HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1949-06-15, Page 6111111111111111111111.1110110.0.1_1111101,...., RADIO & ELECTRIC Telephone 171J CLASSIFIED ADS. APARTMENT FOR RENT—Apply FOR SALE—Late Cabbage plants, to A. Bell, Bell Block, Wingham, Danish Baldhead, Apply Wm, Field, EXPERIENCED PALM & CARD— Phone 394. Reading, for appointments Phone 121W. FATHER'S DAY GIFTS—Electric Razors, Safety Razors, Shaving Bowls, Shaving -Brushes, Shaving Kits, Travelling kits, Leather Bill- folds, Lighters, Pipes, Kodaks and Cameras. See the marvellous sele- ction at KERR'S DRUG STORE, Wingham. FOR SALE—Asparagus ferns, (maid- en hair) 7" pots, cheap for quick sale. Lewis Flowers, Phone 101. FOR SALE—McCormiHt Dump Rake. Apply J. W. Leggatt, phone 614r2, FOR SALEL-16 B.R. x N.H. Pullets, 41/2 months old, also a quantity of potatoes. Phone 557J, after 5.30 p.m, FOR SALE-1940 Intermational Pan- el truck, and 1937 Plymouth Sedan, both in good running condition. Ap- ply, Mel Jermyn,' Bluevale, Phone 53-12, Brussels. FOR SALE—Hand Washer, wringer and stand, 2 rocking chairs, 240 lb. scales, Iron pots, Sausage grinder, Apply to Mrs. M. Sellers, Wroxeter, 221(2, FOR SALE—Dining room chairs, al- so some iron beds suitable for sum- mer cottages. Phone 11. FOR SALE-16 little pigs ready to wean, also 6 young sows in pig, Ap- ply Leroy Bender, Delmore. FOR SALE-1935 Studebaker Sedan, $350,00. Phone 625r41, FOR SALE-300 Ham, Cockerels, 2 weeks old Friday. Phone 643r2, James Coultes. FOR SALE—Sewing Machines, Sin- ger, Electric portable treadles, new and used, guaranteed motors. Re- pairs and button hole attachments. Write your Singer Service Rep., Box 473, Wingham. FOR SALE-6-tube Philco car radio, in good condition, Apply Ed, Marsh, Wingham Junction, Phone 636r23. FOR SA LE—Vraine Kitchen, 16x24. Apply Edgar Wightman, Belgrave. FOR SALE OR RENT—Summer Cottage at• Point Clark, Hydro. Robert Moffatt, Phone 632r5, Wing- ham. • F OR SALE—McCrary Electric Ran- ge, also wood or coal range, both clean and in good condition. Mrs. Fred Howson, Phone 225,• FOR SALE—Piano, Beatty Washer and kitchen Stave. Chas, Hopper. FOR SALE-1933 De Soto Sedan, in good condition. Apply after 7 pan., to Frank Green, Josephine St., Wingham, FOR SALE—Hardwood 12" long, mostly split wood. Apply Archie Montgomery, Phone Blyth, 36r16. R. R, 4, Brussels. FOR SALE-2 used 600x-16 tires, no briak. Phone 426. FOR SALE—Beautiful Lake shore lots in the heart of the tourist ilis- triet on Colpoy Bay. Bruce Penin- sula, all nicely wooded tall birch and poplar trees. Ideal for summer homes, accessable by car. Large roomy lots 75'x 190'. approx. 12,000 square feet, very reasonable, Lake shore $225., and back lots $200, good fishing and hunting, A. K. Mallory, 71 Burton Ave., Barrie, Ont., phone 4501, FOR SALE—Round Walnut Exten- sion Table, 3 pair Silk Repp Drapes, egg shell, 3 yds. long. Apply Mrs. Annie Toner, Gorrie, FOR SALE—Wood Cuttings for light Fuel and Kindling. Lower Summer prices are in effect. Buy now and avoid the Fall and Winter waiting list. Phone 45, C. Lloyd & Son Limited. FOR SALE—Cook Stove, Wingham Classic, nearly new. Phone 57, FOR SALE—In Wingham on Fran- ces St., insulated red brick House, dabble garage, cement driveway, hhrdwood floors, modern convenien- ces, good garden, extra lot, fruit trees and raspberries. Possesion. July 1st as owner is leaving town. Apply Chas, Hopper, phone 315. FOR SALE—Giant 8 Cockshutt mo- wers, 1 power mpwer, also hayload- ers expected soon,. See the 10 ft. self,-propelled Combine now on dis- play. For everything in farm mach- inery. see John Bumstead & Son, Victoria St., Wingham. HOUSEKEEPER WANTED For two adults, middle aged woman pre- ferred. Apply Mrs. Isabella Hend- erson. Water St, Wingliam, PERSONALITY BEAUTY SHOP specializes in all types of Perman- ents, Machine, Machineless _ 'and Cold, also Shampooing, Finger Way- lag and Ogilvie Sisters Scalp Treat- ments, 'Phone 83 for appointment. PERSONAL—SKINNY MEN. WO.° men! Gain 5 to 15 lbs, New pep, too. Try famous Ostrex Tonic Tab- lets for double results' new healthy flesh; new vigor. New'"get aequaint. ed" size only 60e. All druggists, "*. ALUMINUM BOATS $175.00 OARS, per pair \ $8.50 Minnow Pails - - $2.55 e - $3.75 FISHING TACKLE BOXES $1.69, $2.00,' $3.95 $3.65 and $5.95 FISHING RODS $1.39, $4.95 and $9.95 LANDING'NETS .. $3.75 - $4.85 STAINTON HARDWARE A N FARMERS SUPPLY. PHONE 30 H OUSE- WINGHAM There is a steadily growing number of quality-conscious men who look to Hartt for comfortable GOOD shoes. For fo;ty- seveh years, the Hartt shoe has been the belt that money can buy. RHYS POLLOCK Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Robinson of Tor- patter's sister, Miss, Mary Maguire onto, were recent visitors with the, and brother, Mr. Ben Maguire. MED rut TV to- ad ethu4 on Sunday June 19 ing with her parents to Turnberry Township. In 1905 she was married to Thomas Mundell and for years farmed in Cul- dross. He predeceased her in 1944. She is survived by two sons, Mal- colm of Hamilton and Alvin at home. Also surviving are three brothers, Robert S. and William J., of Turn- berry and George of Ethel. There are two grandchildren. Two Sisters pre- deceased her. Funeral services were held on Saturday from the W. G. Church Funeral Home„ in Teeswater, and conducted by her minister, Rev. L. C. Jorgensen of Delmore Presby- terian Church, assisted by Rev. John C. Hutton of ,Pine River. The pallbearers were Roy Ruther- ford, Arnold Jeffray, James H. Camp- bell, Alex. Campbell, Leslie Bryce and James IVIdGlynn. Interment took place in Wingham cemetery. Mrs. Percy McLean There passed away at Wingham General Hospital, on Sunday, June 5th, Ida J. Rintoul, beloved wife of Percy D. McLean, Belgrave in her 61st year. Surviving besides her husband, are two daughters, Mrs, Wm, Lediett (Corinne), Wingham and Mrs. Gordon (Donelda), Strathroy; one brother, Mr, Chester Rintottl, Brussels, and five grandchildren, Sheila, Keith, Donald and Sharon Gordon and Fran- cis Lediett. Funeral services were conducted on Tuesday afternoon from the family residence, concession 8, East Wawa- nosh by Rev, L. C, Jorgensen of Bluevale Presbyterian Church, Inter- ment was made in Wingham cemetery, Pallbearers were James Anderson, Gordon Pengelly, John E. McCallum, George Gregg, Lorne Jamieson, Mar- shall Stonehouse, GORRIE Mr, and Mrs, F. C. Taylor, Mr, and Mrs. H, V. Holmes, Mr. and Mrs. Norman Wade, Mrs. J, Armstrong, Mrs. C. Ritchie, Mrs. Geo, King and Mrs, Gordon Underwood were in Clinton on Monday attending the spring 'meeting of the Huron Deanery, ' Wingham Ken Underwood and child of Wingham left on Monday morning on a trip to her`former home in New Brunswick. She will be present for the marriage of her sister,. Mrs. Hannah Forgie and Mr. Eraser Forgie of Turnberry,.were guests of the Misses Potter on -Sunday. Mrs. John Hueston is suffering front a severe heart attack, Wednesday, Jane 15, 1949 PAGE SIX THE •WINGITANI, ADVANCE-TIMES NEW Westinghouse Loteiagiek WASHER Washes clothes cleaner, without wear, with safety and con- venience . . . gives longer years of trouble-free service. The Westinghouse Washer is the only washer that provides the "Sentinel of Safety." This protects the motor against damage, and ends the bother of blown fuses. Beautiful pure white porcelain enamel tub. "Feather Touch" Safety Reles.se Wringer. LOST—In Wingham about June 3rd,, case, 1 key, and driver's license. Finder please notify John Curtis, 509\V, Wingham. LOST-1 heifer, part hereford, 700 or 800 lbs. Anyone knowing where- abouts please notify, Albert Vincent, Belgrave, Phone 621r2. LOT FOR SALE—Desirable for dwelling on Frances St., in the town of Wingham. This is a good sized lot, good locality and offered for immediate sale. Apply H. C. Mac- Lean, Real Estate Broker. PASTURE TO RENT-100 acres with spring water; R. J. Ross, farm near Whitechurch. Apply W. E. Brown, Phone 402r21. RECREATION DIRECTOR wanted a director capable of directing com- prehensive program of Recreation. State experience, qualifications and salary expected to Mrs. rack Hop- per, Wingliarn. SHAW'S UPHOLSTERY CLEAN- er0-3 piece Chesterfields $12.00 to $15.00,0 Rugs any size, Occasional Furniture, Tacked-down Carpeting a specialty. Place your order at Walker's Furnishings, Telephone 106, Wingham. STARTED CHICKS, 2 WEEKS— Non Sexed: Barred Rocks, New Hampshire X Barred Rock, White Rock 21.95; New Ffampshires 21.45. Pullets: Barred Rocks, New Ham- shire X Barred Rocks, New .Flamp- shires. 30,95, White Rocks 32,95, White Leghorns, 33.95. Cockerels: Barred Rocks, New Hampshire X Barred Rocks; Black Australorps, New Hampshiaes 20.95, White Rocks, 22.05, 3 week old add 5c Per chick. Also other breeds. Day old 12 pure breeds 13 cross breeds non- sexed, pullets and heavy cockerels. Prompt delivery, Also turkey poults and pullets eight weeks to laying, Send for reduced June pricelist. Tweddle Chick Hatcheries,,,Limited, Fergus. Ontaario. WANTED—Laundry work to do; al- so room to rent Apply Mrs, C. R. Henderson, corner Patrick and Leo. poll} Sts. WANTED—Girl or woman to help in kitchen, also two girls for upstairs work, Hotel Brunswick. WANTED—Work as clerk on Sat- urdays, by capable Entrance Girl Student, Apply Advance-Times. IiV MEMORIAIVI NEWELL-4n loving memory of Elizabeth Newell, who passed away 1 year ago, on June 17th, Quietly and suddenly came the tall, Her sudden death surprised us all, Dearer to memory than Words can tell The loss of a mother we loved so well. Lovingly remembered by husband and f eddy, • HELP WANTED Applications- will be received by the Huron County Board of Health for .an experienced Stenographer, proficient in shorthand and typing for Heatl'Of- fice in Clinton. Applications to be in the hands of the undersigned not later than June 18th, 1949. N, W. Miller, See„ Board of Health, Goderich, Ontario. TENDERS Sealed Tenders are requested for the supplying of 160 tons of Stoker Coal for the Huron County Home at Clinton, Prices to be for coal laid down at the County Home, Analysis of coal to be given. Tenders to be re- ceived by the undersigned not later than June 18th, 1949. N. W. Miller, Sec., Board of Health, Goderich, Ontario. Tenders Wanted Tenders for re-siding Hose Tower at Fire Hall, will be received at the Town Clerk's office until 12 o'clock noon on Wednesday, June 22, 1949, Siding to be aluminum Bevel Lock Joint, with proper aluminum corners, Old metal siding to be removed and under shea- thing all re-nailed. For further infor- mation apply to N. Rintoul, Chairman of Property Committee Township Clerk Wanted Applications will be received by the undersigned up to Saturday, June 18, 1949, for the position of Clerk of the Township of Turnberry. Applicant to state qualifications. Walter Woods, Reeve, RR. 1. Wingham Ont. Notice To Contractors Tenders for the contract of refacing the south abutment of the Clark Bridge in Morris Township, will be received by the undersigned. Tenders must be in by 8.30 a.m., June 20th, 1949. Work to be done according to specifications of the District Municipal Engineer and under the direction of the Road Super- intendent. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. George C. Martin, Clerk, R.R. 4, Brussels, Ont. Tenders Wanted Tenders for spray painting Brick House will be received until June 18. lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. For information apply to H. L. Stewart, Wingham. NOTICE TO CREDITORS All persons having claims against the estate of Robert W. Walker, of the Village of Gorrie, in the County of Huron, Retired Farmer, who died on or about the 19th day of April. 1949, are notified to sent to the undersigned on or before the 18th day of June, A.D. 1949, full particulars of their claims in' writing. Immediately after the said 18th day of June, the assets of-the said testator will be distributed amongst the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to claims of which the Executrix shall then have notice. DATED this 27th day of May, A, D., 1949. CRAWFORD & HETHERINGTON Wingham, Ontario. Solicitors for the Executrix. CARD OF THANKS The family of the late Mrs. Percy McLean wish to express 'their deep appreciation to all who extended com- forting sympathy and help in their recent sorrow. For the beautiful ser- vice conducted iby Rev, L. C. Jorgen- sen of Bluevale, the floral offerings, lite loan of cars, to Mrs. I, Mor- rey and her staff of nurses and for other kindnesses. They are deeply grateful. CARD OF THANKS The family of the late Mrs. Thomas Mundell wish to take this method -of thanking their neighbours and friends for their kind expressions of sympathy in their recent sad bereavement. These expressions have been deeply appre- ciated. OBITUARY Mrs. Thomas Mundell In ailing health for some time and suffering a fall two weeks ago, Mrs. Thomas Mundell passed on in Wing- ham General Hospital, on Thursday, June 9th, „ Formerly' Mary Elizabeth Campbell, daughter of the late Win. H. and Isabella Campbell, she was born at Burford, Ontario, in 1879, later mov- All••••1110 Floor Sanding and Finishing OLD Floors or NEW Free Estimates Work Guaranteed Rintoul & Miller 'Phone 251 'Phone 210 CUSTOM BUILT Kitchen CABINETS Agent for ARBORME WALLBOARD Plastic Finish • Norman Rintotil Exclusive "Sentinel of Safety" Protects the motor mech- anism from damaging power overloads and p--'vides a convenient --off" switch. .22 Single Shot RIFLE $14.35 .22 Savage, 5-shot 'clip $36.95 (with Rear Peep Sight) On Sunday, June 19th Remember Dad with GIFTS he will appreciate Sunbeam Electric Razors $26.75 .22 AMMUNITION Shorts 40c, Longs 50c. Long Rifle 55c, L. R. Mushroom 65c 11