HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1949-05-11, Page 9THE WE BOOK' OF FAMOUS TRAINS... You enjoy' courtesy and service... you travel h; comfort you arrive refreshed and relaxed whet: you gO Canadian National. • • mew Itteigeowitpdae. ,,,,,t...,,,,,,w9..tworavvItzlzurafrg,,, 2,446 Green trucks and cars bring more and better Telephone Service IN THE PAST twelve months these familiar green trucks and cars have travelled over 20 million miles to help provide you with good telephone service and to help in the big expansion and improvement program which is making service better and more useful all the time. Constantly improving service means that today, few things give you so much real value at such low cost as your telephone. Like everything else, cars and trucks have gone up in price, 50% in three years! Yet, up to now, despite higher costs on all sides, there has been no increase in the basietelephone rates established 22 years ago. To-day's expansion program is breaking all records, but there are still orders we haven't been able to fill. We will keep right on working and building to make your telephone service a bigger bargain than ever — to continue to provide more and better service at the lowest possible cost. THE BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY OF CANADA ro fire WINOHAM ADVANCE-TIMES • children, of Toronto, spent the week- end with his mother, Mrs. A. M. Per- due. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Charriney spent a few days with their daughter, Mrs. Alton Baynes and family at Bel- ton. Mrs, Herbert Wheeler is visiting with Mr, and Mrs, Wilford Pic kel in St. Thomas, Women's, Institute The regular meeting of the Wom- en's Institute will be held at the home of Mrs. 5, M, Coultes with Mrs. C. R, Coultes as Unvener. The Roll Call will be answered by naming a radio program worth listening to. Rev. Geo. Milne of Brussels will be the guest speaker and Mrs. 5. Wick- stead will sing. Mrs, A. E. Coultes will conduct a quiz. The refreshment committee will be Mrs, H. Procter, Mrs. W. Armstrong and Mrs. G. Walker. Trinity Ladies' Guild The Ladies' Guild of Trinity Church in Belgrave met at the home of Mrs. F. Sboebottom on Thursday afternoon, May 5th. The meeting was opened with the hymn "Come. Let Us Join Our Cheerful Songs", folloWed by prayer, Mrs. L. Vannan read the Scripture lesson. A business period followed. The newly appointed Roc- tbr, Rev. G, M, Wyatt, gave a few remarks. Mrs, R. W. Procter gave a very instrcutive talk on "Trees of the Bible". It was decided to hold the next meeting at the home of Mrs. R. W. Procter, at which time an auction sale will be held, The meeting was S.Aralliiirelwaisialaiiiiinet BELGRAVE her home after spending the winter in Belgrave. Mrs. John McGill lvs returned "to Mr. and Mrs. Jack Perdue I and closed with prayer by the rector. A Across Canada, travellers are speeding to their destination on trains of the Canadian National, enjoying delicious dining car meals, comfortable sleeping accommodations, rooms and berths, and every travel comfort. Famous trains such as The Continental Limited and The Ocean Limited, enable you to cross Canada from the Pacific to the Atlantic. The International Limited, The Inter-City Limited, The Washingtonian are typifying Canadian yt National's importance as art International carder ATIONAL RAILWAYS AnitillES 1,ok. EAVISID 0 * iiCiTgLS • EXPRESS` • l'ELEGRAOlia Wednesday, May 11, 1949 ••••••••••••••••••••••••••11.••••Ir rositionimsamiummumnimmi • • • FOR THRIFTY CAR OWNERS • a a I I Means Dollars and Cenis . . . 1 1 Wingharn Motors a E a I TUNE7 UP SERVICE a Bumper to Bumper Service—and the cost is Let us do it now so your car will operate efficiently this Spring and Summer. G. M. SPRING • is most reasonable. is * a aa • • • • • • is is a m a I NW you can buy... is is REPAIRS and is si ACCESSORIES is • Ill • • Imumummummommumimmummummionammg delicious lunch was served by the hos- tess, United Church A splendid attendance was present at the service on Sunday morning to observe Mother's Day, There was a children's choir of 38 voices led by Miss Elaine Walsh, The children sang two numbers which were greatly ap- preciated. The minister spoke on Por- traits of Mothers. Mrs.'Waiter Scott representing the Mothers, read the scripture lesson. The Y.P.U, met in the evening with the Missionary convener in charge of Wu of the West China Mission Field the meeting. There were twenty-nine and Rev. Mr. Veals. missionary on members present. Clifford Kelly gave• furlough were the guest speakers. After a devotional period led by Rev. W. J. Moores, Mrs, Wu, who is in Canada to take a course in child phychology was introduced. She relat- ed the life of Chinese and spoke of the difference between educated Chris- ti= Chinese women, and the typical social Chinese woman and told of her life from a child. Rev. Mr. Veals showed slides of West of Gorges which was muchl enjoyed. Rev. Mr, Veals and Rev. Moores paid a visit to the Belgrave Public School where they spoke to the children. The weekly meeting of the U,Y,P. was held last Sunday night with a good attendance. Miss Elaine Walsh opened the meeting with a lively sing- song. The devotional period was pre- pared by Bill McClenagban and led by Patsy Anderson, Marjorie MacKenzie sang a solo, "When I leave the World Behind" accompanied by Elaine Walsh at the piano. Clifford Kelly gave an interesting topic on John Wesley, about his early preachings and life, thelife. business period it was de- cided that, Marjorie MacKenzie, Jack Shiell and Trevor Moores would take care of the "Rural Youth" church ser- vice on the 22nd. of May.,- The Stra- iner Camps for the Young People at Goderich was discussed and carried over ,until the next meeting. The meeting was closed with a hymn and the Lord's Prayer. ST. HELENS Visitors for Mother's Day included Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Charlton of Port Alma, with Rev. M, G. and Mrs. Newton, Mr. and Mrs. Neely Todd and children of Stratford with Mr. and Mrs. David Todd. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Dougherty and Gwen and Mr. Wilson Woods of Guelph, with Mrs, R. J. Woods. Mr,- and Mrs. George Walker and sons of Wingham, with Mr. and Mrs. W. 5. Humphrey, Mr, and Mrs. Wm, Blue, Misses Helen and Mar- garet Blue of Detroit, with Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Anderson. The condition of Mr. Eldon Miller who has been confined to bed for several weeks with a sore back is slightly improved. Miss Zona Newton, Reg, N., of London, spent Friday at her home Miss Mary Wallace is a visitor with friends at Walkerton. Mrs. John Miller and Mrs. Fred McQuiltin are visitors in London with Mr. and Mrs. John Sparkes. Mrs. Gordon McPherson was hos- tess for the May meeting of tthe Wo- men's Institute when 26 ladies were in attendance and Mrs. S. A. Todd was in the chair. Plans were made for the District Annual meeting to be held here on June 2nd. Donations of $5 to the Cancer Society and $10 to the Red Cross were made. Ant invitation front the Lucknow Wornen's institute for June 10th was accepted, The report of the treasurer showed receipts of $664,46, with expenditures of $511,94, leaving a balance of $152,52. $150,00 had been received from the °proceeds of the play "Uncle Cy fits a New High". It was decided to hold the next meeting a week earlier on May 26th, Mrs, G. McPherson presided for the election of the following offi- cers: Pees., Mrs, Elwood Barbour; 1st. Vice Pres., Mrs. Stanley Todd; 2nd, Vice Pees:, Mrs. Chas, MacDon- ald; Secretary, Mrs. E. W. Rice; Assistant, Mrs, Fred MeQuillin; Pian- ist, Mrs. Chester Taylor; Assistant, Mrs. Win, Rutherford; District Rep- resentative, Mrs. Gordon McPherson; Auditors,, Mrs. nathld Gaunt and Mrs, Jas. Curran, Mrs, Norman McDon- ald gave a reading "Virus N" and Mrs. Andrew Gaunt sang a solo, "Twilight On the Prairie," Miss Margaret Bro., phy of CI<NX, Wingham, was the guest speaker. In, her pleaSIng manner Miss trophy delighted the ladies with her talk on Fashions, At the tonchts- ion a social hour was enjoyed when lunch was served by the hostesses, Mrs.. Lorne Durnin and Miss Annie Durnin. PAGE NINA WATl REPAIRS aroma*: IN' /LAM MS 'MASON'S Store LocA.T.m) Thu FIRST CLASS WATCH REFAIRINQ at Moderate Prices Owing to lack of space, am compelled to; restrict REPAIRS TO WATCHES ONLY PROMPT SERVICE 1111111111111101111111.1111111M111111111 7 • • iimi STOP 0 • T H DAMAGE NOW! ... 3-Year WRITTEN Guarantee BERLOU Mothsprey is guaranteed in writing to protect your furniture, rugs, blankets, and clothing for 5 II 4".* years, es BERLOU pays for the dam- r , age. ela will protect the average hen , A ,1 man's suit or lady's dress for 5 years Otrl11) —only to a year, other articles '„.„ .3.yalLyslogyfu'aranteed mothspray TO- IMIlaT"sP"Y DAY from your department, dru`, . ----. hardware, or furniture store. MOTH aliRLOB A. SPRAY Coaranteed for one year or your money back. \Only 13c for 16 ors.--enough to mothproof t men's suits. Beaver Lumber Coo Limited • I Wingham Motors Telephone 139 ••.011 our GMAC PLAN Chevrolet, Oldsmobile Car ChevroletTrucks between Canada and the *United States. These and other great trains, together with dependable "locals", cover more than two million miles each month and Make up the Railway "Blue rook" the Canadian National Time Table. Only Canadian National serves all ten Canadian provinces, and the "Blue Book" is your guide to everywhere In Canada or across the Border, be your jottrney, for a day, overnight or longer, CANADIAN REFRIGERATION SALES SERVICE HEADQUARTERS Rot, HOURS Apartments Hotels Butcher ,Shops - Grocery Stores Restaurants Snack Bars Tourist Camps - Drug Stores Hospitals - Institutions NEW and USED • Guaranteed, Refrigerators Telephone 29 IA/Ingham STEWART Home Appliances ed as. Rural Life Sunday, There will be a Y,P. Choir, and the service will be led by a team of Y.P. who will also proceed to Brick Church for the service there, This team is made up of Belgrave and Brick Y.P. The speak.: er for that occasion will be Mr. Gor- don Bennett, Agricultural representa- tive foe: Huron County, In the Sunday. School, Mrs. Leslie Bolt was the special speaker, speaking on the life of David Livingstone. Mrs. 'George Michie was presented with a plant for being the Mother who ha s attended Sunday School most ,regular- ly. United Church W.M,S. The W.M.S. of the United Church met in the church basement on May 4th, with an' attendance of 15, Mrs. R. Chamney conducted the devotional period opening with prayer and the Call to Worship. Mrs. 5, Wheeler and Mrs, A. Vincent read ' passages of scripture, Mrs. R, Chamney gave the Devotional leaflet "The Church of the Living God," and Mrs. E, Anderson gave a reading, "A Woman of Cour- age." In the absence of the president, the first vice , Mrs, Earl Anderson had charge of the business period which included the secretary's and treasur- er's report, Mrs. H. Wheeler gave a full report 'of Presbyterial held at Hensall. Mrs. A, Vincent gave the As- sociate Members report to date and Mrs. R. Chhinneny gave a short Temperance reading. Held Missionary Conference A Missionary Conference was held in the United Church when Mrs. K, the Topic, taking as his subject, "The Life of John Wesley," Sunday, May 22nd., will be observ- Campbell & Garbutt Diagonal Rd., Wingham Cigarettes • Tobacco SHERBONDY'S COFFEE SHOP Next to Lyceum Theatre Meals - Lunches FULL and HALF Sizes Window Screens Made-to-Measure FREE ESTIMATES Measurements Taken Boxed CANDY 40109•1111, 1 WANTED Immediately Youn g Women 16 to 21 years for Fruit and Vegetable Work Accommodation in Farm Service Force Camps Supervised by Y. W. C. A. Good Meals - Good Pay Good Fun For full particulars write:, ONTARIO FARM SERVICE FORCE 9 RICHMOND STREET East, TORONTO 1, ONTARIO Auspices: Dominion Provincial Fartn Labour Committee atones Sons, Ltd. INGERSOLL, ONTARIO .CAS FOR DEAD. ANIMALS • COWS- $2.50 each HORSES-$2.50 each ''HOGS .50 Per cwt. According to size and condition Phone collect: Winghatn 5611 Ripley Ski& Ingersoll 21 TRUTONE WHITE. The paint that cleans itself. White to start with — and stays white. Ask your C-I-L Paint Dealer for TRUTONE White. DULUX Super White Enamel. For bathrooms, kitchens, etc. Brilliantly white . . . will not yellow or absorb grease. Cleans like a china plate. See your JaInt Dealer There's a C.I-L Finish for every painting need. Whether you're painting a house, a room or a chair, it pays to see your C.I.L Paint Dealer first. CRUX Enamel. "One-Coat Magic" for furniture and woodwork. Excellent, too, for automobiles. 24 gay colours that retain their beauty —outdoors and in. LtativEn , , ,