HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1949-03-30, Page 6L Ft Mr, John Spading of Listowel, visited 'with Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Spading Mr. and ,Mrs. Arthur Stephens and on Sunday Mrs. E. \V. Carson, patients in the Mr. and Mrs. Anson Denunerling, Listowel Hospital since the motor ac- Elaine and Joan, of Fordwich, spent cident are doing as well as can be ex- Sunday with Mr, and Mrs. August pecked. On Thursday Mrs. Carson Keil. bad to have her arm reset, X-ray also Congratulations and best wishes to showed that she had suffered a broken Mr. Chas, Kitchen, who marked his pelvis at the time of the accident, 83rd, birthday on Friday, arch 25th. Messrs. Cam Edgar, Andrew Edgar, Miss Marian Downey of Listowel, Murray Edgar and Wesley Gallaway, and Mr, Ray Phenell of Toronto, attended the Sportsmen's Show in were week-end visitors at the home Toronto last week. of Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Downey. Mr. Archie Scott has engaged Mr, Mrs. Alex Sangster of Mildmay, Doddson of Mt. Forest, as a mechanic is spending a few days with her cous- in his garage. in, Mrs. Jas. Edwards, Mr. and Mrs. Everett Sparling and Mrs. Frances Earngey and Miss GORRIE Just what would your wife live on if you were KO longer here to earn the money? There's a Mutual Life of Canada policy specially designed to take care of just this contingency for you. Consult our local representative. He will show you how a new source of income can be provided for her. 61,9447,1BEACH FOR FUN a A34,007., •• Add More Miles to Your Car With Greater Riding Comfort Stop rust and corrosion from ruining the body of your car. Insulate it against water, heat cold and dust. Quiet body rumbling, squeaks and rattles' with .k WHIZ P.U.C. Gives guar- anteed protection, for life- time of your oar for only a small investment WEATHERIZE YOUR CAR WITH PROTECTIVE NDERIODY COATING 556 S. CROSSETT Motor attes • ;L"arcf,;'5',7;,,A - a 41, a reiliDE MAO( PE6 ii it VAIIINTINIMMISIMMOMMINININMINA. tx .t 25( Coke is back to a nickel again! handy carton (plui deposit) Ask for it either way . . . beth trade-marks mean the same thing. Authorized bottler of Coca-Cola under contract With Coca+Cola STRATFORD BOTTLING COMPANY TELEPHONE 78 STRATFORD, ONT, P.52. In Ontario we have a holiday paradise . . , let's do all we can to encourage visitors from across the border. Published in support of the tourist busi- ness by John Labatt Limited. LET'S MAKE THEM WANT TO COME BACK! THE C)Lr.) HOME TOWN "During the entire summer the water is warm enough for swimming" claims this gay Ontario resort. No wonder thousands from both sides of the border enjoy its hospitality, crowd its amusement park, throng thegreat ballroom where name bands play! If you want an exciting, (un- packed holiday or week-end, write now to the Town Clerk, Crystal Beach, Ontario for a list of places _•::,14.-4 -> ,,.... '- ....:-.,, ..-- /r, / e , , ,-___,--,•,--„=,----••• ...../ a ._ %.-.4----_,—.::.—"-,— ii1:11 '0'...14 ,4'...:....'"4: ,..,..........., ! aver**. i /.,, ' ., • 4..% . .., „...... A 1 , ./.; • .. 'e.,.,-, , g IA, ./ cwt) ip:‘,.;,-41,4446;41: ktt / ..".' r"...:......,, BACK r‘,*,,,s,t5 FOLK S - PAWS ON His - ----':.,,--' OW/.t IAt A TIti<t.1.511-1 teTt.1.4..TiON * t HEE- -HEE--M-M-MAW--1W-H— THATS. N--14-440W DOWN LOWere HEE—HEE• -. to stay. If you drive, Crystal Beach is a few miles from Fort Erie just off Highway No. 3 which runs from that city to St. Thomas. From Central and Eastern Ontario take The !Queen Elizabeth to Niagara and Fort Erie or No. 2 to London and 2 and 4 to St. Thomas. Rail service via Fort Erie. Steamer from Buffalo to Crystal Beach. B STANLEY Muriel Lambert returned to their A holm in Guelph on Friday. Miss'Kate Rarngey is somewhat improved after her recent illness, Air, and Mrs. Frank Chapman have rented a part of Mr, Cecil Day's home, Mrs. Alex Edgar sr., had the inis-. fortune to fall on Wednesday evening at the home of Mr, and Mrs. \Ves, • Strong, breaking her hip. She is a patient in the Wingham General Hos- pital. Mr. Scott of Toronto, spent the week-end at .the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. C, Scott. tT Mrs. Ed, Stewart returned home on Saturday after spending the week with relatives in Detroit. Rev. Mr. Watt of Whitechurch, oc- cupied the pulpit in the United Church on Sunday morning. Mr. and Mrs, Manfred Irwin and Mr. and, Airs, Robert Harrison spent. Sunday in Guelph. Mrs. Harrison re- mained with her mother, Mrs. S, Douglas, who has been ill for some time. Airs, Jas. Magoffin and Mrs, Earl Underwood were in Listowel on Satur- day. Mr, Earl Underwood is visiting in the "U.S. Mr, and ;Mrs, W. C, King visited Mr, and Mrs. T. MacDonald at Moles- worth on Sunday Miss Clara Harper spent the week- end in Galt, with her sister, Miss Betty Harper, who underwent an oper- ation for appendicitis on Monday of last week She was expected to be per- mitted to leave the hospital on Mon- day this week. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Bill Thornton (nee Erland Gregg), who were married on Saturday morn- ing at the parsonage by Reis. G. G. Howse. Father and Son Banquet The ladies of the United Church W.A., group 3, Mrs. -P. Ashton, con- vener, held a very successful Father and Son Banquet in the church base- ment on Friday evening, March 25th. Rev. G. G. Howse, who was master of ceremonies asked Mr. Harvey Spar- Hug to propose a toast to the sons to which response was made by'Howard Toner. Reeve Elmer Parrish was guest speaker and spoke briefly on "Relationship of Fattier and Son." He stressed companionship and said good home training was never really roruotten by young people. The pro- 'gram was as follows: Vocal duet, • Donna and Jack Toner; Vocal duet, 'Marlene and Lorne Mann, accompan- ied by Mrs. ;Mann; Solo, Yvonne Sitir- ding, accompanied by Al rs. Clarence Sparling; Solo, Audrey Hastie, ac- 'companied by George Gregg; Piano solo, George Gregg; Reading, "!Gloom Chaser[', Mrs. Glad . Edgar; Violin 'selection, Al r. Percy Ashton, accom- panied by Mrs. Ashton. Rev. G G. Howse congratulated the ladies on a successful evening and closed with the benediction. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Short and Miss Myrtle, have returned from Toronto, ,Mr. Short and Miss Myrtle are recov- ering from severe attacks of "flu." Mr. Mac :Hutchison was home from St, Catharines for the week-end. Mr. and Mrs. Willox and daughters, also Mrs. Armstrong of Ripley, called on Airs. Jas. Armstrong and Mr. and Airs. H. V. Holmes on. Sunday after- noon. Listowel, recently. Congratulations again to Miss Mar- ianne Doig, 4th con. who was awarded - 9: 35-38, was read by Betty Zimm man. The topic was given by Kath- leen Cathers. The hymn "What a Friend We have in Jesus" was sung and Kathleen led in prayer. The next meeting will be held April 10th, in the United Church. A delicious lunch was served by the hostess. Tile Y.P.U. are holding a box social on Friday even- ing, April 1st., in the church basement at 8.15, Ladies are asked to please bring a 'box. The young people will appreciate your attendance. A number from this district attend- ed the funeral of Wm. Mines, Wrox, eter, in Wingham, on Sunday after- noon. Mr. Mines died at the home of his son, George in Akron, Ohio, on Thursday, Mrs, Harvey Wright, con, 15, is a daughter. Mrs. Clara Ritchie has been visiting subscription, with an 'added note: .friends in Toronto. "To say the least, the poem should Anglican Church News On Wednesday evening, March 30th, Lenten prayer service will be held at the home of Mr, and AIrs, F. C. Tay- lor, Rev, A. Nimmo of Wingham will assist Rev, J. C. Caley, On Sunday for the first time a Stu'- piked Junior choir assisted in tae ser- vice of worship' hi St. Stephen's church, New Huron -College It will be of interest to Anglicans, to know that it has been decided to proceed with the construction of a new Huron College building on the can read; campus of the University of Westt di But always says, "Send it, our Ontario, The college buildings will in- all like it; chide dormitories which will provide In fact we all think it's a help the only residential accommodation , need." for male students on ,,the campus. 7'o Row welcome this cheque when Rev. 1)r, A. H. O'Neill, principal of roadies our sanctum the college most go much of the credit How it makes our pulse throb! How it for the undertaking as.. he has been makes our heart dance! working unceasingly to raise fonds ne- We outwardly thank him; we inward- cessary for the erection of the build- Ay bless him— Rev, Dr, O'Neill. was a forrner The steady subscriber, who pays in rector of the parish of Gorrie, Ford-, advance. with and Wroxeter, Moils 1PAGg SIX THE WINGHAM ADVANCE-TIMES Isimummsoilowsemoi, Wednesday, March 30, 1949 ,...41100, .4.-4 ... N'itt I qi0Itoe;--74% S, i Ali 16.9 ONTARIO TOURIST CAMP OPERATORS Licences Expire MARCH 31st All licences issued to Tourist Camp Operators under The Tourist Camp Regulation Act, 1946, expire on March 31st, 1949. Applications for renewal should be made to the Municipal Clerk in the municipality in which the camp is established, or in unorganized dis- tricts, to the inspector of Provincial Police in that district. If you are in doubt as to your status insofar as this Act is concerned, please write to the Deputy Minister, Department of Travel and Publicity, Parliament Buildings, Toronto. DEPARTMENT OF TRAVEL & PUBLICITY PARLIAMENT BUILDINGS TORONTO Han. LOUIS P. CECILE, K.C. TOM C. McCALL ' Minister Deputy Minister NATIONAL TOURIST SERVICE WEEK From May 2nd to May 9th Tourist business is YOUR business. The Canadian Association of Tourist and Publicity Bureaux has published an informative booklet "The Visitor Industry" which tells what you can do to help further this important national program. Write for your free copy. ' Protection at Low Cost HEAD OFFICE WATERLOO, ONT. (YOU'LL FIND YOUR LOCAL REPRESENTATIVE HERE M. McPhail, Wingham Wm. Webster, Lucknow, R.R. Norm. Clegg, Gorrie Ross H, Martyn, Ripley PURDON'S BAKERY 'PM:0HE 145 WINGHAM The Home of QUALITY BREAD, CAKES, PASTRY We take orders Daily • (Saturday to 12 noon) L. working together for the church. The hymn Onward Christian Soldiers was sung and Mrs. Kaine led in prayer. Minutes were read and adopted. .It was decided to pack a bale in June and to have a clean up day at the church on April 3rd. There were 24 members and one visitor present. Lunch was served by the hostesses, Mrs. H. Ferguson and Mrs. Sandy Edgar, During the afternoon the ladies quilted a quilt and worked on appliqued quilt blocks. Mrs. Wm. Austin, President of the Miss Etta Burns who was ill last Ladies Auxiliary to the Howick Leg- week with pneumonia is improving. ion was in attendance at a gathering Mr. and Mrs. Wni. Bolton of Wing_ of officials of Zone C-3 branches held ham and Mr. Bruce Anger of Listowel, in the new Legion Memorial Home, were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Anger. Mr. Lorne King of Strathroy, spent the week-end at his home here, the championship in the junior girls Y. P. U. class in public speaking finals of the The regular meeting was held on Western Ontario " Secondary School • Sunday evening at the home of Pa- Associations 1949 competition in the tricia Strong with Kathleen Cathers act University of London. She is a stud- ing as convener. The scripture, Matt. ent of Listowel High School. Mr, and Mrs. Knowlson Hueston spent Tuesday of last week in Tor- onto. Listowel Memorial Hospi- tal on Frdiday/March 18th, 1949, to Mr. and Mrs. Albert Ashley, R. R. 1, Gorrie, a daughter. At the meeting of the North "Huron Liberal Association in 'Wingham„ on Friday afternoon, Reeve Elmer Par- rish, was elected' President of ,the As- sociation, R, S. Hetherington K. C., of Wingham, was chosen Candidate. Rev. 3. C. Caley was in Toronto on Thursday. The Steady Subscriber The following is a clipping sent in by a subscriber when sending renewal prove a subtle reminder to those, who like ourselves, are inclined to overlook subscription dates." How dear to the heart is the steady subscriber Who pays in advance at the birth of each year; Wholaysdowtl gladly, tl money and'. does it quite ' And sheds round the office a halo of cheer He neve r it; "Stop it: I cannot at., ford i I'm get4ing more papers than now I people and a it BELGRAVE Women's Institute Rev, Alex. Nimmo of Wingham, was the guest speaker at the regular meet- ing of the Belgrave Women's institute.: He spoke on his recent visit to the opening of Parliament in Toronto, de- scribing procedure throughout. He challenged the ladies to use their fran- chise and also made a plea not to take the church for granted. He said, "Many a poor politician had been elec- ted by good people because they did pot vote", The meeting, held at the home of Airs, Fred Cook was largely, Attended and Presided over by the president, Mrs, Stewart Procter, Airs. J, C. Procter acted as secretary for the day. Mrs. C, R. Logan, Mrs. Harry McGuire and Mrs. Jesse Wheeler were named a committee to canvass the vil- lage for the Red Cross, Mrs. Jesse Wheeler gave the motto, prepared by Mrs. Harold Vincent "One is nearer God's heart in a garden than any place else on earth". The roll call was an- swered by an Easter verse, Mrs. W. J. Moores concluded her kook review on Nellie McClung's "Clearing in the West". Mrs. C. R. Logan gave a demonstration on stretching curtains, assisted by Mrs. Roy McSween. Re. freshments were served by the hostess assisted by ,Mrs. Dan Hallahan, Mrs, Harry' McGuire and Mrs. Lyle Hop- per. The sympathy and prayers of the Institute were expressed by the presi- dent for the secretary, Mrs. Kenneth Wheeler, who has been a patient in Victoria Hospital, London. A card signed by all present was sent to her. • — . the a Niagara three year. Parks sion. The class will engage in practical work in horticulture, arboriculture and floriculture, advancing to class room studies and experiments, greenhouse techniques and other phases of the specialized course. The school is said to be the only-one of its kind oir this continent. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Taylor visited on Friday with Mrs. H. Al. Martin of Goderich. General licoountand BUSINESS & TAX SERVICE for the SMALL BUSINESS MAN, PROFESSIONAL MAN S. J. PYMM P. 0. Box 74 Telephone 23 LUCKNOW - ONT. was read from 1st. Corinthians, 12:- in gardening at Niagara Falls, 12-30, by Mrs. H. Ferguson. Rev. G. The course is G. Howse gave a talk on Co-Opera- ! steel bd tion, working together as one body for a purpose. We are individuals work- , ing together to form a United W,A., the United Church was held at the , eight young men and teen age boys, home of Mrs. G. G. Howse.ScriptuPe who on April 1st, will begin a course Canadians consumed 85 pounds of Ont. sugar per capita 'in the first ten months one open- of 1948, as much as during the whole Commis- of 1947.—Quick Canadian Facts. WESTFIELD Mrs. Earl \'Vightman is visiting her daughter, Mrs, John Hildebrand arrd Mr. Hildebrand of Jordan Station. Mr. and. Airs. Jack Buchanan and family visited on Saturday with Mr. annd Mrs. Roland Vincent of Blyth. Mr. and Airs. Lloyd Walden and Donna, Mr. and Airs. Walter Cook, were London visitors on Wednesday. Miss Winnifred Campbell is visit- ing her aunt, Airs. H. M. Martin of God eri ch. Communion Service was held in the Westfield Church on Sunday. Rev. A. G. Hewitt administering the Sac- rament. A special missionary program was presented during the Sunday School hour. We are sorry to hear that Mr. "Win, ;McDowell is under the Dr's. care. We Women's Association "hope for a speedy recovery. The March meeting of the W. A. of ' Ar • H.