HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1949-04-13, Page 4V10,441:WOIfilll.$11,1111 ll 1 l 111/M1.10/1411MIIIIMOM.11.1,11$41111/111Wil lll ! i 0111/10111}1IMI 4 1111,14111: • 1 • • • riii Ipt I U 55 is the word i." for our fASTER VALUES We're all dressed up with Easter goods—and our entire ensemble of Toiletries, Gifts, Toys, Candy and plain Every- day Needs is fashioned to give you the BIGGEST VALUES in the Easter Parade. Yes our Easter Bunny will say you, money. So, come here for the things that will make this a more beautiful holiday for you and a happier one for those you'll remember with grand gifts. ELIZABETH ARDEN'S Blue Grass Cologne . ...... $1.75 HELENA RUBINSTEIN'S Apple Blossom Cologne 85c, $1.25 FRAGRANT FANCY SOAPS 25c - 50c YARDLEY'S Lotus •Cologne and Perfume $1.25 $10.00 LIPSTICKS are al- ways seasonable Gifts. Lovely Colognes for the Spring Lift at Easter. Remember Your Men at Easter c34 1$41AISAiltig Lovely SETS by Lentherie, Bachelor, Seaforth or Yardley will always please 50c — $5.00 RUSTCRAFT EASTER CARDS are still in good supply. EASTER WRAP CHOCOLATES in boxes Moirs, Neilson's and Hunt's ,8Dc —$1.60 EASTER CHOCOLATE NOVELTIES 20c - $430 CLASSIFIED ADS. gg gg g gg I I II I Ii i 1 1 1 1 11 1 1 1 1 1 11 1 41 11 1I FOR SALE-1931 ChterroIet Sedan, lovely condition througthout. For in- formation apply at Red Front .Groc- , erg-. FOR SALE—Baby Tenda, pratically crew, Phone 454, : FOR SALE—T o Shorthorn Bulls, 10 and 11 months old. Eligible for- reeistration. Apply Edgar Wight- man, R, R. 1, Belgrave. FOR SALE—Baby ‘1*arriaa..ge, i-vory;1 Rocking Horses, High Chair, Play I Pen, also Dressing Table. Phone 430. TUNE IN! resenting the Incomparable Music of NM KING IN THE AY "ow+ .r te omt WAYNE KING AND HI5 ORCHESTRA ONANCY EVANS OLARRY DOUGLAS CFRANKLYN MacCORMACK PROUDLY SPONSORED BY SAUGEEN MOTOR SALES WALKERTON CKNX FA4 "Y61 I I I David Crompton — JEWELLER — Certified Watchmaker Telephone 59 Wingham, Ont. Bulova Watches—Canada's Greatest Watch Value—$24,75 to $2500. ,er, and all repaired to the S. S. room where lunch was served and the social time enjoyed by all. The meeting of the Young Adult Group of the United Church was held last Tuesday evening with Mrs. Ezra Scholtz presiding. .Mrs. Jas, Falconer. had charge of- the Worship service,. and the Scripture lesson was read re- sponsively. Mrs, Schultz sang, Lord,. for To-morrow, and its needs, I do. not pray, and Mrs. Falconer led in prayer. Then each one gave a reading. or asked for their favorite hymn to her sung, Rev. G. Al. Newton closed the meeting with prayer, Mrs. Wm. Conn is spending week in Lucknow, at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Harold Johnston. S. S, No. 11 of E. Wawanosh held a meeting in the school room on Tues- day evening in the interests of the Huron Co-Operative Medical Service, for Hospitalization. • Like the first robin - - - it isn't Spring without the newest SPRING SHOES, in Softie or Suede. Lead the IleW Faster Parade in the new charming colors Wine, Blue, Green Red and Black, ,in the styles you prefer - - - with comfort all the way. Today is the `RIGHT Time to choose them! Pump. Medium heel, LoW Instep. Open Toe and Heel Shoe with Platform Sole. Platform.sling Pump —very smart. a UNLOP'S SHOE STORE ALL SHOtS PITTEb BY X.RAY PAOP: 1O13R. THE WINGHAM ADVANCE-TIMES Wednesday, April 13, 1949 Ft )R SALE-1927 Oldsmobile Coupe, See, this car before you buy a lot of trouble some plat , else, you can drive this ear for one year without trouble. New license, heater, new 11015, •4 01u1 paint and tires. Apply iren, MeNall, Myth. - • -- — FOR SALE-4 used Pianos, tuned to (Standard Pitch. and in cordition to glee many years of trouble tree ser- vice. Any of these suitable for begin- Ewes or professional players. Priced from 6125.00 up. Garnet E. Farrier, Whiteelmrch, Phone 402r31, Wing- ham tags, Suspensories, at Kerr e 1 D A FOR SALE-9 Clmnks of pigs weight Drug Store. about 100 lb. each. Phone 625r31, ' J. Graham FOR SALE—Two good building lots, Catherine St., Hillorest Area. J. E. Abdominal Supports, Elastic Stock- Stoaale;ve Prop. FOR SALE-100 bushels iii Erban Cats, suitable for seed. Apply Geo. (irig4, llelgrave. I E ,1,1N 1R S.\ 1.E \\ehate t,, offer the 2 storey dwelling con- .)R SALE-1930 Model 'A' road- strudel' Ia viel pressed brick, newly ;tog, ,g oot, res, reconditioned ringor, decorated within. Nice silt-,L lot with ,Akpply Raymond tiowdy, WroNeter, garage. Located on Centre St.,' R. R. 1, \\Ingham. The home of the late Josi,oh J. Evans. 'P.it particulars ap- 'FOR SALE — Summer Kitchen, 3 pie id. C, MacLean. General Incur- sides attached t ,, house, size 12x18. angst' and Real Estate Broker, Wing.' Apply to Cl/rd MeBurney, R, 112,3, ---- • ham, Witioliant. EXTERIOR PAINTING and IN- :FOR .SALE—Boy's 'Pieced Suit, size teri,u- painting and paper hanging j11 years, large tricycle, both good dont'. Appls Roy Male, McDonald as new, Phone 197. Mode, )RFtL SAE—Galvanized Iron roofing . . sheets used, in gag al c_ lit Fish. or & Myers, Wingham, Phone 411. FOR SALE—Quantity ofAia. eed Oats, suitable for seed, cleaned and graded, summer fallow grown. ,Np- plv John A, Richardson, Phone 007r42, ' ANNOUNCING—We are agents for Britishknit Woollen Wear f o r every member of the family. Made to order and made-to-measure. Yemen's, Wingham, Phone 279. .ASK FOR—Trusses, Lumbago Belts, Al crioN SA I ,E—A clearing auct- ion sale of household furniture, ef- fects, Tools, Garden Equipment and many other items too numerous to mention, will be held at the resi- dence of the late Robert J. McCrea, in the village of Belgrace, com- mencing at 1.00 p.m., on Saturday, April 23rd. Among the items to be offered for sale are the following: Nooet, Oil Space Heater, tnearly- new ; Electric Rangette, I nearly new): Electric Washing Machine, Mason & Risch Upright Piano. Every-thing is to be disposed of as the property is being sold. Ternts tof sale, Cash. Edward W. Elliott, of Clinton, Auctioneer. J. 0. McCrea. BRICK COTTAGE FOR SALE-6.: rooms with Bath, hardwood floors, water softener, good earth n and fruit trees. Pk 1..SSrSZ,1011 soon. Cecil Cook, CHARTS FOUNDATiox tixrtneuty Co.„ trained C.gsetierri, kir Wing ham and sueroundine districts. If I: (Nit a new earment, any size t lie of fieure at reastaable pelves. :Vito. Win. Kennedy, Phone 0091,‘„ Corner Patrick and Minnie St. TR A ("TOR P .0WI Harrom itee .\pply Har- old Dennis, near cemetery. FOR SALE ---10-20 McCormiek- IX.erin,g 'rractor, complete with ph ,,w, good canolition. Apply 1\ierleley Motors, Wingliarn. rOR SALE—Grey folding Pram itt gti,E1 Aludgnards -ot all wheek Phone 529. FOR SALE—SINGER PORTABLE Electric Sewing Machines, Also new and reconditioned treadle machines. All guaranteed. 'rime payments, For information write—S1NGER. SEW- ING CENTRE, Phone 403, Han. over. EOR SALE—L9.33 Terntplane Coupe, Al condition. Apply Bartley Sinith Wingbant, FOR SALE-1030 Model 'A' Ford Coach, new motor last fall, also 2 wheel trailer and stock rack,* Apply H, Gallaher, \Vroxeter phone .5r6„ FOR SALE — The following new Cockshutt M achinery, for immediate delivery: Drag Harrows, two-sec- tion heavy lever Harrows, six-foot power Cultivator; also new SA Mow- ers 5, 0 and 7 foot sizes, We have tractor Tires .and rims in stock, and are equipped to load tires with Cal. churl Chloride solution. If you have hydro installed see us about Elec- tric Washers, Separators, Milking Machines, etc. John Bumstead & Son, Phone 455w. GOOD GARDEN on Edward St., ,free for the working of it, Miss R, Lewis, Edward St GENERAL KITC1-1E3, HELP— Wanted male or female, good wages. Apply Hotel Brunswick .KITCHENER BIG-4 CHICKS— should be your choice for April buying. Get your chicks ordered now, before you get too pusy, :Can- ada Approved, backed by a breeding program, on their own farms for 30 years. Pullets, cockerels, mixed, started, Buy quality now, buy Big-4. Wilbur Hogg, R. R. 4, Wingham. LEWIS FLOWERS—Will have for Easter Sale, Hydrangeas, Rose Bushes, Calceolarias, Cineraries and Cut Flowers. Order early to assure top quality and satisfaction, Phone 101, Lewis Flowers, MODERN DWELLING FOR IM- mediate sale in Wingham, Ontario, residence of Mrs Dorothy McTavish centre hall plan, divided into upper 'arid lower suites, constructed of brick, situated on large corner lot. Recently decorated. Has four bed- rooms, two bathrooms, large living and dining rooms, ultra modern kitchen, hardwood flooring, divided basement, hot water heating with new oil 'burner, year-round hot wat- er tank, -soft water in laundry room, one car detached garage immediate occupancy. For particulars, apply H. C. MacLean, Real Estate and Busi- ness Broker, Wingham, Ontario. PERSONALITY BEAUTY SHOP specializes in all types of Perman- ents, Machine, Machineless and Cold, also.Shampooing, Finger Wav- ing and Ogilvie Sisters Scalp Treat- ments, 'Phone '33 for appointment. PIANIST and VOCALIST—Ten years iexpefience dance orchestra, theatre, wishes position at summer resort. Box -QM, .Advance-Times. RUG FOR SALE—\Vaton Rug in excellent condition. Telephone 355, WinAtasia. STARTED CHICK Bargains -while they last non-sexed, pullets, cock- erels 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 weeks old. Also turkey ponits 2, 3 :and 4 week old. Also -day old chicks and turkey poults. Send for special sale price list. Free 'Catalogue. Tweddle Chick Hatcheries Limited, Fergus, Ont, SITUATION WANTED—Man and wife desire position at summer re- sort, cook, housekeeper, gardener, handyman. Will accept work with private family, abstainers. Box Q, Advance-Times. WANTED—A reliable girl yr middle- aged woman for housework in farm home, Conveniences. Apply Ad- vance-Times. CUSTOM BUILT Kitchen CABINETS I RUBBER and Mastic Tile Flooring for Homes, Offices and Stores. Plastic Wall Tile For Kitchen and Bathroom ESTIMATES FREE Norman Rintoul 'Phone 251 Wingham WANTED TO RENT—House 91. Apartment, with modern conven- iences, Leonard Dawson, representa- tive H. J. Heinz Co., Teeswater, Phone 119W, WANTED—Girl or 12,30 to 3 p.m. and ,to assist hi kitchen bondyso woman from 6 to 7.30 pan, Apply Sher- WANTED—Young man or boy to learn baking busineses, also, exper- iencedman wanted Apply Purdon's Bakery WANTE D—Cre.amtry Helper at once. Apply Bluevale Creamery. Tenders For Shed Tenders will be received 'by the undersigned up to Saturday, April 16t1i; 1949, for the purchase of the Browntown Shed. Lowest or any ten- der not necessarily accepted.. Melville Mathers, R. R. 4, Wingba.m, NOTICE TO CREDITORS ALL PERSONS havnig .claims against the 'estate of Andrew T. Cruickshank late of the Town of Wingham, in the County of Huron, Labourer, who died on or .about the 2nd. day of March, 1949, are notified to send to the =undersigned on or be- fore the twenty-third day of April, 1949, full particulars of their claims in writing. Immediately after the said . CARD OF THANKS Mr, Robert Sproal and family wish to thank their friends and neighbours for the many kind expressions of syrn- 1,athy which came to them during their recent bereavement in the death of a • wife and mother. CARD OF THANKS I wish to take this opportunity of thanking Mrs: ..Nforrey, Dr. Crawford and the staff of Wingham General Hospital, also to my many friends and neighbours who so kindly remembered me with cards and treats. These were much appreciated. Mrs. Thos. Nickel. CARD OF THANKS • We wish to express to the many rel- atives. friends and neighbours our heartfelt thanks and appreciation for the acts of kindness, messages of love and sympathy and'beautiful floral trib- utes extended in our recent sad be- reavement in the loss of Mrs. Archie McMichael, a loving grandmother and sister. Harris M. Campbell, John and George Harris. ' visiting at the home of Mrs. David Kennedy-, and renewing old acquaint- ances in the village. Mrs, .Alex. Rintoul Toronto is visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs, Gordon Rintoul, Mrs, Rintoul and little son returned from the Wingitain Hospital on Tuesday The baby has bad the jaundice, Mr. Harry Moss of Bright, spent Sunday at the home of Mr, and Mrs, Ben McClenaghan and Mrs. Moss and baby Benny returned home with him, after spending two weeks here. Mr. and Mrs. Wesley` Lott of Wat- erford visited on Sunday at the 'home of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Lott. Mr, and Mrs, Herbert Curran of Ashfield, Mr. and Mrs. Tom Anderson of Lucknow and Mr, and Mrs, Bruce Ryan and daughter Beverly of God- erich spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs, John Ryan. Miss Muriel Moore, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Milian Moore has been un. der a Doctor's care during the week- end, requiring penicillin treatments for a heavy cold, The Building Committee of the Memorial Hall are holding their danCe this Thursday evening, with Farrier's orchestra providing the music. Mr, John MacAlillan was able to return home from St. Joseph's Hos- pital last Tuesday after spending three inonthA there., , , Mr. and Mrs. Lance Grain, Mr, and Mrs. Walter Lott and Mr. and Mrs. McCreight spent Friday evening at the home -of Mn and Mrs. George Quite a number of men from this district attended the Chamber of Com- merce banquet in the Wingham Arm- ouries on Friday night. , Mrs. "Annie Henderson who has been. taking care of Miss Christena Laid- law for the past year, left last :;1,' ues- day for her home at Powasson and Miss Olive Terriff, R. N., is now in -charge there. Mr. ErnesteSnowden left on Friday for Victoria Hospital, where lie will have further treatment on his eyes, Mr. Cecil Falconer held a successful sale last Thursday. Good prices were realized for most everything. Mr. Fal- coner will now devote his time to the Huron Co-Operative Car Insurance. The East Wawanash Federation Directors are 'holding a social evening in the Belgeave Club-rooms this Tues- day night. The play "The Blue Bag" was pees- rented 'in the Memorial Hall here last Friday evening by the Young People of the 'United Church at Wroreter, under the ans-Pices of the Women's Institute -and was very much enjoyed by all. Each one took his or her part 'with splendid reality. Tiffin Brothers provided theintiSic -for dancing. Mr. Mowatt, Inspector of Libraries in Ontario, was in this 'Community last Wednesday with Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Eclat/tier, Librarians for the Travelling Libraries, who -exchangel this unit in April. During the first quarter of 1948, eighty-eight hooks, were read from this Library, and this year 288 were read in the same time, and the Lib- rarians expect to add a second -unit of books in the near' future. FOR SALE—Dark red Shorthorn Bull, 11 months, .also some surplus Heifers, herd fully accredited. Mel- vin H. Taylor. R. 1, Belgrave. WHITECHURCH Miss Muriel Watt, nurse-in-training at Victoria Hospital, London, spent the week-end at the home of her par- ents, Rev. and Mies. \V, J. Watt. Mr. and Mrs. John Mason and fathily spent Sunday at the home of their sun, Mr, Lloyd '1\ Eason of Lis- .towel, • The family of .Mr. and M :3. George :Fisher, Kinioss, are again laid up with another attack of the flu, Mr. and Mrs, John Mason visited 'on Wednesday with Mr. and Mrs. ,Alfred Clarke of Hensall, and on Sat- urday attended the funeral of her aunt, the. late Mrs. Fred Bengough, who had been ''bedfast for seven years with ,arthritis. ;:t Ler home in Heusall. ' Mrs. T G. Gillespie left on Tuesday ,,Iii,-rorvoTtto,tor kw days with friemls m Miss Grace 'McKinnon, Mr. Orville Ellio tt, Mrs. Tames Wilson and Mrs. Lorne johnsbm were in London on Sunday visiting with Mr, Johnston in 'S,\Yestininster Hospital. He expects to return home this week. • Mr. Roy Robinson started out on Alonday with the East Wawanosh spraying outfit. Twin colts were born on the farm `of Mr. Kenneth Mason on Sunday, both died. Miss Isabel Ellioiltas been tinder .the dractor's care during the past neck. Miss Donna McLean of ,Nroxeter 1,elit the week-end with 'her grand. 'parents, Mr. and Mrs. I, F. McLean • and returned home on Sunday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ira, McLean, I :Mrs. Murray of Wingham has been twenty-third day of April, the assets of the said intestate will be distributed amongst the patties entitled thereto, having regard only to claims of which the administrator - shall then have notice. DATED this first day of April, A. D., 1949. CRAW FORD & HETHERINGTON Wing-ham, Ontario. Solicitors for the Administrator_ ____________ There was a splendid attendance last Wednesday evening, of the Easter Thank Offering meeting of the W,M, S. of the Presbyterian Church, when all in the community had been invited to attend and welcome Rev. Angus MacKay, again on his furlough home, after twenty-two years service in Mis- sionary work at Jansi, India. Mrs. W, S. Sutherland, president, had charge of the meeting, and after the opening hymn, Mrs. Jas. McInnis read' the Scripture lesson from Isaiah 53, and Rev. Chas. MacDonald of Lucknow, Fed in prayer. Miss Grace tMoir sang, "God is not willing that any should perish" and the choir rendered an anthem. Mr, MacKay spoke from the Great Commission to Christian people, Go ye into all the world and preach I dle Gospel to every creature, and Lo, ant with you alway, even unto the end of the world, and told, of the dis- couragements of long ago, and now, of the teeming millions, and what Chris- tianity can do. and has done, for so many in that land. Alter the address, Rev. W. S. Sutherland gave the offer- tory prayer, and then showed moving pictures of India and its peoples, while Mr. MacKay explained them. Rev. W. J. Watt closed the meeting with pray. GORRIE Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Edwards abet Dorothy, spent Sunday in London. At the recent annual meeting of Huron County L.O.L., Mr. Joiner Dinstnore was chosen County Master.. Fr •