HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1949-06-22, Page 6NO PAIN FROM CORN OR— Callous, you'll have, if you're sure to use Lloyd's Corn Salve. 50c at McKibbon's Dikig Store. PERSONALITY BEAUTY SHOP specializes in all types of Perman- ents, Machine, Machineless . and Cold, also Shampooing, Finger Wav- ing and Ogilvie Sisters Scalp Treat- ments. 'Phone 33 for appointment. PROTESTANT TEACHERS want- ed, by the Turnberry School Area Board. Please state qualifications, if any and salary expected. Applica- tions to be in by July 1st. Alex Corrigan. Sec.-Treas. REAL BUSINESS OPPORTUN- Ity, Offered, for immediate sale, Lumber, Builders' Supplies and Coal, Railway Siding. New -Scales, Good Buildings. This is a, going concern, of many years standing, Good reason for selling. Apply H. C. MacLean, Real Estate Broker, Wingham, Ontario. STARTED CHICKS 2 WEEKS— Non-sexed Barred Rocks, New HampshirexBarred Rocks, Light Sussex x New Hampshires, White Rocks, $21.95; New Hampshires $21.45. Light Sussex $22,95, Pul- lets Barred Rocks, New Hamp- shires x Barred Rocks, Light Sussex x New Hamps., New Hamps, $30.- 95, White Rocks, Light Sussex, Black Australorps $32,95. White Leghorns, $33.95; Cockerels Barred Rocks, New Hampshire x Barred Rocks, Light Sussex x New Hamp- shires, New Hampshires Light Sus- sex, Black Australorps, $20.95. White Wyandottes, White Rocks, $22.95. Three week old add five cents per Chick, Also other breeds. Day olds, 12 pure breeds and 13 cross breeds, Non-sexed, Pullets and Heavy Cockerels. Prompt Del- ivery. Also Turkey Pottlts. Also Pullets eight weeks to laying. Send for complete Price List. Tweddle Chick Hatcheries Limited, Fergus, Ontario, WANTED—Female Clerk for store in Wingham, state education, age, etc, Apply Box 368, Wingham, WANTED—Ice Boxes, Will take any model or any year, regardless of condition. Stewart Home Ap- pliances, Phone 20. WANTED—lised Electric Refriger- ators, regardless of year, or condi- tion. Phone Stewart Home Appli- ances, Phone 29. WANTED—Good used Studio Couch Phone 638r5. . „ WANTED—Young girl for general housework for months Of July and August,. Apply Advance-Times. hos Prin. Who is your printer? Does he create for you ( the kind of printing that makes every sale a clos- ed sale? ou We print attention- compelling Letterheads Booklets, Catalogues, Blotters, Tickets, And anything in direct sales material Manufacturers, merch- ants and buyers of print- ing `who realize the im- portance of this co-oper- ation by: their printer come to us for results. Let us work with you on your next printed piece and help you make it a profitable sales-getting investment. The Advance-Times %PHONE 34 WINGHAM 0111111111111011111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111N 5 0) i RUBBER and , i ii Mastic Tile Flooring for Homes, Offices and :.--_,- Stores. • U m U L . F4A hi 411 1111 1611 rz' ---1114P!"'Irt INN!, •,4,1r. \,.;r01.411 41' '10" • 111110,4- <40p, O • PAGg SIX THE WINGHAM ADvAnn-Tri\lts Wednesday, June 22, 1949 PAGg SIX THE WINGHAM ADvAnn-Tri\lts Wednesday, June 22, 1949 RADIO & ELECTRIC Telephone 171J Every one of the four Corox sur contro face ll h e eaters on five. a Westinghouse Electric Range is d by a speed switch. You select the exact amount of heat you need for every cooking requirement ... saving electricity and watching. Heat is distributed evenly throughout the big Westinghouse "True-Temp" Oven • .. and Westing automatic heat control maintains the temperature you want with super. . There's no guesswork, no uncertainty, no accuracy worry when you cook the modern electrical way with a Westinghouse Range. $299 CLOCK EXTRA 15011 YOU CAN GET A GLISTENING polish job on your car the economi- cal way, by using "TARNOFF,'.. no washing, no polishing. Just rub on, and wipe off. 16 oz. tin 60c, 36 oz. tin, $1,00, Robt. Hopper, Wing- ham Auto Wreckers, C. B. Hoff- man, Bluevale, A, M, MeKercher & Son, Jamestown.' Notice TO Contractors rowers will be received by the Township of Morris for the contract of digging_ and repairing, laying tile and backfilling the Turvey and Mc- Donald drains, Work to .be done un- der the supervision of the Engineer in charge. Tenders must be in by 3 p.m., July 4th, 1949, Plans and specifica- tions may be seen at the Clerk's Of- Bee. Lowest or any tender not neces- sarily accepted, Geo. C. Martin, R. R. 4, Brussels. Notice To Contractors Tenders will be received by the Township of Morris for the contract of cleaning and repairing the McCall Drain, Work to be done under the supervision* of the Engineer in charge, Tenders must be in by 2.30 p.m., July 4th, 1949. Plans and specifications may be seen at the Clerk's office. Lowest or any tenders not necessarily accepted. Geo, C. Martin, R. R. 4, Brussels. Tenders will be received until July 1st., for the wiring of No. 2 and No. 9 schools in Turnberry School.oArea. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Plans and Specifications may be seen at Bluevale Post Office. Alex Corrigan, Sec.-Treas. Tenders For Wiring SEE MR. S. LINDER, of Kitchener, well-known FOOT SPECIALIST and MANUFACTURER of FEATHERWEIGHT ARCH SUPPORTS, who will be at my store to give relief to those suff- ering from ,Foot Ailment, for TWO FULL DAYS, Relieve that Tired Feeling by CORRECTING those FOOT TROUBLES MONDAY and TUESDAY JUNE' 27 and 28 Rhys Pollack mo•oinml41•414.4•40, Tenders* For Painting and Shingling , Tenders will be received until July 1st., for the painting of No. 3 interior and exterior; and No. 5 interior; also._ for shingling No, 3 and one side of No, 2 in Turnberry School Area, Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. For further information contact Mr. A. D, Smith (chairman). Alex Corrigan, Sec,-Treas. ESTATE SALE F. W. Kemp, Auctioneer, has been instructed to sell by Public Auction. for Mrs. Mary McMichael Estate, in Village of WROXETER at 1.15 P.M., SHARP, ON SATURDAY, "UNE 25th. Buffet, Couch, Stove, Extension Table, Chairs, 2 Chesterfields, Radio, 2 Glass Kitchen Cupboards, Coal Oil Stove with Oven, Pictures, Hall Rack, Drop Leaf Table, Rug, Dining Room Table, several small Tables • and Stands, Bedroom Suite, complete; Iron Bed, Mattress & Springs, Mat- tress, set of Springs, 3 Sets Toilet Dishes, Congoleum Rug 9x12, Con- goleum Rug 71/2 x9, Congoleum Rug 9'x101/2 ', Curtains, Commode, clothes Racks, Ironing *Board, Bird Cages, Walnut Wash Stand, Wooden Chest, Tubs, Washing Machine, Lawn Mow- er, Wheelbarrow, Wooden Chest, Pots and Pans, Dishes, Other articles too numerous to mention. TERMS ON CHATTELS - CASH REAL ESTATE Quarter of an acre more or less, being Lot No. 14, N. Pt. Howick St., in the Village of Wroxeter, on the Property there is an excellent Red Brick House in a good.state of repair, and a small Barn. The House is equip-, ped with Hydro. TERMS—Real Estate sold subject to a reserve bid, 10 per cent of pur- chase price cash and the Balance within 30 days. Howard Wylie & Graham Camp- bell, Executors. F. W. KEMP, Auctioneer. Come in and see the NEW DEEP FREEZE at MacKenzie's Hard- ware, Belgrave, also new gas stov- es for the best in cooking. Phone 745W3. DWELLING FOR SALE—We of- fer, for immediate sale, 6 room cot- tage, on Catherine Street, Wing, ham, Good location. Apply H. C. MacLean, Real Estate Broker, Wingham, Ontario. FOR SALE—Sewing Machines, Sin- ger, Electric portable treadles, new and used, guaranteed motors. Re- pairs and button hole attachments. Write your Singer Service Rep., Box 473, Wingham. FOR SALE—Hardwood 12" long, mostly split wood. Apply Arthie Montgomery, Phone Blyth, 36r16. R. R, 4, Brussels. FOR SALE—Giant 8 Cockshutt mo- wers, 1 power mower, also hayload- ers expected soon. See the 10 ft. self propelled Combine now on dis- play. For everything in farm mach- inery. see John Bumstead & Son, Victoria St., Wingham. FOR SALE-11 Pigs, 6 weeks old. Apply Harry Hollingshead, Lower Wingham. FOR SALE—Hay. Apply Tdd Eng- lish, phone 636r14. FOR SALE—Calf. Apply to George Glousher, Lower Wingham. FOR SALE-5 young pigs. Apply to Robert Laidlaw, Phone 366J. FOR SALE-15-30 International Tractor in good running condition. with rubber on front. Also 9 young pigs. Apply Procter Bros., Phone 13R4, or 13R15. FOR SALE-1 enamelled top stain- less table. Apply Mrs. R. Ham- . mond, 33 Hillcresf, FOR SALE—Small size plain side- board, suitable for summer cottage. Phone 733W3. FOR SA IX—Grey folding baby pram, chrome mud guards, also baby's walker, phone 529, Wing- ham. -FOR SALE—Complete pumping out- fit, including Beatty I. with 30 f t, of pipe to go into well, also cylinder, one double -geared pump jack, both used about one year. One International gas engine 1% to 2% H.P. used about 1% years. Apply Reuben ApplebY, Phone -703 W3, FOR SALE—In- Wingham, solid Brick Building, 20x80, store and 2 apartments, full size basement. Phone 279. FOR SALE Motor cycle, will sell reasonable, Phone 703 W 2. FOR SALE—Massey-Harris No, 5 Binder, 7 ft. cut, good condition APply James Jones, R. R. 4, Phone 642rJ1. FOR SALE-1930 Chrysler Sedan, new battery, good tires, good con- dition, Apply Joe Dunbar, Phone 622r5. FOR SALE—Studebaker Sedan, 1931 A-1 condition. Tires practically new, 2 spares. One owner since new, Phone 197. FOR SALE—Princess Pat Cream enamel range, like new, with warm- ing closet, copper reservoir and water front. J. W. Hyndman, 'Got- rie, Phone 36-8, Wroxeter. FOR SALE—Electric Rangette as good as new. $40.00, phone 210, FOR SALE-11 Chunks of Pigs about 75 lbs. Apply J. R. Graham, Phone 625 r 31, Wingham. FOR SALE—RockxLeghorn Pullets, 11 weeks old, straight Rocks, 5 weeks old, Fisher bred. Fred Tuck, Glettannan, Phone 603r12. FOR SALE—Renfrew Cook Stove, with warming closet and reservoir, also Studio Couch. Harvey Taylor, Minnie St.. Phone 446J. FOR SALE-8 Pigs, 6 'weeks old. Apply Lloyd Montgomery Phone 648r21. FOUND—In Cameron's Taxi, 2 pair glasses. Plastic rims. FOR SALE CHEAP-1932 Chev. Coach. 2 spares on fenders. Apply Keith Dunbar, Highway opposite 1st, line of Morris. OR SALE—Buckwheat seed, Silver Hull. Apply Joe king, Phone 606 W3. ..OST—Ott Friday, east side of Wingham, ladies Gruen wrist watch, Finder please leave at Post Office. Reward. SEWING ;MACHINE REPAIRS— All makes, Parts, Belts, Needles, Machines Electrified. Have your treadle machine converted into a portable electric, Apply Stainton Hardware, OBITUARY " " James C. Gannett In ailing health for the past two years, James C. Gannett, died in Tor- onto at the home of his sister-inlaw, Mrs. John Gannett, in his 81st. year. He was born in Usborne Township and at the age of twelve came with his parents to settle at Bluevale, He farmed around Bluevale until forced to retire on account of ill health. He was a member of the United Church, He is survived by two sisters, Mrs. Fred Davey (Elizabeth). Listowel; Mrs. George Wright (Sara), Turn- berry and two brothers. Charles of Norwalk, Ohio, and Gus of Lucan. Funeral services were held in Blue- vale United Church on Tuesday, June 21st,, at 2.30 p.m. with Rev. Burden officiating. Mrs. Alex McCrackin sang "Near to the Heart of God." In- terment took place in Bluevale ceme- tery, The pallbearers were J. Peacock, S. Johnston, C. Johnston, Geo. Thom- son, Ross Smith and Earl Hamilton, Those from a distance attending the funeral were: Mr. and Mrs. Har- old Smith, and Mr, Wilbur Gannett of Toronto, Mr. and Mrs, Fred Dav- ey and family of Listowel, Mr. Gus Gannett of Lucan, • Mrs. Alex. Scott Mrs. Alex. Scott of Blyth, and for- merly of Wingham, tiled in Wingham General Hospital on Sunday, June 19. Three quite recent strokes were the cause of her passing. Formerly Grace Taylor of East Wawanosh, site was married to Alexander Scott, who pre- deceased her two years ago. She was a member of the Blyth Presbyterian Church. She is survived by sik sons, George, Stewart and Andrew of Wingham; IN MEMORIAM HOOPER—In loving memory of my dear parents and brother Jim, dear mother who passed away July 2.9, 1916 and father. June 28th, 1918, and Jim, May 2nd,, 1941, and my / beloved friend, s Mrs, T. G. Miller, (Tillie) who, passed away, Feb. 12, 1948. There is a link death cannot sever, Love and remembrance last forever. —Ever remembered by daughter and sister and a faithful friend Anna. IN MEMORIAM YEO—In loving memory of George Yeo, who passed- away. June 18th, 1947. There is a link death cannot sever, Love and remembrance last forever. —Ever remembered by his wife and family. CARD OF THANKS IMF, and MrS. Josiah Wells, Edward St. wish- to thank their friends and neighbours for cards, gifts, good wishes and other greetings on the oc- casion of their 60th wedding anniver- sary. Special thankS to CKNX. CARD OF THANKS Mr, and Mrs. W. H. (Bill) Myers (nee Muriel Smith) wish to thank the many friends and acquaintances for gifts and kind.wishes during their recent wedding festivities. Special thanks to Mr, and Mrs. J. H. Smith fox the dinner, Mr, and Mrs. A. L. Fisher for the reception and Mrs. A, McCrackin, Mrs. H. Elliott and all others who took part in the shower at Bluevale. CARD OF THANKS Mrs. Anson Galbraith wishes to express her sincere thanks to all her friends for visits, flowers, cards and other remembrances during her ill- ness in Wingham General Hospital. Special thanks to Dr. Palmer, Mrs, Morrey and her staff, These kindness- es will be ever 'remembered. 41.1111.0.11004=•0111.111.13 William of Cochrane, James of Tor- onto and Dean of London; and three daughters, Mrs. Ella Fairservice, of Blyth; Mrs, Mae- Cloakey, Maznod, Sask., and Mrs. Agnes Forester,, of Palmerston. Two daughter, Jennie of Wingham, and Edna (Mrs. Geo. Mc- Ewan), of Goderich, predeceased her. Funeral services are being held to- day, (Wednesday). June 22nd., at 2 p,m., from the residence of her daugh- ter, Mrs. Fairservice, Blyth, with in- terment in Brandon cemetery, Bel- grave. BIRTHS GOWING — In Wingham General on Tuesday, June 14th, to Mr. and - Mrs. Carl 1Gowing, R,R. 2. Blue- vale, a son. TIFFIN—In Wingham General Hos- pital. on Tuesday, June 14th .to Mr. and Mrs, G. W. Tiffin, Wingham, a .son—Paul Victor: MacKAY—In Wingham General Hos pital,' on Saturday, June 18th, to Mr. and Mrs. Allister MacKay, R, k 4, Ripley, a daughter. STACEY—In Wingham General Hos pital, on Monday. June 20th, to Mr, and Mrs. Alvin Stacey, Wingham, • a daughter, HENRY—In Wingham General Hos- pital, on Tuesday, June 21st., to Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Henry, Blyth, a daughter. dORRIE Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Horne and Peter of Toronto, were week-end vis itors with Mrs. Horne's mother, Mrs. Clara Ritchie. Mrs. J. Thonipson of Pt. Dal- housie, Mrs. R. Drummond of Born- holme and Mrs. Inez Waugh, of Mit- chell. were guests of Mrs. A. Toner on Monday. Sturton , Ashton of Hamilton, spent Sunday with his mother, Mrs. R, Ashton. Mrs. Ernest Radford of Palmerston is also spending a few days this week with her mother. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Stinson and daughter of Regina, Sask., who have been visiting Mrs. Stinson's sisters, Mrs. J. Hyndman and Mrs. A. Toner have left to return to their home. They are visiting friends in Fergus en route, TURNBERRY BOARD MEETING The regular meeting of the Turn.- berry School Area Board was held in Gilniour's School on Friday, June 17, at 8.30 p.m. Afl members present. Minutes 'of previous meeting were read and adopted on motion of Powell and Hardie. Following correspondence was read Mrs, R. G, Eickmier; Caustic Sanita- tion Ltd.; Mrs. E. M. Henry; Harold Henry, Motion by Hardie and Kirton that we advertise for tenders for wiring No. 2 amid 9. Carried, Motion by Powell and Kirton that we advertise for tenders for painting' No, 3 inside and out and No. 5 in- side; also for shingling No, 8 and one side of No. 2. Carried. Mr. C. Rettinger and Mr. Robert Hogg waited on the board and voiced their feelings re the 'closing of No. 8 School. Moved by Willits arid Hardie. that we advertise for protestant teachers for the School area, Carried. Motion by Powell and Kirton that beginners will not be accepted hi any school in the area unless they have reached their sixth birthday by Feb. 1st of that school year, Carried. Motion byfrowell and Willits that the following account be paid. Car- ried, Teachers, Music Teacher and caretakers' salaries, transportation; Stainton Hardw'e $9,12; Beaver Lim- ber` Co. $4.12; jos. Bailey. labour $3; Mr. C. Rettinger, mileage to Goderich M.F. and N,F,11. $4.55; Henry Math- ers, coal for No. 4 and 5 $197.30; E, M, Henry, Christmas treats 81,06, ,Motion by Willits and Hardie that the meeting adjourn, next Meeting to David Crompton JEWELLER Certified Watchmaker Gifts For All Occasions WINGHAM ?HONE 59 be in Bluevale School, July 21, at 8.30 p.m. Alex. Corrigan, Sec'y-Treas. ▪ Plastic Wall Tile is For Kitchen and Bathroom • CUSTOM BUILT ; Kitchen CABINETS ir ESTIMATES FREE r; Agent for ▪ ARBORITE WALLBOARD Plastic Finish Norman Rintonl 'Phone 251 Wingham 11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 11111111111M1111111111115 CLASSIFIED ADS. SEE MODEL A4M ESPECIALLY DESIGNED SMALL RANGE $230 Vettalt AN Al CNES oam action We re for r commend this precision baiWontoine. Extra thin yyith 11, kev.reis. * Non-Magae'tic;' *.'Shocic;prioOf • *-Water-prabf ' *Swei:•8,e'cond Haitd $) I)