The Wingham Advance-Times, 1949-03-30, Page 3station work and telegraphy. Later he
became connected with the Supertest
Company. He is a partner in the Blue-
vale Milling Company and recently
built a summer home in the village,
overlooking the Maitland River. He ,is
succeeded as General Sales Manager
by Mr. W. F. Stambach, of Montreal.
The appointment becomes effective on
April 1st.
"I Thirst" was the subject of Rev.
Leland C. Jorgensen's sermon at Knox
Presbyterian Church on Sunday morn-
ing, delivered under three heads, "The
Nature of the thirst and the quenching
of it and the significance of the thirst,
At the morning service in the United
, TILLER, TANDEM DISC, Drag and Lift Type
MERKLEY MOTORS FERGUSON Tractors, Implements and Parts
Telephone 84 Wingham
Supertest Petroleum Corporation
Limited announces the appointment of
Mr. R. E. MCKinney to an important
distributorship of the Company's
products in Western Ontario. Mr. Mc-
Kinney joined the Supertest Organiza-
tion 25 years ago and prior to his ap-
pointment as General Sales Manager
in 1944, with office at London, was
for 16 years manager of Toronto Div-
Mr. McKinney - was born at Blue-
vale and upon passing his Entrance
Examination was employed at the C.
N.R. depot where he learned the
Owing to lack of space, am compelled to restrict
ssEERLvFE Food Market SELF
Until further notice our store will be OPEN SATURDAY NIGHTS to 10 p.m.
7 Delicious Flavours
jELL-0 3 pkgs. 23c
Mother Jackson's JIFFY PIE CRUST, pkg. . .35c
SANI-FLUSH, tin 29c
Zest Sweet MARMALADE, 24 fl, oz. jar 29c
Choice COOKING RICE, lb. 18c
Royal York Orange
PEKOE TEA SAvV2E1b10,c ap icogu n. d 42c
Superfine Heavy WAXED PAPER, 100 ft. roll 31c
Ellmarr PEANUT BUTTER, 16 oz. jar 39e
NABOB COFFEE, 1 lb. bag 59c
CHORE GIRL—The Nation's Pot Cleaner, ea 10c
Hawe's FLOOR GLOSS, quart tin 98c pint 59c
Velvet Fancy Cake and Pastry FLOUR, 5 lbs. 39c
Raspberry JAM 24 fl. oz.
jar 31c
Aylmer Tomato
CATSUP 16c a bottle .2 for 31c
,A gi b'
THE DOCTOR is the one man who sees
beloW the surface, who knows front first-hand
experience what Chemistry means to health
and to our general well-being.
Aside from its great work in. water pur;'ea-
tion through chlorine and in disease' pre-
vention through pest destruction, it helps
the medical, man in countless other Ways.•
Chemistry prtdeices light onducting
"Lucite" to be fashioned into instruments for
internal examinations; X.-Ita.y film, and chemi-
cals for developic e it; skin grafting cement;
sutures of nylon monofilament; cellulose sponges;
anaesthetics and many e,.hcr medical and sur-
gical aids.
YeS, Chemistry is with us everywhere, ever
seeking and finding now methods and mate-
Hats. The C-I-L oval is the Symbol of an
organization devoted to serving
Canadians through chemistry. . a;:n. ...
eee ....... .
FOR INSTAN° 11.1%.I f ILIA -
I I i
IC ;gay faros, so vital to
rodeo. tosalcirts ana surgery 0.
ore vronet of Cleetnietry 1
as are, o
,coteee, the °bend-
eals used. to develop titian, Ile
tieuteareas 'of
doctors an& 1
lleaeltals use
-'limey Ones seeellied
Cateediateludnetries I.Andted,
iloa Odle°,
r 0. ee 10$ Viontteal.
.. ,,e, .. .0 .
Eighteen tables played 'progressive
euchre at the Community on Fri-
day evening, sponsored by the local
Women's institute. Mrs. Bill M cK (m.,
Fie won the prize for the highest nom,
her of points. Mrs. Charles Bosnian
acted the part of a man and was
awarded the prize. The gathering this
week drew the largest attendance since
the beginning of the season. The sum
of $14,00 was realized after paying ex-
penses. During the winter months the
endures have provided good entertain-
ment and aroused a fine community
INT rs. Elmer Sellers received word
Church, Rev. J. A, Burden used for
the subject of his. sermon, "The Chal-
lenge of the Conquering Cross". Mrs,
J. Wickstead sang a solo, "Brighten
the. Corner Where You Are."
The Young People's Union opened
the meeting in the United Church on
Sunday night with e song service led
by Mrs. W. J, Johnston. Miss Wilda
Breckenridge presided and read the
1st, psalm responsively and the Letrel`e
Prayer was repeated in unison. The
topic, "The Religious and Political his-
tory of China" was taken by Mrs. Jim
Johnston and closed with a Chinese
Poem, "Points of View."
On Fri day afternoon, M i ss mac _ of the death of her grandmother, Mrs.
Donald, Director of Music, Mrs. Hen- Edith Jean Clark, widow of Alex-
ry, teacher at Wiegham Junction and Idee• MetcDonald, who passed away „
Mr. Harold Henry, the teacher at at "er .'a `e resi d ence 37 Dupont
Bluevale, met at the school to decide • Street, Toronto, on Friday. Funeral
who would represent the Bluevale services were held on Monday after-
School at the oratorical contest, to be noon from the Matthew Funeral held in the Community Hall, en Fri- Home. Mrs. Sellers spent a few clays
day evening, April 8th. Phyllis Handl. recently with her grandmother.
ton, was awarded 1st, place and will Mr. and Mrs. Hahey Messer and daughter, Betty, Toronto, spent the use "The Bumsteads" for her sub-
ject, others .contesting were Doreen week-end at their home here and with
Buu rddr eelyt, 2nd,mn 3rd, a the, ui ,subsjec) jectotf, "Pets." Mr' and Mrs' Raymond Elliott, Mr.
"The Messer leaves early in April bn a A bus-
iness tripeto England.
Miss Ethel Beattie, Seaforth, was a
recent visitor with Mac and Miss
Olive Scott.
Miss. Helen Thompson, Wingham,
spent Sunday With her cousin, Miss
Kay Thompson,
James Strachan, D.D.S., Fort Wil-
liam, accompanied by his sister, Mrs.
Isabel Youmans of Detroit, and Mrs.
Nelson Cardiff, Brussels, visited their
sister, Mrs. Peter McEwen and their
brother, Dortgall„, Strachan who is a
patient in the Wingham General Hos-
Mr. and Mrs. Archie McKinney of
Leamington, visited with Mrs. W. H.
Mrs. Annie Wray has returned from
an extended visit with friends in Lis-
towel, and is with her niece, Mrs. W.
J. Johnston,
David Pitbaldo of Nile was a week-
end visitor at the home of his uncle,
Jim and Mrs. Johnston.
At a recent meeting of the Morris
Groh of the Ladies Aid of Knox
Presbyterian Church, at the home of
Mrs. Bernard Thomas it was decided
to sponsor the play "Cinderella" pre-
Childhood of a Princess, and Arthur
Burden 4th, subject, "Trees and how
they serve."
Widespread interest in (the contests
has been shown the last two years,
on both occasions the hall was filled
to capacity. George Procter front the
Stone School, Morris, has held the
Silver Cup for the past year.
A well attended Progressive Crole-
inole Social was held in the Brown-
town School house this week, under
the auspices of the Woman's Associa-
tion of Ebenezer United Church. Nine
tables joined in the game with Mrs.
Russel Bone and John Spivey winning
high points and Mrs. Roy Turvey and
Charles Brewer receiving the consol-
ation prizes.
The ladies served coffee, sandwiches
and tarts and a real social time was
enjoyed by all.
Herbert Shiell has disposed of his-
dwellieg house in the village to Mr.
Charles Jones of Wingham, Mr. Jones
and Clark Thynne purchased the
blacksmith shop from Fred Selling and
.are operating a wood working busi-
seined by Brtissels talent in the Corn- !of ;Morris, -and she left to mourn her !of the meeting and after an opening
munity Hall on Friday night. iloss one son and four daughters grown ;sing-song of hymns, Misses ;Marjorie
Mr. and Mrs. George Thornton, up. Interment was made at Hartney. !Coulees and Myrna Stockill read the
the a nd Mrs. Jack Wickstead attended Mrs. Robert Ross received word front Scripture lesson alternately. Mrs. Ezra
th e funeral of Mr. Thornton's aunt, ;her brother, Mr. George Mirehouse IScholtz sang, Praise Him, Praise Him,
the late Mrs, John Watso n at Brue— Series N. that Ids wife, the former !and Mrs. Victor Emerson read the
sets on Monday afternoon. ,Annie Crowston of Langside, had story, The Handful of Clay. Miss
passed away rut March 11th. Mr. and Viand Moir sang, 1"(I rather have Jesus
WHITECHURCH Mrs. Mirehouse were married over l and Mrs. 1, Beecroft led in prayer,
forty-five years ago, and there was nn l am] closine with all repeating the
'Miss Barbara Campbell -of London, family. Interment was made at Sarlee. 'Lord's Prayer. Mr. Clarence el cClen-
spent the week-end at the home of The family of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. aglian had charge ef the recreatem per-
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Ross. Fisher have been very ill with fin and eel, and lunch was served and the s.e-
Mr. .Aldin Purdon is spending a few sore throats. Gordon has been a pat- ial time en jo:t by all,
days this week in Toronto as delegate jell!' in Wingliarn Hospital, when a
from the E. Wawnesh Federation at kidney infection caused convulsions.
the Hog Produces meeting. .Misses Vivian and Kathleen have re-
Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Falconer spent cluired treatments at tifune,
Sunday with her parents, 'elr. and errs. tilt.
AehbY of Toronto, spent
A. E. Purdon, Lecknow. the week-end at the home of his aunt,
Chesterfields and
Occasional Chairs
Repaired and Recovered
Free Pickup and Delivery
42 Brunswick St.
Enquiries should be left at R. A.
Currie's, Wingham,
Arrange now to have that
Chesterfield or Chair re-covered,
before the pre-Christmas rush
Edwards' Motor Sales
Chrysler, Plymouth Cars and Fargo TruCks
Telephone—Days 417, Wingharn
Mr and Mrs. Harry Moss and baby,
Benny of Bright, spent the week-end
at the home of her parents, Mr. and
• Mrs. Ben McClenaghan, and Mrs.
Moss and the baby axe spending this
week there,
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Ross of Lon-
don, spent the week-end with his par-
ents, Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Ross,
Rev W. 3. Watt attended the fun-
eral of his old friend, the late Mr,
Cooper of Hanoecr, on Thin sday, Mr,
Watt had charge of the services in
Gorrie United Church on Senday.
.Mrs. Cameron Simmons and (laugh-
ter, Nancy, spent the weel;-end with
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Mat'-
Mrs. Jos. Tiffin who has -been a
patient in Wingham Hospital° for the
past two months, on account of a
broken leg-, was able to return !emote
on Seedily
.1\ tatty will be interested to know
that Mr. John MacMillan, .who has
been a patient in St. Joseph's Hospital,
London, for malty weeks, has been
able to be out Walking around the
Hospital grounds, and will soon be al-
lowed to relent home,
Mr. Robert Ross received word on
Thursday last of the passing of N.frs,
Angus Ross, on March 14th, at her
hem at Hartney, Manitoba. Mr, Ross
predeceased her some years ago. She
was formerly Miss Minnie Churchill
,Al re. Charles Robinson.
lir. Fred NewInail, NIarilyn and
1)1)11;11(1 were in Hamilton on There-
The bridge on the 9th concessiee of
Wawanoslt at Marnoch, has taken
a dangerous lean, during the high wat-
er of last week, and has been prollotfil-
ced unsafe for traffic. It is feared it
will buckle in time centre.
Seteral iu this community lapped
their maple trees last week.
The regular ,bi-monthly meeting of
the VolIng Adult (Troup of the United
Cherele was held on Tuesday last in
the 5, 5, Room, with the peep.;
people Of the Presbyterian Church as
guests for the evening, The preeident,
Mrs. Groskorth was in charge