HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1949-05-25, Page 5SEE and BEAR The LESLIE FELL Singers < "America's Greatest Girl Choir" At WINGHAM UNITED CHURCH, 8.30 on SATURDAY, JUNE 4th THE CHOIR WILL SING: The 'Most Popular Thoroughfare in Town our Weekly Newspaper The' Most Effective Medium Through Which Advertisers Sell Their Goods—Take Advantage of it! It's a street of facts—your newspaper—and you, the, readers, travel along its familiar path weekly. It is the tirioroughf are which carries the news of your community into your home. It renders indispensable service to the home-maker, the worker, the bpsinessman. It is the crossroads where customer meets merchant, learns his story, buys his goods, It is a leader in your home-town, a champion of democracy, the voice of the people. The Wingham Advance Times Member Audit Bureau of Circulations No. 34 Wednesday, May 25, 1949 THE WINGNAM ADVANCE-TIMES PACE Wingham A. D. MacWilliam 'Phone 237 5matirmcismanismunimannamtunnimomminunsismicno, i i : isi ECONOMY OPERATI ON i : with ECONOMY INITIAL COST COME IN AND SEE THE I Anglia and Prefect li ' i The FAMOUS FORD PRODUCTS i MADE IN ENGLAND : : Huron Motors i i , .11,..„.„,„„siii„„,...,-,,,,.„„,,,„„,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,„,,,.„,..„,.„,„,,„,,„rni,,.„,,,,i,,,,„... i _--4 LOWEST" COST.... i ii i- _ ill i is; YES! You get up toy 40 MILES PER GALLON, • • HARTT SHOES CHILDREN'S WHITE BOOTS—Bargain at $1.98 PLAY SHOES - 98c CHILDREN'S SANDALS in Brown and White $1.49' Sale price of 98c PLAY SHOES 980 R. 1, Lueknow, a sort. MULLIGAN-e--In Wingham General Hospital, on Thuesday, May 10th, to Iqr, and Mrs. Ronald Mulligan, Bluevale„ a son, O'MALLEY—In Wingham General Hospital, on Thursday, May 10th, ,to Mr. and Mrs, Chas, O'Malley, R. 2, Teeswater, a son. ITCIdTE— In Wingharn General Hospital, on Thursday, May 19th, to Mr. and Mrs. Harold Ritchie, Lucknow, a son, ROSS—IN Wingham General Hospi- tal, on Sunday, May 22nd,, to Mr. and Mrs. Frank Ross, R, 2, Wing- ham, a son, SCOTT—In Wingham General Hos- pital, on Sunday, May 22nd,, to Mr. and Mrs. Geo, H. Scott, Wingham, a daughter. WALL—In Wingham General Hospi- tal, on Wednesday, May 18th, to Mr, and Mrs. Chas. Wall, R. R, 3, Wingham, a daughter. WEDDINGS Cantelon MeGuke A pretty spring wedding took place in Knox United Church, Belgrave, on Wednesday, noon., May 18th„ in a setting of ferns and lilacs. Rev. W. J. Moores in a double-ring ceremony, united in marriage, Ruth Lillian, dau- ghter of Mr. and Mrs. H. L. McGuire, Belgrave, and Mr. Wilfred Harold Cantelon, son of Mr. and Mrs., C. Cantelon, Wingham. Given in mar- riage by her father, the bride looked lovely in a gown of white satin, fash- ioned in draped effect with a Victor- ian collar encrusted with , pearls and lily-point sleeves. The bodice was but- toned down the back, and the • skirt with peplum sides extended into a flowing train. Her full-length illusion veil, appliqued in floral design was held in a coronet of seed pearls, and she carried a bouquet of ,Talisman roses,. Attending the bride were her three sisters, Mrs. Sam Pletch, as matron of honor, Miss Lois McGuire, London, and Miss Abdrey ,McGuire, Wingham, as bridesmaids, Mrs. Pletch wore green moire taffeta and the bridesmaids were in identical gowns of yellow moire taffeta. They wore poke bonnets, harmonizing with their gowns, and carried cream colonial roses. Miss Ruth Gustafson was solo- ist and Miss Elaine Walsh presided at the organ. The bridesgroom's gift to the bride was a gold brooch and ear- rings, Mr. Clarence Cantelon, brother of the bridegroom, was best man and the ushers were Mr. Leslie Pelter and Mr. • • 111 n n n n n n • n 111 • • n • • • • n n n a • n n • • • • RUBBER and Mastic Tile Flooring 0. for Romeo, Offices and 1 Stores, 1.1 a a a a a a a a a a • a ; Norman Rinioul • • 'Phone 251 Wingham • 411a1111111111111111,11011,11allalianallia3 :--." Merrill Cantelon. Following the ceremony a reception for more than fifty guests was held at the bride's home. Mrs, McGuire re- ceived wearing a suit in American Beauty shade, black accessories and corsage of white roses. Mrs. Cantelon, the bridegroom's mother, had chosen a navy, ensemble, and wore navy ac- cessories' and pink rose corsage. For a wedding trip to Ottawa, the bride changed to a beige gabardine suit, with shortie coat and navy accessories, Mr. and Mrs, Cantelon will take up residence at "Hillcrest", Wingham. OBITUARY Wiilliam R. Yeo In Wingham General Hospital, on Thursday, May 19th, 1949, there pass- ed into the Great Beyond.a highly es- teemed life long citizen, of Turnberry, in the person of William R. Yeo, In failing health for sonic years, Mr. Yeo suffered ,A fall early Thursday which resulted in his death. Born in 1861„ William R, Yeo was a son of the late Robert and Elizabeth Yeo. Of a family of eleven children, only one sister survives, Mrs., Frances Denman 'of Strathroy. He was prede- ceased by Mrs. Andrew Holmes, (Eliza); Mrs. Robert King (Susan); Mrs. Thos. Harbottle, (Agnes); Mrs. Thomas Walker (Lynda); Mrs. Henry Hatfield (Mary Jane); Mrs. Elizabeth Denman, also, John, Joseph, Robert and George. The late Mr. Veo with his parents cleared their farm, lot 9, concession 3, Turnberry Township. He was known throughout the, district as an excellent farmer and took great pains to keep his farm free -of weeds, using only hand picked seed. His stock especially cattle and sheep, were always top quality, He was a lover of nature as the fine stand of maple. trees which he planted on his farm testifies. Mr. Yeo " was an adherent and amporter of the United Church, Bluevale, A good neighbour and friend lie will be remembered as one of the sturdy pioneers to whom we owe so much. Funeral services were held on Sat- urday afternoon from the home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Stamper, with whom he resided. Rev. 3. A. Burden in charge. Pallbearers were, J. H. Wylie, A. Moffatt, Andy Adams, Wendell Stamper, Dr. J. Anderson. Malcolm Black, Interment was made in Wingltatn cemetery. Molesworth, Hon, Pres., Miss Mothers, Kincar- dine, Pros., Mrs, A. MacAuley, 1st. Vice Pres„ Mrs, Sutherland, Whiteehurch. Ud. Vice-Pres.,. Mrs. 3. Campbell, Molesworth. '3rd Vice Pres., Mrs. A. Nimmo, Wingham. 4th Vice Pres., Mrs. R. Thomson, Brussels, 6th Vice Pres., Mrs. G, Reid, Tees- water, Treasurer, Mrs, ,T, Bell, Kincardine, Secretaries; Recording, Mrs, R. Mowbray, Wingham, . Corresponding, Mrs. G. A, Milne, Brussels; Finance: Wm, Black, Kincardine; Evening Dept. and ,Girls, Mrs. M. Henderson, Lucknow; Mission Band, Mrs. A. Lounsbury, Ethel; Home Helpers, Mrs. H. Spier, Brussels, Students, Mrs. D. Rae, Wingham; Life Member- ship, Mrs. Wm, Spier, Brussels; Glad Tidings, Mrs. H. McGee, Wingham; Supply, Mrs. Ringrose, Teeswater; Welcome and ,Welfare, Mrs. W, F. MacDonald, Lucknow, R. 6; Litera- ture and Library, Mrs. G. Day, Wing- ham; Press, Mrs. F. Moffat, Langside; Assist. Press, Mrs, L. C, Jorgensen, Bluevale; Exchange, Mrs. D. R. Mac- Kenzie, R, 3, Lucknow; Historian, Mrs. R. McWhinney, Dungannon. The convener of the Resolutions Committee, Mrs. Jorgensen, Bluevale, presented her report which was adopt- ed that the ladies of Melville Church be thanked for their hospitality, that Mrs. Reid's services be remembered; that this Presbyterial express its op- position to commercialized amuse- ments on Sunday and to our'Govern- ments sending an ambassador to the Vatican; also that . the Presbyterial de- mand the Ontario Government close all women's beverage rooms in Ont- ario and that the law be enforced re- garding the sale of liquor to minors. LOCALS AND PERSONALS Dr. and Mrs. G. W. Howson motor- ed to Buffalo for the week-end. Miss Agnes MacLean of Toronto, spent a few days at her home here. Mr, and Mrs. C. W. Lloyd were Buffalo visitors over the week-end. Mr. W. C. Geddes 'of Chatham, spent the week-end with Miss Anne Geddes. Dr, and Mrs, ,Geo. H. Ross spent the week-end in Toronto. Miss Bar- bara Ross returned home with them. Mr. Duwarci Preston and. daughter, Gail of Kitchener, spent a few days with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. 0. Preston. Mr. and Mrs. Harry, McNeff of Chatham, visited over the week-end at the home of Donald Cameron and other friends, Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Christie and son, Graeme of Toronto, spent the holiday week-end at the borne of Mr. and Mrs. W. B. McCool. Mr. Harry Fryfogle spent two days in Toronto last. week attending Post, Graduate Course at the School for Embalmers, Banting. Institute, Mrs. Duncan of Carmen, Man., and Mrs. (Rev.) Cawdwell, of Edmonton, Alta., are visiting their sister, Mrs. Eli Bolt, who is staying at Mrs. Fing- land1/4 rest home. Mr. and Mrs. M. C. Maynard of To- ronto, spent the week-end in town. Mr. Maynard ha's been engaged as teacher on the' Wingham High School teacher staff commencing with the Fall term. BIRTHS CROMPTON—In Victoria Hospital, London, on Saturday, May 21st, to Mr. and Mrs, D. Crompton, Wing- ham, a son, (stillborn). DYBLE—In Wingham General Hos- pital, on Monday, May 23rd,, to • Mr. and Mrs. Phillip Dyble, ing- ham, a daughter. JACK—In Wingham General Hospi- tal, on Tuesday, May 24th, to Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Jack, R. R. 1, Clif- ford, a son. MENARY—In Wingham General Hospital, on Saturday, May 21st, to Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Menary, gumasmummtinnnumunnummummunuonnimaminsmain a n a • • n n Clearance Sale • a n • • • • • n n n n n n n n 3 n n • • n n • • im m • n • • • • a • of Many Lines of Work Shoes Dress tor Men Women - Children Rhys Pollee HARTT SHOES—Regulal. $16.50 and $18.00 — Broken Lines '— 9 95 MANY OTHER BARGAINS NOT LISTED ALL SIZES, but not in every line WOMEN'S PUMPS-250 pairs — A Gift at 98c and $3.98 BOYS' WORK BOATS--BALE $1.98 MEN'S WORK BOOTS — Arch Support— A Real Bargain $4.89 Double Sole with Orthopedic Heel MEN'S WORK BOOTS—SALE ..... .$2.98 MEN'S OXFORDS— Black and Brown, in- cluding some Bold Look . .$5.89 MEN'S CREPE OXFORDS $2.98 lilliriL El ;6:`61.c.=...-27,___„v.inartKr.---1 a.-' I. IIIII! II f..--' 110, 1111. 1.---11"91111H-71 .......•i•l, , — — 4,-.......--&4 ,.•*.•••• ,,f''',:e.,,'3.-::/b:...:: 7..\-;:, .- ..01. .1., .4... ....„ 7 ....t...- ,................. : CUSTOM BUILT i Kitchen CABINETS i 1 Plastic' Wall Tile For it Kitchen and Bathroom ESTIMATES FREE . Agent for ' ..=. „..,,— ARBORITE WALLBOARD ti Plastic Finish II I ta Il l RI I I II I l i l Il n Presbyterial Annual Held at Brussels (Contineod from page one) of Kincardine, gave the treasurer's report which was very encouraging, the allocation being $4,400 and $4,600 being raised. • Mrs. R. McWhinney, Dungannon, introduced the guest speaker, Miss Lily McArthur, Children's Work Sec- retary, front Council Executive, Tor- n onto. She stressed the work of ,teach- / ing children about Missions, of the IN family pew and of parents co-operating • with the Sunday School teacher. She 11▪ showed several examples of helps with a the: work and stressed the giving of a time to the leadership of children, II Reports of the Synodical in Goder- n ich, were given by Mrs. Robertson. n (ionic and Mrs. MacAuley, Ripley. 1111 Mrs. V. Moffat Langside ° reminded the Auxiliaries to send in their items NI • n for the Glad Tidings and Mrs, l{. ▪ McGee, Wingham, gave an encourag- n ing report on the Glad Tidings sub- . Iscriptions, Miss Mary, Lou MacFar- MI' lane sang. Mrs. Reid in her closing SI • remarks expressed gratitude to the ▪ Deaconess's for the work they arc 111 • Mrs, Bell's invitation for next year's • meeting to he held in Kincardine was .11111 !accepted. Mrs, MacAuley expressed appreciation to Mrs. Reid, the retir , • 1 ing president, for the service she has n given during the past five years and 1111 Mrs. Sutherland, Whitechurch pro- n sented Mrs. Reid with a basket of ros- n es. • .1111 The following officers were installed '1" by Mrs, MacArthur, The slate was presented by Mrs.'A. iMacDonald of "Clair De Lune" "Deep River" "Over The Rainbow" "Braharns' Lullaby" "Ave Maria" Selections from "Oklahoma" And a full Program of other delightful and familiar songs. Sponsored by Wingham Lions Club Admission $1.00 - Tickets from any Lion, and at Advance-Times, McKibbons and Kerr's Drug Store ALSO BY MAIL— From Radio Station CKNX