HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1949-05-18, Page 1041=1.3.1111.1.00M112.1111011-0411•11.0..0.1 4.111111 Dress Reductions A Dress Sale well worth investigating! Here's your 'chance' to pick up an extra dress for street, office or holiday wear- a multitude of styles to choose from with reductions from 20 per cent to 50 per cent. VALUES' to $17.95 2.98 6.98 10.98 4011104.111.00111Nana“.0.1•041110.0.0.0.=.00=Plaia.M.1/•••04•11.0,1•1.001•1.4.1110.0.110.04111M1 WOMEN'S RAYON SLIPS Regular $3.50 SALE 1,99, al.lam012iO4:=1.0.dalaaraINI.111611•••0411111.04aillobrii0.6411111.041111•0411100”.1•11141.11114 'Misses' and Women's FALL And' WINTER COATS Values up to $75.00 • Choice of all coats carried over .9.95 14.95 25.00 •=1,041111•4141111160411111.0.111111111i041M641•11.11110.11M.0•111.4:6110.00111•0411MOMM-0.1111.0.1MOOMMO.N.0.1•111.1 LADIES' RAINCOATS Self-lined 'Gabardines Regular $13.95-•SALE 1 7,95 Regular $21.50-SALE 10,75 41MiktgiaaaahM11441i0i1.0.0.MMIMO4•101141M13”110.4MAY .1 ENTIRE HAT SELECTION 20 ../P.c. OFF BEDRQQM SLIPPERS Regular $3.50 SA LE 1.95 41•1110(1.1••0.11.1M/MafallalllaMIVOMIWIlilla01•1111.0.011•0411•11.0.11MOMIDOMMI t. STORE OPENS at 9:15 a in. • OPENS a THURSDAY, MAY 19 SPRING'S NEWEST BLOUSES The soft flattery of a lovely blouse - A smart collection i'n an extensive variety of fine washable crepes and sheers. On Sale While They Last-Reg. to $8.50 2.98 3.98 4.98 0111.0111M•41MINOOrainEK.0111.-0.1•01.4.111111.4 Women's and Misses' Slax Regular $7.95 SALE 5.95 4111.1.111111.0.161111.0111111.001M.O.M004111•01.11111.1.11111i14 Gloves Fabrics and fine Leathers. Broken ranges Regular to $3.95-SALE 69c 99c 1.95 .111111.4101111.041•01..//0.1110.114110•4},M11.0.1.1•04111111141 01110.0.11M.0.1.0001.0411•11.0•1.1100.1101/14 PERFECT QUALITY NYLONS $1.75 Reg., $1.50 99c Walking Sheers of you. favorite makes-- in new Spring Shades. YOu'll want sev- eral pairs at this exceptional price. ON SALE AT HANNA'S 99c .1•1.1.41M04.11M041•MalMilaaalltn."1411•14341=q1.Ma4M.Q.SMO.M•a•msta.M1.04000. Extra Sales Clerks Needed 141.1.0400POISI•001•04”0.1•1•0•11M' 0••••00•11.04•004!•0 04110.0.10Matiall“flao HURON BRUCE CLOTHIERS From Thursday, May 19 to Saturday, May 28, HANNA'S will be a Fisher- s man's Paradise for the Budget-wise Angler - - - Here's an opportunity to Reel in - - some Whale-sized Bargains - - in Holiday Apparel, as well as Springtime Toggery. It's our ANNUAL SPRING and SUMMER SALE- with greater price reductions than ever before. Why? We have plans in the offing for a mod- ernization of our Ladies' Shoppe. In order to do this we must reduce our stock to .a minimum. LI Hickory GIRDLE BELTS SALE 59 c r ortitlri.01.010.041111. k SALE OF Spring Coits The season's foremost styles in finest all wool ,40DD SKIRTS I fabrics for juniors - Stilts Misses and Women --20 P.c. OFF I In Regular lengths and Shorties. All in the new- MISSES' j Misses and Women's ,ANKLE SOX i Suits including dress-Regular 95c 1 maker and mannish tail- SALE 69 c 1 ored styles - a carry-.. • • --,----- I over from last season. 32.75 42.75 1.0 DAYS est smartness and lead- ing colors. Values up to $59.50 ONLY ! Values up to $42.50 ii.1.101•104•111.13.0110.3.116.041/WHOIMINIMOadebOaalalaa.11.0 AM Women's and Misses' RAYON PANTIES Stock up now for the warm Summer days that lie ahead. .Popular styles to choose from in plain or fancy knit fabrics, Tail- ored Briefs and Panties with net trim or plain banded leg panties. Tea rose and white in sizes Small, Medium and Large. Regular $1.49 and $1.19 SALE 99 c and 79 c SWEATER CLEARANCE Away below usual prices Made by nationally known manufacturers. Clearing our entire stock of Cardigan Pullovers and Sweater Coats. Coloured soft woollens-beautifully made. Prices regular to $8.50 2.98 3.98 08 01M.0.1.04111W.MMWOMIWO/MAOONWOMMO001111.41.1•04MWOMINWOOMP04111WOOM=OAMMOOMPIKAMWOOM. THURSDAY, i 1 ON SALE MAY 19 i , - to - i 7.95 13.95 SATURDAY, I MAY 28 • ! 19.95 a LADIES' UMBRELLAS Regular to $7.95 3.95 - 4.95 asai4 awn a 11111111,0 Here's a collection of .4, • ONTARIO, SATURDAY, MAY 28 CLOSES emoomma.mamaamaamm.oam.onia”aamaackaasaoaaranamaaamaaeowaas.00m.aampa a a a. is a. n a. • a a a a. a n a n ▪ co a n a. a n • n a a a a a a n n a a n n n n n a n n n n n mi a a n a a a a am It 1111 a. a a a II a a a a a a. 1111 a n a a n a a 111 • U n n • 11 a n a a n n a 111 • 1111 IN a a • FM a • a n 111 • • n U a U 11 UI Vir 10101111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111110111111101111111111111111111111101111111110111111111111111111M1111111111 n a a a a a a • a NI 0 1111 a a a a a a a a • • a aa a a a a a a n a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a n n n a n • a • a a • a a • n n a a n n a n a n a n a n a a • a • a aa a a a a a a a a a a WE E N Z I N N S I I • • WI • WI a a • • a a a • a a • • • Wingham Stores Closed, Mon., May 23 and OPEN Tuesday, May 24 leNS1.011{1.0411111.•••044•1•0 4,1a ' 41.1.114,1.11.411119.0.111100.01.011170414118KOIMNIM.041.1110.110111.0.160.1111a00aiaaanalla....04[6.411116611.60.111111 .....ada.a.Mlanal•11.166.111M- 0..iaiamobana.....1......6....am.641”aallarr MINI•17•=1111. SUITS Misses' Women's and Juniors Such an exciting Sale- you should come early Thursday See the new 1949 styles in soft dress- maker models,* tailored from all-wool gabar- dines, twills, and other top notch materials-all in the newest smartness and leading colors. Reg: ular to $59..50-SALE 29.75 .36.75 44.75. PAGE TEN EEWI1OHANI ADM ANM,TIME$ PAGE TEN EEWI1OHANI ADM ANM,TIME$ Wednesday, May 10, 1949 Wednesday, May 10, 1949 mannamameasar' 4r.arrarrrrr,rr-rrrn ammillimmummumimummumomininimmamminraimmiliammuminuammasamoNsaaasamommimmuniunnimmaimuminumaissansanneummumuswwwwww•ww_