HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1949-04-06, Page 8.41,ttelit Q Ccatf u4e. tesALA $).4 pulint Toberntory . . Mc tip of eke Bruca Pie-redle-Aliote ON THE BRUCE PENINSULA 0 You'll have holiday variety in this land of contrasts. Fishing inland streams for bass, pike and pickerel , battling the gamy salmon-trout of Georgian Bay . , . bathing from sandy beaches of Lake Huron. See the unique rook shapes carved by nature on Flower Pot Island and Lion's Head, and take a boat-trip to Manitoulin- the largest inland island in the world. In Ontario we have a holiday paradise . . . let's do all we can to encourage visitors from across the border. Published in support of the tourist busi- ness by John Labatt Limited. With plentiful vacation activity, there's accommodation in variety, too -write the Wiarton or Owen Sound Board of Trade for details, Easy to reach in a day's driving from Windsor on the scenic Blue Water Highway- or from other Southern Ontario cities via highways No. 4, 6. 10. LET'S MAKE THEM WANT TO COME BACK! Dirme eittra Bricklaying Plastering and Chimney Building Cement Work John McKay Thone4 637r22 Wingham I We have a stock of 10" x 12" OPEN or GLAZED SASH for Colony Houses, :Basements, Barns, for 'Immediate Delivery. EGG CRATES and CHICKEN CRATES SASH OF ALL KINDS Made-to-Order • Camribell Gorbutt Sash and Box Manufacturers • Diagonal Rd., Wingham r n tl ^1 - J MONUMENTS • t teitiwou de we if tie modgeauk 11/1111:141 A NEW WORLD STAN•DARD OF LOW-COST MOTORING SETTING =ma " • , is the only car bringing you all these-fine-car advantages at loweit cost! /CHEVROLET/ The Most Beautiful BUY for STYLING Chevrolet's New Leader-Line Styling is lower, wider, racier . . . the most beautiful development of the new "functional form" for motor cars .. with new Beauty-Leader Bodies by Fisher that are true masterpieces by the master builder of fine coacheraft. The Most Beautiful BUY for COMFORT The new Chevro...ts have Super-Size Interiors with plenty of head, leg and elbowroom; extra-restful, extra com- fortable "Five-Foot Seats"; and giant luggage space in rear decks. Moreover, these are "ears that breathe," for a highly-efficient heating° and ventilat- ing system inhales outside air, exhales stale air and keeps glass clear in all weather. *(Heater and defroster units optional at extra cost.) The Most Beautiful BUY for PERFORMANCE with ECONOMY • The famous Chevrolet Valve-in-Head Engine gives a world of power, accel- eration, smoothness and dependability together with all of Chevrolet's re- markable economy of operation and upkeep. The Most Beautiful BUY for ALL-ROUND SAFETY Here's five-hid safety protectioa foiled in no other low-priced car: (1) New Certi-Safe Hydraulic Brakes provide ing even faster stops with safety; (2) Extra Strong Fisher Unisteel Body- Constenetion; 3) New. Panoramic Visibility, (4) Safety Plate Glass in windshield and nil windows, and (5) the. extra•safe Unitized Knee-Action Ride. Plus NEW CENTRE-POINT DESIGN A remarkable 4-way engineering ad- vance exclusive to Chevrolet in its field, and consisting of Centre-Point Steer- ing, Centre-Point Seating, Lower Centre of Gravity, and Centre-Point Rear Sunension gives the new Chev- rola riding and driving results witimut precedent or parallel in low.cost motor. That means a new kind of riding- ease and a new kind of driving-ease heretofore reserved for owners of more expensive cars, Remember- only new Centre-Point Design can give you all these finer motoring results; and only the new Chevrolet brings you Centre. Point Design al lowest cost I A PRODUCT OF GENERAL MOTORS a eAgz SIGHT 777m. WINGHAIYI APVANCU-TIMES Wednesday, Aped 6th, 1949 'Z'zA SA G Jackson - Brown-Married in New St. James Presbyterian Church, Lon- don, on March 6th, by Rev. Thos. Mitchell, Miss Helena Claudia Brown of London, to Mr. Harry Stanfield Jackson of Strathroy. Parsons - Saults-Married at Gode- rich, on Monday, March 22nd., 1909, by Rev. J. A. Hamilton, Hattie J., eldest daughter of Mr. B. J. Saults, formerly of Bluevale, to Mr. G. L. Parsons, 'Goderich, Langford - Bughner-Married at the residence of Robt. Snelgrove, in Lucknow, on Wednesday, March 10th, by Rev. B. M. Smith, J. A. Langford, of 10th con., Kinloss, to Mrs, Elsie Bughner, of Detroit, Mich.,,both for- merly of East Nissouri, Oxford Co. Lucknow Curlers Won-A few days ago five rinks of Lucknow Curl- ers visited Wingham and won out by a majority of 19 shots. Rinks and scores are as follows, with Wingham rink vs its Lucknow opposition: C. G. Vanstone, R. Allan, L. W, Han- son, V. VanNorman, (skip); 10 vs L. -W. Stewart, Rev. Mr. Saunders, T. F. Cain, W. Bryans (skip); •18; W.- Rev. C, E. Jenkins, G. C. Manners, R. Vangtone, Vim. Holmes (skip); 12 vs L.-J. Hunter, McQuillan, R. Mc- Leod, W. Allan (skip); 16 ; Mason, W. Muir, Dudley Holmes, A. M. Crawford (skip); 15 vs L.-J. Hil- 1 hard, A. McPhersbn, T. Watson, J. G. (Murdock (skip) 13; W.-Geo, Spot- I ton, K, Rae, H. Broadfoot, D, T. i Hepburn (skip ; 9 vs L.-H. Armi- tage, J. Habbick, T. K. Reed, R. Johnston, (skip) 25; W. -T, Greg- ory, Geo. McKenzie, C. N. Griffin, F, Paterson (skip) 17 vs Ander- son, G. A. Siddall, B. Archer, C. An- derson skip 10. Bachelors Beaten By Benedicts-In last Friday's abbreviated hockey game the bachelors were beaten by the bendicts' by an unenumerated score. The line-ups were: Bachelors, D. Mc- Gillivray, J. McGillivray, Bert Elliott, F. Cody, H. Dunlop, Fred Orr, H, it11/1 11111111a111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111W118112 Armour; Benedicts, W. Matheson, E. Moore, A. Fleming, "Ted" Elliott, ▪ Les, Young, :Ivan Johnston, I). L Dinsley. •si "Slims" Defeat "Fats"-The contest on the rink last Friday evening be- tween the "Fats" and "Slims", with - a large 'basketball answering for a n puck, and brooms .for sticks evoked considerable mirth, and resulted in the defeat of the big fellows by 6 goals to 4, The line-ups were: Fats--,.A. Piton, E. Moore, 3. McKeith, Chas. Van- Norman, 5. VanNorman and Fred Orr; Slims-J. T. Lennox, E. C. Chapman, E. Armour, D. McGillivray, J. Hanna and H. Hendrick. Statistical-Population of Whigharn and surrounding municipalities itt 1-Turon. County in 1908 as shown on assessmenttolls: Wingham, 2,310; Turnberry 1,806; 'Morris 8,210; East Wawanosh 1,646; West Wawanosh, 1,908; Howick 3,060; Grey 3,000, Wingham Players Win:-The Sea- forth bowlers visited Winghant on Eriday 'evening last and were defeated by the local bowlers by 609 points. Scores were: Wingham---L. Kettnedy0 4G4, F, Ilinkley 500, A, Porter 402, John Mason 508, A, Alderson 444, C, "Vanstone 457, 0. C, Manners 432, R. Vanstone F. W. VanStope 418195, (Total 3,968); Seatortlt-troder REMINiSCINfi FORTY YEARS AGO Shortrill-Cosford-Married in Davis ville Metriodist Church on March 23, by Rev. W. W. Sparling, Mr. J, Cowin Shortill, of Galt, to Miss Mabel L. Cosford of Wingham. Wingham Won and Lost-Messrs. L. Binkley, J. Grant, H. T. Campbell, John Mason, A. Porter, C. Knox and Geo. C. Manners, members of the Par- ish Club Bowling Club, visited Sea- forth and Clinton on Tuesday. At Seaforth only two and a half games were played as our players had to rush off to catch a train when She score read. Wingham 2562 and Seaforth 2435 rn the afternoon at Clinton our play- ers lost by a score of 3517 to 3332. ick 400, Troyer 40, Winters 425, Cummings 407, Ament 251, Willis 369, McDougal 344, Vole 316, Rob- erts 375, (Total 3,349). Bewley . McCall-,-Married at the home of the bride's mother, on March 24th, by Rev. A. C, Wishart, B.A., Mr. Joseph Bewley to Miss Maggie E. Mc, Call, both of Morris Township Culross-The marriage of Miss Bella McKenzie, daughter of Mrs. • John McKenzie, 10th con. iKnloss, to Mr. Walter Day, of Culross, was sol- emnized on Wedneslay evening of last week, Mr. and Mrs. Day will make their home on the Adamson farm re- cently purchased by Mr,- Days "Hairy Andy"-The play "Handy Andy" given in the opera house on Tuesday evening, kinder the auspices of the local Y.M.C.A., was the best entertainment ever given here by local talent. Mr. R. A. Coutts as "Handy Andy" was certainly good and he makes an Al Irish comedian and sane people now think he has missed his calling and should be on the stage, He is a "Paddy", The others in the play 'were Ira Parker, Dr. W. 3, Price, H. J. Jobb, Robt. Maxwell, H. F, Hicks, Alf Schaefer, 5, A. Brown, Ed, Small, Harold Webb, Miss Tur- ner, Mrs. Ira Parker, Mrs. R. Max- well and W. J, MacDonald as stage manager. Miss Hazel Brandon had charge of the musical part of the pro- gram, Brock Brandon rendered two songs and the Junior Y.M.C,A. or- chestra played several selections which were very much appreciated. Rules Corn., R. Vanstone. Harrison-Menzies-A quiet welding took place at the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. John A.. Men- zies, East Wawanosh, when Rev.',Dr. Perrie of St. Andrew's Church, Wing- ham, united in marriage Annie M. to Mr. Albert Harrison of Seaforth. Copeland - Elliott-A quiet wed-^ ding was solemnized on Tuesday, March 18th, in Centralia Methodist Church, when Miss Mabel E., young- est daughter of Mr. Wm. R. Elliott, Centralia, Ont,, became the bride of Arley K. Copeland, son of Mrs. M. E. Copeland, Wingham, Ontario. Rev. A'. Sinclair of Hensall assisted by Rev, Kiteley of Centralia, officiated, Gates - Shaw-A pretty wedding. was solemnized at the home of Mr, and Mrs, Robert $haw, Pluevale, Ont., on MarCh 19th, when their youngest daughter, Margaret Wilma, was un- ited in marriage to Leonard Sidney Gates of Pickering, son of Mr. and Mrs. George Gates, Pickering by the Rev. Crawford Tait. Morris Man Weds-,,-Many of the . . who was married on Friday in Hamil- ton, to Miss Edna Hibborn. The bride has been clerking for Henry Johnston, grOcer in, Hamilton and formerly of Blyth and Wingham. Junior Farmers Meet-The annual branch, The following officers were elected for, the ensuing year: Pres.,. Alvin :Smith; Vice-Pres., Flaryey Rob- ertson; .Sec., Addison Fraser; Direc- tors, forris, Ge"orge Fowler, Wawa- nosh, Leslie Wightman; Turnberry, Robert Powell; Literary Director, Jas. Hardie, Personals-eeMr. T. C. King is in Toronto for a few days, Messrs, Cur- rie Wilson, Ted. Jsard and Geo. Schae- fer were recent visitors in town, Mrs. W. F., Vanstone is visiting at Clifford. Mr. Joe Erskine of Winnipeg, is -OW:- ing his. sister, Miss Effie. Erskine of the Post Office Staff, Messrs, Wm. Guest and J. W. Dodd were delegates from the Royal Black Preceptory to the Grand Lodge held last week in Brantford. * FIFTEEN YEARS AGO Tuck - Douglas-Married in don, on March 31st, MisS Hazel Del- ilia, eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs, R. J. Douglas, Belmore, to Mr. Fred- erick Wm. Tuck, youngest son of the late Mr, and Mrs. B. Tuck of Clifford. 'Lady Bowlers Elect Officers-The Ladies' Bowling Club_ held its final bridge party of the season on Tuesday evening at the home of Mrs. A, J. Walker. The officers for the ensuing year were elected: Pres., Mrs. H. C. MacLean;• 1st Vice Pres., Mrs. T. A, Currie; 2nd Vice Pres., Mrs. W. J. Greer; Sec., Mrs, D. Geddes; Treas., Mrs. F. Preston; Tournament Corn., Mrs. 0. Thompson, Mrs. E. R. Harri- son, Mrs. W. J. 'Greer; Jitney Coin., Mrs. W. J. Adams, Miss Jean Chris- tie, Mrs. M. Johnson; Entertainm‘ent Coin., Mrs. W, Miller, Mrs. J. Scott, Mrs. G. L, Brackenhury, Mrs. W. T. Booth and Mrs. W. H. Waram. Kirkland - Reid-The marriage of Evelyn, eldest daughter of Mr. and • Mrs, W. M, Reid, Wingham, to Mor- ley D. Kirkland, son of Mr. annd Mrs.' D. Kirkland, Toronto, was recently solemnized, at Toronto with the Rev. Mr. McDermid, officiating, Local and Personal-Miss Irene Sutton visited in London on Friday. Mrs. G. L. Baker was a Toronto vis- litor over- the week-end. Miss Alice Reading was a Toronto -visitor over the week-end. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer ;Wilkinson motored to Toronto on Sat- urday. Mr, W. W, Armstrong spent 1 the week-end visiting friends in Tor- onto. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. French and family spent the week-end in Toronto. Mrs. 0 Thompson and Mrs G. L. i Brackenbury were week-end .visitors in Stratford. Mrs. A. J. Walker and spent the week-end with her daughter, Mrs. Dowdell in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Hastie and daughter, Edith, spent the week-end in Toronto. Mr. and`' Mrs. Delbert Clegg and son, Bruce, spent Friday in Wingham. Mr. annd Mrs. Max Abram have purchased a home in Listowel. Mr. and. Mrs. Whiteley, spent a few days last week in Chesley. Wroxeter-Reeve Gamble and wife of Howick, spent last Thursday the guests of Mr. annd Mrs. Fred Kitchen. Mrs. G. A. Wearring and little daugh- ter, also Miss Mamie Gibson, spent the week-end in Toronto. Miss Irlae Davidson spent the week-end in Oshawa. Mr. Alex Holmes of New- ton, is spending a few weeks at the home of Mr. and' Mrs. Eldred Nichol, 4th line. Mrs. Alex McKercher spent the week-end in Toronto. Whitechurch-Mr. and Mrs. Joe Holmes are intending to move to the village in the near futuie. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Dawson visited with Mrs. David Gillies one day last week. Mr. Fred Clubb of St. Marys, is' visiting here with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Clubb. Mr. Alex Mowbray of Bluevale, spent a few days last week with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Mowbray. Mr. and Mrs. Thoma Gaunt spent Sunday last with his sis- ter, Mrs. Green of Teeswater. Glenannan-Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Metcalfe of Howick, were recent vis- itors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Metcalfe. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Weir of Howick, spent. Sunday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Reuben Stokes. Anderson-McPherson-A quiet wed- ding took place at the Manse, Blue. :vale, on Friday morning, when Rev. 1 W. J. West performed the ceremony .made Miss Teenie McPherson, of l Turnberry, the bride of Mr. Neil And- erson of Kenton, Man. Carriage Works-Mr. Dore and his staff of workmen are busy these days in anticipation of an active trade in carriages, buggies, etc., this spring and summer. Jacobs - Everett-Married on Mar. 17th, at the Parsonage in Wingham, by the Rev. W. G. Hoy.'son, -Mr. Al- bert E. Jacobs, to Miss Ida May Ever- ett, all of Kinloss Township. WARREN HOUSE Telephone 475 Wingham C. C. McKibbon A family plot should be graced with the shrine-like beauty of a monument which will be ever- r.! lastingly a tribute to those at 11 rest. We have many classic WI styles, to suggest, and will work 7:4 with you on custom designs. • Exceptionally Low Prices, Wm. Brownlie Box 373 !Phone 450 Alfred St. ,Wingham N N U N N N Inscriptions Repairing za, Sandblasting Memorials 9-2 25 years experience The latest in POrtable Sandblast Equipment Work Personally Executed tliiitiWillaitil511111111110111111111111011ill * * * TWENTY-FIVE YEARS AGO Golf Club Organized-At an enthus- iastic meeting of Wingham men held in the Lions Club rooms on Thursday night, it was decided to put in a tender for 'the race track grounds which con- sist of thirty-three acres. The proba- bilities.are that Wingham will have as good a golf links as there is to be found in these parts before the sum- mer is over. The newly appointed officers are: Hon. Pres., Dr. R. C. Redmond; Hon. Vice-Pres., Rev. C. E. Cragg; Pres, J. W, McKibbon; 1st Vice Pres., T. C. King; 2nd Vice Pres. Dr. A. J. Irwin; 3rd Vice Pres., Mrs. J. A. 'Wallace; Sec-treas., Dr. Geo. H. brethren of the Orange Association Ross; Chairman of Greens and Ground and others will extend congratulations Corn., H. L. Sherbondy; Chairman of to Mr. Robert'- Wallace of Morris, Look at this new Chevrolet, inside. and out- side ! Consider it from every point of view and on every point of value! We believe you'll agree it's the most beau. tiful buy for smartness and distinction, for comfort and roominess, for driving and riding ease. 1,or performance and safety . because TELEPHONE 139 meethrk of the Junior Farmers lin- 'Joyce, spent the week-end at Fort Erie. provement Association held in the I Gorrie-Mr. and Mrs. E. W, Bolton ;Council Chamber on Wednesday even- and daughter, Maxine,. spent Sunday ing, March 12th, brought to a close a with Mr. and Mrs. William AlbriglA most successful year for the local ,at Fordwich. Mrs. John Hyndman . . . atitherejaturer allthere mg", it offers feature after feature of costlier ears at the lowest prices and with all the economy of operation and -upkeep for which Chevrolet is famous. You'll find that now more than ever be- fore Chevrolet merits the title of being "first for quality at lowest cost"; and that it is, indeed, the ,ntost betattiiol bay of all, in all these features and in all these ways, higfor rc 1-geoe„ft Carte d-t 44E16" WING-HAM MOTORS WINCH" ONTARIO