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Baseball at Teeswater—On Friday
evening last, Wingham High School
Baseball Club journeyed• in the midst
of a drizzling rain to a far famed base-
ball town of Teeswater, and, in the
game which resembled water polo
more than baseball, they were defeated
by a considerable margin, Wingham
High School line-up:—G. Moffatt c,,
Dick Lloyd p, G. Young lb, G. Tees
2b, W. McLean 3b, N. Geddes ss,
C, Wilson If, T. Glanville cf, R. Gal-
lagher rf.
Tax Rate Will Be 25 Mills—The
members of the Town Council were
all in their places at the regular meet-
ing held on Monday evening, with
Mayor Gregory presiding, The Fin-
ance Committee presented a report of
the estimated receipts and expendi-
tures for the year, and on metion'.of
the report was adopted, and the rate
of tayation fixed at 25 mills,
Kelly Cornelius—Married at the
R.C. Church, on June 1st,, by Rev, Fr,
Corcoran, Francis F, Kelley, of Ash,
field, to Gertrude J. A, Cornelius, only
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James .Cor-
nails, of Langside.
Lockhart - Graham—Married at the
home of the bride's father, on June 1st,
Mr, Thomas Lockhart, of Kidloss
Twp., to, Elizabeth Catharine, daugh-
ter of John Graham of Kinloss Twp.
Craigie - Lowry—iMarrie,d at the
residence of the bride's parents; on
June 2nd,, by Rev. John Holmes, of
Dorchester, assisted by Rev, J. R,
,Craigie, M. A. of Toronto, father of
the groom, Mr, James W. Craigie, 'of
Colborne, Ont,, to Miss Pearl, eldest
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. D. A. Low,
ry, of Queen Street, Brussels,
Houston - McNair—Married at the
home of the bride, on June 2nd., by
Rev. D. B. McRae, Mr, Robert Hous-
ton to Miss Maggie S. McNair, all of
Oster - Tyerman—Married at the
home of the bride's parents,. by Rev.
E. G. Powell, on June 2nd,, Mr. Fred
Oster to Miss Alice Lillian, youngest
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Hugil Tyer-
man, both of Grey Township.
Reynolds - McCaughey—Married in
St. Michael's Church, Blyth. on June
8th, by Rev. Fr. Hanlon, Mr. James
B. Reynolds of Detroit, to Miss Har-
riet, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. J,
McCaUghey of Blyth.
Ritchie - Oster—Married at the
Manse, Cranbrook, on June 9th, by
Rev. D. B. McRae, Mr, Thomas Rit-
chie of Brussels, to Miss Laura, dau-
ghter of the late Joseph Oster of Grey,
Warwick - McLaughlin — Married
on June 9th, in Knox Church, Calgary,
by Rev. Dr. J. A, Clark, Jessie, dau-
ghter of T. H. McLaughlin, Gorrie,
Ont,, to Andrew M. Warwick. of Veg-
reville, Alta.
Lions Elect Officers—The Lions'
Club held their annual election of of-
ficers on Friday evening as follows:
Pres,, J. W. Hanna; 1st, Vice Pres.,
Dr. J. A. Fox; 2nd. Vice Pres., C. R,
Wilkinson; 3rd. Vice-Pres., Josh
Hirst, Sec., „J. W. McKibbon; Treas.,
J, A. Wallace; Lion Tamer, A. Tin-
ting; Tail Twister, L. C. Young; Dir-
ectors, T. C. King, T. H. Gibson, R.
Vanstone, Dr. Ross and H. C. Mac-
Lean; Music Corn., T. H. Gibson, H.
L. Sherbondy, Dr. 'Ross and C. R.
Masons Elect Officers—The fol-
lowing officers were elected at the
Tuesday night meeting in Wingham
Lodge, A,F. & A.M., No. 286; W.M.,
0. Thompson; S. W., J. D. Beecroft,
J. W., W. A, Galbraith; Chaplain, H.
F. McGee; Treas., J. W. McKibbon;
Sec., R, A. Coutts, S.D., J. J. McGee;
J. D., G. L. Brackenbery; I. G,, H.
Walker; Auditors, Dr. G. H. Ross and
A. G. Smith.
McGlynn - Casey—Holy Angels R.
C. Church, St. Thomas, was the scene
of a pretty wedding, Wednesday, June
4th, when Helen, daughter of Mrs.
Ellen Casey, was united in marriage to
Mr. Jas. Redmond McGlynn, son of
the late John and Mrs. McGlynn of
Wingham, by Monsignor West.
Horseshoe Tossers Elect Officers—
The Horseshoe Club have organized
for this season with the following of-
ficers: Hon. Pres., Jos. Miller; Pres.,
E. Small; Vice-Pres., Chas. Elliott;
Sec.-Treas., J. H. McKay.
Mundell Casemore—In a pretty
Wedding ceremony at the home of
Mr. and Mrs, Alex Casemore, their
eldest daughter, Etoile, was married,
to Mr. George Mundell, Glenannan,'
only son of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Mun-
dell, by the Rev. E. Thompson.
McLean - Thornton—A pretty wed-
ding was solemnized in the Bluevale
United Church, on Monday, June 4th,
when Miss Susan' Muriel Thornton,
second daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Geo.
0, Thornton of Morris Twp., was
united in marriage to, Mr. Neil Net-
terfield McLean, only son of Mr. and
Mrs, Thomas J. McLean of Wingham,
by the Rev. A. V. Robb.
Templeman Homuth—A quiet
'wedding was solemnized at the Pres-
byterian Manse. Wingham, on Satur-
day, June 2nd., when Olive Agnes,
second daughter of Mr, and Mrs. John
E. Homuth, of Wingham, became the
bride of Mr. John Rowland Temple-
mall, son of Mr. and Mrs. C, Temple-
man, of Wingham. Rev. K. McLean,
Noble - McGregor—A pretty wed-
ding was solemnized on June 2nd,. in
Sarnia, by the Rev. John R. Hall, ,M,
A„ a D., when Janet Luella, eledest
daughter 'of Mr.,,aml Mrs, Wm. Mc-
Gregor, became the bride of j, T. Roy
Noble, only son of Mr. and Mrs. T.
Noble of Blyth,
Ferguson - Gibb—,A pretty wedding
was solemnized on Saturday, June
9th, when Agnes, eldest daughter' of
Mr, and Mrs. David Gibb, of Blue-
vale, was united in marriage to Mr.
Thomas Ferguson, son of Mr. and
Phone 65
41 Frigidaire
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Mrs. Thomas Ferguson
by the Rev. J. R, Greig.
Baier - Miller—A pretty wedding
took place in First Lutheran 'Church,
Logan. on Friday, May 5th, when
Irene Gladys Marie, eldest daughter
of Mr. and lafns. John L. Miller, 6th.
icon. Logan, became the bride of Nor-
man C. J. Baier, son of Mr. and Mrs.
John Baier, of Gorrie.
The Council met in the Clerk's Of-
fice, 1Gorrie, on June 4th, 1949, ac-
cording to adjournment. Reeve E: J.
Farrish in the chair4 All members pre-
sent. The minutes of the last regular
and special meeting were read and on
motion of McMichael and Haskins
were adopted as read. Carried.
Moved by Haskins and Zurbrigg
that we purchase five gallons of weed
spray namely Shell weed killer No. 4,
Moved 'by Zunbrigg and Gowdy
that we grant the Howie]: Agricultural
Society the sum of $150.00 I'M- reg-
ular fair and up to $100.00 for School
Fair purposes. Carried. -
Moved by Haskins and McMichael
that we pay the Assessor $250.00 as
part payment of salary. Carried.
Moved by Haskins and Gowdy that
we the Howick Township Council re-
commend that the road between How-
ick and Carrick Townships being a
connecting link between No. 4 and.
No. 9 be taken over by Huron and
Bruce Counties as part of the County
Road System. Carried,
Moved by Gowdy and McMichael
that we time Council of the Township
of Howick feel that in the construc-
tion of Highway 87, a very dangerous
i situation has been created at the Gor-
rie corner and we hereby petition the
'Department of Highways to have this
condition rectified so that it yvill be
Iput in a condition that will he safe for
traffic. Carried.
Moved by, Haskins and McMichael
that the road accounts as approved
be paid. Carried.
Moved by Gowdy and Zurbirigg that
we the Township Council instruct the
Clerk to engage Mr. Wm, D. Colby
as Civil Engineer for the Township of
Howick and the bylaw 'be prepared
.accordingly. Carried,
Moved by Gowdy and McMichael
that we instruct the Read Superinten-
dent to make fill in front of Loutitt's
',between Provincial Road and Railway
track. Carried,
Moved by Zurbrigg and 'McMichael
that time following accounts be paid.
Relief, $55,42; Garnet Wright, part
salary as Assessor, $256.00; G, A,
Wearying, ink, express and exchange,
$3,40; Fordwich Record, office stat-
ionary, $16,50; John Hupfer, fo4 pup
bounties, $18.00; ig."McEwen, fox pup
bounties, $6.00; Ira Schaeffer, fox
pup bounties, $4,00; John Lane heifer
killed by (lobs, $100.00; R„ ,H, Carson
& Son, office supplies, $2,84; Edgar
Hargrave, 'fox pup bounties, $4,00;
J, Stettrnol, fox pup bounty, $2,00; W.
Dodd, fox pup bounties, $4.00; Dr. A.
J. Butler, examination re R. Burnett,
$5,00; Treasurer County of Huron,
Hospital expenses re N, Holt, $1,10;
Advance-Times, advertising $2.25; E,
H. Strong, refund of cash payment on
Cathers Drain, $252.00; Roy Strong,
refund of cash payment oh Cathers
drain, $80.00; D. McKercber, refund
of cash payment on " Cathers Drain,
$312.51; P. Durst, pt salary, $80.00,
postage $4.00, 0.A.P„ $80,00, $114.00;
Total, $1233,02.
Moved by Zurbrigg and Haskins
that we do now adjourn to meet on
July 5th, or at the call of the Reeve.
P. L. Durst, Clerk, E. 5, Farrish,
Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Stinson and
daughter, Miss Ella, of Regina, Sask.,
are visiting with Mrs. Stinson's sis-
ters, Mrs. John Hyndman„Mrs, A.
Toner and other relatives,
We have been informed that all
teachers in the West Howick School
Area have been re-engaged at an in-
creased salary. They include teachers
of the Wroxeter Continuation School,
Mr. Hector L. Knight and Mrs, J. -C,
Caley, and in the Gorrie district: No. 1
Donald Gilmar, No. 4; Mrs. Edith
McLean No. 7; Miss Jean Sparling,
Mrs. Ruth McDonald U 10,; Mrs.
Doris Mulligan, No, 18, Miss Joyce
Armstrong. In the East Howick Area
Mrs. Gordon Steinacker of Fordwich
has been engaged as teacher at the
Orange Hill (No 5) school to succeed
Mrs. Jeanne Ireland of Brussels.
Hockridge - Watson
The marriage of Janet Gwendolyn,
daughter of Mrs. Watson and the late
Mr, Bert Watson of Brussels, to Lloyd
Reginald Hockridge, son of the late
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Hockridge of
Guelph, took place quietly at 4 p.m.,
Saturday, May 26th., at Don Mills
United Church, with Rev. Harold
Wat officiating. Miss Garlick, church
organist, played the wedding. music,
The bride wore a suit of powder
blue gabardine with corsage of Amer-
ican Beauty roses. Her i]fnly attend-
ant was her sister, Miss Wilma Wat-
son, who wore a suit of beige gabar-
dine with corsage of Talisman roses,
Mr. Willard Michel, Toronto, was best
Following the ceremony and dinner
at the "Embassy" the bride and groom
left on a wedding trip to New York,
They will reside in Gorrie. •
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