HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1949-05-18, Page 2Wine-min .Advanco4imps Published at 'WINGHAM ONTARIO Igentber Audit Bureau all Circulation McCool, Editor and Publisher Authorized as Sceond Class Mail Post Office Department Subscription Rate — One year $2.00 Six Months $1,00 in advance To U.S.A. 2,50 per year Foreign Rate $3,00 per year Advertising rates on application • WARREN HOUSE FURNISHINGS VENETIAN BLINDS DRAPERY SLIP COVERS RUGS Occasional Furniture .1•111.11•11,111M••••••••••••••••••itlari COFFEE TABLES END TABLES LAMP TABLES .1...2.001.11••••1M0 China Lamps Gifts C. C, McKIBBON Telephone 475 Room Arrangement's Important! So is selection of materials Rely on the Beaver Lumber Co. reputation for top-quality lumber and building supplies. Leave your orders for everything for that new home, from inside trim to roofing, this week. EVERYTHING FOR NEW HOMES, FROM MATERIALS TO ARCHITECTURAL SERVICE BEAyflk11Mlittl WINGHAM - ONT. C. A. Loucks, Manager Picnic Sweet Mix 24 az. jar PICKLES 31c 12 oz jar 25c A Pork Product 12 oz. tin Spork, Prem and Klik ....45c Welch's—for Quality 16 oz bottle GRAPE JUICE, 21c zoitiaaER ALE Blue Ribbon , 16 oz. jar MAYONNAISE 49c Nucoa Brand MARGARINE .. . .39c 3 oz, toll if Y . 'I .11 .0 Oi 25c Burn's- Shamrock lb. carton LARD If ••••f ••• O. 6..17c All Brands Evaporated 16 oz. tin MILK 29c McCormick's Heather Shortbread $ BISCUITS , lb. 29c ttleCottralr's Orange-Gum Peaks CANDY, lb. Aylmer Fancy A Quality 20 oz. tin TOMATO JUICE ...2 - 19c Aylmer Tomato 11 oz. bot. CATSUP 18c Aylmer Tomato 10 az. tin SOUP ...... — 10c Aylmer 9 oz, bottle CHILI SAUCE ..... — .21c Sunny Spain Broken Pimento OLIVES 30 oz. bottle • 2 - 23c London House CHEESE 1 lb, carton ICING SUGAR 2 - 23c Sunbeam Standard 20 oz. tin PEAS .09c 20 oz. tin OC Fruits and Vegetables Cherry Valley Lombard PLUMS ,Green 14 oz. pkg. • CELERY 29 c Large Bunches RADISH Firm, Ripe 3 - 15c In carton TOMATOES ... „ 27c Bulk Washed CARROTS . —3 lbs. 16c Firm, Green CABBAGE, lb. — — ,.07c Ontario Grown SPINACH lbs. 25c Values effective at Whigham Store to closing times Saturday, May 21, 1949 1:Q4,11Ntog s-toses Liktertir Ogilvie's Gold'n Chocolate CAKE MIX 48's 2 - 25c Ogilvie's VITA-B CEREAL Clark's—with Chili Sauce PORK & BEANS 36 oz. pkg. ..„...29c 20 02, tin ,,..225c Clark's Assorted 3 oz. tin Sandwich SPREADS...2 - 23c Pride of Niagara Standard 20 oz. tin TOMATO JUICE (. — —4 - 25c Horsey . LIM JUICE 6 oz. bat, 'rip Top '(.1ripittett CHERRIES . 20 oz. tin AA. The regular weekly meeting of the Junior W. A.' opened in the usual way with the President, Grace Paul, in charge. The minutes were read by the Secretary, Jacqueline Mothersell. Roll Call was responded to by 18 members, Story, time was in charge of Nancy Newton, which was greatly enjoyed. The Juniors played lawn games for their activities and the sen- ior girls continued work on their missionary aprons, Grace Paulin coin- Window Screens FULL and HALF Sizes 1 Made-to-Measure FREE ESTIMATES Measurements Taken Campbell & Gorbutt Diag9nal Rd., ,Wingham Wallpaper SALE 20% Discount BUY and SAVE 10 Days Only to May 21 SPECIAL VALUES KITCHEN PAPERS in White, Blue or Yellow Reg. 22c and 24c Less 20% BED ROOMS in Pink, Blue, Mauve and the new Grey Tones Reg. 24c Less 20% LIVING ROOMS in Plain or Floral, from 28c to 60c per roll Less 20% pleted hers, Refreshments were serv- ed and the singing of God Save the King brought the meeting to a close. Plans are being made for a picnic in the near future. EARNING AND LEARNING That's YOU in the RESERVE. • There's a royal welcome await- ing you in the Canadian Army Reserve Force. Enquire today at the home of` your local Unit, the 99 Anti-Tank Battery RCA (R.) D. RAE & SON HURON MOTORS A. D. MacWilliam. .76 — No. 35 GORRIE, Rev. 5, C, Caley left on Sunday and is sailing from Halifax on Tuecday on the "Aquitania". He will visit his native lsle of Man and spend about two months visiting friends and rela- tives. In the absence of Rev. Mr. Caley, Rev, T. M. B. Parker, Professor and WIRELESS! GUNNERY! DRIVING! Get Paid for Learning For full information call at the Wingham Armouries 99 Anti-Tank Battery RCA (R.) I LIKE BEELOU Moth. spray Yes, and I like its 5-YEAR written GUARANTEE! • PAW, TWO THE. \VINCI-1AM ADVANCE-TIMES Wednesday, May 18, 1949 viminmisiminaktumninisanissinienwrommonsinfigismffigis m• • • Louise Broad of Uxbridge, also Mr, • • i‘ut, of the four attendants of the May. Queen at the big social event of the selio 11 year, "the Cr‘awning of the May (,„ineen' at the Stratford Normal on Thursday, Mr. Cveil Day had a clearing, don sale of farm st,,ch, implonehts and furniture on Saturday, Burn—On Tuesday, May 10th in the 'Walkerton 11 spital, to Mr, and Mrs. Emerson Ferguson, a son, Leslie Alex.. ander, The child lived only 8 hours, I-Funeral services were conducted on Thursday by Rev, J, C. Caley, Inter- ment in Gorrie cemetery. Air. and Mrs. Jas. Anger, Listowel, have been visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Joe Barngey. Air, and Mrs. Harry Ferguson ac- companied Mr. and Airs, Bob Fergus- on on a visit to friends at Ailsa Craig on Sunday, .Air. and Mrs. Albert MacRonald and Bob of Durham, spent Sunday at the home of Mr .and Mrs. Wm. Ford. Mr. and Airs. Robt, Patterson at- tended the funeral of the former's con- son, Mrs. Thos. McConnel of Teviot- daye on Tuesday. I Master Fraser Pollock of Fordwich, spent the week-end at the rome of Mr, and Mrs. Earl Baker, Mr. and Mrs. Everett Spading, Lis- towel, -and Mrs. Al. Bole, Montreal, visited at Mr, Harry Ferguson's on Saturday. Group 4 of the United Church W. A. are sponsoring a play "The Dutch Detective" by Ashfield Young People on Friday evening of this week. Mr, and Mrs. Walter Charles, Mr. and Mrs. D. Charles and Mr. Ken Charles arrived Thursday from Mani- toba and will reside on Con, 6 on the farm which they purchased from Mr. Robert Patterson. Mr. Wes. Underwood returned to his home Sunday from Wingham hos- pital where he underwent an opera- tion for appendicitis on Tuesday of last week, Air, and Mrs. Carl jacklin and fam- ily of Brussels, visited Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Kitchen on Friday. Mrs. Anson Galbraith is a patient in Wingham. Friends are hoping there may soon be an improvement in liter condition. Mr. John Hoch lett on Friday for Halifax and will 'sail on the Aquitain- ie to visit relatives in Germany. Air. Frank Cardiff, Brussels; Air. and Mrs. Mark Gardner,,Wing,ham; Mr. T. L. McInnis and Mr. John Bums • igentlemen attended the Loyal .Orange Grand Lodge of Ontario West, Mr. and Mrs, Jack Broad ono child- ren, and Mr, Broad's mother, Mrs. and Mrs, Blake Broad of Newmarket, were weeke-nd visitors with Mr, and Mrs. Fred Feigle. Sunday visitors at the same home were Mr, and Mrs. Wilson Calna, Betty and Lloyd of Kit- chener. ,,Mr, and Mrs, Telford Montgomery and Grant of Kitchener, spent Sunday wiht Mr. and Mrs. John Montgomery, Woman's Association The W. A. of the Unitad Church will meet at the home of Mrs. Robt, Ashton on Thursday, May 10th, when a quilt is to be . quilted. Ladies are cordially invited to attend. ' Surprise Party on Birthday Mrs, Ernest King enjoyed a pleas- ant surprise on her birthday on Satur- day when evening dinner was served at they home of her eldest son, Mr. W. C. King and Mrs. King i to members of the family, including her son, Mr. Er- nest King. Mrs, King and Marilyn of Detroit, and daughter, Mrs. Percy Col- suer and Mr. Colmer of Toronto, The 'Gorrie Women's Institute are spon-soring a short course "Let's Cook It Right" on Thursday and Friday, May'26th and 27th 'from 1.30 to 4 p. Miss Barbara Broadfoot from the W. I. Branch and Home Economics Service, Ontario Dept. of Agriculture, will be in charge. This course ,will be given at the home of Mrs E, H. Strong and ladies of the community are invit- ed to attend as well as Institute mem- bers. Laymen's Spring Meeting The Laymen of Huron Deanery will hold their Spring meeting and dinner at Exeter on Tuesday evening, May 25th. Rev, Dr. A, H, O'Neil of Lon- don, will be guest speaker. • Davies' Family Concert Lovers of good music enjoyed a rare treat, on Friday evening when the Dav- ies of Canada gave a recital of vocal solos, dotes and trios, which included selections from operas, negro spirit- uals and many well known favorites as `Annie Laurie', 'I Hear You Calling', 'My Hero' and concluding with a trio arrangement of 'The Lord's Prayer' by Malotte. Fine expression was shown in such numbers as 'Vespers' and 'Because I was too Shy'. Mrs. Davies, director, was a very able ac- companist. Group 1 of the United Church W.' A. were sponsors. Women's Instittue The Gorrie Women's Institute met at the home of Mrs. Glenn Johnston on Tuesday; May 10th, with a splen- did attendance. The treasurer report- ed a balance of $254.02 at -the close the W. I. year. The course of "Let's Cook it Right" to be held on the 26th and 27th of May was discussed and a committee named to secure the neces- sary supplies. An aluminum dinner was also discussed. The motto "To have a friends, be a friend" was ably taken by Mrs, P. Kaine who also re- ported on the Garden Brigade, there are eight girls taking the course. Mrs. Glad Edgar gave a reading "Here, there acid everywhere" that was very much enjoyed. The roll call was pay- ment of fees and an exchange of gifts with your unknown friends. Mrs.ro Brussels, were and Mrs. Armstrong ofBse were special guests for this meeting. Mrs. Armstrong spoke on Education for citizenship„and -Mrs. Wheeler gave a very interesting re- port on the convention at Cluelph, held May 4th and 5th. A dainty lunch was served by the hostess and her assist- ants, bringing to a close a very enjoy; able meeting. - WROXETER The St. James Ladies Guild held two afternoon meetings last week, when they„ quilted and served after- noon tea. The President, Mrs. George Griffith was in charge of arrange- ments. C.P.R. Teeswater Branch Train Crew, made'a presentation to Mr. Jack Rae, agent, at Arthur, who is retiring on pension, after over fofty years ser- vice with the Canadian Pacific Rail- way, as telegrapher and agent. Mr. and Mrs, Rae have purchased a new home in Alliston, where after a short holiday, they will take up permanent residence, People of this community wish Jack many happy, healthy years of retired life. Jack was a .former Wroxeter boy and is the brother of David Rae, who still resides here on the old family farm on the Belmore Road, A ,wedding of interest to,.„.this local- ity will tike place at Pierce Ave. Presbyterian Church, Niagara Falls, New York. on Saturday of this week, when the happy bride will be Miss Erma Mines, and the groom Mr. William Stewart, Niagara Falls, N, Y, Erma is the only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Mines. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Wright will attend the wed- ding of their niece, Mr. George Mines, Mr. Harry My- ers, Akron, Ohio, also Mr, Cecil Mines, Niagara Valls, N. Y., were in town visiting friends last week, and going on to the Durham district, where a further holiday was enjoyed before rcturning home, Mr. and Mrs. H, V. MeKermey ac- companied by Mr, and Mts. "E. E. Wellington, Gorrie, visited with Mr, and Mrs, Eastman, Durham on Tuts- day of last week. Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Brothers were in Toronto on Priday last, when they with other friends enjoyed the Ice Vol. lies, Mr, and Mrs, Harvey Wright, R. R, 1, Wrox.eter,‘had as their guests one day last week, Mr, and Mrs. Herbert tretmertott and" family from Eruct Beath, Itincardine, ()use' Cleaning? • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • for 5-years, or BERLOU pays ing, blankets, rugs and furniture try over use this professional Per lb. 25c One spraying with BERLOU Mothspray protects your cloth- for the damage. BERLOU is (I.D.A.) 1 lb. 49c easy to use . . . economical, too. Moth Balls and Flakes Leading dry cleaners the coun- mothspray. Remember you get Complete, 16 oz. , . $1.36 • MOTH CRYSTALS • • • • n • a , 5-year written guarantee for each article mothproofed. Come in today and ask about BER- FORMALDEHYDE LOU. (Fumigators) $60c - $1. 16 oz. $1.31 CLEANING FLUID 32 oz. $2.57 1 gallon 65c Tialluirinitantanniptionyinimumunitimimmiatimilia • DURING THE PERIOD 15-22 MAY,•1949 CANADIAN ARMY WEEK ALL POSSIBLE SUCCESS TO . i mi a IN • 1 3 3 • Kerr's Drug Store The Wallpaper Shop ELMER WILKINSON DECORATOR 401 bursar of Huron College, London, oc- cupied the pulpit in St. Stephen's on Sunday, also at Fordwich and Wrox- ear. For the next two Sundays Rev. Lionel Nelles, Diocesan Accountant, will be the preacher. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hyndman visit- ed Mrs. Hyndman's 'sister, Mrs. Jas. Doig and Mr, Doig at Wroxeter on Sunday, Miss Lois Montgomery of the Strat- ford Normal School, granddaughter of Mr, and Mrs. John Montgomery, was S E E — Bennett & Casemore 'Phone 447 Wingham For Your BUILDING, CARPENTERING IRepair Work I Built-in CUPBOARDS N.. ELLIOTT'S Nursing Home Accommodation for Bed Patients and Invalids RATES REASONABLE Nursing Services day and night Telephone 367 - Josephine St. WINGHAM - ONT. more were in Niagara last week. The n n n • • n n • • n • • • • n • • n • • n • • n • n n • • • n • • • • • • • • • • • • • • n n Telephone.18 Wingham • ratamwirmoinmirmwwwwwwwinnownia RUBBER GLOVES (Firsts) pair , . „ .39c MURIATIC ACID (Commercial) 1 lb. 35c CREOLIN (Carbonol) 16 oz. 35 (c Gal. $2.25 CHAMOIS Leathers 1.25 - 2.00 - 2.50 - 3,45 LARVEX 16 oz. 83c 32 oz. $1.29 LARVEX, with' sprayer