HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1949-05-11, Page 10al • a • II a NI in is • • g Smith's Economy Food Store a Igg.ca7;:ngice .. 20 .3z2 ti I 7igsiVt ' 3 - 32c a M It NEW LOW PRICE la II . a MI 01 NUCOA or Margarine fib. 38c MI El • 11 MARGENE • Is • at at REAL VALUE SPECIAL • MI EI • Red Bird Miracle Whip • lil • f• MAT C H ES Salad Dressing • mi • is • m 3 boxes 25c 16 oz. jar 45c a MI • 111 • at lia at Pastry from Teeswater Bakery 1 • gs • to is Cakes, Snowballs, Buns, Doughnuts, Pies • • In gi Muffins, French Pastry, Tarts II in Arrive FRESH Tuesday', Friday and Saturday • • MI II Mg Snowflake llNIA 2 pkgs. 11c I LSIO)Alleaf Toilet3 cakes 25c • int • • Ground Fresh While You Wait! • MK a II el • II Morning Cheer Coffee IbSac • Head lge. LETTUCE 15c CUCUMBERS, each 29c 288s ORANGES, doz. . . . 40c SPECIAL—Firm, Ripe Imported Tomatoes lb. 25c Mr FRESH PINEAPPLES — MARKET PRICE Kraft Velveeta Cheese in 1111 1/4 lb `17c 1/4 lb. 29c 1 lb. 57c 2 lbs. $1 .09 1 STORE OPEN UNTIL 11 p.m. SATURDAY Eranumummuumuniiiiimusiumgammiiiing ainimmismismommagammisiimmiusimmonal Prompt Service 'Phone 161 Free Delivery GS' a n n VasHIFRUITS - VEGETABLES is • fa • at • at E IR • VI • at • at • II • V/ MI II MU is in is at 112's GRAPEFRUIT 4 - 29c LETTUCE Laf e 2 bnchs. 25c Fresh CELERY . .2 bnchs. 27c Hopper's Dance Pavilion was the scene of a social evening at which the "Supertest" dealers of Seaforth and Wingham Branches were entertained by the Company. Mr. J. B. Hargreaves, London Div- isional Manager, was chairman of the evening and welcomed the guests. Out of town guests received a special wel- come from Mayor Reavie of Wing- ham. Head Office was represented by Mr. D. S. Black, Assistant General Sales Manager and Mr. B. R. Walker, Assistant Sales Manager of T, B. A. a Division, both of London. • Mr. R. E, McKinney, Supertest Dis- • tributor of Seaforth sand Wingham • Branches reviewed the progress of the a company during the past year and • congratulated the dealers on the part • which they had played in making 1948 • the most successful year in the his- • tory of the Company. He emphasized .1. that the principles of courtesy and um friendly service on which the Company • IN was founded were as important as a ever. Mr. R. E. McKinney' presented a silver tray, diamond button and certi- ficate for twenty years' association to VERIEST HONOURS VETERAN DEALERS BAPTIST CHURCH Rev. 0. J. Coupland, Pastor 11 a,m.—"Faith". 7 p.m.—"Life", Come and Enjoy These Services Commit thy way unto the Lord, trust also in Him, and He Shall bring it to pass". Psalm 37:5. Trile consecration admits no reservations. The Salvation Ariny Captain ,and Mrs. H. deVries 11:00 a.m.—Holiness Meeting. 2:30 p.m.—Sunday School. 7:00 p.m.--Gospet,Service. Monday- 7:00 p.m.—Sunshine Hour. Tuesday- 2:80 p.m.—Home League. 8 p.m.—Youth Group. Regardless of how long you have been a sufferer and how many medicines you haye tried before, you can now hope for relief if you try Sarnak, the new internal medicine. Fee) and enjoy the results within one week after you start tak- ing it. Sarnak comes froth the earth—Nature's laboratory. Con- tains only Nature's botanicals and ,minerals, the oldest, most reliable remedy for rheumatic, arthritic and neuritic pain, backache, weak kidneys, atom- ache disorders, constipation. In- dividual ingredients in Sarnak have been used and recom- mended by the medical profes- sion for years, now for the first time put together in this com- bination. FOR THOUSANDS of years, ever since Hipocrates, the father of medicine, minerals and other natural medicines have been a reliable 'remedy for most of our common ail- ments. Sarnak will help enrich your blood; help to make you strong, full of pep, life and energy. If you suffer from nu. tritional anaemia, nervousness, lack of vitality and energy, see what Sarnak will do for you, AMAZING RESULTS Medical records show 95% of men and women over 35 suffer from nutritional, mineral iron anaemia. When you feel tier, vous, dull, tired, lazy, have dizzy spells, no ambition to work or play, a poor appetites When your eyes lack that bright sparkle and your mind 1)61. Nance; when headaches get the best of you and you leer old before your time, and lite seems not worth living, with worry wearing you down; then that's when. you may Wok, with hope for relief, towardfi Sarnak. THOUSANDS of people are kept in daily misery with rheu• Male, arthritic and neuritic pain, toss and turn in bed with reeking.. pain: k n e e s, legs. TORONTO NURSE TAKES SARNAK FOR ARTHRITIS Mrs. Bertha 31. Perry, 1044 Lake Promenade, Long Branch, Toronto, is highly respected in her profes- sion of nursing. Mrs. Perry re- lieved a cruel case of arthritic pain by taking Sarnak; her letter to us is interesting, Mrs. Perri writes: "I have been a sufferer of arthritis for a long, long time. It takes courage to live with arth- ritis. The pain"seemed to creep up my neck and down Tay arms. My fingers were swelled, knees stiff. I would take as many as 10 to 12 A.S.A. Tablets a day but still suf- fered. I started taking Sarnak and in about a week's time I began to get relief. Arthritic pain made my life miserable but now, thanks to Sarnak, I have found blessed relief from pain and sleepless 'nights." Arthritic, rheumatic and neuritic pain, lumbago, gout, neuralgia, roughly speaking, all belong to the same family of pain. Often a per- son suffers from nor one but sev- eral of these painful conditions. Oft times such pain makes it dif- ficult to move the arms and legs.. Often lumbago or backache strikes with such pain that the sufferer has difficulty in straightening up. In extreme cases pain from one of these conditions makes it difficult for a person to find a, restful way to lie in bed, Nurse Perry spoke for all suf-ferers of this tyre of pain when she said it takes courage to live with arthritis, but there is hope. Daily we are receiving letters from people whd tell us that they have had their first relief from pain by taking Sarnak medicine. While Sarnak holds out hope for you, will you o another day with- t tryin g g it? Thursday- 8 p.m.—Prayer Meeting. A hearty Welcome awaits at the Salvation Army. FOR SICK PEOPLE Rheumatic, Arthritic, Neuritic Pains, Back- ache, Weak Kidneys, Stomach Disorders, Dizzy Spells,' Nervousness, Sleeplessness, Headaches, Poor Appetite, Lack of Vitality, Constipation MRS. BERTHA M: PERRY shoulders, arms and hands of- ten swollen and sore, The abet, gesic properties of Sarnak are compounded in the medicine to bring you fast pain relief. Sarnak acts fast to bring relief from this type of pain because it is in liquid form; no tablets or pills to dissolve in the stom- ach, Sarnak starts its effective relief from the first dose. f oor show. R. S. Hawthorne, Seaforth, Ontario. Gold buttons and certificates for ten years' association were presented to Frank Caskanette, Wingham, Ontario; Lorne Morse, Listowel, Ontario; Wil- liam Morse, Atwood, Ontario, ands,C. Smith, . Wroxeter, Ontario. At the conclusion of the business meeting lunch was served and enter- tainment provided in the form of a I TWO SHOWS Each Night, starting at 7:15 p.m. SATURDAY MATINEE 2 p.m. 4111111,110111 11 ,,,,, I ,,, I ..... 1.1,40# ....... 01410!!!.. ........ I . p,,.1..1„/,,,..... . M001411104; ..... 1IIII*1 ... 10 ... 014.0/.111 .... 411! THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SAT., MAY 12, 13, 14 The Black Arrow LOUIS HAYWARD JANET BLAIR MONDAY, TUESDAY, WED., MAY 16, 17, 18 The Hills of Home Edmund Gwenn Lassie Janet Leigh McKibbons THE .411e •pituo sroo51 PHONE 55 WINGHAM illiallailliall...1111111110111111111111111111.1.1.111 11M INTERNAL MEDICINE n k WHAT ABOUT YOUR AUTO INSURANCE The Co-Operative Fidelity & Guar- antee Association are Prepared to write Auto Insurance, and have the follow- ing agents appointed to represent them in this district. For East Wawanosh and Turnberry -west of No. 4 High- way, ,Cecil Falconer of Whitechurch; for Howick and Turnberry, east of No. 4 4 Highway, E. H. Strong, Gorrie for Norris, Jas. R. Coultes, Belgrave. LOCALS AND PERSONALS Miss Helen Ducklow spent the week end at her home in Listowel. Mrs. J. H. Christie is visiting . in Toronto with Mr. and Mrs, J, M. Christie. Mr. and Mrs, Robt. Rae and son, Bill, of London, spent the week-end with relatives in town. Dr. and Mrs. Bruce Fox and Judy of Guelph, were week-end guests of Dr. and Mrs. A. J. Fox. Mr. MaoWilliam of London, spent the week-end at the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. D. MacWilliam. Miss Lorna Esdale of Winnipeg, Man,, was' a guest last week of Mr. and Mrs, W. J. Henderson. Misses Ruth and Jean Mitchell of Toronto spent the week-end with their parents, Mr. and Mrs, Jas, H. Mit- chell, Mr. and Mrs. E. Ziegler of Kitchen- er, spent Mother's Day at the lupine of the latter's mother, Mrs. Wm. Wil- liamson, Mr, and Mrs. C. W. Blyth, formerly of Tara, have taken up residence on Alfred St. Mr. Blyth is the, C.N,R. agent here. Mrs. Win, Garton returned to her home in Leamington, after spending the past couple of weeks with Mr. and Mrs. ,Marvin Smith. Mt. and Mrs. W. J. Greer and Mrs. C. Hinds left on Sunday for New York city, where they will visit with Miss Anne Henry, R.N. `Mr, and Mrs. W. J. Kerr and son, Peter, and Miss Agnes Walker, all of Toronto, spent the week-end with Mr, and Mrs. A, J. Walker. Mr. and Mrs, W. J. Clark spent the week-end in Toronto and iiiagara "Palls, Mrs, iati.t.'s two daughters ae. companied them front Toronto, Manna Mama Manna/ taaanna Warm. MEM. 11••••• Manna .1•••••• •••••• Intanigg innialan l•••••• MONO 1•••••• MOMMO &tenon. *mom 111•14111•111 ina•••• MOM= 110•10.111 MOM= atatin•• 110111.• Malan MIMIC glomming Oilman OMMOM t/Mtang •••••• =WNW Noma* Owns i••••• •11111,001i11,01101, , Infants', Toddlers' and Children's Wear Hot weather days create more work for Mother. More changes of clothing for the small fry and more washing for Mother. Kings Infants' and. Children's Wear i Depart- ments have full ranges of tubable, hard- wearing Clothing for the„small ones. DRESS WEAR SWEATERS----Cardigans, Pullovers INFANTS' All-wool Knitted Jacket Sweater. Angora trim and tie neckline. Infants' sizes $2.19 CHILDREN'S All-Wool Cardigan Sweater. Pink, blue, yellow, white. Sizes 1, 2, 3 With fancy embroidery trim. $3.59 All-Wool PULLOVER with white trim, in yelloW, pink and blue. Sizes 1, 2 and 3 $2.79 • DRESSES • •••••• damn.. 01111 Mina Mangan 01111•110 •Mialn• 101111a•M 110110 11•••••11 mmtima glimanal .11•1 *Mang •••••• MIN ..•••• mom =Nana MIME MINER MIND att. =EMI •••••1 OMNI* •••••• MMIIM/0 Mala liala•11 Manna 111••••• ••••••• IMMO. 011ataia MEMO emmta 111•11M0 OMOMM 1111•••• MOWN Mattanat Mann. gin•••• •••••• •••••1111 MEMOS. INI• tant• nannIMI glaMlia• •••••II IMMO. 1.••••1 111•••• MIN= MINIM AMMO •••••• OIMMOD .•11a MEMO 011•111•• MN/ gial•Ma OMR. Mang •11=1•11 =MIMI Man* MINIM •••••• =MOB MIMEO =Ma MaIM/M Malla• MONIS MEMO •••••1111 111101=0 MOEN= !IMMO II•10•10 •=11111.1 •InOMMal .11M011111 amma ataata 111111=••• •••1111•11 001•101111 •011•1•1 •••••• ••••••11 100111•111 MOON WNW/0 .01•1•1•1111 •••••• •••••1111 11•••••• MINIM 41SWalp '41,14.Mattaass. PAOE TEN THE WINGHANI ADVANCE-TIMES Wednesday, May 11, 1949 PAOE TEN THE WINGHANI ADVANCE-TIMES Wednesday, May 11, 1949 Immumimunimmonimmummuumimminmiumpumommullim ..... ..... = . . KING DEOT. STORE 11 .= = ...... _ = ...._ . ...... _..., "The Friendly Store" = = INFANTS'.DRESSES of Silk Crepe with fancy trim and smocked yokes. In = pink, blue, white; 6 months to 3 years $2.59 and $2.69 -:•=-- INFANTS' WHITE SHEER DRESSES. Lace trim, washable and ee-onqm- ,r --- ical. Six months to 2 years , $1.79 = = = E- BONNETS For INFANTS. Poke Bonnets of white eyelet and crisp cool pique. Ideal for hot Summer days. Pink and White, Blue and White, each $1.59 INFANTS' BONNETS of White Angel-skin, with pleated brims, each $1.00 ROMPERS Fine COTTON ROMPERS for every-day or dress up wear. Smocked yokes, white with blue trim, 6 antoinal Malan* •••••• PINTS Minna Mina {Malan MilaMenin Mann 1•••••• Imo= MOM,. 1111111=111• .1Imm•N .•••••11 *MOM 1100.11 •11114 110111.1 1111•••• Manila Mama nallina• analen• al•altani ORM.* IIM••• alninM1111 allaM11 NOM. • annin•al 1•••••11 ammo. 1•MOIM antlata 11•••••• •••=10. IIM••••• •••••• ,1101.0 ,11111•• ,1•11N1 Maim M•••• OMENS 1•1•••• Manna •Mila• IMMO 1•••=. Mem* Minya IMMIN magoa• /MOM *a.m. ammo. nmnima amom mama amma mama ammo MOM. alnia• talaoaa ••••••• 0011MM Mama Imam aalain• •••••• MOMS IMMO •••••• AMMO OM. nammo a•••• aataa• ga••• Per suit $5.25 MIME& M•1••• •••M• 11•1•••• %OMR 111•11016 1/1•Mi• %Nom /Mama 11••••• Olo•I•Ns /mum •••••ot K. D. S. Mr. Clifford 1Vlachan, formerly of Wingharn, is at present a patient in St. Joseph's Hospital, London, where he underwent an operation blast week. Week-end visitors with Mr. and Mrs R. R. Hohden were Mr, and,.Mrs, J. 0, Seheweyer of lleiles Corners, and Mr. and Mrs. Graham Mastic of Harriston; Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Wil- bkee, dauhter, June, Mrs, Russell Wilbee and Mrs. Carr of 'Ethel, and Mrs. W. Hastie of Gorrie, were Sun- day guests of 14 and Mrs. Gardon Hastle, months to 2 years, .$2.19 INFANTS' SILK RAYON ROMPERS, for Dress up. Trimmed with smocking and belted waists. All whitewith colored smocking. Six months to 2 years $3.10 and $3.19 COAT SETS INFANTS' COAT SETS of fine quality washable .— Rayon Silk with lace or braid trim Poke Bon- net to match—in pink or blue, with contrast- ing trim. Sizes 6 months, 1 and 2 years— $4.95 and $5.25 alnilaMt SEEM. 11••••11 iggIggino •I•••• Malan •••••• WNW,/ =Rag Wan •••••• •••mmo• ammo ••••••I INN•••• ••••. PLAY WEAR Children's Rayon and Cotton Summer SWEATERS. Short sleeves. Cool for Summer days, and tubable.. In stripes, of colors green, blue, yellow or white. Sizes 2, 4, 6 89c and 98c CORDUROY OVERALLS ; In fine quality washable corduroy. Pas- tel tones or darker tones or wine, brown, green, blue. Sizes 1,year to 6 years— $2.89 to $3.19 COTTON OVERALLS—in twills and doeskins. Right for rough play. Sizes 2, 4, 6 years $1.29 to $2.25 BOYS' TWILL SHORT PANTS witlai Brace Straps. Nice colors in sizes 2, 4, 6 years ...,.,....$1.19 BOYS' COTTON 'BROADCLOTI-I BLOUSES—in White or Stripes. Open neck and short sleeves 69c $1.00 - • BOYS' SLACK SUITS in sizes 2, 4, 6 years. Plain tones in fine Alpine Cloth. Sport Shirt and Long Slacks. Very washable, in fawns and blues • A .111111111111111111111111101101.11MM1101001011.101111101011111101111100111111111111111MEM1111110001111111111iiiiiiiiiiillillia Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Wilson of Selkirk Ont. Smith and'son, Gregory; of Cleveland, spent the week-end at, the home of Mr. and Mr's, A. R. DuVal, Mr. and Mrs, P, L. Stapleton of De- ,and Ur, and Mrs. Wm.