HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1949-04-06, Page 2CONTRACT BRINE There were four sound slam deals rat Bridge Club last week, all of them l eather interesting. One or two were a ,Tittle tricky to bid, but it seems sue- 'prising that just half the North and ,South pairs reached slam on the strongest of the four bands. North dealer. North and South vulnerable. A K 7 6 3 A K J 6 5 Q4¤ 4 A34 rE i 'a A T 8 3 W E 7 5 3 2 N 9 g 4652 * A 9 4 3 Q 10 4 4 K 4 A IK0896 Over North's one heart opening bid South has the precise requirements for a response of three no trump. It guar. antees (a) almost exactly four honor tricks, well distributed among all four suits and (b) 4-3-3-3 distribution. This response informs North that his partner has three or four hearts to the queen and that their combined hands have eight honor tricks. North's best action is an immediate jump to six hearts (at rubber bridge) or six ,no trump (in a duplicate game, where the extra ten points for no trump are important.) South then should carry on to a grand slam if he has OVER four honor tricks. It is pertinent to add that if South made the second best response of three diamonds the slam still should have been reached quite readily as follows. NORTH SOUTH 1 Heart 3 Diamonds 3 Hearts 4 Hearts 5 Hearts 6 Hearts North has definitely too neural unbid strength to rest at four hearts, and for a similar reason South cannot re- ject his partner's slam invitation, At duplicate North might use the 4-5 no trump Blackwood bids as a better guide to judge the safety of a no trump contract. There was little to the play, Thanks to the favourable break in diamonds !seven were made without guessing a lfinesse in clubs. WHITECHURCH 1052 732 ¤ J 10 8, • Q 9 7 3 REDUCED IN PRICE— Now 80c lb. Laura Secord EASTER EGGS, 1/2 lb. 45c - (Individually boxed) GIFT SUGGESTIONS PERFUMES, COLOGNES, TOILET WATERS BATH SALTS DUSTING POWDERS Quality GIFT SOAP, COSMETIC SETS by Yardley, Evening in Paris, Gemey GIFT STATIONERY, reg. $1.35—Clearing at 99c DuBarry BEAUTY RITUAL KIT, reg. $3.00 , SPECIAL Introductory OFFER . , .$2.00 EASTER CARDS Choose, your Favourite Greeting from the Famous' CARLTON Selection 5c, 10c, 15c, 25c, ,35c, 50c ' • • n n n Kerr's Drug Store I D. RAE SON. Paint Clearing WHILE IT LASTS! Regular $6.20 per gallon—NOW , .$4.00 Regular $1.85 per quart—NOW $1.20 ENAMEL Regular $7.60 a gallon — NOW,. .. • '$4.50 Regular $2.15 a quart—NOW $1.35 Dr. Hess Tonics, Etc. LESS 25 PER CENT. FOR APRIL Condition Your Stock Now—and Save! Gat Your Order in for— FROST TIGHT-LOCK FENCE BARB WIRE, STAPLES, BLACK and GALVANIZED WIRE or LAWN FENCE 41Ndift11111.111.0•111.•••=1•1.1.1m10•1111MINIIMOMMIIMIIMML Your New Hoover JUST ARRIVED— SCISSORS, KNIVES Sheffield SHEARS, We now SERVICE Complete lines of and MAINTAIN all Instantly converted for dean-4 Our Electric ing furniture, drapes, bore floors, linoleum. Easy to use from floor to ceiling. Cleans Washers rugs fast and thoroughly. Keeps rug colors fresh. r Etc. THOR and CONNOR Call for a Demonstration. Washers may again be purchased on the Installment Plan. Have your got your HOOVER for this Housecleaning Season RENT One or BUY— Also FLOOR POLISHER to rent, $1.00 per day waiarawarassislirsowsimamiodiaseremil ' ' Make D. RAE & SUN Your Headquarters for SPORTING GOODS and FISHING TACKLE. See the NEW ENTERPRISE ELECTRIC RANGE KEY CUTTING SERVICE KEYS MADE WHILE YOU WAIT More Hoover for the money than ever be- fore. Come in for details on the new Hoover Cleaner, Model 281. tal, London, we hope for a speedy re- covery. Mr. Douglas Campbell is hUsy these days .circling wood for the farmers. Miss Joyce Brecker of Goderich, spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Howard Campbell. Miss Joy Lutz was able to return to school on Monday after spending a few days in the hospital and conval- escing at home. Mr. and Mrs. James Boof of Gode- rich, spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Cook. COMFORT, PLUS GOOD LOOKS!. MEN'S - Spring Shoes Sport Shoes Dress Shoes They're all in. our new Spring Shoe Group BROWNE'S SHOE REPAIR Ilfi , Li ,,,,,,, illti,11 ,,,,,, 11111411111,11L111111111'11411111111 U++++1+"+" „l AT THE - P ar k House GODERICH Frogs' Legs Fish Chicken and Steak 'DINNERS Served front 12 noon until 2 pan, and from 5 p.m. until 7:30 pm). EVERY SUNDAY Special consideration given for Wedding Breakfasts Banquets Private Parties Telephone 859 or 885, or write PARK HOUSE GODERICH ONT Mr. or Mrs. t. Buck IWOwutilliOMMIM)MithMIIMOWUhuMOW,AWWW. hostesses. A paper on Publicity will be given by Mrs. Earle Caslick, and the roll call, will be answered by an item from the press of work done in other branches. This is the annual meeting and a good attendance is requested. A special meeting is being held this Wednesday evening in the Presbyter- ian Church here, when Rev. Angus MacKay, returned Missionary from Jhansi, India, will be the special speak- er. The people of the iommuitij, have "been invited to attend this meeting. Mrs. Montgomery and Mr. and aefrs, Angus Falioner spant Sunday at the 'home of Mr. and Mrs. Bert Jackson of Blyth. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Cleghorn and son, Ronald of Wingham, and Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Falconer, agent Sunday at tile home of their sister, Mrs. Geo. Langside. Hydro men were in this comunity last week staking out lines from S. S. No. 9, Kinloss, to Mr. Thos. Gaunts gate, from Mr. Robt McClenaghan's back north to Wallace Conn's gate. They expect to get the poles in within the next two weeks. Mr. Elmer Silica of London, spent the week-end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. G. *M. Shiell. DONNYBROOK Mr. and Mrs. Carmen Horley, Jane, Ruth and Bill of Sarnia, were Sunday visitors at the home of the former's uncle, Mr. J. C, Robinson. Other vis- itors at the Robinson home included Mrs. Elizabeth. Naylor and Mr:- Wm. Risley of Benmaler, and Mr, and Mrs. Gordon Robinson and son, Russel of Wingham, Mr. and Mrs, Wm. Hardy and sons, moved last week from ,Carlow to the farm which they have purchased on the 7th concession and, which has ree cently been vacated by Mr. and Mrs. Joe ',eddy, who have moved to their biome at St, Augastine, • • in WESTFIELD Mr. and ales. Kenneth. Campbell were London and St. Thottae Visitors last week-end, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Campbell vis- ited on Sunday with Mrs. A. E. John- ston of West Wawa.nosh. Congratulations are extended to Mr. and Mrs, Ernest Sn'ell on the arrival of a. baby girl, born on Thursday last, Mar. 31st., at their home on the 4th concession of East Wawatioelt. We are sorry to hear that Mr. Jim Mekay is a patient in Victoria Ilospi- Edwards' Motor Sales Chrysler, Plymouth Cars and Fargo Trucks PARTS and ACCESSORIES Telephone--Days 417, Wingham AUM, Beautify Your Home! SEE OUR NEW, DISTINCTIVE WALLPAPER PATTERNS -• 'BEAUTIFULLY COLOURED and of slatting quality. The UrilESTED Wallpaper Shop W ELMERILKINSON DECORATOR WALLP14146114 TWO THE WINGHAM ADVANCE-TIME$ Wednesday, April Oth 1949 Wirighalaa MValakceeTiratea !the Canadian Caueer is era.- WELCOME TO CANADA'S ductilig a cam:ea:en ilatitta tine .LULU etrat TENTH PROVINCE Published at vi peva The atipective of the cam. eat alaCia Tieuesiiay idea, Marcie WINGHAII - ONTARIO • patent is to raise $iititatt00 to celery : .°.1et. Netvaitaiedanna niv,-„, a aienaatinai • w, B, mcc vatiren and vanisher this faumanitaritm amens.; taie a f a255,00tati, was we2eeinea into anri ' 6111' 'became alas at Canada, itaiiiiieg the Authorized as Second Class Mail Part kAf Inc:ccy Inaaaiehea al the snaj'elY of Pe-"Plv Post Office Department eased to itartiter cancer reeteireh tve.vilt Cenitalerati....n in a referee- vart cci it vita! fie event to prevale darn last July. Thue becansing Can- Sialeetiriptian Rate --- -Olie year ae.00 eatila tier thelee wha tiaw Live cancer ailit's tenth aravince. Six Months $1.00 itt advance LULU . part viill ge. tawarile v.:erre:ilia en Tia entry Ntereftrandland teem To- U.S.A.J 2.'50 per year a in brae 1 eiluteati• • eel can no Cam ten n el bring!, to the Daminii in an is, . Foreign Rate $2.00 per year natiaer t -d alert ltz• Lenit 11.-4 lacking in a bistQry v:bityr iiiiler ter aitil drama. Aloicat since ;helm Caine Advertieing rates On application n. . •atecaverel Newfaunaland in 1497, the aeteier is taa areat extent' 1 ce in- "laiel, ---Nee 29 rnuntly pralAtm because:. viliale it ie seafaring- ialk wita ventured to a ennagious, idea:tame ate,eane seta,le there, have been faced with a XT CAN STRIKE YOU lie no reliecter of re-.4e, race ea seX. It variety 05 tatenh problems. BUT YOU CAN STRIKE BACK and ..)14, rich and foe,. Mr economy of Newieundland rests priinerily apen three industries, iish- aiike. It is up to everyone to protect To nti...,"0: c,f ens the 'weed eitacer le their home, their friend* and their tug. pulp and paper, and mining, which feat-et:ante Thoee who ktaiw- nava ,are besed upon its main resources. It is about the disease are ne• laneer afraid. irivi'eall'a4T6' the ia cammerciel economy—the produe. aivine eierieraueiy they iseequ.er cancer. The trend during They are not afraia because trap of its basic industries, which is Cantributians may be sent to in excess of domestic requirements, knew that many types al careeer can In °'1.1'21 (4 A pril is towards generous be centralled ar curet if itetected a.1 reium. x-ray #" nearest cancer unit or mailed direct is geared to demand export markets. treated immediately by Reel (mine 'I Trade between Canada and New or eurgerv.- • to Ontaria Headquarters., Brix, 459, Torento. t foundland is facilitated by the fact that there is a common currency and the . same banks operate in both countries. • The Canadian dollar has been the ac- cepted currency in Newfoundland ince 1894. The transportation systems of the two countries are also closely linked. Total trade between Canada and Newfoundland has increased sub- stantially in recent years from $11,650, 860 in 1938-39 to 566,112,210 in 1946- '47. ••••••••••••. Decters don't know what cause: c.aricer, or who may develop it. her thousands of scientists all over the we..aid are warking find the eauee and the cure. They reed help and they neee, money if they are to forward tie fight against the enemy. Funds are required for research. extension ref diaarostic and treatment educatialial work and ser- vice to cancer patieete, and t. raise these fends the Ontaria Division o TAXI DAY or NIGHT Phone 65 JIM CAMERON All Passengers Insured REFRIGERATION SALES SERVICE HEADQUARTERS For HOMES Apartments Hotels Butcher Shops - Grocery Stores Restaurants - Snack Bars Tourist Camps - Drug Stores Hospitals - Institutions. NEW and USED Guaranteed Refrigerators • STEWART Home Appliances Telephone 29 Wingham 412116SMINNEENIMINV Mr. and ,Mrs, John Hayes of De- troit visited last week-end at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Russell Ritchie, Langside, and with other Tiffin rela- tives in Kinloss:` • Mr. Russel. Persian has purchased a fine new motorcycle. Mr, and Mrs. Myles MacMillan and ether MacMillan relatives attended the funeral of their aunt, the late Mrs. Knox, at Pinkerton on Thursday. Me, John Martian has been laid up during the past week with a very sore back. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Gaunt, Mrs. Patterson, Mr. Thos. Gaunt, and Mrs. Lorne julreetoa were in London on Thursday, Mr. Johnston bad not been so well. • Mr. Lashley of the Department of Agriculture, Toronto, was in the vile lage last Tuesday inspecting the Mem- orial Hall, and the financial standing, • for the purpose of grants, for the building fund. Miss Faye McClenaghau of Lon- don, spent the week-end with ate par- nts, Mraand Mrs. Ben McClenaghaan, Miss Lenore Adams of Hespeler, spent the weekend cat the home of her brother, Mr. Robert Adams, Mrs, Ab. Taylor of Toronto, spent the week-end at the home of her park ents, Mr. and Mrs, J. i3. ;Morrison, Mr. Garnet Farrier is driving a new truck these days. Mr, Russell Gaunt and Mr. J. 1). Beecroft unloaded two earloads of fen- tili2er at the Station this weekend. Mr. and Mrs. RobertHutchison and family moved from their borne .wegt of the village in W. Wawanosh oft Saturday to their new home E4St of the village, on the farm vacated by Mr. Jas. McInnis. The pictures presented by the Nat,, 1 'Phone 447 Wingham For Your BUILDING, CARPENTERING BUSINESS & TAX SERVICE for the SMALL BUSINESS MAN, PROFESSIONAL MAN General Won ntancy to give that "finished" look to your rooms. 'The Beaver Lum- ber Co. has them, expertly made of sound, quality lumber, as is all our millwork. Stop in or call us this week- for the Trim and Mouldings you need for your old home or that new home you are building this Spring. Remodeling You'll probably need Interior Trim and Mouldings WINGHAM - ONT. C. A. Loucks, Manager S E E Bennett & Casemore 'BEAM LUMBER• Lf M Board in the last Thursday especially newly completed once in awhile during the past week. night, were Douglas Sperling left on Friday to were go on the boat, Ileannadoe at Godcrich 'of Mrs. John Craig with the President, • Mrs. Walter Lott in charge of the • meetings. Mrs. Weltvood read the e scripture lesson and ,Mrsi Craig led in prayer, after a business discussion, the i 'meeting was closed by all repeaeing, N is • si • • a NI • • a is ii • • those of i • for the season, it leitthat deny for Due l b- ' • f Ronald Ryan, son of Mr, and airs. M John Ryan, left On Saturday for Port VI Arthur, where he rejoined the boat allea on Which he worked last year, and al Donald MacArthur left two weeks • ago for Montreal to rejoin the boat al NI on which he worked last season. Ill Mrs. Victor Casemore of Windsor, 0 spent the week-end with her parents, • Mr. and Mrs. 3. B. Morrison, • • Mr. and Mrs. ott Paterson of De-. • trait, spent the week-end with his U father, Mr. F. McK. Paterson, and . Mr. and Mrs. Fred Paterson of Leam- U ington easited there last Thursday. • The play, "The Blue Bag" will be al presented in the Memorial Hall here a this Friday evening by the young a people . of Wroxeter United Church, N under the auspices of the Women's • - Institute. Tiffin's Orchestra will pro- • vide music for the dance following the g play. Program to commence at 8.30 ir, .. high- luth. Mr. Archie Purdon has purchased • 'Mr. Cecil Fat-we:zee farm and Mr. n Fticoeer is holding an auction sale of , farm steak and some household ef n - aects this Thursday aiternaon, the sale n t. commence at 1, p.m. with Matt Gay- • tor as Auctioneer. • Mise Gwendolyn Irwin, Miss ,Mar n - ie Charleston of London, Misses Audrey and Barbara Irwin of Wing- in ham, spent the weekend with their a paarents, Mr. and Mrs. Hereon Irwin, • ' Mrs. Nathaniel Bolt, Mr. and Mrs. .•11111 ,Harold Cook and son, Ivan, of Blyth, n spent Friday at the homt of Mr. and • Mrs, John Purdon. Mr. Bane Parrott, Blyth, visited ion Sunday at the home of ,Mr. and ;Mrs, J. D. Beecroft. The regular monthly meeting of the Ladies Aid of the Presbyterian Church was held on Tuesday last at the home • gr. Armond McBurney of West- field visited on Sunday with Mr. and firs. Edward McBurney and with other McBurney relatives in this com- munity. The regular monthly meeting eof the Women's Instiute will be held on Tuesday, April 12th, with Miss Olive Terrill and Mrs. Fred Newman as 'way, B. C. 'Fruit, Splitting the AttInt a•mmagisiummiummuiliiiiiiii1111111111111 experiments at Chalk- River, Rats and n their ,feeding grounds, Training Bird N Dogs on. Saskatchewan prairie*, The Conservative Convention, and the -5 Haim:Town Newspaper, the pulse and IN mouth-piece of the whole community IN centre. the Lord's Prayer in unison. Lunch was served and the social time enjoyed by all. Mrs. Norman Coultes and baby, Grant, returned to their home in East Wawanosh from Wingham General Hospital on Tuesday last. Several transients have been doing light housekeeping in the station here, Cameras Films Kodaks Telephone 18 Wingham g Kinnumusamionamsnumuninumunnil • • a n Q.41.44,ilecouz It's a treat at Edster—that daring new bat'—and the Spring-fresh goodness of Laura Secord Candies, too. A tempting dish on the table for the family to enjoy— . a thoughtful gift to a friend— Laura Secords add happy moments to the day. CANDIES Win a n n n n n • ° n tonal Film Hall here very interesting, the JasperBania I B Work wilt-in CUPBOAR DS S. J. PYMM P. 0. Box 74 Telephone 23 LUCKNOW - ONT.