HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1949-05-11, Page 3GET ss9tane
Have a Gleaming
Gas Range to give
You Better Meals
with half the Work!
Essotane lights automatically, gives you '
w instant heat at the touch of a switch.
Essotane gives you accurate oven control
for surer cooking results. ,z
Essotane gives you a hotter, cleaner flame
w than you've ever known.
Essotane is safe,time.saving andeconomicall
It will be a proud day for you when you first
switch on your own gas range des,igned for
use with Essotane. At a touch of the switch
you will have a hot, clean flame you can
regulate to any temperature you require. No
waiting for full heat. No smoke or fumes. No
blackening of pots and pans. You% have an
oven that heats quickly and stays at , the
temperature you select, an oven 6ig enough to
hold a full sized turkey'.
Imperial Oil servicemen will simply set up a
small steel cylinder outside your home and
pipe in the gas through a copper tube, Regular
refill deliveries will maintain your supply at
all times.
Essotane stove prices—for the 3-burner
model $99.50 up to $181.50 for table-top
Pay only 10% down and the balance in
small monthly amounts.
O rill Om mei lei Mum ise imm imp me Mt Me mei di lial is Pei le1e ime Mir w kei Po mut we' He ak /me . km lot Met or
Essotttne Gas Service, Imperial Oil Limited
Stratford, Ontario
Yes, t would like to know more about Essotane. Please send me, without
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about this new gas service.
MY NAME (Please . . r YYir
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SERVE Food Market ssElLvFE
STANDARD TOMATOES, 20 oz. tin . „ „1,2c
Wizard GLASS WAX, 16 oz. tin
Aylmer TOMATO JUICE, 20 oz. tins .. , .2 for 21c
Royal York Orange Pekoe TEA, 1/2 lb. pkg. ..47c
Aylmer Tomato
bottle 16c bot2tles 31c
2 Tins 27c
Lynn Valley PEACHES, 20 oz. 25e I Blue Boy COFFEE, 1 lb. bag ... 49c
PEANUT BUTTER 16 "" jar 35c
China Lily Bean Sprouts 20 ozs. 29c
For Chop Suey, Salads, Etc.
Orders Taken for Vegetable and Flower Plants
Libby's MIXED VEGETABLES, 20 oz. 19c
Sunway FRESHIES, pkg. .05c Ur RAKES 39c
Wednesday, May 11, 1949
Y ti
You'll feel the EXTRA POWER
sltio Iwo
C.M4rwhi b; lia;ry YbrArcoon.
F5 USON syivrA4
litat Ifidatlo *aged
Merkley Motors
Exceptionally high torque at low
engine speeds often lets you use third
gear when you'd expect to need
second. Rugged, heavy-duty con-
struction with drop-forged crank-
shaft; long-skirted, cam-groundaluminum alloy pistons;
sleeves fully water-jacketed; full
pressure lubrication and precision
manufacture--an engine built to
"take it"!
,••• ••• •
With friends in the village.
Mr, and Mrs. Herbert Shiell of
Brantford, spent the week-end here
and disposed of his house and lot to
Mr. foe Horton of Clifford, who has
recently been engaged as manager At
the McKinney Mill,
Mrs. W. H. McKinney was a visitor
at the home of Mrs. R. B. McKinney
at London this week.
Miss Bessie Moses and brother, Will
visited with Mr, and Mrs. ,deter S.
MegEa;Znd Elliott spent a day in
Mrs. Arnold Lillow and
Mrs. Nellie Lillow enjoyed the glor-
ious sight of Blossoms on Sunday.
Mrs, Mary Robertson is visiting her
sisters, Mrs. Geddes and Mrs. Nichol-
son at Beigcaye.
• Mr. and Mrs. 'George Thornton en-
tertained members of their family for
Mother's Day.' Mr. and Mrs. Wick-
stead; Mrs, A. D. Smith and Eleanor,
Mr. and Mrs. J. Marshall and two
daughters and Wilson Thornton,
Churches Observe Mother's Day
Mother's Day was fittingly marked
at the morning service in the United
Church and Rev. J. A. Burden con-
ducted the ordinance of baptism for
the following: Jill Anne, daughter of
Mr, and Mrs. Wilson Thornton; Mar-
garet Elizabeth, daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. George Thornton; Ruth Annette,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs, Earl Ham-
ilton; Vera Marlene, daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. John Nicholson; Garry Rob-
ert Smith, son of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur
Rattan, and at Ebenezer in the after-
noon, Barry Neil, son of Mr. and
Mrs. James Golley, Larry James, son
of Mr, and Mrs. James Elston. An
impressive part of the service at Blue-
vale was the dedication of two brass
collection plates, a gift to the con-
gregation from Mr. and Mrs, Jack
Wickstead, in memory of the late, Mr.
William James Johnston. Flowers for
Mother's Day made an appropriate
setting for the occasion.
Rev. J. A. and Mrs. Burden attend-
ed a Missionary School at Brussels,
Among the guest speakers were Rev.
Howard Veal, B.A., on furlough from
China and Mrs. Wu of West China,
who will attend the University at Tor-
onto this year.
Friends of Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred
Meahan, Detroit, will be pleased to
know that a baby boy arrived at their
Iholialsid hoe April 12th, 1949, William v
"In Every Home—Jesus Christ"
was the theme for the Mother's Day
service in Knox Presbyterian Church
on Sunday morning. The Superinten-
dent of the Sunday School, R. J. Mc-
Murray acted as leader to carry out
the order of Worship, The address
on the theme was given by Rev. Le-.
ich the past week and contested in a of Listowel, accompanied by their land C. Jorgensen. He spoke of the
Double Trio. Eleanor Smith .was daughter. Mrs. George German and .nlessings of a Christian home and the
awarded 3rd. place among 11 con- son, Billy of Clinton, spent Sunday .influence of such a home on a family .and stressed the importance of a fam-
Mrs. M. S. Aitkenhead at London.
Eleanor Smith, Joyce Hoffman, Bill
Barwick, Bob Barwick, Jack Elliott
and Arthur Burden. attended the Nur-
on County Musical Festival at Goder-
How can a tractor so compact, so
easily handled, put forth so much
power for the heavy jobs? Two reasons!
FIRST—is the Ferguson System of Linkage
and Hydraulic Control, It takes advantage
of natural forces in linking implement to tractor,
making them one single "self-propelled" unit, and
automatically increasing traction for the harder
pulling. At the same time, the work of raising, lowering,
carrying and controlling depth of the implement is done for
you, hydraulically.
SECOND—This power, so fully utilized, is supplied by the
"farm-type" overhead valve engine of Ferguson and Conti-
nental Motors design. Engineered and built for low operating
cost, with longer hours of running on the many different
kinds of work you'll find the New Ferguson can do.
Together, this combination gives you a farm machine
with snore than enough power, yet easily controlled, flexible
for the wide range of farm requirements.
Whether you judge tractor performance by how easy it
makes your work, the time saved, or by how much it lowers
your cost of production, ask us to arrange your demon-
stration. You'll find the New Ferguson is the modern farm
machine for you.
testants in solo for girls 11 years.
They were accompanied by A. D,
Smith, chairman of the Turnberry
Township Public School Area.
Mr. and Ids. Charles H. Coultes
2C Pass PASS Pass
Instead, East and West at sonic
tables went all the way to three no
Shaw from Miss Robb, acknowledging trump and tour spades. Only because
the parcel sent her by the W. A. and the North and South defensive siren-
also word has been received from gth was equally divided did they es-
Miss Lucy Cousins expressing appre- cape doubles that would have resn/ted
elation for a similar box. Several in huge penalties,
items of business came under discus- The hand was played in the modest
Sion and June 10th was set as the date club contract AE only WIC table, and
for the Garden Party. The Presi- that Past and West pair got a well de-
dent pronounced the benediction. served cleat toll score.
you make it." Mrs. Felker conducted
a Bible quiz. At the close of the meet-
ing the hostess served refreshments
and 'a social half hour was enjoyed.
United Church Ladies Met
The regular monthly meeting of the
Woman's Missionary Society of the
United Church was held this week at
the biome of Mrs. Earl Hamilton. The
?resident presided, After the open-
ing hymn, Mrs. McCrackin led in pray-
er. Pollowing the business period a
very fine report of the Presbyterial
held at Hensall was given by the dele-
gate, Mrs. Jim Johnston. The pro-
gram was in charge of, Mrs, R, is rubber bridge, and in fact it was pass-
McLennan and Mrs. Carl Johnston, ed out at two tables of duplicate last
week. In duplicate, however, North's
decision is close, and if he passes it
is quite correct for East to bid one
diamond or one heart. (With a strong-
er haud one heart would be the choice, •
but in this case the diamond bid is a
little safer.) Bearing in mind that West
lacks opening strength, East should
realize that almost beyond doubt there
is no game to be had amid therefore he
should be determined to pass any non
by a brief challenge by Mrs. Carl , forcing response his partner may
Johnston on "What Is Our Resposp. make.
sibility". The meeting closed with I In other words the (duplicate) bid-
prayer by Mrs. Spading Johnston. ding should be:
The President, Mrs. Wiekstead, pre- (West
x(t .t
sided for the Pass
t South
meeting of the Wom- Pass
an's Association whihe .opened with a
hymn and repeating The Loed's Pray-
er. A letter was read by Mrs. Arthur
After the :worship service, conducted
by Mrs. McLenuan, Mrs. Graham
Campbell gave a talk on the otpic,
"Newcomers to Canada". She told.
some 'if her own experiences with the
Polish boys who have been employed
on the Campbell farm, After hear-
ing the talks, all present felt it their
duty to do everything possible to
make these newcomers feel that they
are anions. friends, This was 'followed
ily honouring, their father and mother.
A choir composed of senior girls from
the Sunday School sang an approp-
riate number. Sunday School pupils
accompanied by their teachers occup-
ied the centre front seats,
Knox Church Home Helpers
The 1st. Vice-President, Mrs. L. C.
jorgensen,presided at the Home Help-
ers .meeting of the W.M.S. of Knox
Presbyterian Church at the home of
Mrs. J. Gordon Mundell. After sing-
ing "All the way My Saviour Leads
Mc" the Lord's Prayer was repeated
and Mrs. Lloyd Felker read the 9th
Chapter of Romans. ,Mrs. Felker, the
Home Helper's Secretary, introduced
the guest . speaker, Mrs. U. K Cron-
hielm of Wroseter. She spoke on Bridge Club Iast week. It illustrates a
China where she served as a Mission- bidding principle that is of a little
,r3r. She fells that Mission work should .more interest in duplicate than in
conic first and that peace can only !rubber bridge, but only because it ;IP -
come through the Missionary. . A 1 plies chiefly to those borderline type
strong feeling in China is "You reap iof hands that usually are opened in
just what yen1 sow" Mrs. Eldred Nic- (duplicate but sometimes passed out in
hol gave a reading "This life is what a rubber game.
West dealer.
Both sides vulnerable,
A 9 6
¤ J9362
* j 10 8 5
•1§,A K2
3 K. 6 4 3
¤ A E ¤ c..17 4 3
4. J 9 7 4 3 2 44 Q8
Q 7 4 3
94, J 9 8 7 2
. sis R.K5 10
This deal would be passed oat iii
The following hand was played at
is and Mrs
and Mrs. Alai
and Mrs, Geo
Niagara halls
May 8th.
Mr, and lI
Were host and
of Mrs. Joint
honour her on
lwas the recipient of a bouquet of
beautiful roses from her grandchild-
ren and also many gifts ami remem-
rbrances from friends and relatives.
'rhe table was tastefully dec,etated
and centred with a three tier birth-
'day cake. Her three daughters and
one slat were present, Mrs. C. Iciche,1-
on, Morris, Mrs. Clarence Johnston,
Mrs. Iohn Rile y and Mr'..
Russell Bradshaw, J amestown and.
Thomas Grashy, Morris Township.
Sevejral old friends of. Mrs. John
MacNaughton's attended the funeral
service at the Wroxeter cemetery last
Thursday afternoon. Mrs. MacNaugh-
ton passed away at the home 'of her
daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and
.-Glen McKercher, M r.
MeKercher and Mr.
Griffith motored ti'
cni mo ssom Sunday,
rs. Russell Bradshaw
hostess to the fainiir
Grasby ,11 Sunday, to
her 81st birthday. She
Hon. Earl Rowe
Progressive Conservative Ass'n
will be held in.
Wingharn /tin,
at 8:30 p.m., DS.T., on
Thurs., May 12
1 4