HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1949-04-13, Page 9YOUR EYES NEED
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Wroxeter Town Hall
Tuesday, April 19
at 8:15 p.m., under auspices of Howick Lions'Club
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Children 25c
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Taxpayers may make payments on. account of
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Interest at the rate of four per cent. per
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W. A. GALBRAITH, Treasurer,
Town of Wingliam
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the village after •spending the winter
season 'with friends at Oakville. Mrs.
Gowdy has taken up residence in Miss
Gertie Bush's home. Mrs. 1 Gowdy's
Miss Lenora Higgins, RN., Vict-
oria Hospital, London. was a week-end
guest of her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Chester Higgins.
Mrs. Brown, Gorrie, is a' visitor of,
her daughter, Mrs. Anderson Gibson
and Mr.-Gibson.
Mrs. Henry Timm and her son, Mr.
Bill Timm, Listowel, spent the week-
end with Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Timm
and family, 2nd. line, Turnberq,
Mr. and Mrs. James Sanderson and
sons, are spending a few days with
friends in Detroit
Miss Norma Brandon, Toronto,
spent the week-end witr friends here.
Mrs. John Gowdy has returned to
ri Common Sense . .
til Dollars and Cents
1 Wingharn Motors
m . G. M. SPRING •
1111 Bumper to Biunper Service—and the cost IN
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Our 'Way of Life nevrards
Trained Hands
Ontario workers know they can earn
more, have executive responsibility
and enjoy a higher standard of living
in direct ratio to the skills they ac-
quire and the way they,. make use
of them. That's always
true in a free economy
—that's why our can-
petitive systeni will
continue to make
Canada great and a
great ,place in which
to live.
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Learning Business Practice
TN Ontario the wheels of industry turn for the benefit of every single
one of' us. Our lathes, dynamos, drill presses, farm combines, tractors,
business machines, etc. are producing goods and services which earn
dollars. These dollars provide food, clothing, medical care and other
necessities which contribute to our security and high standard of living.
Every single one of us, therefore, has a very personal interest in the flow
of a steady supply of trained workers to industrial plants. These workers
will operate machines which are important to our way of life.
We should appreciate, then, the co-operative efforts of government,
industry and labour in the field of employee training. In schools and in
factories our workers, young and old, are given the opportunity to develop
new and specific skills in every field of business and industrial activity.
for instance, every effort on the part of office workers to become pro-
ficient in typing, filing, shorthand and secretarial work, will mean
greater business efficiency—will help to snake Ontario a finer place in
which to lite and work.
Wednesday, April 13, 1949 THE WINGHAM ADVANCE-TIMES
Many friends are pleased to see het
back again. •
Mrs. A. Munro and Mrs.. „W, T.
MacLean were in Brussels on Friday
afternoon, when Mrs. Stanley Wheeler,
District Secretary of hlast Huron Die-
trict, Women's Institute entertained
presidents and Secretaries of the 7
branches of tile district.
The weekly prayer service for the
United Church will be held on the ev.,
ening of Good Friday, at 8 o'clock,
On Wednesday of last week, Mr,
and Mrs, James Doig of Drayton,
moved, into their newly purchased
home in the village. We welcome the
Doig family to the village, It is like
coming home to Mrs. Doig, the form-
er • Edythe Gowdy, who before her
marriage lived north of the village,
Members of the Young People's
Union presented their play, "The Blue
Bag'% in Whitechurch on Thursday
night and Gorrie on Friday night,
This week they go to North Morning
ton on Tuesday night and to Fordwich
on Thursday night.
The many friends of Miss Jean Mof-
fat will regret to know she is a patient
in Wingham General Hospital where
she underwent an operation for ap.
pendicitis on Saturlay evening. 'Jean's
many friends hope for a speedy re-
Miss Nellie Mae Allen of Fordwich,
has joined the local Bank of Com-
merce Staff, taking the place of Miss
Margaret Moffat, who is on three
week's rvacation. Miss Moffat is spend-
ing a few days in London.
'Mr. and Mrs. Jack Meahen were in
London, during the week to visit the
former's father, who is .a patient in
the hospital there. We are pleased to
know Mr. Meahen is making a good
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Higgins and fam-
ily ,of Fordwich, were Sunday geusts
of the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Chester Higgins.
Women's Institute
Mrs. R, R. Hunter opened her home
on Wednesday afternoon for the' April
meeting of Wroxeter Women's Insti-
tute. Bright spring flowers throughout
the rooms, together with the many
gayly wrapped gifts for' the unknown
friends, gave the final' meeting of the
year a pleasant setting. The Presi-
dent, Mrs.' H. V. MacKenney con-
ducted the opening exercises. The min-
utes and corrsepondence was present-
ed by Mrs. W. T. MacLean and in-
eluded Thank-you notes from shut-ins
a letter from the sister of our adopted
sailor, Pte. Robert Riley, Sunny-
brook Hospital. with notice from the
Provincial President of an officers
Rally for the Province to be held early
in May at Ontario Agricultural Col-
lege, Guelph, which will include presi-
dents and secretaries of Branch Dis-
trict and Area. Mrs. John Lane gave
some fine thoughts on the Motto,
'Life is a garden, what are you plant-
ing?" Roll Call, a lesson learned froth
experience brought an interesting re:
sPonse. The exchange of gifts' when
the unknown frien.d of the year became
known, caused the members to look
back over the year to remember tok-
ens of kindness received .--
A guest was Mrs. James Armstrong
of Brussels, District president, who
expressed pleasure at being present
and conducted the election of officers
for 1949-50, which are as follows
Honorary President,' Mrs. • H. V.
MacKenney; President, 'Mrs. Allan
Munro; 1st. Vice-Pres., Mrs. Vernon
Denny; 2nd. Vice-Pres., Mrs. John
Lane; District Director, Mrs. Harold
Hamilton; ,Branch Directors, Mrs.
Lyle Broers, Mrs. John Coiwill;
Pianist, Mrs.. Geo. Lane; assistant,
Mrs. Lyle Brothers; Press Correspon-
dent, Mrs. D. S. MacNaughton; Lunch
Committee, Mrs. J. H. Wylie, Mrs.
Wm. Hart; Good Cheer Committee,
Mrs. H. I. Durst, Mrs. Dr Draper,
1\frs.' D. W. Rae; Auditors, Mrs. R.
R. Hunter, Mrs. H. Knight; Standing
Committees: Agriculture and ,Canad-
ian Industries, Miss K, Hazelwood,
Historical Research and Current
Events, Mrs. H. V. MacKenney;
Home Economics and Health, Mrs.
Thos., .Parker; Prblic Relationship and
Community Activities, Mrs. H. Timm;
Resolutions Mrs, F, 13, Milb,vard,
Reports of the Standing Committees
for the past year were interesting and
showed progress. The Good Cheer
committee, Mrs. Hart, Mrs, Pacey and
Mrs. Moffat are to be commended for
their kind remembrances to the
Shut-Ins throughout the year and es-
pecially at the Christmas Season,
Miss K. Hazelwood was pianist for
the meeting. Mrs. Knight moved a
tote of thaanks to the hostess for her
kind hospitality. ,Refreshments were
served and a social hour enjoyed.
Progrestive Euchre •
Twenty-one tables of Euchre tAcl
two tables of Crokinole were in the
play on Tuesday evening, when a soc-
ial evening was sponsored by the For
Rest Ladies Club, and held in the
Masonic Club Rooms. Mr. G. A.
Weaning held the highest score of the
evening, 104 points with 7 tone hands,
Mr. Thos. Burke won the 2nd prize
for gentlemen, Mrs,' Wm. Hart won
first prize for ladies, Mrs. 'William
Taylor second. Refreshments were ser,,
ved and a few games of Bingo enjoy-
ed, The Special Bingo a plastie table-
cloth, was won by Mr, R. R. Hunter.
All the prizes for the card game and
also the Aingo were donated by mem-
bers of the Club. Over $50,00 was re-
alized and will be used towards re-
decorating the Club. Rooms, The corn.-
mittee announced.. another party for
Tuesday; April. 26th.
Women's Missionary Society
The W.M.S. of the United Church,.
held their April meeting on Friday
afternoon in the church parlours, The
them, "Now in the place where Ile
was. .trucified there was a 4arden. The
W. R. Hamilton, R, 0.
Optometrist for Over
25 Years.
Telephone 37
for Appointment.
General Accounlancy
for the
P. 0. Bo* 74, Telephone 23
Fresh 'Shipment of
English Pipes
made by BARLING
fleeting was brought to order 'with
quiet music by 'Miss K. Hazelwood,
The President, Mrs. Harold Hamilton
presided and gave the call' to Wor-
ship. Mrs. Harvey Timm assisted the
president iti the Devotional period us-
ing the leaflet entitled, The—Power
of the Living Christ, prepared by Mrs.
G. E. Forbes, former Dominion presii,
dent of the W.M.S. The Roll Call, The
responsibility of a W.M.S. member
brought a worth while response. The
hymns of, Easter were, sung, Mrs.
Hamilton and Mrs. MacNaughton fav-
oured with a duet. "Seeking the Mas-
ter," Mrs. V': Denny gave the offer-
tory prayer. The President, Mr's. A.
Munro and Mrs. Hunter were appoint-
ed delegates to attend the Presbyterial
meeting to be held at Hensall on April
26th. Mrs. Frank Sanderson gave the
address and her subject, "Steward-
ship" what we call our own is really
our Master's but he gives to us the
privilege of administration and only
according to His divine will Life, and
all life brings poweirstwof body and
ctpacities of mind. The Gospel of
Christ and the Grace of God, all spirit-
cal knowledge, wisdom, sympathy, joy
are ours,' only to administer. We must
make investment for our fellow man.
The .foreigner helped over the hard
places, to simd 'messengers to tell the
gospel in all lands) of Jesus and His
love, To the famished Greek or Bel-
gian to whom among the smoking
ruins of their land we have sent re-
lief in Food, clothing and money: Thus
we lay up treasure in lleaven. The
speaker quoted from Whittier's, "Mis-
erable Me", the story, of the dying
monk whose life 'had been spent in toil
and service and now that lie was dy.,
ing was not comforted by his Father
Confessor; who told him. he would
soon wear a white robe and a golden
crown, and said, I am too poor for
such great company. The crown would
be too heavy for this grey old head,
Then heard a noise, tender, sweet and
compassionate, never fear, Heaven is
love as God himself is love, Thy work
below shall be Thy work above. The
President expressed on behalf of the
members appreciation to Mrs. Sander-
son for her fine address, The meeting
closed with the singing of a hymn and
the benediction.
Anglican Church News
Special Lenten Service will be held
on Friday, April 15, at 8 p,m. Easter
Sunday Service at 4 p.m.
Missionaries Will. Visit District
Special services in the cause of Mis-
sions will be held throughout Huron
Presbytery, the first 4 days in May.
For this North District, Rev. Howard
Veal and Mrs. Kenneth Wu, both of
China, will be guest speakers. Mrs,
Wu, a chinese christian whose hus-
band is a student. at Toronto Univer-
sity will speak in Wroxeter on Sun-
day, May 1st, at 11 o'clock, Salem at
2.30 in the afternoon, Wingham United
Church at 7 p.m. Rev. Howard Veal
will speak the same day in Fordwich
at 11 a.m., Bluevale, 3 p.m., Gorrie,
7.30 in the evening. Both speakers will
take part in a meeting Monday even-
ing, May 2nd., at Belgrave at 8 p.m.,
.and in.Fordwich, Tuesday, at 8 p.m.
On Wednesday a special Missionary
Rally will be held at Brussels United
Church. Supper will be served at 6.30,
followed by the service assisting Rev. t
H. Veal aand Mrs.- Kenneth Wu at
this service will be Rev. E. R. Stan-
way, Brucefield, a returned Mission-,
a.ary from China also Rev, W. J, Wol-
frey1 of Ontario St. United Church
Clinton., 'Members of the congregations
in the 'district are cordially invited to
attend any of the services and espec-
.ially the Missionary Rally on May 4th.
George Hyslop Passes
Word was received of the death of
George Hyslop, formerly of this dis-
trict, who died on Sunday at the-home
.of his -sister, Mrs. Savage of Chatham.
Mr. Hyslop, in his 78th year, had suf-
fered a paralytic stroke and had been
)bedfast for some time. Funeral servic-
es were held from his old home,e on
Tuesday. Rev-. U. E. Cronhielm, of
I Wroxeter United .Church in charge.