HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1949-05-25, Page 6TIMM 111l1111/U11111,11411111)11/,11/111111111111141Minlini411.011111111114P101.111ISIMMIMIIIMIMMI 00000 00000 ///// iiiii ////////// iiiiiii 0000 a TRY ; Pollock's Shoe Repair -; For Satisfaction INVISIBLE HALF-SOLING FOR LADIES NO-MARK RUBBER HEELS Extra Heavy Duty Leather for Work Boots POLISH • SHOESHINE • LACES Prop., V. DUCHARME. on Guaranteed Trust Certificates ISSUED for any amount ....for a term of five years .... guaranteed both as to principal and interest .. .. Interest cheques mailed to reach holders on due date, or, at holder's option, may be allowed to accumulate at compound interest, An ideal investment for individuals, com- panies; authorized by law for cemetery boards, executors and other trustees. THE STERLING TRUSTS CORPORATION 372 Buy Street, Toronto 1 38 years in Business L Wingham Motors G. M. SPRING TUNE-UP SERVICE Means Dollars and Cents . . FOR THRIFTY CAR OWNERS' Bumper to Bumper Service—and the cost is most reasonable. Let us do it now so your car will operate efficiently this Spring and Summer. Wingham .Motors ROW you can buy... REPAIRS4md ACCESSORIES Telephone 139 meg our GMAC PLAN Chevrolet, Oldsmobile Cars Chevrolet Trticks n • • THE VOICE OF TEMPERANCE The result of the Manitoulin vote would appear that the people of the Island whether they realize it or not are asking for more widespread sale of al- coholic beverages# provided tin- der the Ontario Liquor Laws. Many sincere people accepted the wet propaganda and voted for repeal because they failed to see that the ones who were pressing the issue were those who were not nearly so concern- ed about bootlegging as in gett- ing into the business themselves. If the Islanders think that boot- legging conditions will now dis- appear they are in for a sad shock for they only have to look at other areas of Ontario where the Liquor Control Act is in force to see there is no The alcohol problem can only be improved by less drinking, not more, and we predict that more liquor will be consumed in Mani- toulin Island this year than at any time in its history because of freer sale. More drinking anywhere means more accidents, more poverty, more crime and more murder. The C.T.A. is an effective law and any failure is due to the au- thorities' lack of enforcement. Sponsored by Huron County Temperance Federation ST. HELENS A very successful Field Day for the schools of the West Wawanosh School Area was held on the St. Helens school grounds on Wednesday, May 18, when about one hundred spectat- ors were, on hand for the afternoon's events. Mr. J. H, Kinkead, P. S. Inspector assisted the, teachers, who are: S. S. No. 2. Miss E. Dow; No. 3, Mrs. Mc- Allister; No. 17, Miss C. MacLennan; No. 12, Mr. R, Errington; No. 4, Mr. PUR DON'S BAKERY 'PHONE 145 WINGHAM The Home of QUALITY BREAD, CAKES, PASTRY 0 We take orders Daily • (Saturday to 12 noon) a ball game between the All-Stars of S.S. No, 4 and, S.S. No, 8, against the All Stars front No. 12, No, 2 and No, 17, resulting in A win of 11-4 for the latter team. Miss Ivadel Sparkes of London was a recent guest of Mr. and. Mrs, I-Tyed McQuillin. Mr, and Mrs, john,Scott of London, were visitors with relatives here re- cently. Miss Anna Stuart of Toronto, spent the holiday week-end at her home here. Mr, and Mrs. Gordon Miller and Larry and Miss Doris Taylor of Lon- don, and Mr. Murray Taylor of Wing- ham, were week-end visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Chester Taylor, Miss Norma Weatherhead was home from. Alton for the holiday week-end. The Women's Association of the United Church held a very successful tea and baking sale on Saturday after- noon in the Auxiliary Room in Luck- now, proceeds amounted to around $50,00. Mrs. F. G. Todd, Mrs. Gordon Mc- Pherson and Isabelle, Mr, Tom Todd and Mr. Andrew Gaunt accompanied by Anne Todd, Murray Gaunt, Jack Forester and Ivan McQuillin of the Lucknow Calf Club attended the' Bruce County Field Day at the 0.A, C. in Guelph on Friday, Mr. and Mrs. Al Martin of Detroit, spent a few days with their little son, Neddy and Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Thom, Mr. and Mrs. Horace McGuire and Shirley Anne of London, were recent guests of Mr. and Mrs, E. J. Thom. Mr.. and Mrs, Farrish Moffatt and Gordon of Langside, were recent visit- ors with Mr, and Mrs. Fred McQuil- lin. CONTRACT BRINE This is one of several exceptionally interesting hands that Occurred at the recent annual tournament of the Lon- don Bridge. Club, and it resulted in some exciting bidding and play. North dealer, Neither side vulnerable. 'J 10 8 7 3 3 Q 9 4 2 • NONE 'Ti 10 8 5 3 A 6 5 2 A NO NE 3 85 V, A IC J 7 A K Q 7 2 aT. 9 6 4 , • AKQ 9 4 3 10'6 3 4, 10 8 6 5 J- When seen by the • writer the hand had. been played at seven tables. Twice North and South had sacrificed pro- fitably at seven spades. One East and West pair bid seven clubs, and were set. The other four contracts were six anil seven diamonds. East has a close ,decision whether to open with one or two diamonds, Assuming the former, the bidding should be: North East South West Pass 1D 1S 2C 2S 7k3S. 4S 5C **5D 61.) 6S 7D *Game forcing, and showing no los- ers in spades. **Showing no diamond losers. A fine bid, giving South important in- formation. North and South each has a very difficult decision to make, whether to sacrifice at seven spades or to depend on defeating seven diamonds. To report that all four declarers made seven odd in diamonds, and that it required a nicely planned squeeze play to do it, denotes bridge skill of consistently high calibre, After ruffing the opening spade lead, four rounds of trumps, are played, 'fol- lowed by the ace of hearts (in case the queen were singleton.) The club suit is led, but must be abandoned when the second round reveals that the suit won't break. The heart finesse is the next step, and the king of hearts is cashed. At this stage East has one spot in each of his three suits, there are three clubs to one honor in dummy, #and North holds the queen of hearts and ten and eight of clubs. When East leads his last trump North is hope- lessly squeezed. Any discard he se- lects will set up the final two tricks for the d'eclarer, either one trick each in hearts and clubs or both in clubs. spectacular + 743 .A1(03'92 N W E S fil r . 1. 0,_11 li I —. itattO i i 111 11 4.11111111111.11111111011111191111111111111111111111111111111111112 a ti MONUMENTS I ;•N sle Expertly and and Promptly Don% • BROWNE'S SHOE REPAIR Shaw's Upholstery Cleaners 3-piece Chesterfields $12.00 to $15.00 RUGS—Any size Occasional Furniture TACKED-DOWN CARPET- ING A SPECIALTY Place Your Order at J. Walker's Furnishings 'Phone 106 Wingham 3 I l l ll l t tt t t , 41 11 .1 1 tt t t t t t Mrs, J. T, says: Soap scraps are valuable after they are too small to leave in the soap dish. Drop pieces into a jar and cover them with water. Using this soft soap solution makes perfumed suds for lingerie. Anne Allan invites you to write to her in care of The Wingham Advance- Times, Send in your suggestions on homemaking problem and watch this column for replies. 4 Ex./by/kJ/2),es/ irtWe dn.§ mokthibil See ... Drive... and ,Strel/Ame, tea% 1 girl (617 ) ,ete.4,0#4#st, #4. • ,.. ' .• • THE STYLELINE DE LUXE 4•DOOR SEDAN fie mart8eatt01 MT/al and Visibility — You'll enjoy your first thrill the minute you look at this new Chevrolet with Beauty-Leader Styling! For here's the car that people everywhere are saying outstyles all others ..,. the only low-priced car with Body by Fisher. Moreover, when you sit in the big, Super-Size Interior with its extra-wide "Five-Foot Seats," you can see Per, fectly in all directions for there's 30% more window area all around-I DRIVE!. The most Beautiful BUY for lianbcl- ling Ease Riding Ease and Safety with New Centre-Point Design You'll enjoy an even bigger thrill when' you drive and ride in this car! It provides that unmatched 4-Way en- ginedring advance, Centre-Point Design, including, Centre-Point Steering, Centre-Point Seating, Lower Centre of Gravity without loss of road-clearance, and Centre-Point Rear. Suspenbion — bringing you totally new driving and riding ease! In addition, Chevrolet offers thdfivefold safety protection of: (1) Certi-Safe Hydraulic Brak& (2) Extra-Strong Fisher Unigteel Body-Construction (3) Panoramic Visi- bility (4) Safety Plate Glass in all windows, and (5) the super-safe Unitized Knee-Adtion Ride! SAVE!.Withthe most Beautiful BUY for Performance and Economy You'll enjoy the greatest of all motoring thrills when you experience "the amazing performance and economy of • this new Chevrolet! It's the only low-priced car that offers the split-second getaway, lively acceleration, and dynamin abilities of a world's champion Paloe-in-Read engine. See your nearest Chevrolet dealer now, if you haven't already done so. Enjoy the biggest triple thrill in niotor. see, drive and save'money with Chevrolet . . the most beautiful buy of all! SEE !... The most4 Beautiful • BUY for Styling A PleOpUCT, OF GENERAL MOTORS C.15498 W1NGHAM MOTORS 1,— Telephone 139 PAGE SIX THE WINGHAM ADVANCE-TIMES Wednesday, May 2$, 1949 11.1moomok .111111.1111110111111.0.1.1“. Amain NM= U a U • • W. G. MacDonald and Miss B. Mc- Quillin. The championships were divided as follows: Junior Girls' Champions—Myrtle Snell, No. 12, 7 points; runner-up, Gail Godfrey, No. 17, 6 points. Jr. Boys— Lynn O'Malley, No. 12, 9 points; runner-up, Keith Finnegan, No. 3, 7 points; Intermediate Girls,— Alison Webb, No. 4, 16 points; run- ner-up No. 3, 11 points; Intermediate Boys—Donald Durnin, No. 17, 11 points; runner-up, Bill Rivett, No. 17, 10 points; Senior Girls, Joyce Robin- son, No. 12, 15 points; Runner-up, Vivian Nesbitt, No. 4, 8 points; Senior Boys, Murray Gaunt, No. 4, 17 paints; Runner-up, Bill Irwin, No. 12, 16 points. A pleasant afternoon conchided with Boxed CANDY Meals- Lunches Cigarettes • Tobacco SHERBONDY'S COFFEE SHOP. Next to Lyceum Theatre Chesterfields and Occasional Chairs Repaired and Recovered Free Pickup and Delivery STRATFORD UPHOLSTERING COMPANY 42 Brunswick St. STRATFORD ONTARIO Enquiries should be left at R. A. Currie's, Wingham, Arrange now to have that Chesterfield or Chair re-covered, before the pre-Christmas rush! 3. The size of garden will limit vege. Hello Homemaker:31 When I was a youngster, it was fun to help plant potatoes because father let us take off our shoes and stockings and promised to buy tis firecrackers if we kept at the job. Father reminded us contin- ually all day, then mother scolded us all evening, about dirty feet and the danger of firecrackers. Today we could sytnpathi2e with parents even though we were never such a Problem as the modern youth We can't tell you how to 'mind the children, but we can help you with I 0 A family, plot should be graced It with the shrine-like beauty of a, monument which will be tho ever- • lastingly a tribute to se at • 1:1 rest. We have many classic styles to suggest, and will work • with you on custom designs. Exceptionally Low Prices, • Wm. Brown ie Box 373 'Phone 450 la Alfred St. Wingham Inscriptions Repairing !II Sandblasting Memorials 25 years experience The' latest in- Portable Sandblast Equipment AU Work Personally. Executed '211111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111175 gardening information: 1, Advice regarding crops, fertilizer and are of gardens will be avail- able locally through government authorities. 2, How much you plant depends up- on the amount you will use and the amount that can be stored. table crops that can be grown so those vegetables should be planted that have the highest nutritional ..„ . value, Spinach, squash and carrots have high Vitamin A content while. tomatoes; because they are A splen- did source of Vitamin C, should also be grown. 4. We remind you of the early and late cabbages when you buy plants. The early ones are quite green throughout but cannot be stored and .this also applies to. the red varieties, The hard white kinds are easily stored for winter use. 5, Beware of thick sowing of seeds. It wastes seed and increases the labor of thinning. To mark rows of slow germinating, seeds as car- rots and beets, plaint an occasional radish seed in the row, This will grow quicker and act as a marker, 6. To extend the season or such crops as beans, peas and corn, two or three sowings may. be bmade at in- trevals of 10 days to insure succes- sive crops. This also applies to let- tuce, carrots, beets and spinach. Now while the gardening is in full swing, yoti may require a list of quick- cooking dishes, so look over our list, squeezed mint leaf; canned consomme Appetizers: Orange juice with a served with cress, quick potato soup with a minced leek. Main Courses—Parboiled sausages covered with a tin of tomato soup and baked; eggs broken into mashed pot- ato-lined baking dishes and cooked in the oven; kippers poached in milk, fried fresh trout and French fried pot- atoes; cole slaw and 'cold meat; mac aroni and cheese, spaghetti and meat balls. Desserts—Sliced bananas with milk and maple syrup, coloured cream puddings, canned fruit, rhubarb pielets and also crackers and cheese. SUPPER DISH 314 cup macaroni 1/ tsp, salt 1 tin vegetable soup 2 apples ' 6 cups boiling water 4 pork sausages 112 tsp, summer savory 1 tbsp. bqtter Cook macaroni in boiling water un- til tender, then drain. Cut sausages into inch pieces and combine all the ingredients together except apples. Pour into casserole greased with mar- garine. Place thick slices of apples on top. Cover and bake in electric oven of 350 degrees for 25 minutes. Six servings. SPRING SALAD 1 cup shredded cabbage 3 green onions; minced' g Minced cress 112 cup diced celery .314 cup grated carrot Salt and pepper Mayonnaise or French dressing Toss the ingredients together with dressing to moisten. Serve in a chilled bowl, lined with lettuce. Accompany by hard cooked eggs or cold meat. RHUBARB PIELETS Rhubarb for 1 pie shell 4 tbsps. cornstarch 5 cups diced rhubarb 1 cup sugar Line individual pie plates with pas- try and add 314 cup of the rhubarb- cornstarch-sugar mixture, Dot with butter. Sprinkle with a dash of nut- meg, Cover with rolled out paste, slit for escap eof steam, Bake in electric oven of 425 degrees for 8 minutes. Lower temperature to 350 degrees for 25 minutes. To prevent any filling that may boil over if .oven is left too high for too long, place the pie plates on jelly roll pan. THE SUGGESTION BOX Mrs. K. C. Says: When washing windows wipe them up and down on one side and crosswise on the other. If streaks show after polishing, it is easy to tell which side they are on. Mrs. A. J. says: It's smart to pur- chase an extra roll of ceiling wallpaper to line drawers, and the clothes closet shelves. Mrs. H.• M. says: White spots on varnished furniture can usually be re- moved by rubbing lightly with a piece of flannel dampened with essence of peppermint or spirits of camphor. This should be followed by an appli- cation of furniture polish. •