HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1949-05-18, Page 5THERE'S A PLACE FOR Y o U IN 'TIE 99 ANTI-TANK BTY. RCA (R.) The Canadian Army Resirve force is offering something really attractive to men of 17 and over who are physically fit and anxious for a spare time occupation that pays offs. Why not drop in today and learn all the details at the . WINGHAM ARMOURIES JOIN THE RESERVE FORCE NOW! Carmichael's Dry Goods WHITECHURCH monno.o.10014.1 Mr. and Mrs. E, H. Groskorth and family spent the week-end with rela-, tives at Toronto and Unionville. Mr.' Groskorth is driving a new Austin car. • Mr, and Mrs. Nelson Majury and family, Mr.. and Mrs. Melvin Kerry and his father, Mr. Thos. Kerry of Paisley, spent Sunday at the home of the latter' daughter, Mrs. Albert Coultes. Mother's Day service was held in the United Church here on Sunday with Mr. Jas. Falconer, Supt. of the S. S, incharge, and with the S. S. choir singing-, Mother's Prayers have followed me. During the service, five little children were baptized by the pastor, Rev. G. M. Newton, Lela Dianne, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Albert .Coultes; John Kirk, son of Mr, and Mrs. Ernest Beecroft; Caro- CANCER! EVERYONE SHOULD JOIN THE CRUSADE AGAIN ST CANCER. The Perth-Huron Unit of the Cancer Society urge all those Who have not sent in their donation to the Cancer Fund to do so as early as possible, Donations should be sent to: PERTH UNIT OF THE CANCER SOCIETY, BOX 146, STRATFORD, ONT. Official receipts will be mailed. Monday Mitinee and Tuesday Early Bird Matinee — School Children under 14 years, 30e; Adults e $1.00 No Seats Reserved 3 : 3 0 Matinee Osi: Tuesday and Monday and Tuesday Evening, General AdtniSsiori $1.00 Reserved Seats 50c Extra ter Everybody. Walkerton Memoriale May 23 •, 24 'motlimed.. 5 Perforrnances MONDAY at 3:00 and 8:30. TUESDAY—Early Bird 1Vlatinee at 1 p.m., Regular Matinee at 3:30, Evening at 8:30 Get Your Tickets Now! Meyer's Restaurant - Ideal Beauty Parlor or ahy Kinsmen Member Admission Prices Tax Included You have your car CHECKED every 1000 miles. Why Not Your REFRIGERATOR? at 4 or 6- month periods at LOW COST. Compressor clfeeked for oil, Unit Tested foro gas leaks. Condensor Cleaned. Motor Cleaned and Oiled. Brushes in Motor Checked. Belt 'treated and Tightened. Other Adjustments carried out at your instructions. No job Too Small at Too Eigs TELEPHONE T. DARLING Refrigerator Service WINGHAM, 549 m= Inscriptions Repairing — - Sandblasting Memorials iA 25 years experience F The latest in Portable Sandblast Equipment All Work Personally Executed General Accountancy BUSINESS & TAX SERVICE for the SMALL BUSINESS MAN, PROFESSIONAL MAN S. J. PYMM P. 0. Box 74 Telephone 23 LUCKNOW - ONT. U 111 Td1111111111141011111111111111)11111111111l1111111111111141111111111$ SELF SERVE Food Market stvE Tilbest BROWNIE MIX, pkg. ...... ,31c OLD DUTCH CLEANSER .2 tins 23c SUN WAY FRESHIES, pkg.. ....... „ . —05c PAPER PLATES, dozen 10c Mona PAPER CUPS, dozen — ,....15c CAMPBELL'S Vegetable Soup 2 tins 23c Superfine Heavy Waxed Paper, 100 ft. roll box 31c Fairhaven SARDINES, tin 09c Aylmer PUMPKIN, 28 oz. tins 2 for 23c Aylmer SLICED APPLES for Pies, 28 oz. tin 18c Allouette TOMATOES, 20 oz. tins 2 for 25c 8 qt. baE 30c FALLS VIEW Tomato Juice 2 02z°. tins 15c GRAVES APPLE PIE FILLER (pride of the Okanagan Crab Apples, in syrup 105 oz. tin—each 49c 1110••••=1.••••=1.11... ARMY WEEK 16 - 21 MAY 1949 Your local Unit, 99 Anti-Tank Bittery RCA (R.) will be "AT HOME to all Citizens of Wingham and District this week at the WINGHAM ARMOURIES WINGHAM MOTORS WILL BE OPEN ON SUNDAY, MAY 22nd / IF YOU PREFER YOU CAN 1,. WE DEL1VER—RAIN OR SUINE 99 "/,D % PURE IT FLOAT$ Wednesday, May 1 .81 1949 Wednesday, May 1 .81 1949 THE WINGHAM ADVANCE-TIMES I?A.GE THE WINGHAM ADVANCE-TIMES I?A.GE a iii a Wild .Bengal Tigers The Dancing Elephants Trained Horses 'Ferdinand' the .13w1 Daring Aerial Stars Righ Wire Acts Clowns 20 Thrilling Acts PLUS'AIANYOTHER GRe SENSATIONAL CIIICUS 4c ' .11 iiiiitliiiiiiirill.nigliMiliilliiiiiiMiiiiiiiiIiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiMiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiihL is i i WALKERTON KINSMEN CLUB PRESENTS i i ARDEM RCS A* it i a a 111 ii ii ii N 1 i i It* •••' ' 414::• , S Efigig 2 tuDi ? /NI rip./ • ! i .. „711„.,, i ‘ * .= li -N4C' a a a a U a a a Fti a a a a a a a a a a U a a a l a U a ALL ROADS LEAD TO WALKERTON MAY 24 I :4 1 line Jean, daughter of Mr .and Mrs Robert Adams, and Linda Mary enc. Lloyd Arhtur, .children of Mr, and. Mrs. Arthur Stapleton, Miss Guelde Stapleton read the Mother's Day Story oft the Life of David Living- stone, and Mr. Newton spoke from As One whom a Mother. Comfortetb, Mr, Sam Coulter narrowly escaped at the Davidson sale last Tues- day when a cow broke through the sing and knocked him heavily on his back in the yard, Mr. Charles Moore went through an operation for appendicitis on Satur- day evening in Wingham General 'Hospital, and has been progressing favourably, Mr. George Tiffin has 'been taking Penicillin treatments for an attack of pneumonia, Mr, and Mrs, John Rintoul and family of Toronto, spent the week- end visiting at the homes of his,•,bro- tilers, Messrs. William and Gordon Rintoul and other relatives in this dis- trict, Mr: Kenneth Ross of the and Miss Rachel Smith, who had been visiting at the home Of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Ross for the past two weeks, returned to North Battle- ford, Sask., on Wednesday last. Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Kelly and family of Teeswater, visited on Sun- day with Mr. and Mrs. R, H. Thomp- son of E, Wawanosh and with other old acquaintances in this community. Mr. and Mrs. Nerd Clarke of Lon- don, spent a few days lost week at her home in the village. Mr. and Mrs, Redge Seholtz and family of Westfield, visited on Sunday with' Mr, and Mrs, Ezra Scholtz. Misses Idorenee and Margaret Moir and Miss Sally Martin of Tor- onto, spent the week-end with the former's sister, Miss Grace Moir, at the home of Mr. lond Mrs, Russell Gaunt, and Mrs. Patterson and Mr. Thos, Gaunt of Wingham, visited there on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Dan Tiffin and fam- ily spent Sunday at the home of his uncle, Mr, Wm. McInnis at Belmore. Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Lott of Wat- erford, spent Sunday with his per- cuts, Mr. and Mrs. Walter. Lott. Among those who attended the fun- eral of the late James Purdon last Thursday were: Mr. and Mrs. James Henderson, Mr. Thos. Hendersbu, and sons, Lawrence and Andrew and Mr. and. Mrs. Hugh David Henderson, all from Listowel, Mr. John Stein Kincar- dine and his son, Mr. and Mrs. Ches- ter Stein of Leamington, and Mr. and Mrs. Percy Webb ,of Toronto. Mr. Fred Newman was in Hamil- ton on Monday. attending the funeral of the late Mrs, Rodger, mother of Mrs. Arthur Newman. Miss Mildred McClenaghan, Gode- rich, spent the week-end with 'her par- ents, Air. and Mrs. Geo. McClenaghan. The monthly meeting of the Mis- sion Band of the Presbyterian Church was held on Saturday in the S. S. room with the President, Miss Mar- jorie Elliott presiding, and giving. the Call to Worship, which was follow- ed by sentence prayers by Jean Gaunt. Betty Newman and Marjorie Elliott. The president led in. the responsive reading from Genesis 45, and Mrs. im Dawson Craig told the Bible Story it of Joseph sold by his, brothers, Billie Newman gave the offertory prayer and m the meeting was closed with .all re- peating the Lord's Prayer. Miss 'Lenora, Adams of Hespeler, spent the,. week-end at the home of her brother, Me. Robt. Adams, Born—On Friday, May 13th, in Witigham General Hospital, to Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Gomeron,. of Ashfield, (nee Euphemia Rintoul), a daughter. Mrs, Gertrude Foy of Galt, spent last week-end at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Moore. Mrs. Fred Newman, Mrs. Ezra Wel. wood, Mrs, Walter Lott and Mrs. W. S. Sutherland attended the Synodical W.M.S. in Goderich on Wednesday. A group from the Presbyterian Church will attend the W.M.S. Pres- byterial on Tuesday at Brussels, Rev, John Pollock of Wingham had charge of the services in the Presby- terian Church here and at Langside on Sunday, the absence of the pas- tor, Rev. W. S. Sutherland. 1\1. fond Mrs. Harold Sperling and Marie of Wingham, visited on Sun- day at the home of her brother, Mr. Milian Moore. • Miss Muriel Wa tt,nurse-in-training at Victoria Hospital, London, spent the 'week-end with her parents, Rev. and Mrs.. W. J. Watt. Mr. John Gaunt met with a painful accident last 1Monday cutting circular wood at the Ross hush. A stick flew from the saw and struck him across the chin, making• a deep cut, requiring fourteen stitches, inside and outside the lip and down his chin. Mr, and Mrs, Norman Kirk and soils, Norman and Donald of Chicago, and Mrs, F. L. Creighton and her granddaughter, Gail Creighton, of De- troit, spent the week-end with their mother, Mrs. 'Andrew Kirk, at the tome of Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Beecroft, Mrs. Montgomery, who lives - with Mr. and .Mrs. Angus Falconer, is spending two weeks with Mr. and Mrs, Bert Jackson of Blyth. Mrs. Richard Irwin and daughter, Joy, left on Tuesday to spend some tittle with her, parents, :Nix. and Mrs. Phillip Wrigley, at Vancouver, B.C. Mr, end Mrs, Alex Nethe.ry of Han-I- lion, spent the week-end with her parents, Mr. and. ?Ars:T.1080n Irwin, and attended the Armstrong-Irwin in Brick Chord) on Saturday. Mrs. Win. Dawson .received word from her brother, Mr. Robert Henry Purdon„ who had been visiting at the tonic of his .son, Mr. Earle Purdee1, ria BELGRAVE A number of thc Belgrave ladies attended a trousseau tea at the-bon-1e of Mrs. H. Irwin for her daughter, Gwendolyn, who was married op Sat- urday to Mr, Gibson Armstrong, Miss Fern Smith of Listowel, was the week-end guest of Lorraine Hanna, Mrs, John A. Geddes is prog,ressing favourably' in the Wingham General. Hospital. Mr. Harry Goll had his appendix removed in the Wingham General Hospital. Guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. David Armstrong here for the Arm- strong-Irwin wedding were.; Mn.. Jack Armstrong of London, Miss June Sell- niell of New Hamburg, Mn, and Mrs, 99 ANTI-TANK BATTERY RCA (R. This is your local Unit. For full details call at the Wingham Armouries The Canadian Army Reserve Force offers an attractive spare etime occupation that pays off. HANNA'S Men's Wear J II It Prs a • • MONUMENTS rown I Box 373 'Phone 450 Alfred St. Wingham • talk Cecil Armstrong and family of Thorn- dale, Mr. Harold Roberts of Listowel. Evening Auxiliary The regular meeting of the Even- big Auxiliary was held at the home of Mrs. W. J. Moores, with the presi- dent, Mrs, Geo. Michie presiding. The report of the presbyterial was given by Mrs. Michie and Mrs. Wil- lard Armstrong. Sick visits were re- ported. Mrs, Moores told about the school for leaders at Alma College. Mrs. Clifton Walsh read the scripture reading, The lesson period was taken by Mrs. Le Bolt, Mrs, S. Pletch and Mrs. J. Coultes. Contests were con- ducted by Mrs. J. Coultes and refresh- ments were served by the hostess. Rural Youth Sunday Rural Youth Sunday will be observ- ed in the United Church on Sunday at 10.30 a.m„Mr. Gordon Bennett will be the gr.lest speaker also special music by a youeg people's choir. Attendance Awards Presented Awards were made in the United Church Sunday School for attendance to the following, Mrs, George Mieltie, George Michie, Stewart Procter, Mari- lyn Moores, Robert Coultes Sr„ Rtith Procter, Mrs. J. Michie, George Proc- ter, Earl Anderson, Keith Anderson, Jim Anderson, Muriel Anderson, Aud- rey Anderson, Patsy Anderson, Lloyd Anderson, Donna Anderson, Marlene MacKenzie, Ross Anderson and James Michie, tendance. The roll call was answered by each member naming his favorite sport. Final arrangements were made for the dance td be held on, Wednes- day, May 18th. The Huron and Perth Field, Day was discussed, The Field Day is to be held in Mitchell on June 6th, be- ginning. at 10 a,m. with ball games. The afternoon is to be taken up with field events. There is a banquet at night followed by a dance. This field day is open to all Junior I-7armers, The Junior Farmers County Church Bricklaying Plastering and Chimney Building Cement Work John McKay 'Phone 637r22 Wingham a N U • U U a a a a U a a a U iii a I • a a a . Monsamirt, Seske witch Mr. and Mrs, (Earle Pordon and their little .son, and his sister, Mrs. Jas. Potter were in a motor accident, and all were taken to the Hospital suffering extensive injuries and even the little son, with a broken arm, A broken spring in the car threw it out of control. Mrs. Basil Davidson and little Suz- anne lliffin of Toronto, are spending thig week with the former's parents, Mr, and Mrs. ,Leask McGee. 11--2 a • A family pia should be graced with the shrine-like beauty of a monument which will be ever- lastingly g! a tribute to those at rest. We have many classic styles to to suggest, and will work T.- with you on custom designs. Exceptionally Low Prices. =-. • A meeting of the Board and teach- ing staff of East Wawanosh School Board met on Tuesday evening to make plans for Field l/ay and picnic to be held on June 10th, at Belgrave Community. Park. Each family is ask- ed to bring lunch, which will be ar- ranged by the Board, who will pro- vide free lemonade, Parents and other adults are welcome. The Board may have to call on sonic for help in stag- ing the Field Day as there is a lot of preparation .for an event of this sort, There are ten schools in the Area to compete . in the Sports programme. Mr.DM . ans'', is convener of the pie- . trio. The regular meeting of the North Inton 11,11.'s jr. Farmers was held in the Forester's Hall, lelgeave, on Thursday evening with a large at- Expertly and and Promptly Done BROWNE'S SHOE REPAIR 6211413611111111001011111e3rISIORieeeeklawa.. Service was also discftssed. Tory Gregg of Wingham was the guest speaker of the evening. Tory advised the young people to keep an actiort interest in sports and also to remain ion the farm. "The unemployment is greater now in the towns and cities than it has been in years," Tory stat- ed, Eleanor \\'ightinau played a pleas- ing piano solo and Muriel Itrydges read the club paper, Maurice liana- han acted, as tail Mister for the even- Mg. Audrey Ilradburn and Elaine Walsh conducted the community sing- ing and Doris Silica directed the gam- es. The meeting closed with lunch.. Tlte June meeting is to be a sports night with the sports committee in charge. EARNING and LEARNING! That's You in the RESERVE. Enquire today at the home of your local unit. 99 Anti-Tank Battery RCA (R.) Wingham Armouries