HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1949-05-11, Page 4(jariette) Aitkenhead, Mrs, A, B, (Lillias) Wearring, bath of London, P. Stewart MacNaughton, 2nd, line of Turnberry, The late Mrs. MacNaughton was wellknown and highly esteemed in this community. She was a life long member pf the Presbyterian Church and a life member pf the Women's Missionary Society, Funeral services were held on Thursday, May 5th,, at the A, Millard George Funeral Home, London, Rev, Richard Stewart of New St. James Presbyterian Church in charge assist- ed by Rev. U. E. Cronhielm of Wrox- eter United Church. Pallbearers were Colin and George Wearring, Walter Hilton, John MacNaughton, Kinley MacNaughton, Allen MacEwen. In- terment was made in Wroxeter ceme- tery, Richard Wilton Richard Wilton, 81, a resident of Turnberry Township for 43 years died on Wednesday, May 4th, in Wingham General Hospital. He was a life long resident of this district and formerly was engaged in farming. He was a Liberal, keenly interested in sports and a member of Turnberry Council for thirteen years. His wife, the former Margaret For- tune predeceased him 12 years ago. Surviving are a daughters Jean, and one son, Grant, both at home. Funeral services were held on Sat- urday at 2.30 p.m., from his late resi- dence, concession 8, Turnberry. Rev. A. Nimmo of St. Andrew's Presby- terian Church officiated, and inter- ment was made in Wingham cemetery. The pallbearers were, I. J. Wright, G. N. Underwood, H. Gilkinson, J. Willitts, Walter Woods and James E. Currie. • • • • • e• • % • .0, . **** *a ,* •0111.•ri, •4444:•.• ••••••• et *** +10. • 44•4•1:..•...•:•-•.,•..•4•,. 41441411,1AP.10, 41•4141:14142PlieA•.fataNt,11.. btirit1.14,-010..$11'• 4. • ft. . . Washes Clothes Cleaner . Without Wear . . Lasts Longer vitt 1111i11111 In! i mess I t Igioim1411111,11.1111110 ”1, 01. M Om 1 IIMAMAS, .ao: lea men . I .. ) mum! a eel seemeleeelm:": St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church Sunday, May 15th Rev. A, Nimmo, Minister H. V. Pym, Organist An invitation is extended to all to attend these services. The Moderator of the General Assembly, Rt. Rev. C. Ritchie, Bell will be the Special SpLker.. MORNING SERVICE 11 a.m., in the Town Hall. EVENING SERVICE 7 p.m_ in the United Church 5M I I I IM 1 11 1 11 1 1$ 11 11 1 1 1 students are under the direction of Miss Elaine Walsh, R.m.T., Belgrave. BIRTHS BARGER—In Wingham General Hospital, on Thursday, May 5th, to Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Barger, R, R. Lucknow, a son. FALCONER—In Wingham General Hospital, on Monday, May 9th, to Mr, and Mrs. Angus Falconer, R. R. 1, Lucknow, (nee Vera Mont- gomery), a son. REAVIE—In Wingham General Hos-, pital, on Sunday, May 8th, to Mr. and Mrs. Rutherford Reavie, R. It. 3, Wingham, a daughter. ROBINSON—In Wingham General Hospital, on Sunday, May 8th, to Mr. and Mrs. Roy Robinson, R. R. 1, Belgrave, a son. SOMERS—In Midland, on Tuesday, May 3rd., to Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Somers, a daughter. TAYLOR—In Wingham General Hos pital, on Sunday, May 8th, to Mr. and Mrs. George Taylor, Luckuow, daughter. David Crompton JEWELLER Certified Watchmaker Gifts For All Occasions WINGHAM PHONE 59 CUSTOM BUILT Kitchen CABINETS RUBBER and Mastic Tile Flooring for Homes, Offices and Stores. Plastic Wall Tile For Kitchen and Bathroom ESTIMATES FREE Norman Rantoul Phone 251 , Wingliarn 0*••••••••••••••••1101A16•0110a0AAMA004141110•••• CARD OF THANKS Mr. and Mrs, Peter McEwan of Bluevale wish to express their thanks to kind neighbours and thoughtful friends for their many expressions of sympathy during their sorrow in the passing of their friend, Mr. Alfred Agar. The services of the three min- isters and soloist, Mr. Hoffman, were especially appreciated. CARD QF THANKS To our neighbours and friends who expressed their sympathy in so many beautiful and practical ways during our recent bereavement we extend our heartfelt thanks. Especially would we like to thank Mr, and Mrs. Harold Gilkinson and family. Jean and Grant Wilton, TEACHER WANTED Whitechurch U.S.& No. 10, Kin- loss, requires teacher holding First Class Certificate, Duties to commence September 6th, 1949, Salary approx- imately $1900.00. Modern school and Hydro equipped. Excellent working conditions and Music Supervisor. Forward applications to the under- signed by May 23rd, 1949—R, C. Me- Clenaghan, Sec'y-Treas., R. R. 5, Lucknow. 'Phone 612r4, Wingham, NOTICE By order of Wingham Town Coun- cil th efollowing rates and conditions now apply to Wingham Cemetery: Opening & closing adult grave $14.00 Opening and closing child grave $ '7.00 Cement work for foundations 85c cu. ft Permanent Care- -3t,. Lot, 2 graves . . ** ........... $ 25.00 1 Lot, 4 Graves $ 50.00 2 Lots. 8 graves . $ '75.00 4 Lots, 16 graves ...$100.00 All graves must be paid for when ordered and payment may be made to the Caretaker at the Cemetery or to the Town Treasurer. Foundations for monuments must be paid for when ordered. All lots selected must be paid for within 30 days otherwise they will not be held. The above regulations become effec- tive at once. Dated at Wingham, Ontario, this 10th day of May, 1949. W. A. Galbraith, Town Clerk. NOTICE SEWER PERMITS Before any connection'is made to a sewer or drain in the Town of Wing- ham, a permit must first be secured. Applications for sewer permits may be obtained at the Town Clerk's ()nice, Town Hall. A fee of $2,00 is charged for each permit. The opening of all sewers or drains: must he under the supervision of the Town Foreman. In. all cases of damage to the sewer, drain or sidewalks, the applicant will be held liable and Must pay for same. These regulations become effective at once. Dated at \\Ingham, Ontario, this 10th day of May, 1949. \V. A. 'Galbraith, Town Clerk. OBITUARY Mrs. John MacNaughton On Tuesday, flay 3rd., 1949, at the home of her daughter, Mrs. M. S. Ait- kenhead, London, Martha (French) MacNaughton, wife of the late John MacNaughton passed away following a short illness. Mrs. MacNaughton was born at Unionville. in 1862, and following her marriage to John MacNaughton resid- ed on the second line of Turnberry, until their retirement to London, 25 years ago. Her husband predeceased her in 1935 also two sons, James and Colin, lost their lives in the first World War. Surviving are Mrs. M. S. Tractor News We have a large stock of CULTIVATORS TANDEM DISC HARROWS PLOUGHS SWEEP RAKES and MOWERS SUITABLE FOR OPERATION WITH FORD and FORD-FERGUSON TRACTORS Huron Motors Wingham A. D. MacWilliam 'Phone 237 FOR SALE—Fordson Tractor, good running condition. 'Phone 608r13. FOR' SALE—Jersey Cow with Calf, Joseph Snyder, 'Wingham Junction, telephone 636r32. FOR SALE—Quantity of Irish Cobb- ler and Katandin Potatoes, suitable for seed. Archie Gray, Bluevale, Wroxeter phone, 16r3, FOR SALF.-1932 Chevrolet Coupe, recently overhauled. Cheap for quick sale. 'Phone 636r2. 'OR SALE—In village of Blyth, Frame Dwelling in good repair; 7 norIUS and bath. hardwood floors, built-in cupboards, good basement, hard and sit water; all kinds of • small fruits and barn. Apply Mrs, Clarence Rath, Itelgrave. 'Phone 630r22, Winnham. OR SALE—Two Sows. not bred, nod length. 8 nt-ntits, about 200 Alnply A. Evans. Wroxeter. SALE—S: slid Round Verandah Posts, cheap. Mrs. J. W. McKib- inan, 'phone 107 Centre 'OR SALE—Fnq A Motor and. Parts. Call at Ulmot Moores, near Cemetery. OR SALE—Katandin Potatoes, fit for seed. $1.00 a bag at the farm. Jns. 'Dunbar. Belgrave, 'OR RENT—Electric Moth Sprayer. 50c per day, spray solution extra. Apply at Kerr's (I.D.A.) Drug Store Telephone 18, 1,Vingliatri. FOR SALE The following new Cockshutt Machinery for immediate. delivery: Drag Harrows, two-sec- tion heavy lever Harrows,. six-foot power Cultivator; also new 8A Mow- ers 5, 6 and 7 foot sizes. We have tractor Tires and rims in stock, and are equipped to load tires with Cal- cium .Chloride solution, If you have hydro installed See us about Elec- tric Washers, Separators, Milking Machines, etc., John Instead Son, Phone 455C PERSONALITY BEAUTY SHOP specializes in all types of Perman- ents. Machine, Machineless and Cold, also Shampooing, Finger Wav- ing and Ogilvie Sisters Scalp Treat- ments. 'Phone 33 for appointment. STARTED COCKERELS, PULL- ets, non-sexed, many breeds and • cross breeds to choose from 3, 4, 6,1 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10 week old at bar- gain prices while they last. Also day old cockerels, pullets and non- sexed chicks, turkey poults, immedi- ate delivery, A sample of the bar- gains: 6 week old Light Sussex. X New Hampshires, New Hampshires, Light Sussex Cockerels 36.95, non- sexed 43.95, pullets 58.95. Send for complete bargain price list and cat- alonue, Tweddle Chick Hatcheries Limited. Fergus, Ontario. WANTED—Waitress, full time pos-1 itinn. Apply Queen Grill. WANTED—Progressive Drug, Cigar or Gift Store to install a lively lend- iruz library, No investment requir- ed,- We supply books on 'a rental basis and keep library fresh by monthly exchanges. For full partic- ulars write to Shay's- Libraries, 333 High Park Ave., Toronto 9. CARD OF THANKS Mrs Peter McEwan of Ifluevale. on behalf of her husband, Peter Metwan -and brother, Dougail Strachan wishes to thank the Doctors and Staff of the Winnharn General Hospital for their kindness to them while they were patients there. -• .••• CARD OF THANKS I wish to take this opportunity to thank Dr, J. A. Pox, relatives, friends and neighbours who remembered me in so many different ways during my recent illness. Mrs. TOhn CARD OF THANKS We wish to take . this opportunity of thanking our neighbours and friends far their many acts of kindness and help, also expressions (14 sympathy during our recent illness and bereave- Ment. Emma and James Hardie. PAGE POUR THE WINGI-1A1V1 ADVANCE-TIMES Wednesday, May 11, 1949 Mrs. William Twamley After several months illness, death came suddenly in Alexandra Hospital, Goderich, on Thursday, May 5th, to Mary Cameron, wife of the late Wil- liam Twamley, in her 82nd. year. She was the daughter of the late John Cameron and Margaret McCuaig of Wingham. She leaves to mourn her loss, one son, Thomas, at home, on the 10th' ,con. of Ashfield, also three sisters, !Mrs. Margaret Jackson, MrS.' Agnes Carrie of Wingham, Rebecca Canter- on;" Toronto. Two daughters, Violet and Ella (Mrs. Earl Begley) prede- ceased her. Funeral services were held at Hac- kett's United Church, on Saturday, May 7th. Rev. C. B. Woolley officiat- ed and Rev. G. G. Howse of Gorrie assisted. Interment in Greenhill ceme- tery, Lucknow. Pallbearers were Albert Alton, Roy Alton, Elmer Alton, T. A, Cameron, Adam Johnston, Wilfred Hackett, Miss Ann Eliza Mathers Miss Ann Eliza Mathers passed away at her home on Sunday after- noon. She had suffered a heart attack on Tuesday which was followed by a stroke of paralysis from which she did not rally. Miss Mathers was born on the 1st. line of Morris township, daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Robert Mathers, pioneer settlers in the district and had continued to live there until five years ago, when along with two sisters moved into the vil lage. She attended public school at Browntown and was a member of Ebenezer United Church. She is survived by one brother, Henry Mathers of Morris Township, and four sisters, Miss Jane and Miss Adeline Mathers, Bluevale, Mrs. Fred Hooper (Rebecca) and her twin sister, (Susan), Mrs. Henry Owens of Wel- wyn,- Sask. Three brothers, John, Thomas and 'George predeceased her. The funeral was held from her late residence, Bruevale, on Tuesday after- noon, conducted by Rev. J. A. Burden. Interment took place in the Bluevale cemetery. The pallbearers were; Carl John- ston, Harvey Robertson, Fred Church- ill, Charles F. Johnston, Stewart Mc- Lennan and George Fell. James C. Purdon Passes Mr. James C. Purdon, life long resi- dent of West Wawanosh, passed away on Monday evening after' a few .days illness from pneumonia, in Wingham, General Hospital. He was a son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Robert Purdon. 'His wife, the former Jennie Stein, pre- i.deceased him about three years ago. ,They had three sons, Harris and Wil- liam of W. Wawanosh, and Elmer of tWinghani. one daughter, Jean. Mrs. Calvin Robinson of Belgrave, and four grandchildren, also three brothers, )Robert Henry in Saskatchewan, A. E. ;Purdon, Lucknow„ William Purdon of rWhitechurch, and one sister, Myrtle, Mrs. William Dawson of Kinloss, sur- vive. Mr. Purdon was well-known in this district, and had been Road Sup- erintendent of West Wawanosh for "many years. He was a member ,of Whitechurch Presbyterian Church, and his pastor, Rev. W. S. Sutherland, will have charge of the funeral services on Thursday. Interment in Wingham cemetery. EVERYTHING you've always wanted in a washer is waiting for you in the new Westinghouse! Scientific water action washes clothes cleaner . . . exclusive "'Cushioned Action" gyrator banishes clothes wear . . . Westinghouse precision engineering assures longer life . . . "Sentinel of Safety" affords you and your washer wore protection. Beautiful white porcelain tub. All these and many additional modern advancements give you MORE in a. Westinghouse $159.50 washer ... at a price you can afford to pay! ~irittir e n RADIO & ELECTRIC Telephone 171J t$Y4 fa:4/0144ro a Westinghouse CLASSIFIED ADS. ANNOUNCING—We are agents for Britishk-nit Woollen Wear f o r every member of the family. Made to order and made-to-measure. Yemen's, Wingham,, Phone 279. ' BARN FOR SALE — 40x60 Frame Barn in good condition, cheap for cash. Apply to Hugh Rinn, Bel- grave, or W. R. Paterson, 462 Wel- lington St., London. CHARTS FOUNDATION Garment Co., trained Corsetierre for Wing- ham and surrounding districts. If you need a new garment, any size or type of figure at reasonble prices. Mrs. Wrn. Kennedy, Phone 509W„ Corner Patrick and Minnie St. FOR MAY CHICK DELIVERY, we're boOkitL May ,.)rders. These pullets (Kitchener Big-4 of course) will catch you fall markets, and these markets look pretty good and c‘n-tain. Don't put off. See or write us fur particulars and prices, save time by ordering through Wilbur Hogg, RR 4. \\Ingham. FOR RENT-100 acres of Grassland. Apply Mrs. Tla-ls. Finlean. R.R. 2, Lucknow, Ont., E Lot 26, Con. 9, West Wawanosh. FOR SALE: Floral Drapes, almost new, lovely colors on I'.,ht yellow baeknround, 1 pr. 2ta lime, 1 pr. 2 yds. 7"; 1 pr. 31", all 36" wide. Plinne 93w. FOR SALE—Twn-wheel Trailer, Ap- ply Geor.;-e Casentore, nhone 602r3. FOR SALE — 1925 lInds:in-Essex C,,ach. *IAA tires. 2 new, in good running etinditinn. Priet:l for quick sale. \V, J. Gallaher, Cnerrie, phone Wroxeter 23r12. FOR SALE—Senator Dunlop Straw- berry Plants, Katandin au„d Green Mountain Potatoes, grown 'linen reg- istered seta. M. Donk, LaNver Winnham, Pnove 632r12. FOR SALE--Wu 'l or Coal Range, warming closet and reservoir, in good condition. Apply Albert Rin- Sizuter .FOR SALE—.Fnur-room Bungalow, concrete block machinery and two river lots comprising approximately 1 acre of ground, and other build- ings located in 'Xingham. Will sell as a whole of separately. Interested parties contact Fisher &.Myers, Box 92, Wingham, or Phone 411 for fur- ther particulars. roR SALE. Model A Coupe, good tires. Apply Keith Dunbar, nn the hinbway opposite 1st Line Morris, FOR SALE—Portable. Typewriter in Al condition. Apply Adair Trans- port, Wined:ant. i ;smith hUoTf ElixetFer0,aRs pianis t. CHRIST.,.,i,1rs.EN, i : led by Mr. Evan Hedley of ' Brant- ! 'ford, executive secretary of "'Youth 1 ;for Christ" with Mrs. Muriel 'Whil- opened with a lovely song service some coming a distance of one two hundred people gathered from denomination represented. The meet- ing Saturday night, when approximately Rally was held id Clinton town hall on Clinton and surrouniling districts, hun- dred and sixty miles with almost every A very successful 'Youth for Christ' RALLY IN CLINTON on Hedley rendered two beautiful solos. !Ministers from several denominations ;took active part thlbughout the even- ing. Impressive pictures were shown of :poverty stricken China, showing the !work of "Youth for Christ" in that pawl followed by a vocal ! number by ;Mrs. Ryon Hedley entitled "Perish- orig." The Executive committee was then chosen to carry on the work in this `district. ' Those on the executive arc ' l • iRev. G. W. H. Medley, (ioderich, Mrs. Geo. R. Haines, Blyth, Miss Muriel iWhilsmith, Exeter, Rev. Beech, Grand Bend, Mr. Clifford Talbot, Bayfield, ,!Mr, McMillen, Bayfield, Mr. Maus- seati, happen. Successful In The Huron County Music Festival The folh)wing students competed iin the various classes:—Gwendolyn !Walsh, Belgrave, and Claire Taylor, :Walton in Girl's Vocal Solo, (11 year !and tinder). Claire Taylor, winner of !the! class, 83 marks, also whiner of /the Educational Scholarship of $25.00, !Ian Griffiths, Blyth, and Carl Cunt-.mings, Brussels, in Boy's Vadat Solo, l(11 year and under) with marks 81 ;and 80, Ian Griffiths, eligible for entry 'in the Scholarship Award Class. Iona Griffiths, Blyth, mark 80%; Shirley Bradburn, Belgrave, mark 82; and Lorraine Hanna, Belgrave, mark 79; !competed in Girl's Vocal Solo (14 year and under.) Shirley Bradburn, winner of the class, and eligible for entry in .the final Scholarship Award, Class. Russell and Phyllis Fear, Brussels, ,and Marion .Hull and Mary Smith, 'Britssels, in Vocal Duet, (14 year and touter),. marks 79 and 18. Phyllis Fear, Brussels and Lorna Barrie, of I Blyth, in the Girl's Vocal Solo, 9 yi., kand under, Phyllis Pear, .mark 80, ' (second place); 'and Lorna. Barrie, mark 19, (third place.) The above g f FOR SALE-4-room newly built In- sul-brick Cottage, water and Hydro; acre of land. Decorated. For quick sale. Apply John McKay. 'phone 637r22, Wingham. FOR SALE— Complete Breakfast Suite, natural finish, nearly new; also, Car Radio, 1 year old. Tele- phone 106. FOR SALE — McCormick-Deering Tractor-trailing 2-row Corn Planter with Fertilizer Attachment and Power Lift; 2 years old, good as new. Apply to Warren Zurbrisg, RR. 1, Gorrie, 'phone Fordwich 33-13. FOR SALE—Whitewash Equipment with 2-cylinder high-pressure pumps and 100 gallon tank, mounted on trailer; also 1930 Chrysler Car with reconditioned motor. Apply jos Dunbar, Belgrave. FOR SALE—Crushed Stone or Crush ed Gravel, Cement Gravel, dirt for fill, also top soil. Phone 353J. HELP WANTED—A woman for housework, middle age preferred. Two adults. Apply Mrs. Isabella Henderson, Water St., Wingham. LADY WISHES WORK, a Practi- cal Nurse. Apply Advance-Times. MEN WANTED—Labourers. Apply at Central Mortgage Housing Unit, Wingham. • IIAAIN .r,rruiAP.A.i.a60014..m.i6Ataribwhk.Aiku.t4 eliiidAL • A