCHANGE CONTROL BOARD OTTAWA FECB-I3 GORRIE a ...well ' REMINISCING FORTY YEARS AGO Cochrane - Graham—A quiet wed- ding took place at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Chas. j, Graham, Centre Street, yesterday, when their daughter, Miss Agnes Florence, was united in marriage to Mr, Bryson Cochrane, of Wingham, by the Rev, C, E, Jenkins, B.D. Quinn - Howard—Married in Trin. ity Church, I3lyth, on June 14th, by Rev. W. H. Hartley, Mr, E. Quinn, to Miss Martha Howard, both of East Wawanosh, Young - Richardson—A very in- teresting event was celebrated at the home of Mrs. II, Richardson, Lang- side, on Wednesday, the 9th inst., when her daughter, Annie, Was united in marriage to Mr. J. W. Young- of Cobalt, by the Rev. G. P. Duncan of Port Credit. ' Newman - Allan—The marriage took place at Pontaic, Mich., on June 16th., of Miss Henrietta Allan to Mr. Robert Alfred Newman, The bride is a daughter of Mr, James Allan form- erly of Culross. Schumacher - Ste. Marie — There 'was a pretty wedding at.'the Sacred Heart Church, Mildmay, on\ Tuesday, June 8th, when Miss Helen B. Ste. Marie, daughter of Mr. Alex Ste. Marie ,of Carrick, was united in mar- riage to Mr. Albert Schumacher of Culross, by the Rev. Fr. Lehman. Blyth—Mr, Jos, Strothers, baker, is building a fine residence on Dinsley Street. J. W. Jacobs, the well-known strawberry grower, has about ten ac- res under crop this year. Mr. John Wilford attended the North Huron County L.O.L. meeting in Wingham on Monday. Mr. A. H. Wilford is en- joying the work of the Y.M.C,A, London, where he holds the position of assistant secretary. The work on Mr. Steinoff's new house is progress- ing rapidly. Carr - Moser—On Wednesday of last week the marriage took place at the home of the bride's parents, Waterloo, of Miss Emma, daughter of J. G. and Mrs. Moser, formerly of Blyth, to Mr. Frank Carr of Blyth, Personal—Mr. Thos. Bell of South- ampton, was visiting for a few days at the home of Mr. R. Vanstone and renewing acquaintances in town. Mr. A. J. Nicholls has returned home after spending several weeks in Manitoba. Mr. and, Mrs. McCool of Londesboro, were visiting over Sunday with their daughter, Miss McCool. * * TWENTY-FIVE YEARS AGO Walker - Higgins—A quiet wedding was solemnized on Wednesday, June 18th, 1924, at the Methodist parson- age, Wingham, when Leitta Merle, youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Elijah Higgins. Minnie St., was mar- ried to Mr. Gordon Oliver Walker, son of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Walker of Turnebrry, by the Rev. C. 'E. Cragg. Personals—Mr. A. H. Wilford was a week-end visitor. Mr. and Mrs. Robt. King and little son, Jackie, motored up from Toronto and spent the week- end at their home here. Messrs. J. W. Dodd and H. B. Elliott are in Mont- real this week attending the antiatil meeting of the High Court of the Canadian Order of Foresters, Mr. and Mrs, Win, Robinson and Mr. and Mrs. Richard Williams, spent the week-end at the home of Mr. Charles Elliott, 131uovale Brickyard. Winghatt Wins .Exciting Game— On Wednesday afternoon of last week, the first lacrosse match since 1021 was played in Witighant Park between Clinton and Wingham. The local team proved that they have the fighting spirit possessed in so large a measure by previous teams here when they overcame a four goal deficit to win otu in the final period by a score of 9 to 6. Glenannan—Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Stokes, also Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Weir motored to Moorefield one day recently. Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Haines and two children, also Miss Robinson and her brother, Mr, Howard Robin- son of Holyrood, spent Sunday at the home of Mr, and Mrs. Reuben Stokes. Mr. and Mrs, Win. H. Marshall visit- ed one day last week at the hotne of Mr, Hugh Edgar, of Howick. Mr. and Mrs. Wttt. Peterman and two children have been visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs, Omar Stokes. Whitechurch—Messrs. Thos, Row- cliffe, Amos Cornelius and Jack Phil- lips spent last Wednesday in Kincar- dine, Mr, and Mrs. Wm. Martin and Bruce of Luenkow, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Eli Jacques. Mr. and Mrs. Alex Ferguson, laso Mt. Walter Fer- guson and Mrs. Wm. Norman and Jack, of Langside, also Mrs. Wilson and Frances of Wingham, visited with Mr, and Mrs, Jack 'Wilson. Mr. and Mts. Robt, Doble, Gordon and Mary of Wingham, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Geo, McClenaghan on Sunday. FIFTEEN YEARS AGO Zigler - Gibson—The marriage of Thelma M. (Billie) Gibson, youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs, T. H. Gib- son of Wingham, to James Zigler, of Guelph, took place in Toronto on Tuesday, June 19th, 1934, with the Rev. Roy W. Field of Parkdale United Church officiating, Gaunt - Coultcs—A pretty wedding was solemnized on Monday, June 18th, in St. Helens, by the Rev. T. C. Wil- kinson, when Agnes Marguerite, only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. F. Coultes, East Wawanosh, became the bride of John J. Gaunt of White- church, Huge Liberal Majority in Huron- Bruce--Charles A. Robertson was re- elected for the third time in Huron. Bruce as his Liberal supporters in- creased his majority to 4,487, The Lib- eral canlidate was given a majority in every municipality in the riding and in every polling sub-division except three. In Witigharrt his Majority was 105. Liberals Sweep Into Power In Ontario—Mitchell Hepburn, the Volt- thful leader of the Ontario Liberal Party, was elected in Elgin riding and tinder his Buoyant leadership the Lib- erals were swept into power in Ontario with a total of 60 seats out of the 00. The Henry Government was badly de- feated as 8 Cabinet Ministers fell. Gorrie—A good baseball game was played in the park here on Wednesday evening last, when Gorrie Redwings defeated the Clifford Juniors, 17 to 9. The Gorrie line-up—Archie Irwin, Ken Underwood, Harold King, Tom. Ritchie, Ken Galloway, Billie Ritchie, Jack Newton, Dick Jones and Harold Hyndman, with spares being Lealand Ashton and Lennie King. George Gal- loway was umpire. Wroxeter—Mr, and Mrs. W. E. VanVelsor have been visiting At Vie- anna, Mr. and Mrs. S. J. Burke and family,,,also Mr. and Mrs. D, G. Pope and daughter, Mary, spent Sun- day in Simcoe. Mrs. Ward, daughter Jean and sons, Jim and John of 'Gor- rie, were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. John Nicholson. ,Messrs. Hall and Dick Bennett , who have been attending the Stratford Normal, are home for the vacation. Cronin - Falconer—A pretty wed- ling was solemnized on Saturday, June 16th, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Elgin Welwaod at Caledoti, when her sister, North, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. 3. Falconer of Whitechurch, he• came the bride of Mr. Arthur Cronin; sou of the late Mr. and Mrs. John Cronin of Glands, with Rev. A. V. Benton officiating, Wins Scholarship Graduation `exercises of Wellesley division of the Toronto General Hos- pital were held on the lawn of the Women's Institute The Gorrie W.I, met at .the home of Mrs. Stanley Edgar on Tuesday, June 14th. In the absence of Mrs. Wil- son, Mrs. Wm. Thornton acted as secretary. The correspondence was read and five dollars was voted to send to the Salvation Army at Wingham. A very fine report of the Girls' Achieve- ment Day held at Bayfield was given by Mrs, Harold Edgar. Mrs. Wade reported on the District annual held at Fordwich. The motto, "If you want to keep your country clean, keep your own back yard free of weeds, was tak- en by Mrs, H. Edgar, Miss Margaret Dane was in charge oft, the program and gave a very inter- esting paper on the production of plastics. A delicious lunch was served 'by the hostess, Mrs. Percy Ashton and Mrs. E. H. Strong. Community Club An executive meeting of the Com- munity Club was held on June 8th, at M. D, Irvin's when various matters were discussed. A vote of thanks was given to Mr. Geo, Brown for his gen- erosity in giving his time welding beams for the bridge in the park, and to Mr. Addie Jacaues for his most generous time with the bull dozer, al- so to Mr. Elmer Downey for the use of his team for work in the park. The little park is kept up by the freely given time of the men of the commun- iity and is a delightful spot for picnics, and children's play ground. The swings are never idle. The shallow fiver is safe for 'bathing and the park is free to all who wish to use it. Plan a picnic in the Gorrie Park in the heart of the village. unanimous ,„. You CAN still find people who "don't believe in banks" . . . who keep their cash in old coffee pots, or hide it in the woodpile, or carry it around. But most folk nowadays keep their money in bank accounts. They can get it whenever they want it;" and they can pay their bills by cheque. Canadians have more than seven million such deposit accounts. In terms of Canada's adult population, that makes it practically unanimous. The banks, in turn, know they must earn this confidena by giving you the best service they know how. Today you can take your account to any bank you choose. And what is in your bank book is strictly between you and your bank. It is your owniprivate business. State monopoly of banks would wipe out competition and would open your bank account to the eye of the state official. .SPONIO'RED BY . YouR B &WIC