HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1949-06-15, Page 2Wingharn. Advance-Tinws Published al. NVINGHAM - ONTARIO tuber Audit Bureatt Circulation SW» N. MeCool, Editor and Publisher Agthorized as Seoond Class Mail Post Office Department cription Rate — One year $,?..09 Six Months $1.00 in advance To U.S.A. 2,50 per year Foreign Rate $3.00 per year Advertising rates on application Vol. 76 39. Tr...ONDON FREE PRESS CELEBRATES 100th BIRTHDAY On Saturday the London Free Press ct'lebrate,l its 100th Birthday, We have great pleasure in announcing that we are° going to open our Walker Stores Y- A -WAY Blanket Club Plan Again $1.00 down 50c wee* Now folks and good patrons in the past, it has not been our pleasure to offer von this wonderful opportunity for many, many years. Now that KEN- WOOD BLANKETS are becoming a little more free in their supply to us for which we are Exclusive Agents in this district, -Ire are opening our Blanket Club again—all you have to do is come into the store, pick out your Blanket, any size or color which you may choose, just pay $1.00 down and 50c weekly (or more if you wish) and before you realize it you will have your beautiful KEN- WOOD BLANKET paid for. Something to cherish-Something to look at. "Warmth Without Weight"—That is their Slogan. Wouldn't it be wonderful—A -KENWOOD BLANKET roR CHRISTMAS! !anti FA reeogoition of this event pa• ;lisped a 232 page edition the largest .edition ever published by a /Canadian item-spat s.sr. The Free Press centennnial edition took nine tit,nt a year in preparation and. is a careful review of human en- .dcavor in Western Ontario, of which the newspaper has been an intestral part throughout its 100 years, Devel- ft.TIllent c if the ...--,Inituunitics of the SOU- th(..mli peninsula of Ontario—industri- comutercialiy, politically, educa- tionally and socially--is illustrated in its pages by word and picture. As a climax to the day, a banquet NV-as held in the London Arena with nearly 1,000 attending., including the members of their staff and correspondents and Western Oman.) w,,,chly publishers. It was our pleasure to be present and enjoy a very excellent evening. The program presented was outstand- ing, and to listen to Edgar Guest was well worth the trip i itself. Tribute to the service which weekly newspapers give to the people of the towns and villages and the distinctly rural areas of Western Ontario was expressed by \V. J. Blackburn, presi- dent and 'managing director of The London Free Press Printing Company. "It may be truthfully said that the weekly and the daily (newspaper) supplement each other, the weekly giving a personal, and the daily a'lnore general. news service," Mr. Blackburn • a • ...wil". car . III II III • Hair that's too oily, too dry, or a •• dull and lifeless looking is the • I woman can _have! Problem hair . a biggest barrier to real beauty a it a can be soft, lustrous, casy•tomtanage a a and easier to keep well-groomed. '°- • • Begin today by giving your hair IIII hygienic care with a to NI NI IN 111 NI NI NI II NI a NI a Special Preparation .. , for Cleansing. Ili IIII Removing Loose Dandruff— NI a IN NI $2.25 - $4,00 I IN a in NI PreparaVon for Dry Hair— Ili NI _ IIII $2.25 — $4.00 a a a NI IN — Prepararitm. for Oily Hair— a rimplimpinsissiliNIPOIONsignimplimsimin • • • spEciAl. HEILP FOR is III . II IN . a a at to 0 lo • • • • I ELIMINATE ALL SPECULATION IN FOOD MARKETING GUARANTEED FORWARD PRICES TO FARMERS EFFECT FARMER CONTROL OF FARM MACHINERY MANUFACTURING CONCERNS ERFECT FARMER CONTROL OF INDUSTRIES WHICH PROCESS THEIR PRODUCTS FORMATION OF MILK POOLS TO PURCHASE AND CONTROL SALE TO CREAMER- IES, CONDENSERS AND WHOLE MILK DISTRIBUTORS. EQUAL PAYMENT FOR EVERY GALLON IRRESPECTIVE OF FINAL USE. WE WILL PROVIDE LONG TERM CREDITS TO INDUCE OUR YOUNG PEOPLE TO STAY ON THE FARM INSTITUTE'. A NATIONAL HEALTH INSURANCE PLAN. Providing Free Health Services and Hospital Care for Everyone OLD AGE PENSIONS OF AT LEAST $50 PER MONTH AT AGE 65, IRRESPECTIVE. OF MEANS. These and other Measures in our platform will stop the drain of young people and unearned profits front the cotmtryside—the disparity between what the producer receives and what the final buyer pays will be reduced with benefit to both. 91 I •11111111, THE WINGHAM ADVANCE-TIMES Wednesday, June J5, 1949 VAG E TWO RAMCREST WHITE PAIRS In All White or Colored Borders 72 x 90 $19.50 pair I 66 x 84 $8.95 each 72 x 84 $12.50 each 1 60 x 72 $7.50 each We are also Exclusive Agents for HUDSON'S BAY BLANKETS 72 x 84 JOSEPHINE ST. RAMCREST i BLANKETS Plain Colors Satin Bound $10.50 each 72 x 84 $13.50 each TELEPHONE 36 FAMOUS FLORALTINT Tone-on-Tone NORWAY CAMP Checked Blankets WINGHAM The Old Parties Have Failed THE LIBERAL GOVERNMENT'S ACHIEVEMENTS THE CONSERVATIVES VOTED AGAINST LET'S GET OUT OF THE OLD RUTS VOTE-- HARRY CHARLES BURROWS by North Huron Elettion Colutnitted, WHAT THE C. C. F. WILL DO HEALTH INSURANCE, MARCH 9, 1949 CONTROLLING RISING COST' OF LIVING, MARCH 4, 1948 ORDERLY MARKETING OF FARM PRODUCTS, MARCH 9, 1949 MARKETING TO GREAT BRITAIN UNDER CONTRACT, MARCH 25, 1949 • Cx C,• P. a-Amin:JAI% HURON NtittTa ilf• ,z• 'Mr. Jas. Walker accompanied hint on ibis realm to spend the summer at 'Coldwater, , Plan to attend the popular play "Hazel's Hero" by McIntosh church young people on Friday evening„ June 17th, in the Town flail and enjoy an evening of fun, The Ven, Archdeacon W. A. Town- spend I.I.I. of London, Diocesan Sec.- Treas„ will be the preacher in St. Stephen's church on Sunday next. Mr. and Mrs. J, McKnight of Tor- onto, Were week-end guests of Mrs, McKnight's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Brown, Miss Verna Harris, of Paris, Out, is visiting with relatives on the 12th con. and B. Line. • Mr. and Mrs. Frank Graham and Mrs. Adam Graham, Fordwich, Mr, and Mrs. Stewart Higgins and small sons of Wroxeter, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Baker on Sunday. Mrs. Laurel Duburgess, Toronto, • Mr. Mac Duburgess, 'Guelph, visited at the home of Mr. annd Mrs. Jos. Bennett on Sunday. Mr. Arthur Stephens returned to his home from the Listowel 'Hospital on Thursday. He is the last of the three victims of the unfortunate motor ac- cident of March 16th, to be released from the hospital but will be confined to bed for some time as both ankles are ,iii casts., Ball games last week didn't go quite. so well for Gorrie. With the Stone School on June 8th, the score vas 18-12 in favor of the Stone, School and on Friday night at Gorrie with Wrox- eter, the score was.„18-12 in favour of Wroxeter. Mrs. Geo. Anger has been a patient - in Wingham General Hospital for the past ten days, having undergone two operations. She is getting along as well as can be expected. Mr. Wilbert Galloway and son, \Ves., are busy erecting a building of concrete blocks on main street south of Harrison's garage to be used as. a work shop. Mr. and Mrs.,Arnold Halliday, B. line, were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. And. Davidson, ' Reeve E, J. Farrish and Deputy Reeve Harry Gowdy, attended County Council at Goderich last week and went with the Council on. Wednesday for a one day tour of Western Univer- sity, London, a reception at the Lon- don Club and dinner at the school as guests of the Board of Governors of the University. A number from this vicinity were at McIntosh church on Thursday evening for the supper served by the ,Mrs, E. H. Doerr and family, M r, ladies of the congregation and the play a • • Robert Chamney is spending a few Pcinintreohn has by rteheeenst,loyutbtgeenpsehoipngleled • ney and family at Windsor. The e- b...i• ill days with Mr. and Mrs, H. E. Chant- . painted and the interior re-decorated, a II Mr. George Wallace, .Mr. and Mrs. making a fine church property. ' • • Wm.itRitigler and Mrs. H. Jefferson Mr. A. H. O'Neil, wife of Dr. 0'- It IN attended the Wallace picnic, near Sc- Neil of Huron College, has &en elect- is a ed President East Middlesex bean- IN • bringville on Saturday. 1 visitors with friends in Goderich on erYMWrs.o m Gaen0',s Auxiliary. Robertson • Mrs. R. Chamney and Gordon were home of Mr. and Mrs. Ernest King. The Women's Association of the United Church will meet at the home of Mrs. Geo. Brown on Thursday, Jtune 16th, at 2.30 p.m. A cordial in- vitation is extended to all ladies to attend. Mr. and Mrs. John White anti children of Sault Ste, Marie, were daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Harold I. Durst.-Alvin Hudson, C. D. Walmsley on Tuesday and Robinson consulted a specialist about Earl Harrison aid Gwen „Ruttan en- tToronto, was also a guest at the same Wednesday of last week. Mrs. White her arm which has been very painful sembles to be shown from Gorrie home, is a sister of Mrs. Walmsley. The „iris- since she suffered injuries in a car GrouapndT,113,eirsleadceeresi,l Mrs. HaroldErtle:- Dusty DeNyke, " The Log Cabin itors travelled by way of Manitoulin accident some weeks ago. It will be gar Balladier" of CKNX, Wingliatn, and island and are returning by way of necessary for her to have her arm.11.ebein Gladys vied two silver H spoons. arper,Patricia Margaret Mrs. DeNyke, were guests on a recent. B,irsacebi rr heid wherefgaet,rAfr. s Ii. srs.knnWiheirt.e will in a cast. Sunday evening of Mr. and Mrs. ,kit her Miss Anges Lawson of Toronto, is Achievement Day At Bayfield Harrison each received one silver Strong, Grace Harper and Mrs, Earl Thomas Parker, Belmore Road. The Sleepy Time Sewers are to be Mr. and Mrs. Roy Draper and. dau_ visiting her sister, Mrs. J. H:King congratulated on their success at the spoon and will receive another in the mail with the exception of Gwen Rut- tan Mr. King. Achievement Day in Bayfield on Sat- tan who gave a comment on her En- ghter, Leann, wbo have been holiday- an ing in Massachusetts, U.S.A., called Mrs. Jack Musgrove was a Toronto urday. The girls modelled the gar- sernble and will receive two more. for the week-end before returning to En- on Mr. and Mrs. Dave Draper, visiting visAiftonr aonnd WmertslneKsdeany Hlaasstt. ments. they had made in their skit, ie, "Bedroom Ensemble". This skit was Wm. D0ulat Mr. and their home in Toronto. Mrs. W. C, King and Mr. Ernest chosemsto be preSented at the Strat- Mr. Wm. Douglas of the 9th con., Mr. anti Mrs. F+P.. MillWard, Carol King spent Wednesday in Toronto. ford Fall Fair. Grace 'Harper received east, passed ,away in the Listowel and Ernie, journeyed to Toronto last 'Mr, Ernest King remained for a few the Huron Co. Honor certificate and Memorial Hospital, on Sunday morn- week-end, they were accompanied by days visit with his daughter, Mrs. pin. Two ensembles front each Jr, ing-, after an illness of several months. Mrs. Irene Higgs, Mrs. Millward's Percy Colmer. Institute 'Group are to be shown at Funeral services will be held on Tues- mother, who has been holidaying with Mr. and Mrs. Harold Robinson the Huron County Agricultural Field day afternoon from the home of his them since Easter, were in London on Friday where Mr. Day at Goderich on, June 15th. Mrs. brother, Mr. Jas. Douglas, Gorrie. Bruce Beach, Lake 'Huron, seems to W111111911111111111111.11111111•111111111111191111191111111111111111111111111/1111111111111111111S1111111141111111111111111111111110111111111111111111111M111111111111111191•111111!11111111111111111111111111F-- 111 IN be the popular resort fdr picnic and Fs' . bathing parties from this section. E-. ' = 'Bruce Beach bathing is exceptionally NI fine for the smaller children. Mrs, Fay Hack, Inglehart, Mr. il Softball plus Cloivri Circu Harry Dewey, Toronto, are holidaying Mr. ; . _ with Mr. and Mrs. H. V. McKenney. 11. AT 5th INNING ' , . ii , i a THOSE COLORED FUNNY MEN. OF THE DIAMOND i i ii .. h • :• , . 1 .. t lo plan. Clowns OF MUNROE, MICH: U a ET .r. 1 ii 1 i i il 1 Si I it ,.. ii i ii i FAMOUS PLAIN COLORS Satin Bound SLUMBER THROWS Satin Bound SOARING PRICES • LOSS OF OUR BEST FARM MARKETS NO HEALTH INSURANCE NO PLANS TO MEET UNEMPLOYMENT Miss Olive Jefferson, R,N,, of Strat- .ford,, was home over the week-end, Mr. and Mrs;. Ted Thompson and children and ,Mr. and Mrs. John Tiff- in of Wingham spent Sunday- with Mr. and Mrs. 'Norman Thompson. Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Chamney and Mr. Robert Chamney were week-end visitors at Niagara Falls with Mr. and said, "Only -when the two are joined together in the hands of the reader is his newspaper service complete." A friendly' spirit has always nre- vailed between the Free Press and the weekly papers, and The Advance- Times joins in wishing them continued success as they enter their second cen- tury, 0.1 from The Beaver Lumber Co, You'll like their soft colors and the way they add charm to your home. Stop in this week, does your roof give your home the protection it needs and de- serves? RE-ROOF NOW with dependable, long-lasting WINGHAM ONT, C. A. Loucks, Manager When Those Gentle Rains Falleth Cedar Shingles DONNYBROOK IBEAVII3,141MBER • • • — • • . ,• i • • you'o,o, coocklrools New • a a • 3 i. ic . till- — • MI In I at , aiii . . . . CREAM DEODORANT • • • • • • • • • EXQUISITELY PERFUMED • • • • • STOPS PERSPIRATION • • • • DOES NOT READILY DRY OUT IN JAR • PROTECTS DAINTINESS-FROM 1 TO 3 DAYS . / v a a a a a• • to a a a ODORONO ..39c, 59c FRESH 39c, 59c $2.25 — $4,00 n • Castile Soap Shampoo • 8 oz. bottle $1.00 . 16 oz. bottle $1.50 • a a a a N a • a Dainty Deodorants ARRID . ,39c, 59c MUM • 39c, 59c C., formerly of Wroxeter, now holds a position with the C.P,R. freight De- partment in the Yukon, working be- tween Dawson City and White Horse. Ken is the eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Kaake, who moved West from here some years ago. Mr, and Mrs. Art Forester, Dublin, were recent guests at the home of their Sunday afternoon. her daughter, Mrs. Gordon Edgar and . -a visited With a \\ Mr.. Edgar last week. • Compare The Value 2 oz. jar 75c Mr. and Mrs. Percy. Colmer, Gary • and Donna,. and ' Mr. Dales, all of i QUEST Powder ...,39c VEMO Powder ... ,35c • WROXETER Ken Kaake of New Westminster, B, Toronto, spent the week-end at the, • • • R. & G. SACHET $1.25 GEMEY Sachet . . $1.50 • • • • • • • • • Kerr's Drug Store • • n. • • 'PHONE,18 • WINGHAM . gi 111111111M1111111111111111111111111111111011111111111MMI4111111111111111 Mrs. Jas. Armstrong called on Miss Mary Pattison, Wingham, Thursday. Mrs. John Brown is spending some time at Molesworth., Mr. and Mrs. Frank: Earls and Lynn of Wroxeter, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Archie Miller. Mr. awl Mrs, Wm. Lynn spent a couple of days last week with Mr. Wm. Brown of Fordwich. Mrs. Thos. Nichol of Teeswateri vas a recent guest of Mrs. Wilbert alloway. Mr. Elmer Dickison of Teeswater, vas a week-end visitor with his sister, Mrs, P. Ashton and Mr. Ashton. Mrs. Gerald Galbraith and little sons returned last week from a holiday at her mother's cottage at Port Elgin. Its, Fydell is spending some time now with her daughter, Mrs. Galbraith ttd Mr. Galbraith. A number from here attended the Jacques Re-union in Listowel on Sat- urday, Mr. Mervin Walker of Coldwater, visited his brother, Mr, Lorne Walker Friday and Saturday. His father, GORRIE j Fridir and Saturda. , June 1 7 18 At 8:15 p.m. Adults 50c Children '25c VS. CROSSETT MERCURIES ALLSTARS WINGHAM To n ti wn Park • Illiffit11101111111111111111110111111110