HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1949-06-15, Page 8BROADCLOTH SHIRTS Fancy Striped and Plain' Colors $3.50 to $4.00 Broadcloth PYJAMAS Fame Striped Patterns • $3.95 to $5.50 I Attention Dairy Farmers SPECIAL OFFER During the rest of June we are making EXTRA TRADE-IN ALLOWANCES for USED CREAM SEPARATORS and MILKERS on NEW McCORMICK-DEERING UNITS DON'T MISS THIS OPPORTUNITY TELEPHONE 520—OR CALL AT' THE SHOP Nelson Cunningham Josephine Street, North Your INTERNATION HARVESTER .DEALER WATCH REPAIRS GEORGE WILLIAMS LOCAl'ED MASON'S Store FIRST CLASS WATCH REPAIRING at ,Moderate Prices Owing to lack of space, am compelled to restriet REPAIRS TO WATCHES ONLY PROMPT SERVICE Edwards' Motor Sales Chrysler, Plymouth Cars and Fargo Trucks PARTS and ACCESSORIES Telephone.-,Days 417, Wingham "Protect What You Have" FOR — Stewart A. Scott 'Phone 293 Wingham INSURANCE We Stand BetweenBrIelreia;YI.ou and OF ALL TYPES CALL ti motor. Mrs. (Rev.) Thomson, (near Mabel Schaefer) of Los Angeles, Cal:, who is visiting relatives in Ontario, has been renewing"'old acquaintances in Fordwich. At the Bruce County Field Day for Public School pupils held in Walker- ton on June 9th, David Donahue, 13, of Teeswater, won the Geo. Sillers Trophy as champion of boys in ath- letic events. David is a son of Mr. and Mrs. Mel Donahue, Teeswater, and grandson of Mr. and Iktrs. David Walker, formerly of Fordwich, J. A. FOX Chiropractor and Drugless Therapid., 4 RAbIONIC EQUIPMENT COMPLETE HEALTH SERVICE Phone 101. K. M. MactENNAN Veterinary'Surgeon Office Minnie St. OpPeilite and South of the United Chttrth. PHONE 195 Other% DR. W, M. CONNELL OR. B. N. CORRIN PHYSICIANS and SURGEONS Phone 10 S. J. WALKER Funeral and Ambulance Service Upstairs Funeral Parlour 'Phone--Day or Might 106 WiNGHAIVI ORD. viniftilisimarmirioarkoatir"rmisiiiiiiimioniondowborm Sport Shirts Fancy Colors and Checks $4.50 - $4.75 FANCY SOCKS Shorties and Longs • 50c to $2.00 SPORT JACKETS from $6.95 up Business and Professional Directory L.G.BRYCE LICENSED AUCTIONEER FARM SALES A SPECIALTY Telephone 62 Box 331 WINGHAM ONT. WELLINGTON FIRE Insurance Company Est. 1840 tAn all Canadian Company which has faithfully served its policy holders for over a century. Head Office — Toronto H. C. MacLean Insurance Agency Wingham A. IL McTAVISII BARRISTER, SOLICITOR and NOTARY PUBLIC. TEESWATER - ONTARIO Telephone 23 Teeswater WR XETER—Every Wednesday afternoon, 2-4 p.m., or by appointment. DONALD B. BLUE Ecperienced Auctioneer Licensed for Counties of HURON & RUC All Saks Calm* Handled Phone 49. ' RiPtel, .4.. ontatiO it too Nos • s • I us ifflaki II a ;a ills. oio lie. aa afi a a pia r YOUNG WOMEN 16 to 21 years For Cherry, Strawberry, Raspberry Picking Accommodation in Farm Service Force Camps Supervised by Y.W.C.A. Good Meals - Good Pay Good Pun For Registration Forms apply to HIGH SCHOOL PRINCIPAL Nearest Employment Office or Ont. Farm Service Force 9 Richmond St. East. TORONTO 1 ONTARIO Auspices: Dominion Provincial Farm Labour Committee. Wanted mme a ey n a n n n n n • n a n mo4,, n n n n • • n MI tai n n • • n n n • n n • n n n n n n n a. • n n Wednesday, thine 15, 1949 ii n • • n land Nancy of London, spent the f.week-end with her parents, Mr, and I • Mrs, Elias,- Martin and other Wing- 'ham relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Oliver and little 'Ann of Birmingham, Mich., spent the. t,Feek-end with his. mother, Mrs. And- trew Nirk, at the home of Mr, and Mrs. J. D. Beeeroft, Mrs. Kirk was taken to Wingham Hospital on Mon- day. as she had not been getting over a dose of the flu, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Coultes and other East Wawanosh relatives of Mr. and Mrs. George Pocock of Lambeth, attended the funeral of their nineteen-, fyeareold son, at Lambeth on Wednes- day, Jack, who was learning to be a pilot, was alone in a plane on Sunday, when it crashed. Their malty friends in this district extend sympathy to them and their son, Williston, in their bereavement. a. Born—In Wingham Genefal Hospi- tal, on Friday, June 10th, to Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Conely of Kinloss, a son, Born—In Fergus. Hospital, on Sun- day,june 12th, to Mr. and Mrs, Flo'yd Bolt (nee Marjorie Purdon) a daugh- ter, Miss Leah Currie, Wingham, left on Tuesday for Toronto, where she and her .friend, Mrs. Hook, will take a plane for Ottawa, and will spend her holidays at the home of her sister, Mrs. Eric Elliott. - Several car loads of members of the local Institute with the President, Mrs. Ernest Casemore, left here on Friday, to attend the meeting of the Lucknow Institute, who also entertained Dun- gannon and St. Helens Institutes. Mrs. Grain 'contributed a reading towards the program for the afternoon. After the meeting several contests were held. Lunch was served and a social time enjoyed by all. Mr. Annie Henderson returned from Powasson last week and resumed her care of Miss Christena Laidlaw,' free- ing Nurse Olive Terriff from her dut- ies there. Many will be interested to know that Mrs. Cht‘i's. Falconer, who had been in the Hospital in Kincardine, for the past week, was removed to Kit- chener Hospital on Thursday, and has been very ill there. the week-end with his father, and Gordon. Russel and Jack Phillips of West Wawanosh were busy putting on a steel roofing. on Mr. Gordon Mc- Gee's barn and shed. McGee relatives gathered on Sun- day afternoon at the home of Mr, and Mrs, Leask McGee to celebrate Mr.: Henry McGee's eightieth birthday. Among those who attended were, Mr. and Mrs. Hector Hamilton and son, Alex of Gorrie, Mr. and Mrs. Harry McGee and Mrs. Stewart McGee, Wingham, and the East ,Wawartosh relatives, His many friends in this district wish him many happy returns of his birthday. Mr, and Mrs. Cecil Falconer and Mr. and MrS, Relison Falconer of ! 1Wingham, spent the week-end at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Elgin Welwood, Caledon. Mr. Herbert Laidlaw had the mis- fortune to have the two small bones in his left ankle broken last Friday Friday while working with the County truck, south of Kincardine, They had la wheel blocked and the block flew ;out, striking his leg. He was taken to Kincardine Hospital, where his leg was put in a cast and it is expected he will reurn home this week. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Thompson and son Harvey of Listowel, visited re- cently at the home of his sister, Mrs. Hers= Irvin. Mrs, Fred Newman spent a few days last week with Waterloo and Ham-, ilton friends, and Miss Barbara New- man left on Sunday to spend this week with relatives at St. Catharines and Hamilton. Mr. and Mrs. Clifford. Heffer and I little son of Turnberry spent Sunday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ezra Welwood, Mrs. Mac Ross and Miss Olive Ter- riff spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Percy King' of Turnberry, Miss Lenore Adams returned to her position at Hespeler after spending her two weeks holidays here. Quite a number front here attended the Open Day Exercises at Centralia Airport on Saturday. East Wawanosh farmers in the south part of the Township have been having other set-backs besides dry weather during the past week. Stray dogs ranging around at night have been responsible for broken legs of cows; chickens 'and goslings have been killed and eaten, and cattle have been chased right over the fences into neighbours' fields, and sheep have been killed. These dogs travel quite a dis- tance, and are known. They are a real menace. as farmers do not like fattening. cattle to be chased day and night by roaming dogs and repairing fences costs time and money. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Johnston and children of Lucknow visited on Son- day with Mr, and Mrs. Wallace Conn and Mrs. Will Coon, who has been visiting in Lucknow returned litnne with them, WESTFIELD Mrs. Sarah Radford spent Monday with Mr. and Mrs. Russtll Good of Iliallett Township. Several from this community attend- the Sunday School Plower Day ser- vice in Wingham United Church on Sunday morning. Mrs. Wan. Crozier of London visited last week with her father, Mr. W. H. Campbell and Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Campbell, Mrs, Clarence Cox Visited reCently ..,,„ered EYES R 4 • Wed./ 9:00 WAIT Wingham CROMPTON'S Jewellery GLASSES Ar Corning a.m. to EXAMINED FOR R to Optometrist June22 Store, 12:30 FITTED i ed Memorials VW' Vse C i: 5 ZI• 1' ' 1 . ' " • '41.',VA.0:,1,45 .„. . We realize our obligation when we fill your order for a Mem- orial—and we provide only ma- terials of unending serviceability. Design and workmanship are of the finest, and our prices are most moderate. CEMETERY LETTERING Promptly Done All MODERN EQUIPMENT 1 1 'Wingham Memorial Shop 1 'Phone '256 R. A. Spotton l' with London friends. Mr, and Mrs. Walter Cook, Mrs. Jean Keehnie visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Norman Radford of Blyth. Mr. and Mrs. Wm, East of London spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Sash Complete Also DOOR Agents for johns-Mansville Shingles, Roofing Insul-Brick Storm and Screen Made to Campbell & Gorbutt Diagonal Rd., Measure 'FRAMES Wingham and Sash ' "Where Plate, Strip and M. 1254 Tanks KITCHENER 13 STEEL. Telephones Bars, Window Reinforcing many Brown&Aons UNION and To 11,EAMS, Angle oiler Tubes Steel Joists Other ST. Sheets, Sash 55645-6-7 Find Mesh - toilers Items, NORTH It" , Flats Pipe ..._ ONT. YOUR Our 25 tion Clear, Phone F point 1111 ,, enables E ATTENTION Comfortable Optometrist EYES us Scientific to 11111111111 give Harriaton NEED iota Viaiori. Ezarnind McVittie. Mrs, Win. MoVittie opened her home on Wednesday afternoon to the ladies of the W4M.S. for the annual birthday meeting. The meeting was under direction of Mrs, McVittie and opened by singing "Have Thine Own Way, Lord". Scripture *lesson was read from Cot., chap. 13, by Mrs. Norman McDowell, Prayers were offered by Mrs, Frank Campbell, Mrs. Stanley Cook, Mrs, Marion McDowell. A reading on "Stewardship" was giv- en by Mrs, Fred Cook. Mrs, J. L. McDowell gave a reading on "Why Speak of Tevnperance iii Chtirches and Teaching 'Temperance in the Home,' Mrs. Albert Campbell, the delegate from the West section to the branch meeting at Kingsville Epworth United Church gave the highlights of the convention. Everyone present enjoyed her interesting address. Solo, "So Near to the Heart of God" was ren- 'tiered by Mrs. Donald Snell. Mrs. Alf Nesbit gave some interesting points on her trip to England. The roll was called and 18 members and 5 visitors responded with a verse of scripture: Mrs. McVittie spoke a few words of appreciation to Mrs. Campbell and Mrs. Nesbit for 'their splendid address- es. A dainty lunch was served at the close of the meeting. The amtual,Sehool Area picnic was held on Friday afternoon at the West- field School. The. games were played in Mr. Cook's field across the road from the school, a loud speaker ad- vised all of the different sports to be played. The booth was well patroniz- ed. A picnic supper was enjoyed by all. The United Church travelling van visited the Westfield United Church Sunday School on Sunday, Rev. Thompson addressed the Sunday School and also took part in, the church service. Rev, Cope of North Street Church, Goderich, assisted. The travelling van is to go to India where it will be of great service to the Mis- sionaries, Mrs. Donovan of Vancouver, Flying Officer Donovan, Mrs. Donovan and children of Centralia, visited recently with Mr. and Mrs. Earl Wightman. ,Sgt,—"The new recruit used to be a book-keeper". Lient,--"How do you know?" Sgt,—"Whenever he stands at ease he puts his rifle behind his ear". FORD WICH Many be interested to learn that Glen J. Ankerman, son of Mr. and Mrs. Eldon Ankerman of Kurtz- vine, graduated in medicine from Queen's University, Kingston, on June 4th. Attending the graduation cere- monies were: his parents and brother Kent, Mr. and Mrs. Chas, Schaefer, Kurtzville; Wayne Ankerman of To- ronto, and .his grandparents, Mr, and Mrs. John Schaefer, Listowel. Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Armstrong and small son, Bobby, of Tyner, Sask., are on an extended visit to relatives in this district, They made the trip. by Foulard and Silk Rayon Satin • n $1.00 to $2.00 BELTS ....$L00 - $1.50 BRACES , ..85c - $1.00 • - n n ALLAN HATS-- • in Newest Styles $2.50 to $6.50 I C17-3" • • n n n n a n n a n a SPORT SLACKS - $6.95. up a ing Bricklaying Plastering and Chimney Building Cement Work John McKay 'Phone 637r22 Wingham J. W. BUSHFIELD, Barrister, Solicitor, Notary, Etc. Money to Loan Office — Meyer Block," Wingham CRAWFORD & HETHERINfiTON Barristers, Solicitors, Etc. Wingham, - Phone 48 J. II CRAWFORD. ICC. R. 5, HETHERINGTON, I .C. WHITECHURCH Mr. and Mrs. Ira MacLean and Iamily of Wroxeter, spent Sunday with his parents, Mr. and Mrs, J, F. MacLean. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Coultes and family of E. Wawanosh, spent Sunday at the home of his brother, Mr. 'Albert Coultes. Mr, Jas. Coultes of E. Wawanosh had a barn-raising on Friday. He has been busy moving the barn he pur- chased from Mr. Jos, Miller on the 3rd. line of Morris, and building it on to the cement foundation at the North end of his barn, for a straw shed. Mr. Fresh Shipment of English Pipes made by BARLING $3.50 Haseigrove's SMOKE SHOP E EIGHT TUE WINO ADVANCETMTIMES Demonstration on Your Farm, of Ferguson Tractor and 3-Furrow Plow ARRANGE FOR A DEMONSTRATION TODAY! There is No Obligation Merkley Motors FERGUSON TRACTORS HUDSON CARS — Sales and Service — Telephone 84 Wingham Alex Leaver had the misfortune to fall from the top of the foundation on Fri- day afternoon and was taken to Winit ham Hospital, where X-rays showed he was suffering from a fracture of his skull. He has been progressing favourably, and is expected home the middle of the week. Mr. and Mrs. Cameron Simmons a W. A. CRAWFORD, M.D. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Phone 150 Wingham di t ! Mr. Rdy McGee of Toronto spent FREDERICK A. PARKER OSTEOPATH Offices: Centre St. Wingham Osteopathic and Electrit treat- ments, Foot Technique Phone 272. Wingham. FANCY TIES n BOYS' WEAR " MEN'S WEAR minumnammunimmumnumilinuna BARD'S