HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1949-04-13, Page 6WE INVITE YOU TO COME IN AND
SEE THE 1949
Gurney Electric Range
The DeLuxe Model features the TIME CLOCK
which turns the power on and offlat the times you
McGill Radio Service
Messrs. Robert Yuill and Glen
lames attended the Sports Show in
London on Friday,
Mr. Harold Keating was a patient
in Wingham General Hospital for a
week, suffering from pneumonia.
Mr. Wettings spent Sunday with
Mr. and Mrs, Carman Haines, Blyth,
Mr. and Mrs, Gordon Bosnian mov-
ed into their new home on Friday,
which they purchased from Mr. Bill
Meclenaghan, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Mc-
Apartments Hotels
Butcher Shops - Grocery Stores
Restaurants - Snack Ears
Tourist Camps Drug Stores
Hospitals Xastitutions
NEW and USED ,
Guaranteed Refrigerators
Home Appliances
Telephone 29 Wingham
Everyone is invited to attend,
A special joint service will be held
in the United Church on Good Friday
night, at 8.15, Rev. Geo. Milne, M. A.,
of Brussels will be the speaker.
United Church W.M.S.
The Easter meeting of the United
Church W.M,S, was held on April
7th, at the Manse with an attendance
of 28, The president, Mrs. "VV, J.
......... .......... ....... ..................
For the Holiday
week-end have your
Phone 144
Cars called for and
..... ..... .. m„„„„, ..... ,,,,!„„„ ....... .. ! .. „„!,, •
3‘.6oresi was in charge and opened
with the hymn 128 and prayer. The
secretary and treasurer gave their re-
ports, The treasurer reporting that the
amount sent to the Presbyterial Treas-
urer for the first quarte of 1949 bad
exceeded that .sent for first quarter
of 1948, Mrs, J. S. Procter was limit-
ed a delegate to go to Hensall to the
presbyterial on April 26th. It was
decided to get the leaflets for the May
meeting. During 'the Worship perioifl
Mrs. R, H. Coultes read the scripture,
Mark 16t 1-15, and Mrs, 3, Procter
offered prayer. We were specially
privileged to have Mrs, H. C. Wilson
of Brussels as fine guest speaker for
the meeting, Mrs. Wilson gave us a
very fine Easter message basing her
thoughts on the theme "Christ is
Risen, What does It mean to you?"
Easter hymns. were sung and the Eas-
ter Thank; Offering was received; A.
social time was enjoyed with the hos,.
tess serving lunch assisted by Mrs: J.
Wheeler and Mrs. E, Anderson.
Anglican Ladies Guild
The regular meeting of the Anglican
Ladies' Guild was held at the home of
Mrs. M. Bradburn qn Thursday after-
noon. The President, Mrs. C. H.
Wade opened the meeting vt;ith prayer
and the hymn "0 for a gracious heart'
to sing." Ms's. M, Bradburn gave the
scripture reading, At the conclusion
of the, business Mrs, L, Vannan gave
an interesting and informative talk on
the service of Holy Communion. The
meeting was closed with prayer and
lunch was served ;by the hostess.
by W. V. Roy
Credit to bring to Clinton Spring
Show -the largest and best display of
live stock ever seen in Huron County
goes to W. R. Lobb( President of
Huron County Federation of Agri-
Mr, Lobb attended a meeting of the
Ontario Federation last week, when
plans were formulated to bring to
Clinton Spring Show, the tour of In-
ternational delegates, who will be at-
tending the International Federation
of Agricultural Producers, at Guelph
Agricultural College, the end of May.
This means that representatives of
about fifty foreign countries will visit
Clinton, and witness the parade of
livestock held on the afternoon of
Friday, May 27th. The date has 'been
Progressive Conservative National Headquarters,
141 Lauder Ave. W., Ottawa.
wish to join the Progressive Conservative Party.
NAME. .1.4111**4 44444 *411•01.41.eaoilsoi•*0 440 4 44 4
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{Preferred, -6//t trot tatni141)
oigre it.= 444i wo44 iaii46614.64.44,ii•fito.**44 1*/.1
will speak
Thursday Night
April 21st
CBL 7:45 p.m
M. McPhail, Wingham Wm, Webster, Lacknow, R.R.
Norm. Clegg, Gorrie Ross H. Martyn, Ripley
changed to coincide with this big
big event, and the parade will the timed
with their visit.
Never before have breeders of live-
stock in Huron had the opportunity to
display their best strains to. represen..
tatives of so many different countries
the world over, and this promises,
without doubt, to be the biggest fair
ever held in this part of the province,
on Guaranteed
O TrustCertificates
ISSUED for any amount .... for a term of
five years guaranteed both as to principal
and interest . . . Interest cheques mailed to
reach holders on due date, or, at holder's
option, may be allowed' to accumulate at
compound interest. •
An ideal investment for individuals, com-
panies; authorized by law for cemetery
boards, executors and other trustees.
372 Bay Street, Toronto
38 years in Business
24,00R SEDAN
ever vi;ve...eve,ty led pores
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111.0ti -sive Li ,
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First for Quality at Lova Cost
The most Beautiful BUY ic...ohvrooekaletttlf)rios m y
exacniting newof
for Styling
view — inside and outside,
front, side and rear — and
• you'll agree it's the smart-
estloolcing automobile of
this new year. For it alone,
of all low-priced ears,
brings you the distin-
guished beauty and luxury
of Body by Fisher—the
body featured on highest-
priced ears.
The most Beautiful BUY Settle into the deep, soft,
for Comfort formifitting seats. Notice
the extra•generous bead,
* leg and elbowroom of the
Super.Sie I•nteriort Ilide in
this "car that breathes"—
with an advanced heating*
and ventilating system that
inhales outside air and
exhales stale air— giving
comfort beyond compare!
*(llenet and defroster
units optional in extra cost.)
The most Beautiful BUY What thrills you'll haven
for performance when you drive this car!
with Eamonty Its the only low-priced car.
with a Valve-in-Head.
engine --. the engine iJlticlt
snore and more makers of
higher-priced cars are
adopting—because it gives.
a much finer combination
of performance economy
and dependability. And
Chevrolet's world's chain-
pion Valve-in-Head engine
holds all records for miles
served and owners satisfied.
The most Beautiful BUY you and your family
for All-Round Safety will enjoy maximum safety,
for Chevrolet brings yen
five/o/d safety protection •
found only in this one low-
priced ear: (1) New Certi-
Safe Hydraulic Brakes ;
(2) Extra•Strong Fisher
Unistoel Body-Construe..
lion; (3) New Panoramic
Visibility ; (4) Safety Plate
Glass 'in windshield and'all
windows, and (5) thesuper-
steady, super•safe Unitized.
Kneo'Action Ride,
The most Beautiful, BUY for Driving and
Riding Ease—with new Centre-Point Design
Most sensational of all the
advancements in this thrill7
ing new Chevrolet for 1949.
is the entirely new kind of
arivin v and riding ease
which it introduces into the
low-priced field. New
Centre-Point Design — irs-
chiding Centre-Point Steer-
Mg, Centre-Point Seating,
lower Centre of Gravity and
Centre-Point Rear Suspen-
sion — brings you driving
and riding results hereto-
fore found only in Snore
expensive ears. The differ-
ence is so great—and so
pleasing that it's no ex-
aggeration to say it is prey-
ing a 'revelation to rill who
drive or ride in this ear.
Remember — enlyorseN0
Centre-Poin t Desi gn' cart
CENTRE- give these finer Motoring
POINT results • and only the new
tutpRINA:toN Chevrolet' offers Centre'
Point Design at lowest, cost.
Wednesday, April 13, 1949
Sween have moved into apartments
hi Winghtim,
Mr. H. R. Maek of Swift Current,
visited with Mr. and Mrs, Wm, Kelly
On his way home from a visit to Scot-
Mr. and Mrs. John B. McCallum
spent the week-end with their daugh-
ter and family in London.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry MeGnire spent
the week-end in Goderich.
Mr, Ross Dunbar of London, visited
his mother,
A reception was held in Blyth Mem-
orial Hall on Tuesday night in hon-
our of Mr, and Mrs. W, L. Young-
blutt, nee Isabel Nethery.)
Mr. George Jordan and the other
members of the Ranch Boys were pall-
bearers for the funeral of Mr. Chas.
Coacley in Wallacetown on Monday.
11.-Night Euclire Series Pinished
A social evening ended the euchre
marathon with Miss Edith Procter
and Lloyd Montgomery b4ng declared
winners, They had the most points
for the 11 nights, They also won the
prizes for the most lone bands, 'Win-
ners for the night were Mrs. Chris
Nethery and George Johnston. Low
prizes went to Mrs, A, Perdue and
George Grigg, Special prizes were
awarded two tiny tots, Marie ,Coultes
and Tarry Robinson, who have attend-
ed regularly. Seventy dollars will be
added to the Athletic Association and.
Building Fund. Abner Nethery ex-
pressed his thanks on behalf of the
president. Officers elected for next
year were Ross Robinson, president
and Mrs. Lawrence Vannan, secretary.
Financial Report
120 tables at $1.00 $120.00
Donations 4.98
Prizes $ 36,46
Rent 11.00
$ 47.46
Net proceeds $ 77.52
The Huron Branch of the Ontario
Registered Music Teachers Associa-
tion held a Pupils Recital. in the
Town Hall, Blyth, on April 9th. Those
participating from Belgrave were;
Donna Anderson, Shirley Bradburn,
Marilyn Moores, Elaine Bolt and
Lois Gott.
Miss Elaine Walsh and Miss Bar-
bara Michie are spending five days.
in New York during Easter.
Sells Farm
Mr. William Kelly has sold his farm
to Mr. Bert Fear. Mr. Ted Fear who
has been in the Army, and spent the
last two years at the coast will operate.
the farm. Mr, and Mrs. Fear have
one child,
Athletic Association Meeting
The annual meeting of the Athletic
Association will be held in the Club
looms on Thursday, April 14th, at 8
p.m. Everyone is asked to be present
as this is: an important meeting, also
for the election of officers.
Institute Annual Meeting
',Mrs. R. J. McKenzie will open her
home for the annual meeting of the
Women's institne, the, conveners are,
Mrs. J. M. Coultes and Mrs. G,
gins; Roll Call, My Neighbour's. Tal-
ent. An address will be given by Mrs.
Geo. Michie. A quiz will be conducted
by Mrs. J. M. Coultes. Music will be
community singing. The reports of
standing committees, also election of
officers at this meeting. The lunch
will be looked after by Mrs. Jas.
Michie, Mrs. C. R. Logan and Mrs.
Harold Procter. Mrs. 0. G. Anderson
will explain the new benefits in the
Huron Hospitalization. All members
are asked tf5 be present.
Junior Farmers Meeting
The April meeting of the North
Huron R.B.'s will be held in the For-
. ester's Hall, Belgrave. on April 14th,
at 8 p.m. This will be parents night
and all parents and members of the
Women's Institute are invited to at-.
tend. Mr. W. R. Roberts of Seaforth,
a faimer, and retired Air Force Offi-
cer, will be the guest speaker. A spec-
ial program is being prepared.
United Church
Special attendance was present at
both services at the United Church
last Sunday. In the morning the sacra-
ment of the Lord's Supper was obser-
ved, and five people were received into
membership by transfer of letters. The
choir rendered special music.
At night the service was in charge
of the A filmstrip showing
twenty-five coloured scenes in the Life
of our Lord during His last week on
earth was shown,
Rev. W. J. and Mrs. Moores enter
tained the members of:. the choir and
the cast of the Play after the evening
service, about twenty were present.
Mrs. Moores served refreshments.
.Sunday, April 17th will be Easter
Sunday, It is hoped that a large at-
tendance will he present at the servic-
es. 'Tie choir will render special music
in the morning and the minister will
take as his subject, "The Garden of
An Easter Drama
In the morning the members of the
Y,P.U. will put on a one act play,
"Into Thy Kingdom." There will be
no admission charge. The usual offer.,
ing will be taken, All are welcome.
This, play sets forth the Message of
Easter. The scene takes place in the
High Priests Palace, about an hour
before sunrise. The characters taking _
part will be Caiphas, the High Priest,
played by Ross Robinson, Adina, his
wife, Dorothy Logan, Nitodemus,
Ross Anderson; Malehus, Servant to
the High Priest, Bill McClenaghtm;
Tainah, maidservant to Adina, Marjor-
ie. McKenzie; Jabal, a inenthee of the
Robber band, 'rrevor Moores; Reba,
alt Tduniean girl, Mrs. Geo. . .
'The Rotrian Captain, Gee, johnstoti,
How would your children get their
chance in life if you were no longer here?
Protection at Low Cost
There's a Mutual Life of Canada policy
that will provide a new source of in-
come, just when it is needed most. It
will benefit tour children as long as
they need it, and your widow for the
rest of her days. Consult our local
• representative.