HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1949-04-06, Page 4Wednesday" April 6th, 1949 • 'PAG] FOUR THE WINGHAIVI ADVANCE-TIMES
day School of the United Church were
evidence of love and respect,
The pallbearers were six nephews:.
Harvey and Bert Johnston, Walton;
Sperling, Carl and Charles Johnston,
and W, J. Peacock. Interment was
made in the Bluevale cemetery,
• Bluevale in his 78th year. He had gone
to the United Church and suffered a
severe hemorrhage of the brain. He
WAS alone at the time and when fotmcio
was in an unconscious condition. 'He
was removed by ambulance to the
Wingham General Hospital, where he
passed away a few hours later,
Mr, Johnston was born on the 1st,
concession of Morris Township, son
of the late Mr. and*Afrs, W, J, John-
ston, pioneer settlers of the township,
Fifty-one years ago he was' married.
to Miss Margaret Stewart of Bluevale,
and were the first couple to be mar-
ried in the former Methodist church,
the .ceremony was' performed by the
late Rev. David, Rogers. Following
their marriage Mr. Johnston farmed on
the first concession of Morris for 14
years, then moved to the Canadian
West, locating at Gladstone, Mani-
toba, where he remained for twenty
years. Returning to Ontario in 1932,
he purchased a farm on the 3rd. line
of Morris and after a few years moved
to Bluevale and operated a dairy bus-
Mr. Johnston was always an active,
interested worker in the United
Church and for many years was super-
intendent of the Sunday School there
and at Gladstone. His resignation was
accepted with regret, the first of this
year. He was also president of the
Bluevale Branch ,of the Bible Society,
and acted as trustee on the local,school
board also the cemetery committee,
He belonged the L.O.L. and was a
member of the Royal Black Precept-
ory, and in politics, was a conservative,
He leaves to mourn his passing be-
sides his wife, three brothers, Richard,
Morris township, Silas, Walton; and
Edward, Bluevale, and one sister, Mrs.
James Peacock, (Sarah), Bluevale.
The, funeral service was held from
the United Church on Monday after-
noon and was attended by a host of re-
latives and friends, The service, was
conducted by Rev. J. A. Burden as-
sisted by Rev. Campbell Tavener of
Holmesville and Rev. A. G. Hewitt of
Auburn, former ministers of the Un-
ited Church, All paid high tribute
to the deceased for his sterling quali-
ties. During the service Mr. Charles
Hoffman sang `‘Face to Face."
The beautiful floral tributes from
relatives, friends, the Y.P.U., and Sun-
Mastic Tile Flooring
for Homes, Offices and
ANNOUNCING-We are agents for
Britishknit Woollen Wear f o r
every member of the family. Made
to order and made-to-measure,
Yemen's, Wingham, Phone 279,
WANTED-Position as housekeeper
or would take care of elderly person.
Apply Mrs. Adeline Johnston, R. R,.
2, Bluevale,
ware Clerk, must be honest and
good salesman, experience not essen-
tial. Apply in Writing, state age,
present employment and salary ex-
pected. Reply Box 20, Winghain
George Hawthorne
In ailing health for several years,
George Hawthorne of Lower Wing-
ham, died in Wingham General Hos-
pital, on April 1st, in his 80th year.
Born in Morris Township, he was
the last member of the family. Twenty
years ago he was married to Margaret
Jane Campbell, who survives. He was
a member of ,iSt. Pettis Anglican
Church and the L.O.L.
Funeral services ftvere held on Mon-
day, April 4th, from Currie's Funeral
Home ,under the auspices of the Bel-
grave L.O.L. with Rev. E. q, Lan-
caster officiating. Interment was made
in-Wirigharn cemetery. The pallbearers
were, members of Belgrave L.O.L.
ASK FOR-Trusses, Lumbago Belts,
Abdominal Supports, Elastic Stock-
ings, Suspensories, at Kerr's I D A
Drug Store,
FOR SALE-Timothy Hay. Apply
to A. R. Nacre, R, R, 5, Brussels,
Telephone 13r18 Brussels,
FOR SALE-6 York Sows. Apply
Lloyd Montgomery, R., R, 5, Wing-
ham, Phone 648r21.
Tenders For Shed
Tenders will be received by the
undersigned up to Saturday, April
16th, 1949, for the purchase of the
Browntown Shed. Lowest or any ten-
der not necessarily accepted,
Melville Ma hers
R. R. 4, Wingham.
FOR SALE-Auto-Trac on Hard
Rubber, Chev, Motor, in good con,
dition. Apply Archie Miller, R,R. 2,
Tenders For Gravel
Twp, of W. Wawanosh
Sealed Tenders plainly marked will
be received by the undersigned until
six o'cock p,m., Monday, April 11th,
1949, For crushing and hauling 4000
cubic yards of gravel (314 inch size)
gravel to be placed on Township
roads as directed by Supt., on a flat
rate basis. Contract MUST be com-
pleted. by October 1st, a marked
cheque for $200.00 must accompany
each Tender, Lowest or any Tender
not necessarily accepted.
Lorne fvers,
Road Supt.,
Dungannon, Ont.
FOR SALE-Beaver Oats, (cleaned),
grown from certified seed. Apply
Bert Hastings, R. R. 4, Wingham,• Plastic Wall Tile
Kitchen and Bathroom
FOR SALE-Tractor and plough,
good as new, for one thousand dol-
lars, Lyon Findlater, Wingham,
CALLOWAY-At .Three Hills, Al-
berta, on Wednes'day, March 23rd,
1949, Stephen, Calloway,. son of Mr,
and Mrs. Wiliam Calloway, aged
8 months, Funeral was held at
Three Hills, Alta., on Saturday,
March 26th.
Electric Sewing Machines, Also new
and reconditioned treadle machines.
All guaranteed, Time payments. For
information write-SINGER SEW-
ING CENTRE, Phone 403, Han-
Norman Rintoul
'Phone 251 Wingham
FOR SALE-Quantity of Ajax seed
Oats, suitable for seed, cleaned and
graded, summer fallow grown. Ap-
ply John A. Richardson, Phone
3st, at which several activities were
discussed and two major attractions
were planned, On Wednesday, April
20 the Club will present an Extravanza,
entitled ,Cinderella and presented by.
the Brussels Talent. This presentation
has been staged several times and
many have been unable to gain ad-
mission to witness it. A Monster'
Bingo was also planned for May, the
date to be announced later. Substan-
tial Prizes to be offered.
The Frolic Committee also met the
same evening and planned for a bigger
and better Show this year which will
be staged in Wroxeter Community
Park on August 11th and 12th. A Fire
Works Display it is expected will be
presented each evening and The Draw
Tickets to be ready for distribution
by the middle of .May.
ALL PERSONS having claims
against the estate of Andrew T.
Cruickshank late of the Town of
Wingham, in the County of Huron,
Labourer, who died on or about the
2nd. day of March, 1949, are notified
to send to the undersigned on or be-
fore the twenty-third day of April,
1949, full particulars of their claims
in writing. Immediately after the said
twenty-third day of April, the assets
of the said intestate will be distributed
amongst the parties entitled thereto,
having regard only to claims of which
the administrator shall then have
DATED this first day of April, A.
D., 1949.
Wingham, Ontario.
Solicitors for the Administrator.
All persons having claims against
the estate of David H. Finley, late of
the Town of Wingham, in the County
of Huron, Retired Moulder, who died
on or about the 22nd. clay of Decem-
ber, 1948, are notified to sent to the
undersigned on or before the ninth
day of April, 1949, full particulars of
their claims in writing. Immediately
after the said ninth clay of April, the
assets of the said testator will be dis-
tributed amongst the parties entitled
thereto, having regard only to claims
of which the Executrix shall then have
DATED this 19th day of March,
A.D., 1949.
Wingham, Ontario.
Solicitors for the Executrix.
Request for "Blonde" Filled
A recent report of the Women's
Auxiliaryeof the Navy Leakue of Can-
aada referred to their having asked
the Navy I3Oys what they might care
to have in the .ditty bags, being pre-
pared by .-.them at Christmas last for
the Hospitalized cases, and mention
is made of a veteran at Sunnybrook
asking for a Blonde This order was
filled with a beautiful 4 inch tall,
blonde doll dressed in blue silk and
the recipient was none other than the
socially adopted sailor of the Wrens:-
eter Women's Institute, Robert Reilly.
FOR SALE-Linoleum Rug, 7V2 x9
ft. Phone 464M,
fig , /' , FOR SALE-Large Wilton Rug and
2 pair of hand knitted long lace
curtains, also some other household
articles. Apply Advance-Times.
After getting them off to a fast start with Roe
Vita Food Chick Starter, switch at the seventh
week to Roe Vita-Grow Glowing Mash.
Made fresh daily, these profit-making feeds
are produced in Western Ontario especially
for Western Ontario chicks and pullets. Both
of these Roe Feeds have what it takes to
Puild big frames, sound flesh, healthy internal
organs . . . this means bigger profits for you
later. One season will prove that it pays to
use Roe Feeds. See your Roe Feed dealer.
FOR SALE-1930 Model "A" Ford
Coupe. Phone 489.
FOR SALE-1000, 3 months old pul-
lets, Rock and Rock and Red. Apply
Procter Bros., 11L, miles East of
Belgrave, Phone Brussels 13r4 or 13
The Special Activities Committee
of the Howick Lions Club held a
meeting in The Anglican Church Re-
creation; Room on Thursday, March
FOR SALE-Pair of French Doors,
painted ivory, 6'8"x2'6". Apply Win.
A. Martin, Mildmay, phone 30r22.
FOR SALE-2 suits, 1 grey, 1 'bur-
gundy shade, 2 spring coats, 1 beige,
1 brown, sizes 12 and 14. Phone 122,
FOR SA LE-1937 Plymouth Coach
iu good running condition. also
good building lot. Phone 260.
Values effective at the Wingham
store until closing time, Satur-
day, April 9th, 1949.
All merchandise sold at your
Dominion Store is uncondition-
ally guaranteed .,to give you
300% satisfaction.
FOR SALE-1 young Clydesdale.
mare, bay with white marks, sound
and good to work. Apply L. W.
Lincoln, Glenannan, Wroxeter Tele-
phone .20r12.
FOR SALE-Extension Table and
sideboard. Phone 6331.3, Wingham.
Clark's 10 oz. bottle FOR SALE-Kitchen Coal and Wood
Range, with warming closet, in good
repair. Mrs. E. A. VanStone, John
St., Wingham, Phone 192.
Chili Sauce 18c
Utopia 28 oz. tin FOR SALE-1947 Mercury 4 door
Sedan, Apply Advance-Times, Tomatoes - 2 - 35c Spring Grasses, rich in
proteins and vitamins are
harvested at their nutrition
peak, dehydrated in minutes,
then added to all Roe Vita-
mixed Feeds , . . a "green
gold" diet bonus for poultry,
FOR SALE-1 boy's and 1 girl's bi-
cycle. Apply Advance-Times, AUCTION SALE
Of Farm Stock, Implements and
Household Furniture at Lot W.H. 29,
Con. 13, East Wawanosh, at 1 p.m. on
HORSES-Blue Roan Gelding, 4
years; Driving Horse, 8 years; Mat-
ched Team, General Purpose, 4 and
5 years.
CATTLE--(Durham Grades)-1
Cow, 9 years, freshened 2 months; 1
Cow, 6 years, freshened 2 months; 1
Cow, 4 years, due in May; 1 ,Cow, 3
years, freshened 1 month; 1 Cow, 3
years, freshened 3 weeks; 1 Cow, 3
years, freshened 2 weeks; 1 Heifer,
due at time of sale; 1 Heifer, due Ap-
ril 15th, 1,, Heifer, due May 1st; 1
Heifer, due May 5th; 1 Heifer, due
May 10th; 3 Heifers, clue in June; 3
Heifers, 2 years; 2 Steers, 2 years; 5
Steers. 1 year; 2 Heifers, 1 year; 4
PIGS-1 York Sow, 8 Pigs, 8 weeks
old, 6 Chunks.
IMPLEMENTS-1948 Allis-Cham-
niers Tractor, Model C,; Tractor
Plow, Otaco, Binder, 7 ft. Massey-
Harris; Mower, 6 ft., Frost & Wood;
Drill, 13-Hoe,' Massey Harris; Culti-
vator, Hay Loader; Wagon on Rub-
ber; Cream Separator, Massey-Har-
ris; Gang Plow, Buggy; Single-Fur-
row Riding Plow; Set of Single Har-
ness, set of Double Harness, set of
Harrows, 5 sections; Electric Fence,
Scales, 700 lbs. capacity; Forks, Shov-
els, Numerous other articles,
FUR.NITURT,': - Electric Range,
Cook Stove, Oval. Table, Solid Wal-
nut; Oak Bed, Couch, Iron Bed and
Kraft Miracle Whip 13 oz. jar Clark's Vine-Ripened 20 oz. tin FOR SALE-1 buffet, 2 bedroom
dressers with basin etc., 1 wash
stand, 3 tables, 1 brass bedstead,
double bed size, mattress and
springs, quantity of jam jars, num-
erous odd 'dishes, some cooking
and baking utensils, 1 copper boiler,
1 electric iron, 1 electric toaster, 1
one burner electric plate, 1 two bur-
ner electric plate, 1 chest of drawers
and mirror, 1 large mirror, 1 alum-
inum roaster, 1 dining room suite,
oak. These articles may be seen at
the residence on Howick Street in
Wroxeter by 'phoning Wroxeter
82r1 for appointment. Mrs. John
For Pots and Pans-S. 0. S. 4-pad pkg. Clark's Vine-Ripened 48 oz, tin
Yellow Label
Orange Pekoe
Clark's-with Chili Sauce 15 oz. tin 8 oz. pkg.
49c PORK & BEANS 2-19c
Howson & 'Howson, R. J. McKenzie, Belgrave
Wingham Bluevale Milling Co.,
A. C. Adams, Wingham Bluevale
Belgrave Co-Op., Belgrave
Clark's-with Chili Sauce 20 oz. tin.
PORK & BEANS 2-25c
Mother Parker's
8 oz. pkg.
Clark's-with Tomato Sauce 20 oz. tin, 16 oz. jar
storey and a half, stucco; 6 rooms,
possession soon. Apply Chas. Jones
Telephone 412.
Manure Spreader; 2 section Spring-
Tooth Harrows; Set of Drag Har-
rows; Set of Sleighs; McCorthick.
Deering Walking Plow; Rubber Tired
Wagon; Steel-tired Wagon, Hay
Rack; Turnip Sower; 2 Fanning Mills;
Scuffler; Set of Single Harness; Set
of Double Harness; Cutter, Buggy;
Colony House, 10x12; Jamesway Oil
Brooder; Chicken Shelt4,ers and Feed-
ers; 2 Oak Barrels.
GRAIN-500 bushels of Oats, 200
bus. Barley.
ing Room Chairs; Rocker; Dresser;
Small Heating Stove,
WM. J. KELLY, Prop.,
DONALD BLUE, Auctioneer.
NUT CRUSH Vegeterian Beans 2-25c.
Clark's Old Tdwne (for Pies) 24 oz. tin
BATES-In St. Joseph's Hospital,
,Guelph, oil Wednesday, March 30th,
to Mr. and Mrs. Albert Bates (nee
Jessie King) a son, James' Moir,
CARR-In Wingham General Hos-
pital, on Saturday, April 2nd., to
Mr. and Mrs, James A. Carr, Wing-
ham, a son.
HARD1E-In , Wingham General
Hospital, on Tuesday, March 29th,
to Mr. and Mrs. James Hardie, R,
R, 1, Wingham, a daughter.
ORVIS-In Wingham General Hos.
pita], on Saturday, April '2nd., to
Mr. and Mrs, Ross Orvis, Wing-
ham, a son, Ronald Lee.
RINTOUL-In Wingham General
Hospital, on Monday, April 4th, to
Mr, and Mrs. Gordon Rintoul, East
Wawanosh, a son.
for immediate delivery the follow-
ing No. 5 manure spreadier, lever
and drag harrows, horse and power
mowers. See the new Folley and
Lavish Lime and Fertilizer Spread-
er now on display,
Stokely's Choice Cream Style ° 20 oz. tin
GOLDEN CORN - 20c Clark's Mushroom, Vegetable, Tomato 10 oz. tin
SOUPS - - 2-15c
Grade A
in cartons
right here and now. April is a good
month for chick buying, if they're
Kitchener Big-4, They're bred for
quick growth, early and steady pro-
duction. Hatchery has a breeding
program covering 30 years on their
own farms. Don't put it off, contact
us, save a a lot of worry, Wilbur
Hogg, R, R. 4, Wingham, Springs, Rocking Chairs, Dining mom
specializes in all types of Penman- Cash; also all sums tyf $25.00 and ttn-
.ents. Machine, Machiaeless and der, rash. Over this amount 6 months'
Cold, also Shampooing, Finger Way- credit on approved joint notes, land
ins; and Ogilvie Sisters Scalp Treat-, owners' security, bearing interest at
5 per cent per annum, No Reserve
as Farm has been sold, In case weath-
er is unfavourable, sale wilt be held
tinder cover.
MATT. GAYNOR, Auctioneer.
PICTURE FRAMING A SPECIAL- Of Farm Stock and Implements
ty. Warren House, Phone 475, be held at Lot 4, Con. 4, Morris, 1
mile East of Belgrave, at 1 p.m., on
,TUESDAY, APRIL 12th, 1949
FIORSES-4 Black Mare, 5 years
Clark's-Economical Meal doz. 41c IRISH STEW - 25c Early Morning-Fresh Ground
20 oz. tin
12 oz, pkg,
Green Valley
Rose Sweet Mixed
• 24 oz. jar
Free O'Seed Australian IN MEMORIAM
PARKS-In memory of my mother,
Eliza Jane (Reid) Parks, who de-
parted this life ten years ago, April
4th, and my Father, Gideon 1),
Parks, 22 years ago, on October
16th, 1949.
We do not forget you nor do we intend
We think of you often, and will to the
Gone and forgotten, by some you may
But dear to. our memory you ever will
-Evbeer. remembered
J, Parks
London, Ontario.
Choice Sweet Desert
20 oz, tin
Richmello Fresh Ground lb. bag 25c OBITUARY COFFEE - 54c Green Valley
Fancy Cuba
20 oz. tin
1 OC
. Mrs, Robert Sproal
Mrs, Robert Sproal, formerly Mar-
garet McKinnon, of Turnbery Town-
ship for the past twenty-five years' pass
ed away at her home on Sunday., April
8rd, She was in' her 70th year,
She was a member of Sacred Heart
Church, Wingham, Altar Guild and
Catholic Women's League.
Surviving besides her . husband are
two sons, John and Alex at home;
four brothers and five sisters, Angus,
We wish to thank friends and neigh- Hugh, Alex and John of Turnberry
bouts who helped in so many. ways, 'Township; Mrs. George Skinn, Wing-
also Rev. Martin for his visit0 and ham; Mrs. Peter Dawson, Ashfield;
Mrs, Pat Killgon, St. Marys; Mrs. J.
O'Connor, Ash field and Miss Annie
McKinnon of Turnberry.
Recluiem high mass was sung try
• CARD OF THANKS Father Bricklin oil Wednesday morn-
ing, April 6th in Sacred Heart Church,
and interment was made in the R.. C,
cemetery, Wingitain.
menis. 'Phone 33 for appointment,
MEN! Gain 5 to 15 lbs. New pep,
too. Try famous Ostrex Tonic Tab-
lets for double results; new, healthy
flesh; new vigor. New "get acquaint-
ed" size only 60c. All druggists.
Heat, Eat and Enjoy pkg,
Size 24s
'McCormick's Plain or Salted 2 lb, box
Tax Off lb,
Candy Jelly Beans - 29c
PINEAPPLES 31c - 3-89c
Crisp, Green
CABBAGE - lb. .07c
Golden, Ripe
BANANAS lb. 17c
by their son,
and Mrs. Parks,
sLEN-noR TABLETS are effective.
2 weeks' supply $1., 12 weeks $5., at
Kerr 's and McKibbons Drug Stores, M - old; Brown are, 10 years old; 1 Grey
STARTED CHTCK B Gelding, 5 years old. •argains while
- CATTLE-1 Red Cow, 4 years old,
bred Jan; 30th; 1 Roan Cow, 5 years they last non-sexed, pullets, rock
erels 2, 3, 4, 5 and S weeks old, Also
terkcy poults 2, 3 and 4 week old.
Also day old chicks and turkey
poults. Send for special sale price
list. Free Catalegne. Tweddle Chick
Hatcheries Limited, Fergus, Ont.
Dr. Jackson's-For a Hot Breakfast pkg.
Serve with Tylilk and Sugar 8 qt, pkg.
Newport Fluffs 25c
MeLaren's-Six Delicious Flavours
Jelly Powders • 3-25c
Kraft Velveeta-It Spreads d.:1 oz, pkg,
CHEESE .. ,w 28c q
Canada No, 1
DUTCH SETS - lb. 25c
' Florida Juicy Size 96s '
comforting words at the time of out
bereavement in the death of our
g,randdatighter' Elva Reid.
Mr, and Mrs, McNeil,
(dd, fresh; 1 Spotted Cow, .6 years old,
fresh; 3 farrow Cows; 7 Steers, 2
years old: 1 'Heifer, 2 years old; 9
Yearlings, 3 Young; Calves.
P105-2 Sows, 14 Chunks,
Tractor, 33-48 Waterloo Separator on
rubber, with cutter, new; 8-.1arrow
Fleury Tractor Plow; 9 ft. Case Trac-
tor Cultivator, Massey-Harris Pertili-
The family of the late William John-
ston wish to express to their friends
and neighbours their sincere thanks
for acts of kindness and floral tributes
WANTED-House Trailer to rein ter Drill, 11 run; Massey-Harris and sympathy during their recent ber-
or buy on reasonable terms, must he Mower, 6 ft; McCormick-Deering eavement, especially to Revs, A, Hew.,
20 feet or over, modern facilities. K. /lay imadet, Dump Rake, McCoy- itt, and C. Tavener, Mr, Charles Hoff-
Crawford, Phone 144, mick.Deering Binder, 7 ft.; Otaco man and Mrs, A. Corrigan,
At once', Apply Mrs. T, 'Morrey,
Snot, of \Vim:diem .Genend Hospital'
James Johnston
Death came suddenly on Thursday,
March 31st, to William James John-
,stop, a highly respected resident of