HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1949-05-18, Page 6 maimmorami Are You Economy Minded? The Westinghouse Cushioned Action WASHER Only in a Westinghouse Washer will you find the exclusive Cushioned Action Gyrator which gets out the most stubborn dirt without wear on clothes . . . PLUS all the other modern advan- tages which make Westing- house Canada's greatest washer value! WASHES CLEANER LESS WEAR ON CLOTHES LASTS LONGER CONVENIENT AND SAFE TO USE Westinghouse TRUE-TEMP • REFRIGERATOR CUTS FOOD COSTS 4-WAYS 1. ELIM D S IN PO ATE ILAGE WASTE A• N 2KEEP LEFTOVERS * F• RESH TEMPTING 3. MA HOMEKE DESSERTS AT 4 BUY FOODS 111 QUANTITY M LOWEST PRICES RADIO & ELECTRIC Telephone 171J CLASSIFIED ADS. POTATOES FOR SALE—Green Mountain, Cobblers. Apply Alvin Procter, Phone 636r12. MODELS FROM $298.00 S ANNOUNCING—We are agents for Britishknit Woollen Wear f o r every member of the family. Made to order and made-to-measure. Yemen's, Wingham, Phone 279. BARN FOR SALE — 40x60 Frame Barn in good condition, cheap for, cash, Apply to Hugh Rinn, Bel- grave, or W, R. Paterson, 462 Wel- lington St., London. BARN FOR SALE-40x64, 24 ft. outside Posts, also 11/2 story Frame House, buildings in good condition. Apply Leslie Fortune, Phone Wroxeter 12r9. 'CLEARING AUCTION SALE—Of Household Effects will he held at the premises of the late Robert Car- rick at Whitechurch, on Saturday, May 21st, at 1.30 o'clock. Electric Washer, Knitting Machine, Studio Couch, 2 Electric Lamps, Fernery, and, other household goods. Also 1 vacant lot 132x32. No Reserve. Terms Cash, Mrs, A. J. Clark, Ex- ecutrix; Wellington Henderson, Auctioneer. COTTAGE FOR SALE-6 rooms, hydro and water, immediate posses- sion. Apply Sheldon Baker, Phone 163. CHARTS FOUNDATION Garment Co., trained' Corsetierre for Wing- ham and surrounding districts, If you need a new garment, any size or type of figure at reasonble prices, Mrs. Wm. Kennedy, Phone 509W„ Corner Patrick and Minnie St. FOR SALE—Wood or Coal Range, warming closet and reservoir, in good condition. Apply Albert Rin- toul, Shuter St. FOR SALE—Katandin 'Potatoes, fit for seed, $1.00 a bag at the farm. Jos. Dunbar, Belgrave. FOR SALE —• The following new Cockshutt ,Machinery for immediate delivery: Drag Harrows, two-sec- tion heavy lever Harrows, six-foot power Cultivator; also new 8A Mow- ers 5, 6 and 7 foot sizes. We have tractor Tires and rims in stock, and are equipped to load tires with Cal. 'citrt Chloride solution. If you have hydro installed sea us about, Mee- tric Washers, Separators, Milking Machines, etc... John Bum.stead & Son, Phone 455w. •— FOR SALE—Whitewash Equipment with 2-cylinder high-pressure pumps and 100. gallon tank, mounted on 'trailer; also 1930 Chrysler Car with reconditioned motor. Apply Jos Dttlibar, Belgrave. 1OR SALE—Tulips, also red suit, size 12. Apply Mrs, 1), Finley. FOR SALE—Rough lumber siding 2"x6" 2"x8" some, square timber. Apply George Baird, Town Plot. FOR SALE—Crushed Stone or Crush ed Gravel, Cement Gravel, dirt for fill, also top soil. Phone 353J. FOR SALE-14 Pigs, 7 weeks old. Apply Geo, Tervit; Prone 636r4. FOR SALE-7-6 roomed house, can be moved or torn down on premis es, Suitable for living qUarters or large hen house. Apply Clifford Marks, Brussels R R 4, Phone 51r8. FOR SALEIcelvinator Electric Stove, white porcelain enamel, 4- Burner with automatic oven, $100.00 also Hand Wringer, $2,00. Mrs, H. T. Green, Phone 73. FOR SALE—New and reconditioned Sewing Machines, $20.00 up. Ren- tals, repairs, motors, write Singer Sewing Machine, Phone 403, Han- over, FOR SALE—Kitchen Range, excel- lent condition. Phone 470W. FOR SALE—Garage of dressed lum- ber 12'x20' Cheap for quick sale, Phone 33. FOR SALE—Mason & Risch piano, good condition. Apply Mrs. Agnes Dunbar, Belgrave. FOR SALE—One all steel Scuffler, in good shape. Phone 487J. FOR SALE—Used tongue and groov ed lumber enough for a garage, Phone 487J. FOR SALE—Purebred Yorkshires, A.R, breeding. Either sex 5 months, also bred sows, 7 months. James Turvey, Bluevale, Brussels phone 11r18. FOR "SALE—Leghorn Pullets, 2 months, ready for range, Apply A, R. Sacre, R.R. 5, Brussels, Con, 4. FOR SALE—Corner lot, Centre St. Ideal location for home, near stores and churches,. shruhbed and lawn, Apply Advance-Times, FOR MONTHS WE'VE BEEN telling you how good Kitchener Big,-4 Chicks ate, If you haven't ordered, and want May delivery, then be sure to get your order in now. Hatchery's bookings arc heavy. Big-4 May Chicks will get much of the good fall markets, Sava time, let us order for you. Wilbur Hogg, R, R. 4, Wingliam, FOR SALE—Hand Washing Mach- ine with wringers, dining extension table, baking cabinet, buffet, cheap for quick sale. Phone 505, PERSONALITY BEAUTY SHOP specializes in all types of Perman- ents, Machine, Machineless and , Cold, also Shampooing, Finger Wav- ing and Ogilvie Sisters Scalp Treat- ments. 'Phone 88 for appointment. LYCEUM THEATRE _so more moth Worries Since -use Safe, sure BERLOU-protection against moths costs little . . only 8 cents per year buys guar-, anteed protectipn for a man's suit. Not affected by dryclean- ing. BERLOU guarantees„ IN WRITING to pay for moth- damage occurring within 5 years. Get BERLOU today. WIRELESS! GUNNERY! DRIVING! RCA (R.) Get Paid for Learning For full information call at the Wingham Armouries 99 Anti-Tank Battery IN MEMORIAM' NEWTON—In loving memory of Mrs, George Newton, Wroxeter, who passed away one. year ago, May 18, 1948, • We do not need a special day 7to bring her back to mind, Days we do not think of her Would be very hard to find, Always remembered by her family, PERSONAL—Skinny gen, Women, Gain 5 to 15 lbs, New pep, too. Try famous Ostrex Tonic Tablets for double results; new, healthy flesh, new vigor. New "get acquainted" size only 60c. All druggists. • STARTED COCKERELS, PULL- ets, non-sexed, many breeds and cross breeds to choose from 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10 week old at bar- gain prices while they last. Also clay old cockerels, pullets and non- sexed chicks, turkey poults, immedi- ate delivery., A sample of the bar- gains: 6 week old Light Sussex X New Hampshires, New Hampshires, Light Sussex Cockerels 36.95, non- sexed 43.95, pullets 58.95. Send for complete bargain price li's't and cat- alogue. Tweddle Chick Hatcheries Limited, Fergus, Ontario. SHAW'S UPHOLSTERY CLEAN- ers-3 piece Chesterfields $12.00 to $15.00. Rugs any size, Occasional Furniture. Tacked-down 'Carpeting a specialty. Place yoUr order at Walker's Furnishings, Telephone 106, Wingham, SLENDOR TABLETS are effective. 2 weeks' supply $1., 12 weeks $5,, at Kerr's and McKibbons Drug Stores. WANTED Capable young ' girl or woman, for general housework. Phone 54. WANTED—Custom work ploughing,' cultivating and harrowing, Apply Harold Dennis, between 6 and 7 p.m. WANTED—Two girls for Restaurant work, Apply Foxton's. WANTED—Ambitious capable boy or girl, used' to public to work in snack liar and dining room alter- nately. Apply Hotel Brunswick. WANTED—Room only by young lady. Phone 440, YOUNG MAN WANTED—For Store Work, Apply D. Crompton. TENDERS WANTED Sealed tenders will be received by the undersigned up to Saturday, May 28th for the laying of concrete side- walk as required hi the town of Wing- ham for ibis year. Contractors should state a price per square foot and agree to supply all materials.. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. W. A, Galbraith, Town Clerk. Tenders For Painting Tenders will be received until May 31, 1949, by Morris Township School Board for painting interior S. S. No. 11, Walton, and interior and exterior trim S. S. No, 9, Button's School; two coats, stairs and halls included, No tender necessarily accepted. Ralph 8, Shaw, Bluevale, The Intermediate "A" Softball schedule, comprising Listowel, Sea- forth, Sebringville, Centralia and Wingham. is as follows: May 24—Listowel at Wingham • " 26—Seaforth at Centralia " 27—Sebringville at Listowel " 28—Winghain at Seaforth " 317-Seaforth at Listowel " 31—Centralia at Sebringville June 2—Wingham at Listowel " 2—Centralia at Seaforth 3—Listowel at Sebringville 7—Sebringville at Centralia 7—Seaforth at Wingham 9—Listowel at Centralia 10—Wingham at Sebringville " 13—Centralia at Wingham 14—Sebringville at Seaforth " 14—Centralia at Listowel 16—Seaforth at Centralia 16—Sebringville at Wingham 17—Listowel at Seafbrtli 21—Listowel at Wingham 21—Seaforth at Sebringville 23—Centralia at Seaforth 23—Wingham , at Centralia 24—Sebringville at Listowel 28a-Sebringville at ,Seaforth 28—Wingham at Listowel 30—Listowel at Sebringville July ,2—Centralia at Wingham " 5—Listowel at Centralia 5—Wingham at Seaforth " 8—Seaforth at Listowel " 9—Sebringville at Wingham " 12—Seaforth t at Sebringville " 12—Centralia at Listowel " 14—Sebringville at Centralia " 16—Seaforth at Wingham " 19—Listowel at Seaforth " 19—Centralia at SebringvIlle " 21—Wingham at Centralia " 23—Wingham at Sebringville An exhibition game will be played on Saturday, June 11th, with Seaforth as the visiting team. , t t '' <I (t 44 JOIN THE RESERVE FORCE NOW! Your. Local Unit is the 99 ANTI-TANK BATTERY RCA (R.) Enjoy good. fellowship and sports. Be a useful member of your community. Full details at the Win gham Armouries erkley Motors !AGE SIX THE WINGHAM ADVANCE-TIMES Wednesday, May 18, 1949 HELP WANTED The undersigned will receive appli- cations for two Stenographers for the Huron County Public Health Unit. Duties to commence July 1st, 1949. The offices of the said Unit to be established in Clinton, Ontario, N, W, Miller, See., Board of Health, . Goderich, Onttario. • NOTICE SEWER PERMITS Before any connection is made to a sewer or . drain in the Town of Wing- ham, a permit must first be secured. Applications for sewer permits may be obtained at the Town Clerk's Office, Town Hall. A fee of $2.00 is charged for each permit. The - opening of all !sewers or drains must be under the supervision of the Town Foreman. In all cases of damage to the sewer, drain or sidewalks, the applicant will be held liable and must pay for same. These regulations become effective at bnce. Dated at Wingham, Ontario, this ('10th day of May, 1949. W. A. 'Galbraith, Town Clerk, TENDERS WANTED Tenders will be received by the Township of Morris for digging a ditch, supplying and laying tile on the Turvey and McDonald Drains. Plans and specifications may be seen at the Clerk's Office. Tenders must be in the hands of the clerk by 3 p.m., June 4th, 1949, Lowest or any tender not necessar- ily accepted. 'Geo. C. Martin, Clerk of Morris Township, R, R. No. 4, Brussels. ELSTON CARDIFF AGAIN CANDIDATE (Continued from page one) ment had passed 900 orders-in-coun-- NOTICE TO CREDITORS cil. The Liberal parties even since the All persons having claims against war ended, has passed more than the estate of George Hislop, late of the 19,000 orders in council. Township of Howick, in the County of Mr. Rowe, the guest speaker, lash- Huron, Farmer, who died on or about ed out at Prime Minister St. Laurent, the ninth day of April, A.D., 1949, are who, he said, declared that there was notified to send to the undersigned on no major issue in the election, if or before the fourth day of June, A.D,, 1949, full particulars of their claims there was no issue, then why did Mr. in writing. Immediately after the said St. Laurent dissolve Parliament and 4th day of June the assets of the said call a general election, lie questioned. testator will be distributed amongst if there were no issues, as Mr. St. the parties entitled thereto, having re- Laurent had said, then the prime mini- gatd only to claims of which tlle ster must,have been fearful, fearful executors shall then have notice. . that the Opposition was about to DATED this sixteenth, day of May, scrutinize • and examine its record, its A.D. 1949. • CRAWFORD cC HETHERINGTON expenditures and its tax-raising poli- cies. There never had been so fearftil Solicitors for wthiengEhxaienc,utoo trlTario a 'Government at Ottawa as the pre- sent administtration, he said. The election on June 27th was the most important peace-time election in Canada's history, asserted Mr. Rowe. The major issue, despite Mr. St. Laurent, was whether or not Canada was going to continue its shift to the left and to Socialism, the Socialism of both, the C.C.F. and the Liberal Party, or whether it was going to move more to the centre of the road. I think the Prime Minister of Can- ada should ask the prime minister of Great Britain, said Mr. Rowe, Why you have cancelled our agreements, The 99 ANTI-TANK BATTERY RCA (R,) is your local Unit SUPPORT IT! and made agreements with foreign Countries, after we had sold to You below world prices, and given you a billion dollars beside, Why did you buy $30,000,000 worth of farM pro- ducts from Poland. As a result of Liberal policies, said Mr, Rowe, we are actually selling less -cheese to Britain now than we did 50 years ago, and selling less bacon ,than we did :30 years. ago. 'Short addresses were given by An- drew Robinson, M.P... for Bruce; A. J. Bradshaw, M.'., for Perth; Thomas Pryde, M,P.P.for South Huron; John W. Hanna, M. P. P. for Huron-Bruce, Howard Sales,, former M.P,P, for York South, and Robert Bowman of Brussels, Mr. Rowe was introduced by Dr. George S. Elliott, Clinton: Violin solos were played by Sam Burton, accomp- anied by Leslie Mae Wall, Coffee and sandwicres were served after the meeting by the ladies. INTERMEDIATE "A" SOFTBALL SCHEDULE WEDDINGS • Armstrong - Irwin Spring flowers and apple blossoms made an effective setting in Brick I United Church on Saturday, May 14th, at 3 o'clock for the marriage of Gwen- doyln Adelle, ,daughter of gr. and !Mrs, J. H. Irwin, Wingham, to Gibson ,Edward Armstrong, son of Mr. and Mrs. David Armstrong, l3elgrave.. Rev. Moores officiated at the double ring ceremony. Miss Marjorie Charle- ton of :London, was organist, and Miss j Barbara Irwin, sister of° the bride, 'sang "The Lord's Prayer" and "Be ' cause." Given in marriage by her father, the bride wore a slipper satin gown with a seed pearl studded Elizabethan col- lar,- a fitted bodice, long lily-point sleeves and a fall train. Her full-length veil of illusion brocaded net fell front a crown of seed pearls. She carried .a white Bible with a pink orchid and shower of white ribbons, and lily-of- the-valley. Miss Audrey Irwin, maid of lion- our for her sister and Mrs., Robert Grasby, bridesmaid, were gowned alike in pale green and mauve respect- ively. wearing brocaded taffeta, full' skirts, low necklines and fitted both ice, with matching glove's and Dutch caps. Each carried a bouquet of talis- man roses. The groomsman was Mr. Jack Arm- strong, brother of the groom and Mr. Jim Irwin and Mr. Harold Roberts acted as ushers. A reception ,followed at the home of the bride's parents. The bride's mother receiving the guests, wore a smoke grey dress with black acces- sories, and a corsage of pink carna- tions.' The groom's mother wore a black figured dress with black acces- sories and a corsage of yellow roses. For travelling the bride chose a powder blue suit with navy accessor- ies, and an orchid corsage. On their return from their honeymon they will reside in London: Hambly - Barton At St, Chad's Anglican Church, Toronto, on Saturday, May 7th, a lovely spring wedding was solemnized when Marlene, only daughter of Mr, Gordon Barton and the late Mrs. Barton, became the bride of Harold Verne, son of Mr, and Mrs. Pr ed Hambly, Pordwich. The rector, Rev. Dr, C. H. Johnston was the officiat- ing clergyman and the wedding music was played by the thurch organist. The church altar was banked with spring flowers. Given in marriage by her father, the bride was lovely in a gown of ivory slipper satin, with nylon yoke, long lily point sleeves the skirt ex- tending- into a long train, her veil of tulle illusion was fastened with a hand made headdress of satin and waxed orange blossoms. She carried a shower bouquet of American Beauty roses, sweet peas and baby's breath, and wore the gift of the groom, a double strand of pearls. Mrs. Weldon Ham- hly, was matron of honour gowned in periwinkle blue with pink headdress. and gloves and her flowers were Pre- mier roses, The bridesmaids were Miss Blanche Famash and Miss Paul-. ine Hiemmillar, the former in floor length gown of beige brocade with blue headdress and gloves, the latter in pale blue moire taffeta, pink gloves. and headdress, both attendants carried cascades of sweetheart roses and snap dragon. Weldon Hambly, Toronto, was his brother's best man and' the ushers were Alvin Ruddick, °Barrie and Max Hambly, Fordwich, brother of the groom. A reception was held at the home of the bride, Willard Ave., following the ceremony. .Receiving were Miss Pearl Stinson of Gorrie, aunt of the bride in a smart ensemble of blue and white. She was assisted by the groom's mother, Mrs, F. Hambly in a navy blue costume, Later Mr. and Mrs. Harold Verne Hambly left for Mont- real, and on their reutrn will take up residence in, Barrie, Floor Sanding and Finishing OLD Floors or NEW Free Estimates Work Guaranteed Rintoul & Miller 'Phone 251 'Phone 210 CUSTOM BUILT Kitchen CABINETS Agent for ARBORITE WALLBOARD Plastic Finish Norman Rintoul TEACHER WANTED Whitechurch U.S.S. No, 10, Kin- loss, requires teacher holding First Class Certificate. Duties to commence September 6th, 1949. Salary approx- imately $1900,00. Modern school and Hydro equipped, Excellent working conditions and Music Supervisor. Forward applications to the under- signed by May 23rd, 1949—R. C. Mc- Clenaghan, Sec'y-Treas., R. R. 5, Lucknow. 'Phone 612r4, Wingham. NOTICE By order of Wingham Town Coufi- cil th efollowing rates and conditions now apply to Wingham Cemetery: Opening & closing adult grave $14.00 Opening and closing child grave $ 7.00 Cement work for foundations 85c cu, ft Permanent Care— 1/2 Lot, 2 graves $ 25.00 1 Lot, 4 Graves $ 50.00 2 Lots, 8 graves $ 75.00 4 Lots, 16 graves $100.00 'All graves must be paid for when ordered and payment may be made to the Caretaker at the Cemetery or to the Town Treasurer. Foundations for monuments must be paid for when ordered. All lots, selected must be paid for within 30 days otherwise they will not be held. The above regulations become effec- tive at once. Dated at Wingham, Ontario, this 10th day of May, 1949. W. A. Galbraith, Town Clerk. • CARD OF THANKS We wish to express to our many relatives, 'friends and 'neighbors, our heartfelt thanks and appreciation for the many acts of kindness, messages of love and sympathy, also, for the beautiful floral tributes extended in our recent sad 'bereavement in the loss our of our dear sister. Special thanks to Dr. McKibbon, to Mrs. Carl John- ston, Rev. Burden and to Mr, Jack Walker. The Mathers CARD OF THANKS The family of the late Robert Sproal, with deepest gratitude extend this word of thanks for the many kind acts of sympathy, expressed by thoughtful friends and neighbours, These kindnesses have meant much to us. CARD OF THANKS The family of the late James A. Purclon wish to take this opportunity of thanking their friends and neigh- bours for their many acts of kindness and expressions of sympathy shown them during their recent sad bereave- ment. CARD OF THANKS. The family of the late Mrs, 'Clark- Adams wish to express their heartfelt thanks to all who extended comforting sympathy and helpein their recent sor- row. For the beautiful service, .floral offerings and other kindnesses they are deeply grateful, CARD OF THANKS Mr. John %McMillan wishes 'to ex:- press his sincere thanks to the many friends who re'inetnhered him with cards, letters and gifts while be was a patient in St, Joseph's Hospital, London. . IN MEMORIAM DAY—In loving, •memory of a dear wife and mother, Mrs, Cecil Day, who passed away one year ago, May 24, 1948. Dear Mother, you arc not forgotten, Though on earth you are no more; Still in memory you are with us As you always were before, Day by day our thoughts do wander,. To a grave not far away Where we laid you, dear Mother Just one year ago today. Ever remembered,by husband, daughter Bernice, an Clarence- and Yvonne, EARNING and LEARNING! That's You in the RESERVE. Enquire today at the home of your local unit, 99 Anti-Tarik Battery RCA (R.) Wingham Armouries David Crompton JEWELLER Certified Watchmaker Gifts For Al! Occasions WINGHAM PHONE 59 13 .)) 6))