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The Wingham Advance-Times, 1949-05-25, Page 4
• 'TERMS - Tas, 74:4413'e z•:•• 1-, 3f.f.t5 7 ' • - ▪ TA;as -• zfr". Crt-a• Zr, Fe:11y r.7 ".AFA 71,.117.k. a ;•- * TENDERS WANTED TW-s...72i7...Y.FIVE AGO Vita: C.i.f.:: Fr.,- 'an! r"...arF .C'. Ft:* 7;•!.;ts r """ --- - TENDERS WANTED receive! the • 7.7.• tz Sces-x-Say. 77.5 5T -it . " • I.:7, :I:: e tetz.zes EVERYTHING YOU NEED FOR Westin ELECTRICAL LIVING BY housp SMART, ATTRACTIVE TABLE APPLIANCES TO BRIGHTEN UP YOUR COOKING AND HOUSEWORK ViE$TiN6IIBUSE AUTDCMT TOASTER 004-.0pAct su-eLszrlicted tiesiam: .teasts shees. at pace. Life-tons. ehrPrat f,tti•th $15.50 LikigOVAllt SWAIN 1",:AP. eZe.szer: thro=4^ SEE THESE Here's ee.a-F - „Le er.5."..kiag. aelicipas"Sess. Co...."ks .eresrthilf."..c• ere= cp-rap:ete %nes: 0»:':: r$ se, tear. .;.•.^..g r.rt"...•eLt't rress vpus ze" *at ese hake ries! ets. 3."..:M,,,•."Are sat these &N."...:: -.•--es....ieztsty Vrie: R ....N4.stes• OUTSTA.iDING VALUES $59 50 Westinghouse Acilus to m a tic ROASTER-OVEN Roasts Fries Cooks Complete Oven Dinner SIXE.11.11. ABLIVIQVATIF.; l'F.T.i 3t..4.:,1 -,..::'..,, cessect heat fcrz trtrh is:ts.r.::: v.:I.:eh tt,-.....s=psszsie.. ma- em. e!„..se, :p.p..e • • fl 5 $ ...,.,,,,„,,,,_...,...... u.. ROW AT fi Tr.Y.RXQY.E.R, TiliSTER casts rom slices ea p..".1‘tat.4; tpstt....sx es 1tt".14t -4.1rt+L fartzsh. ea”: to .fes-„,tzteed .$8.95 z•-• -.. fps :•• 7.`,.• ...... , •4; .4 I 41,gt M14.0.41144,..1.04444...6-1gf. ;154 SA: •"•"••• ......"4:•417..*;..:71 741.; ". ▪ -a. • . ••• :.e : .:s "4‘ : ti - - ^". • - Ir. 7 Wednesday, May 25, 1949 TBE WINGHAM ADVANCE-n/44S PAGli 11',OUR 'EXECUTOR'S SALE Qi Itapletneuts„, ;' will be hell. at the restdeace at the t. late .Pecrge "Sr, Lets S. 14. c. live...4, At 1,30 -- • • - • -- • : #'141. te..\-1....Fer. Masscy-liarsis tt.e' -'1')RTY YEARS AQ0 FRIPAY., MAY 194.9 it Mass*--liarr.s New: Fatzt.:"7.,)"-Q,, 1•Z-I151 .111:7" 114' 7.3.e`sy b".4itdinZ win lee 11,1".°A.1.-e„ • 1,,attd• • ...."•••.." t"riek• anci w22. Itts,ih pft she. 3 .`VaNalzir'ffi'",N.-t ant • -11• ..;"f gLEV447'4.,141f.:;:ee.VAteL.r.e5:::J-i'ar;I:ft. • :24.1.C1Ct't:11"...1"." sza"..e* trazks Tar.' W.•;;;:,ita.m t,'""'".•• t-attaatetY wes% !Lf. the :ire:se:It I .1s. • " r.ew tait!Ing wi:74 erre-1- g .C.ettcr. R• abl,•er • s'et et '.....4zed zzers- mal Ciairea's • lane i F z•„ ..k.r t„,..........‘--atatc:"...... '25 zz•:,!-$. ::.i. nry I.....Irls."*- -`7-1.4...-F-'-'"•• V''''"1".'7•*- r• 1 stiatitity .,,:f Le-tbsr. Fick$,. Sh:ve:$,. tf:•'..-"•$.-":"fic- i tt..t .-..wba-s...., F•prts.s. V% F.::::::e Trmes. re.:;: i'`:.,:..r.:a:.----11.t.e$sr,s. F Paz......azat--, W. 1 1, 4, - _ ... - ........t... .. ..a,-0.... a... .......... ti...ra-re Ss. were 1.•:'.:-.-!-5. Pet rzlik.'t Harne$4. Se* 'V- -"e 1 1-1-• • -- - et R -IN* ". i. .af.T.‹........ Aut.-L:1c en z•se le-% w.--0.• ''..7. ie---*-• '-‘0. . Irit01."S.Euoln ...it-..,.ors-,, Emvn, ,„,- ., • - '17' . s:•-• " - - "' -..- '4"" i 1 ..r..`"zmt et:a:1:s. 6 K-14:::-.er: ▪ S w2s 77•:.r.• 3 3 cutz. a zew week. Mr. tsz•!:,.:•"..steseS. S Retz4s„ cl-es Sar.lay :teas and: fa; 4 sr..1.a.1., - zr • I S stet1 tifeee..!: Fine Rave- ' 7'..-essFug 1".at.t•7_e$. "2.11i't•- at e...e Elr.te Frances 1".'eske:4 • WP.tee"... Set ▪ Frau:es. C•*:et.r.- Carr.z..k. t.: 2a:tr.! 071.5:: `7.7,z;zes. "7:-.7..z: Set- '6" Terzkerry. G•a$ az „Lae S-1,713,74 reezez.ze. N.Fax Kisezer, Range ••.-4'.t7.: Heafers Rev Tr. -7-1/4_,t_:',";t:'" ." set mer_ Cm" p•ves".. ' - ityfettl,s, %TPA 1.,•••• Hay. Par$ !Fte.tte.r Free-. Wag: C. Hay "4-:.szzwe• tL, Fiet---res an.F ..zz-2-J ,F.t-ztater. zit - • -- an.! Marr.resset5.- Vat:fess. S "rtivi_a ....ea: ree,... 1"As2.4.^4:: - • . - '77' A;r:.•• REMINISCING • .4. ',. ;1,1 P•."!. • ' • .5. 44, L. 4- RA, "" • & ELECTRIC TeteOtatte 171J ."41 •-• n t, t nr: firstatt::- tr.="Z"sr.;„;:.4.t. -4. " Z" . ".. t. t'4.1. Kt.* 7 .1.‘"1-1.7. v "L:7 ;.--= ••••••.s- !„. SOD '5." Y.- 7.... -.., • -. • az. vs . Tz-vra-.F•Zt..1•7 zZ • r:".f • 71.3'11" ..p..te NOTICE TO CREDITORS -"-'•'-'11.'""71". ---_-_- " 71,!..•':71...S. : za• • ." •Tskgi,-„ 7..arfp.s. .:11171.=.1".".11.• = . . • Lay. Relieve that Tired Feeling by CORRECTING those FOOT TROUBLES- SEE MR. S. LINDER, of Kitchener, well-known FOOT SPECIALIST and MANUFACTURER of FEATHERWEIGHT ARCH SUPPORTS, who will be at my store to give relief to those suff- ering from Foot Ailment, for TWO FULL DAYS, MONDAY and TUESDAY MAY 30 and 31 Rhys Pollock Do You Play a Musical instrument? The Rg Anti-Tank Battery, Royal Canadian. Artillery (R.), WINGHAM, ONTARIO, has a very Fine BRASS BAND, for which a few Ban smen are Needed Instruments and Music are provided. Every Parade and Practice is Paid for.. GOOD RECREATION-Badminton, Volley Ball, Softball. etc..; ...good Fellowship, and profit to your- self are yours for the asking. ,Jo'm the Canadian Army Reserve Force by be- ,comaing .mernb-r of your Local Unit. Apply at The Armouries WINGHAM, ONTARIO :EL !•;t:' • %;i6. Repair Man For Turdoerr.y Schools Wanted 17'.-:.11 1,TZT4, 1:";?.' ••••• 2..!...t" : T.', - 7," - • ...7",".ZI-Z",72.11.".';'2:7,, Z..... :Pre 11.-A--••• ""`. i•71'1" • rans. 1-fe 77, • Teaohez-:,: Wanted •••.. L...1"."*...r., .,... , . I'. TENDERS W.,-.4-NTED F.. • _a:L.' 5.1. . . • . . 7".‘i! Z.1.7•,„ .. ' 7," -?•••. -.I..- ••••."" 7,7 :::.! .75 - 5 7 r - . 17: 1,11 ..L." f :tab= 1'7 1:".",17.i.• .1 11 NEW ONTARIO CABINET County Czi=-Arill • .• , Adrateloetwoomm000labook. - • • Tettimts Etzz • .. -'•-•".L David Cram* JSWELLER . . 7".3.0 •"e•, `-'"-,1./ far Octaitizas -,,,,LItat aril.