HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1949-04-13, Page 2that the long and bitter controversy between The Toronto Star and the Conservative Government of Ontario may give this matter the appearance of deliberate malice against a few fam- ilies of a different political faith. But the fundamental !principles of the bill are sound. The previous en- ormous freedom of the foundation was quite inconsistent with present day public policy, WARREN HOUSE FURNISHINGS EVERYTHING for the HOUSE! Drapery Rugs Venetian Blinds Occasional Furniture Lamps Pictures SLIP COVERS made to order Gifts - China - Books Picture Framing C. C. McKibbon 'Phone 475 WingharA Just A'Wearyiu' of Walls! SHEFfROCK has a way with unattractive walls! Easily applied, low in cost, easily decorated. it's the perfect material for Modernizing for making every room in your home a room of beauty and charm. It's perfect, too, for con. verting your attic or basement into extra space for living and entertaining. Stop in at The Beaver Lumber Co. for an in- troduction to SHEETROQK this week, BEAYk,RLUMBER WINGHAM - ONT. C. A. Loucks, Manager Your Favourite Boxed CANDY for Easter Meals - • Lunches SHEilBONDY'S COFFEE SHOP Next to Lyceum Theatre S E E — Bennett & Casemore 'Phone 447 Wingham For Your BUILDING, CARPENTERING I Repair Work Built-in CUPBOARDS ........ CLEAN , .....sy,,,,,,,,re.kh,,,,,, ,, v., ,,,e.y.W.Vw SPRING -UP AIDS TO PROTECT r AND BEAUTIFY YOUR CAR Radiator Kit—Ford Coo/ing System Cleaner helps loosen and retnove rust, scale, grease and corrosion from radii'. tors. After ckaning and flushing, add cooling system dean. Ford Rust Inhibitor to help keep the Cleaner and Polish,—pond Chrome Cleaneroquickly removes rust and film from bright work and all metals, Ford Body Polish is a fast, easy-working cleaner for those who prefer liquid to paste. Liquid Giaze—Liquid Glaze Cleaner and Liquid Glaze Sealer a made to anew modern formula to clean and protect against traf6c grime, sun rays, dew and fog stains and salt air, You'll hnd Liquid Glaze very eresy -to apply. GENUINE FORD OF CANADA ACCESSORIES tO STEP VP YOUR DRIVING PLEASURE auStom Radlos-...'49 Radlot engineered for all 1949 Vord of Canada cars, featur- ing new Top Cowl Antennanew luxury the tone cOntrol, tone quality push button tunin&---Selec- Exterior Viser--Adds reatly to your motoring pleasure—and inceeases your safety. Protects your eyes fibril sun rays and reduces hazard of sleet end snottP. SAVE MONEY LOUR WAYS factoty4rained Servicemen 'save you d your car know and money because the do or truck best . . . and tl the lob right. caototy-Approved Equipment Is especially designed faster, to more ive your car or truck efficient service. It saves you dollars by asing precision sur Work, thoroughly checked. factorpApproved Methods d ri ind iist are up to the minute, a d and riht. Theyr 'e planne degveloped by service engineers to do every lob better . . . and in less time, to save you money. Genuine Ford Ports for all Vora oh Carado. troaucts are made right, to fit right and lastIonger. They're guaranteedt They sayt you money by giving fitnre' tittles of wvice, ..ortmownwormovomMOPOWS, IT'S SPRING TUNE UP TIME • SEE YOUR FORD OF DEALER To make your car "sing" this Spring . . to Make sure of safe, trouble free motoring all Summer . . . drive in now for car-saving, money-saving Tune-Up Service at your Ford- Monarch Dealer's or Mercury-Lincoln- Meteor Dealer's. Here's the Tune-Up Your Car Needs . . • Complete, scientific engine tune-up. • All wheels removed and brake linings inspected. • Brake adjustment. • Front wheel bearings cleaned and repacked. • Oil filter cartridgeveplaced, if needed. • Oil-bath air cleaner cleaned and refilled. • gtiock 'absorberS adjusted and fluid added if needed. • Cooling t yttem drained—all sonnect tient tightened. • Chatsis lubricated completely. • Engine, -transmission and differential flatied and refilled with faktory recommended summer lubritanle. Se CoVer Sets.--Pfur ali Potd of Canada products . . tailored to fit right—look sietrier.14.0 longero Nylon, to and Plasticized Izibro —, easier to clean, and keep clean, I CROSSETT MOTOR SALES 'Phone 237 A. D. MacW Ohm Wingham I 'Phone 459 eileerestoOrriaasti!.. HURON MOTORS Wingham O 1' PAGE TWO THE WINGHAM ADVANCE-TIMES Wednesday, April la, 1949 ACIVariCesTiMe0 FUblisited at WINGHAM - ONTARIO W. B. McCool, Editor and Publisher trusts. ur 1,eintlatio.ne" and that the .assets of fietudations "eltaii in fact be !alevoted. t, ,:haritable, purposes and `shall it. be devoted to purposes iu which !shark- is saseondery." aserine succession dutiis and in- Authorized as Seoond, Class Mail set-tee taxes have made the iesaudaticii Poet Office Department inereaahvoly common in recent years. Ford Motor fortune went into a isesndation, but the Ford family cons !times control. Now there are an est- intated 10,000 similar foundations in the United ,States and Republican Son- ettor Tobey i s pushing a bill ie Con- ;;rev to flyrce all such trusts to pay out 85 per cent of their annual gross income to benciiciariee in order to get tax exemption. Nobody knows how many Canad- ian foundations have been established but some of them are the St. Lawrence (Barbara Ann Scott), the Vernon Canty (hotels), the Massey, the Mas- on (Sudbury Star) and the Atkinson (Toronto Star), As the law presently standa. the foundation pays no taxes. There is no regulation as to how much or how little of the assets or revenue is paid out to the designated charities nor in salaries, expenses, etc., to the trustees. As-an example of what can be done under the foundation setup, Senater Tobey rnalses the following charges against Royal Little, president of a $60 million U.S. textile empire called Tertron. ! Little, he says, has set up six foun- 'dations and part of their tax free in. !come which had totalled nearly $10 millions, had been used to finance Tex- tron expansion, One of them. it is !charged, had, $4,500,000 in income but paid out only $85,000 to its !benefic- iary a community chest. But it had 1 paid out $140,000 to its trustees and banker. Another of Little's foundations al- legedly bought the stock of a company for $6,825,000, then paid itself $4,500,- 000 in dividends. I Quebec province too, has just taken e ;notice of the foundation set-up. In re- cent weeks the Quebec Succession '"iduties was amended to give the gov- r m , ,thermore, the foundation' must now ) Cha give the Government an annual report. The Quebec amendment, does not, , Beauty ilr, wever, set up any standards as to ;tow much, forinstance, must be paid out to charitable purposes each year. Salon I setup which the public interest could One consequence of the foundation scarcely avoid recognizing at some i time is this; under the tax free faun- !dation setup, a company is in a pre- ferred competitive position vis-a-vis other companies. I The objection to the Ontario Bill ,,that this is retroactive legislation in !its application to the Atkinson and 'Mason estates will win a good many e supporters. There is a wide—spread adherence to the belief that a man should be able to dispose of his estate s, has he wishes and have complete con- lfidence, that, after his death those s wishes will be carried out. Legal history does not altogether support that view. For centuries the State has been concerning itself in this, matter. ! In the Nineteenth Century, Britain found its educational system cluttered with scores of bequests devoted to „causes and. institutions once dear to !the heart of the testator.-But with the !passage .' of time, many of these no longer made sense. 'The British Gov-. .r einment took over a great many of ,,these funds and applied them to edu- cational purposes in quite a different manner. A British Budget speech by Sir !William Harcourt in 1894 declared: "The State has the first title upon the 'estate and those who take afterwards have a subsequent and subordinate title. Nature gives man no power over his earthly goods beyond the term of hiS life. What power he possesses to prolong his will after his death—the I right of a dead hand to dispose of property—is a pure creation of the Iw la and° the State has the right to perscribe the conditions and limita- 1 tion under which that power shall be exercised." One way and another the State is , constantly taking steps which are in effect retroactive. A change in tie tariff may put a firm out of business. The testators of breweries and dis- tillerics :lid not count on a period of prohibition. i Notwithstanding there are many who will regard the retroactive nature !of the Ontario measure as iniquitous. 'It is almost certain, for instance, that !the Atkinson will would have been !different had he had any expectation I that the vast properities he built up would be swept away from his child- ren. In this instance it is unfortunate fro....ampAcemeelwriseemotess.fflooe WE HAVE IN STOCK FERGUSON TRACTORS PLOWS - CULTIVATORS PLOW SHARES COULTERS TILLER, TANDEM DISC, Drag and Lift Type POWER TAKE-OFF PULLEYS SAW ATTACHMENT, ETC. MERKLEY MOTORS FER6USON Tractors, intplernents and Parts Telephone 84 Wingharn . TURNHERRY CNN . eels, on. .April. 28th, at 2 p.m. The pur.. Cp .be held in the Library Room, Erns- pose of this meeting is to plan fur the Dastriet Animal to. e held in Fordwich The minutes of the Council meeting helil Bluevale on Monday, April 4th 1949. 'Members all present. Moved by Vraliek and Poston that the minutes of last meeting and special meeting be adopted as read. Carried. The following letters were received: and read, N. W. Miller, Goclerich; Dept. of Ptxbile Welfare, Toronto; Town 'Of Wingham, Wingham; Dr. /1.cKibbon, Wingliam; Town of Georgetown, iGeorgetc»vn. Moved by Fischer and Abraham that By,-Law No, 11, 1945, be passed setting the wages for man at 60 cents an hour; wages for Tractor and man, $2.00 per hour; wages for team and man, $1.00 per hour; Truck and man, $2,50 per hour, Road Accounts: Roads: Thos. McEwen, $93.25; W. A. Hogg, $6.00; Robt. Hogg, $5.40; Wm, Mundell, 138,75; J. J. Elliott,, $7.80; H. Elliott, $26.; K. MacNaugh- ton $54.00; G. Appleby, $30,00; B. Marshall, $5.40; M. Marshall, $4.20; J. Willetts, $60.75; G. Wray, $4.80; Fred Lewis, $23.80; J. Austin, $1.8.00; J. Mcl3urney, $6.00; G. Bryce, $138.60; Stainton Hardware, $9.86; M. Johnson, $26.55; British American Oil, $68.46; G. Crothers, Ltd, $179,18; Win. Mun- dell, $7.26; R. Willetts, $139.62; Can. Pacific Railway, $9.55; Compensation Board, $9.00; Dave Murray, $29.40; !County of Huron, $30.00; H. C. Mae- Lean, Prem. Treas. Bond, $8.00; E. E. 'Walker, pt. salary, Assessor, $59.25; County Treasurer, Hospitalization, $16.50; Bell Telephone Long distance phone, $2.82; E. Webster, Fox Boun- ty, $3.00; Joe Clark, Fox Bounty, $30.; R. H. McKinnon, paint floor Bluevale Hall, $57.76; a!olin V. Fischer, to Guelph, $6.50.. Moved by Fischer and Fraliele that we accept the gravel and crushing contract of roe Kerr, Winghain, for 5000 cu. yards more or less at 57 cents cu. yd., and 40 cents for crushing grav- el for Twp. truck. Carried. Moved by Eischer and Fratick that 'we hold Court of Revision on the Bolt drain and Bennett Drain - at Bluevale, on Monday, 2nd. day of May, 1949, at 3 o'clock in the afternoon. Carried. Moved by Herb Foxton and Thos.. H. Abraham that we adjourn to meet at Bluevale on Monday, 2nd, day of 'May, 1949, at 1 p.m. Carried. W. R. Cruikshank, W. H. Woods, Clerk. - Reeve, a A family plot should be graced with the shrine-like beauty of a U lastingly a tribute to those at monument which will be ever- rest. We have many classic a styles to suggest, and will work with you on custom designs. U Exceptionally Low Prices. a a gliallallilliMMISSIIIIMOSION1111101111111101115 a in in m • ai is SPRING TONICS . . . . m a in im in a m m m • ig (Glycerophosphates, BI) • • Ill MALTLEVOL (Horner's) NI ii (Vii, A, Bi, B2, D, Iron & Liver Ext,) • • „--..., • • • NI LARVEX, 16 oz. • is ni MOTH KI1,31:Eoz.R,..S... :11:2369 • iii 83c --,„—,....... • • • ,... • • • • • • LARVEX (with Sprayer) 16 oz. • • • • I.D.A. MOTH CRYSTALS, 1 lb. tin 49c a a a MI IN a MOTH 11ALLSL-MOTH FLAKES, lb. : .....25c im a a ni vs a a e . SEED CLEANERS . a a a • a a. m m at in a in — • • CERESAN, 1 lb. .... $1.10 • 4 lbs. . .. .$3.50 • • • • Rat SEMESAN BEL (Potatoei) 1 lb. "..... ..... $2.35 al in 1 a a $1.37 if II CYANOGAS (Ground-Hogs) • ' • • 01 INSJLINS SERUMS BACTERINS 1 • • Telephone 18 Wingham • Kimmtuaisimmulammiummunomidurun on May 31st, and nominate officers for the coming year. Former Resident Passes On: Tuesday burial was made in the family plot, Wroxeter cemetery, of a former resident, the late Mrs. Adam MacLean, who died suddenly on Sunday, April 3rd, at New Hamburg. It is more than twenty years since the MacLean family left Wroxeter for Kitchener, following the death of Mr. Adam MacLean, who conducted a bar. ber shop here. The, fate Mrs. Mac- Lean was the former Louise Play- ford, and was 80 years of age. She was an active member of the former Pres- byterian Church here and a Sunday School teacher for some years. Surviv— ing are three sons and one daughter, Helen, Hugh and Kenneth of Kitoilen- Sobseription Rate — One year $2.00 Six Months $1.00 in advance To U.S.A. .2.50 per year Foreign Rate $3.00 per year Advertising rates on application Vol. 70 — No. 30 CHARITY FOUNDATIONS HAVE WINGS CLIPPED (An Editorial In the Financial Post, Toronto) It hardly CoMCS as a surprise that govertuneut should be taking action for the regulation of charitable &m- dations. Whether the method of the Ontario Government is the desirable way to about this is a question on which there will be no such unanimity. Ontario's Charitable Gifts Bill is de- signed to prevent any charitable trust or foundation owning more than 10 prr cent of the capital stock of any company. In the words of the Bill's sponsor, Provincial Treasurer Frost, the purpose is "to prevent the undesir- able concentration of the control of business in perpetuity in charitable PURDON'S BAKERY 'PHONE 145 WINGHAM ° The Home of QUALITY BREAD, CAKES, PASTRY • We take orders Daily • (Saturday to 12 noon) ernment power to examine all the de-1 tails of a foundation's operation. Fur- Minnie St. 'Phone 445 SPECIAL RATES on PERMANENTS. ,for the month of APRIL "The New Look is the Short Look" MACHINELESS COLD WAVING Machine Oil Permanents sill.. BRECK TREATMENT to condition the hair. Mrs. Jean Southern, Operator Recently attended Hairdressers' Convention in Toronto. WAIT FOR ReAs Reid Registered Optometrist Coming to Wingham CROMPTON'S Jewellery Store Apr,27 9:00 a.m. to 12:30 EYES EXAMINED GLASSES FITTED WROXETER Cinderella Coining It looks as if the people of Wrox- eter and district -Were in for,a rare treat on Tuesday, April 19th. Cinder- ella, a musical Fantasy, with more than 70 in the cast, will be presented in the Town Hall by Brussels Talent and sponsored by The Howick Lions Club. Included in the large cast, are the pageant characters of the well- known and beloved Fairy Tale, The Ladies, Lords, Chorus Girls, Fairies and Flower Girls, Five acts of colorful costume, music and acting. Proceeds are for child welfare work. A grass fire on the farm of David Rae gave some _concern on Monday when it raced across the field burning fences on the Rae farm, and also on Starr Gallaher's farm, A call for help brought men enough to keep it from the bush near at hand and further dis- aster. East Huron Executive The meeting of the executive of East Huron District Women's Institute will viiiilitniiiimiiiiiiliiililliitiflininiiitiolir Ili a i Ili if. , i • -...-._ "MONUMENTS ; ii • i A II Wm. Brownlie i Box 373 'Phone 450 i . a a n I.D.A. WAFER CAPSULES . .. . ... Lis (Iron, Vitathin B, Liver Ext,) $3,45 I.D.A. IDAPHOS NERVE TONIC I. D. A. IDAFER LIQUID, 16 oz. '1 25 (Iron, Vitamin B, Liver Ext.) elemogooe. n n n n n n 1.00 n aj 2.00 7.4 m FORMALDEHYDE (Bulk) 16 oz. 25c m m m es FORMALDEHYDE (Sealed Tins) 30c 11: Kerr's Drug Store Alfred St. Wingham -....1: 11 Inscriptions . Repairing i Sandblasting Memorials i 25 years experience i The latest in Portable Sandblast i Equipment i..--. I er and John of British Columbia, and i All Work Personally Executed i to them the sympathy of old friends 511111111•11111111M111111111111.111.111111111111110 is extended. We have a stock of 10" x 12" OPEN or GLAZED SASH for Colony Houses, Basements, Barns, for' Immediate Delivery. EGG CRATES and CHICKEN CRATES SASH OF ALL KINDS Made-to-Order Campbell Gorbutt Sash and Box Manufacturers Diagonal Rd., Wingham