The Wingham Advance-Times, 1949-03-30, Page 2,diummiummumiiimmillimmoumimmiiimmminimillimmillimmh, Ferguson Tractors SALES and SERVICE We have just installed NEW, MODERN EQUIPMENT FOR SERVICING FERGUSON TRACTORS. We have a few TRACTORS left for Immediate Delivery. MERKLEY MOTORS . "The Home of Hudson" — Sales and Service Telephone 84 Wingham Do You Play a Musical Instrument? The 99 Anti-Tank Battery, Royal Canadian Artillery (R), at WINGHAM, ONTARIO, has a very fine BRASS BAND, for which a few Bandsmen are Needed Instruments and Music are provided. Every Parade and Practice is Paid for. GOOD RECREATION—Badminton, Volley Ball, Softball, etc.; good Fellowship, and profit to your- self are yours for the asking. Join the Canadian Army Reserve Force by be- coming a member of your Local Unit. Apply at The Aimotiries WINGHAM, ONTARIO SHERBONDY'S: COFFEE SHOP: Next to Lyceum Theatre sinumutinumniamitiniminum Refrigerator or Electric Motor Troubles RING_ T. DARLING Refrigerator Servic WINGHAM Kelvinator Night & Day Sales . Service Service 'PHONE WINGHAM 549 HousehOld REFRIGERATORS in stock • i „ ” ''' ;;!,,,,„ Itit "—r iiiiiiiiiiiiiii WARREN HOUSE Teteplione 475 Wilighath d. Ga. Mcitibbott tr U Your Favourite Boxed CANDY U a110•1•••••n ••••=0•1•11.kilsomal. HOT FUDGE 1 SUNDAES THEY'RE DELICIOUS FOR RASTER DOODLING and DREAMING? po something more constructive about that New Home! Stop in at the BeaVer Lumber Co.— Use our Plan Books Advisory Service Architectural Service Ask about financing that will make buying as easy as paying rent. Come in this week. Our Staff will be happy to help you on the way to home ownership, BEAVER LUMBER WINGHAM - ONT. C. A. Loucks, Manager to Aquaba, Trans-Jordan's tiny Red Sea port; and five miles away, across the Gulf of Aquaba, Jewish armoured columns at Um Reshresh are in pos- session of the Negeb's short Red Sea coastline; which they claim belongs to the State of Israel, Thus Aquaba has become the trouble-spot of the Middle East. tt is the only accessible trade route for Abullah's otherwise landlocked kingdom of Trans-Jordan, and from Aquaba ships can sail into the Indian Ocean or via the Suez Canal into the Mediterranean Sea. Ati outlet is equal- day last. Much was accomplished and reports were made of coming events, Euchre to be conducted on April 12th, and variety concert by the young peo- ple in the near -future. Plans were also made for quilting missionary quilt the top of which has been comvleted by t11: junior W. A. The gentlemen of the church joined -the ladies for the bountiful ho(supper served by the hos- tess, assisted by Mrs. ,Victoria Broth- ers and Mrs. J. Colwill. Milverton Won Junior Championship Milverton Juniors clearly demon- strated their superiority over Strath- roy at the Stratford Arena as they outscored the Strathroy team two goals to one in both the first and third periods to win the game 4-2 and take the W.O.A.A. junior group hoc- " key finals in two straight games. Mil- verton had previously beaten Strath- roy in the first game 7-2, Aummummimmimmia.., Beautify Your Home! SEE OUR NEW, DISTINCTIVE WALLPAPER PATTERNS 'BEAUTIFULLY COLOURED and of lasting quality. air The Si* WHESTED Wallpaper u.plipai wA Shop ELMER WILKINSON' DECORATOR 11 FIRST In Canada! "PHOTO-PACK" Strip PRINTS Front your own treasured films and negatives you can now have Prints made in One Continuous Per: (oratedFolding Strip by the Mirror-True Process! All Pictures from Negatives, Sizes 127, 627, 120, 620, 116, 616 ARE BROUGHT UP TO TH E ACTUAL DIMENSIONS OF THIS DIAGRAM, 3I/2" x 5" Enlargements HAND-COLOURED IN OILS a "SPECIALTY" .1% ••••••••••••••••••••••••••• EASTER CARDS 5c, 10c, 15c, ,25c7 35c, 50c Choose your greeting from the Finest Selection we have ever had. EASTER CANDY OLACE YOUR ORDERS FOR "LAURA SECORD" CHOCOLATES and EASTER EGGS—NOW! Until further notice this Store will remain OPEN UNTIL 10 p.m. SATURDAY NIGHT PAGE TWO tau: WING#A1VI ADVANCE-TIMES Wednesday, March 30, 1049 'parts id the country as to whether it POOR MENTAL 1iALT1-1, ' .woubt buy carloads; of butter. but, a .BLAMED ON $QCIALISM butter at:walla lats been Drit aws collective mental health is jinquirivs have beim more concerned ts,,,niewhat below par, a L ee ds law yer- 'w i t h the Ward's terms. When asted siq psychiatrist said recently at a con- di' lily givernment enye -hunted- • t erehee o f the National Asaociation of 4ate coisidvratiou pa; illa; a stlbSOY. Aetttil Health. Dr. D. R MeCalmati f art five cents poundH,n butter iat and li sted t h e „is : (1) Lassitude I tyy,i ce nts :t quart ,m milk production t h e par; of ma ny, h ecan ,,, a socia l_ tr ensure an adentlaN suPPW b"lit ist state can do too much for anindi- comanvalitivms, Mr. tiardiner said that \jihad. (2) Worry over the. atomic ,cabinet and &scanted in lay'w t•of a ;measure such such as nationalin. o * flor price, lion of industry solves everything. (4) . kdmiral E. R Mainguy spent four 11,4 by any means as mealt1 • - i days in Newfoundland recently look, could be, The individual in a well- ine ,;ter the closed-up naval estabish- meaning, benevolent state may develop "molts, apparently with the intention of the characteristics of a pampered child I •having the building re-opened in the land may become just as nasty and nu-i ;near future, The Admiral, who is in attractive, he warned adding, on the 'charge of the RCN's Atlantic area, other hand, some persons dissatisfied I saw Canada's High Commissioner, C. with the trend of events in Britain are J. Barchell, and did not forget to visit sulking. the Crow's Nest, the famous club he "There are still too many," he said, opened for sea-going officers when he "who i'Vould rather be dead than work was. captain of the port of St. John's for the present national plan; and there /or some years during the second war, are others who belive completely, and I Not long after the second world war so naively, that techniques like nation- started, Canadian contractors went to ivation of an industry rtlean a life of St. Johns, Newfoundland, at the be- ease and luxury for all its workers on "hest of the Canadian Government and the-profits formerly enjoyed by a hand.. started a big project for the Navy fM of private owners, They expect a (RCN and British). First was the political victory will win them the kind :purchase of many waterside premises of land fit for heroes to live in." in St. Johns Harbour; then extensive Dr. McCalman said Ile noted a dis- jettieAand warehouse were built; then position to let the state do everything. docks and repair and machine shops. Continuing his diagnosis, the psychia- The waterside job was so extensive trist added, "We can deal temporarily that it transformed the contour of the at least with a patient who threatens old harbor, especially on the south self-destruction by forcing him into a side, where one continuous pier al- place of safety, but there is no corre- most a mile long was built, embracing sponding place for safety for a sick many small premises winch had whar- natiiin or a sel-destructive world, there ves jutting out at all angles. fore I suggest, that' we should investi- group. * * GREAT NORTH ALTLANTIC ALLIANCE BEING FORMED When the governments of the eight signatory nations—the United States, Canada, Great Britain, France, Hol- land, Belgium, Norway and Luxem- burg, ratify the North Atlantic treaty, a great North Atlantic Alliance will have been formed. ,Later, it is expect- ed that other countries around the great North Atlantic basin, such as Iceland, Denmark, Portugal and Italy, will also join the alliance, which will Abe powerful 'enough to meet any ag- gressive power in time world, The North Atlantic Treaty is, of course, a pact for defense, and its com- mitments are as strong and definite as could reasonably be expected. Its sig- natories will give genuine pledges whose meaning cannot be mistaken. They will openly and candidly pro- claim their intention to act as one in defense. The pact itself, being only a document, obviously does not provide the West with the defense it needs, After signing it, the Powers concerned will still fade the task of organizing and co-ordinating the necessary armed forces. a Of its fourteen *articles, numbers five, six and nine are the vital ones. Article five says that an attack on one signer shall be considered an attack on all, and each will "forthwith" assist the victim by "such action as it deems necessary, including the used' of arm- ed force." Article six defines "attack" to include attack not only on the home territory of the signers,. but on their occupation forces, their ships and plan- es, and cetain areas they control out- side their mainlands. Article nine, sets up a council which will Awl,: out ways of making the pact effective, * * STRAIT OF CANSO TO BE BRIDGED Nova Scotia's 50-year dream of a bridge across its Strait of Canso is coming true soon. Transport Minister Chevrier announced recently that a $13,500,000 low-level span will be built across the stretch of water separ- ating Cape Breton Island. from the mainland. This bridge will save . fifty minutes in passenger train schedules to the cities of Syduey and Glace Bay. The structure, to tarty both railway and highway traffic, will replace a car-ferry op-Frated by the C.N.R. and an 'automobile ferry run by the pro- vincial government, which have been i operating at a loss. The new bridge will be paid for jointly by the Domin- ion and Nova Scotia governments. The engineers have recommended that it be built between Cape Porcupine on the mainland, and Balacho Point, on Cape Breton Island, spanning a 3,000,- feet water gap. It will take about three years to build the ;bridge, which it is proposeji will have a clearance of 14 feet above water at high tide and a vertical lift span close to the Cape Breton shore to provide clearance of 156 feet for •1 • ships. Thus alter 10 years, of persis- tent endeavour, the residents of Cape t Breton Island are to get the bridge they need to facilitate travel to and , front the vest of Nova Scotia. GULF OP AQUABA A STRATEGIC SPOT The Gulf of Aquaba is a strategic spot in the Middle East. It is situated at the most north-easterly tip of the Red Sea. Saudi Arabia owns the east. era shore of the gulf; Trans-jordan, backed by Tiritait, claims a few miles of the territory along the north-east- ern shore; Israeli claims tinder the United Nations partition plan that the short Negeb coastline at the north- , ,west tip of Aquaba Gulf is Israeli ter= ritory; and the western shoreline of the OH belongs to Egypt. i Britain recently soft reinforcements Wingham Ac1vance.Tirnes Published at WINGHAM ON TARIO W. B. McCool, Editor and Publisher Authorized as Seoortd Glass. Mail Post Office Department $ibacription Rate — Ono -Year $2.00 Six Months $1.00 in advance To U,S.A. 2.50 per year Foreign Rate $3.00 per year Advertising rates on application BUTTER FLOOR PRICE HELD AT 53 CENTS Agriculture Minister t=ardner art- ricunced in the House of C;amnons at Ottawa recently that the government hay decided to continue the 58c whole- sale floor price for butter in the new dairy year beginnina May 1. That is the floor price currently in operation under the Agricultual Prices Support Act. It provides that if the wholesale butter price falls below that doer the Dominion will purchase at 58e a pound all supplies offered and thus support the market against a further drop. No definite procedure for government pus- chase of butter has been arranged in view of the fact prices have not been established at 58c wholesale. Gener- ally speaking, the government would take butter at 58c a pound if no one else wanted it at that price. Mr. Gardiner said the Board has re- ceived s' inquiries from vark,ds Fresh Shipment of English Pipes made by BARLING $3.50 Haselgrove's SMOKE SHOP —SEE-- Bennett & Casemore 'Phone 447 Wingham For Your BUILDING, CARPENTERING Repair, Work Built-in CUPBOARDS ....011•10.01.100010. • a t ,n,,stion scut been etAV.itlerva bythe bomb. (31 littppy-go-Ineky inlief that Vol. 76 — No. 28 'BASES AT NEWFOUNDLAND The psychiatrist said Britain's lift is "ADMIRAL INSPECTS NAVAL Laek of iaiitiatiL e. SI I • elf we vs war an d its aftetmath. )5) dian Navy are for Newfound and are not known by the rank and file, but in all probability the recent visit of Ad- miral Mainguy will soon be reflected in some reports emanating from Otta- wa. Either St. johns or Bay Bulls would be an admiralalile base for the North Atlantic unit of the fleet. I the Canadian Navy is to expand, and indi- cations are that it will, then there is a chance that a small unit may be perm- anently based in St. Johns, or at least use that port as operating headquar- ters. I 0 r sections of St Johns ad- n o gate la th all speed the sicksess of ministration buildings were erected and a store base with Mill hall, recreation centres, Wrens' quarters and other na- val establishmens to the value of many million dollars. Bay Bulls, a big port near St. Johns, was chosen as a repair and maintenance depot by the RCN, and among the erections there is a marine railway. Part of this outfit is now belting used by a fish exporting firm. Bay Bulls is an old historic fishing centre. Incidentally, it was here the RCN brought in its-first Ger- nan U-boat, which was later taken to H• lif a ax. What the future plans of the Cana- 1 ¤ j 5 4 • j 4 8 The three of hearts would be open- ed invariably, and with the two in sight the declarer could feel confident that each opponent had four hearts. Accordingly, he had to count on ':hree losing heart tricks. After winning with the ace of hearts the declarer would take stock. Hoping for four diamond tricks he still had the problem of winning four more tricks between the spade and club suits while avoiding the loss of more than one trick in those suits. If any of them depended on a fin- esse' plus a three-three break in spades they chose very unwisely, for this was quitictuttstalsintannitmitsusis slightly less than a one-in-four chance. A successful finesse against the n TRY OUR = jack of clubs was a fifty percent chance mathematically, and this would Produce two winners in clubs plus the ace and king, of spades. However, there was a splendid op- portunity to convert the club finesse into a much better titan fifty-fifty pro- position. The best line of play was to cash the ace of diamonds and lead to the queen, leave the king as a later entry in case, it might be needed, and meanwhile switch to clubs. The ten of clubs should have been led from s dummy and unless North strongly suspected subterfuge his correct ,play Meals - Lunches ly important to the Jewish State to aid in the 'economic development of the :desert area of the Southern Negeb. Iseali's Foreign Minister Ito, he Sliaret (Shertoic of Israel) admits the Port of Aquaba is in Trans-Jordan and elaints his country has no intention of t attacking that country, the British are 'preparing to repel any such attack if 'it should. be made. KNOW WINGHAM I Now that spring is officially here, it shouldn't be long before many .1'S7 ingliamites get the spring fever and 0.ahe their annual stroll along the banks of the two branches of the beautiful :Maitland River. CONTRACT BRIDOE "When in doubt, ask the opponents" might be coined as a slogan that de- clarers often could use profitably. In an eight table game the,follow- 'ing hand was played six times at three no trump by East, and just two made the contract. A little pSychology applied to the situation would have produced better results. North dealer. Neither side vulneraable. 41k Q 10 3 3 K 9 6 4 + 83 .. A 7 2 Q 10 5 ¤ Q 7 6 W AK9 2 AA 4,111‘• 9A6845 S K 9.8 Ot A K j 2 V 1.0 2 • A8 7 5 3 Q J 7 3 would have been to cover with the jack —if Ile had it. Accordingly, if North failed to cover, the declarer would overtake with the king in his own hand and return the nine, finessing South for the jack. Opportunities to extract help from the opponents are not infrequent and it pays to be -alert for them. WROXETER Anglican Church News On March 22nd St. James Anglican Young People met for their regular weekly meeting in the church rooms with the president, Jack Griffith,, in the chair. The hymn chosen was "My faith. looks up to Thee" followed by the Lord's Prayer in unison. Buss Mill ward took charge of minutes, roll call and business period. Eileen Millward had for worship study a very fine ar- ticle written oh our "Taking time at this season of Lent to prepare for the year ahead" in regard to our spiritual life an work in our church, which,was f011owed by a reading by Mrs, Mc- Kenney, chosen from Matt. 3:142. Edification was conducted by Rev, J. C. Caley, by reading 31 verses of Grey's Elegy, followed by a social per- iod when two contests were conducted. Prayer by the resident brouglA the_ meeting td a close. Refreshments were served by Mrs, George Griffith assist- ed by several of the members, Junior W. A. of St. James' met for their weekly meeting on Tuesday af- ternoon last, Mar, 22pd, The presi- dent, Graces Paulin, in the chair, The meeting opened with singing "I'll be a sunbeam for Jesus", Mrs. Caley iii charge of The music. Lord's prayer and Junior W. A, purpose was-repeat- ed in unison. Minutes of previous, meeting were read„ by Bonnie Hoff. man, and roll call was responded to by 21 members, withozollection being re- ceived by the treasurer. The story of Ring Solomon's prayer, asking God's help and guidance to assist hint to reign wisely and be a power for good over hiS people during his- Kingship was told in a convincing manner by Carol Millward. A special event was the presentation ceremony by Rev. I, C, Caley of arm bands with Junior W. A, insignia to all meinbets who had qUalified, more awards will be given as the work progresses, The creed was repeated and speical Easter tritiSit Sung in practice. .Games were conduc., ted and refteshinentS Were served. by Mrs. Mary Archer and 1Grace The Meeting Closed with sing "God Save the Xing", Mrs, Chas, Lawrence was hostess to the Ladle& Guild for an afternoon Working and sewing session on Thies- Kerr's Drug Store CAMERAS FILMS . KODAKS Telephone 18 , Wingham 111111111111111111111111111111111110111MMIIMMINIMISIMIla