HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1949-03-23, Page 8sn-or .M.4—Form TWO SHOWS Each Night, starting at 7:15 p.m. SATURDAY MATINEE 2 p.m. 11111101111110110100 0000010100000110111000 llllllll 100100111 lllll 00000100 lll 01010000000100 lllll 10101011100 WEDNESDAY, THURSDAY, MARCH 23, 24 How Green Was My Valley DONALD CRISP lll 0 llll 00101i110100010100 ..... ......... 0000000000 ...... 104 .................. 0$00 ......... 10000 lllllllll llllll 0 FRIDAY and SATURDAY, MARCH 25 and 26 "KIDNAPPED" RODDY MacDOWALL ZUE ENGLAND MONDAY, TUESDAY, MARCH 28 and 29 (Adult Entertainment) "Duel in the Sun" JENNIFER JONES JOSEPH COTTEN COCCIDAZINE Ayerst Brand of Sodium Sulfa-Nethazine — the most effective agent for the treatment of CECAL COCCIDIOSIS in Poultry. ADVANTAGES- 1.—COCCIDAZINE IS Effective, even for birds passing bloody droppings. 2.—COCCIDAZINE is easily adrninisted in drinking water or feed. 3.—Birds continue to gain weight during treatment with Coccidazine. 4.—The cost per bird is low. Complete treatment ranges from 1 1/2 to 4 cents a bird (depending on age). You should have COCCIDAZINE on hand when your new Chicks arrive. It is good INSURANCE! Available in Powder, Tablets and Liquid BAPTIST CHURCH Rev. 0. J. Coupland, Pastor 11 a.m.—"The Sevenfold Duty of the True Believer". 7 p.m.—"Wilderness Experi- ences". A Cordial Welcome Awaits You Children's Meeting, Fri., 7 p.m. Who shall ascend unto the hill of the Lord? or who shall stand in His holy place? He that bath clean hands, and a pure heart; who bath not lifted up his soul unto vanity, nor sworn deceit- fully".. Psalm 24:3, 4. Jack Templeman and Mrs. Wilkinson and work was commenced on another one. An interesting feature of the even- ing was the reading of two letters written to Miss Lillian Ellacott by Miss Laura Collar, Missionary in Africa. These letters described Miss Collar's trip to England and her two week's holiday there with her relatives. Her voyage to Africa was a pleasant experience and conditions there very new and strange. Her first concern was to become familiar with the lang- uage so much time has been spent in study. A social time followed with lunch served by Mrs. Wilfred Henry and Miss Ellacott. The next meeting will The Salvation Army Captain and Mrs. H. deVriea 11:00 a.m.—Holiness Meeting. 2:30 p.m.—Sunday School. 7:00 p.m.—Gospel Service. Monday- 7:00 p.m.—Sunshine Hour. Tuesday- 2:30 p.m. Home League. S p.m.—Youth Group. Thursday- 8 p.m.—Prayer Meeting. A hearty Welcome awaits at the Salvation Army. • LOCALS AND PERSONALS Mrs. H. J. Greer is spending a few days in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. W. B. McCool spent a few days in Detroit. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Rae and son of London, spent the week-end in town. 0 0 LI 0 RADIO & ELECTRIC Telephone 171J II I le 1111 FOOD SAVINGS Smith's Economy Food Store The Evening Guild of St. Paul's Church met at the home of Mrs. El. wood Armitage on Tuesday evening, March 15th. The president, Miss Alice Reading, opened the meeting with prayers. Scripture and responses, and roll call and minutes of previous meeting were read by Sec., Miss Mary Johnston and Treasurer, Mrs. Miller Davis reported on the finances. A beautifully finished quilt was dis- played by the sewing committee, Mrs. EVENING GUILD OF ST. PAUL'S PAGE EIGHT Jean Arthur Marlene Deitrich John Lund lllllllll 1 lllllll 11.1111111, 00011 u.01 0 0 11110111111 lllll 000000 llllllll 0000.010001010401010101 10 u u O1I.n11111 WEDNESDAY, THURSDAY, MARCH 3'0, 31 WATCH REPAIRS GEORGE WILLIAMS LOCATED IN MASON'S Store FIRST CLASS WATCH REPAIRING at Moderate Prices Owing to lack of space, am compelled to restrict REPAIRS TO WATCHES ONLY PROMPT SERVICE "A Foreign Affair" McKibbons be held at the home of Mrs. Mervyn Templeman. 0 Octo====e=0====0=0===o=oe=o=os SPECIAL PRICE—VanCamp's PORK & BEANS or u 15 oz. 1 1 C COOKED SPAGHETTI tin II ...... 'verows mri•••••• Domestic Miracle *hip 16 oz. jar SHORTENING, lb. 33c Salad Dressing 49c II Chateau or Velveeta Yr lb. Crosse & Blackwell tin o CHEESE 30c Date and Nut Bread 23c II — Ripe Tomatoes, lb. 1.27c I 288s Oranges, doz. , .33c Ici Head Lettuce, hd. . .14c I 96s Grapefruit, 4 for 25c o 11 FRESH, GREEN, NEW IMPORTED CABBAGE - lb 9c Waxed Pascal I TURNIPS, lb. . . . . . .5c CELERY, bunch ...17c o RHUBARB, lb. . .. .23c COCOANUTS, ea. 20c 0 Pastry from Teeswater Bakey Cakes, Doughnuts, Snowballs, Pies, Tarts, Etc, i Arrive FRESH, Tuesday, Friday, Saturday Purex Toilet Tissue, 3 rolls 32c SPECIAL VALUE — GROUND FRESH Morning Cheer COFFEE lb 35c Frontenac 70s SERVIETTES, pkg. 17c Prompt Service For Cleaner Clothes give me a estin house Yes, a Westinghouse really does wash cleaner. It's Canada's 'newest washer. Its exclusive Cushion4 ed Action gyrator is the latest design, made to wash clothes cleaner and with less w4r. The Westinghouse Washer has a beautiful white porcelain tub. 'Cleans like a china bowl. Uril, fortunately, quantities are still limited •o you'd better place your order now, but the price is erill only SPECIAL PRICE Lealand Fancy Tomato Juice 2 20 oz. tins 21c Fresh Fruits and Vegetables $159.50 Model B7 THE WINGHAM ADVANCE-TIMES 'Phone 161 Miss Jeanette Cottle R. N., of Tor- onto, spent the week-end with friends In town. Mr. and Mrs.- J. Clark visited with friends and relatives in Toronto this past week. Mrs. (Rev.) K. MacLean formerly of Wingham, spent the week-end visit- in g friends in town. Dr. and Mrs. W. A. McKibbon are in Detroit where Dr. McKibbon is at- tendin g the Medical State Convention. Rev. E. 0. Lancaaster of St. Paul's Choice Pitted Sair DATES, lb. . .. 22c E. D. Smith's Tomato 14 oz. KETCHUP I 21c SPECIAL PRICE Ideal SWEET Mixed Pickles 24 oz. jar 27c Free Delivery 4 0 11 Wednesday, March 23, 1949 0 gliiiIIIII111111111111111111)111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111M NOMINN NOM. MOW. MOON. NONNI MON. MONNE 1•.• 1.1 010.1. MUM. MINN MoOmn Ommie MM.. MIMI NMONNO 0..11 .00.0 IMMO momom IMOM WI.. WM. /WINN. OWON• IN•••• MON. • ..mom MOM. .0.6! 0..0 UMMS INNOMO WIWI& WINO IMMO ONION O▪ WN. Mitomo Wrim• 0 STORE WILL BE OPEN UNTIL 10 p.m. onSATURDAY NIGHTS The well-dressed, man wears a HAT KINGS MEN'S WEAR offer an excellent choice in New Spring Shades of the famous CREAN HAT that will blend with and improve any SpringXoat or suit. Soft roll brims to wear turned up or down. In light weight or regular weight.—Priced 4.95 to 6.95 - KINGS' MEN'S WEAR offer a variety of new models for choice. The long roll lapel, the smooth jacket front, or the hang of the trousers; in single or double breasted styles. All these details will be given our closest attention. For your choice, our MEN'S SUIT STOCK includes fine quality All- %wool yarn-dyed Worsteds, Fine Gabardines and Baratheas. In many shades and styles. Priced-- 142.50 - 59,50 MEN'S I,WEAR DEPARTMENT Your Sprint Outfit must have A Neiv SUIT KING DEPT. STORE 01,011/IMMIAAP ll 1111 l llll P.M ll lllllll 111,iO4;11: lllllllllll llllll The all-wool fabric with the Luxury 'Look. Rich to the eye, smooth to the touch. Fir* rugged and shower resistant., In a vAety of models, shades. CAVATWILL will be the coat sensation of the year. "The Cloth of Tomorrow Here Today". "The Friendly Store” THAT NEW aunimillE SHIRT and TIE for Spring! A complete range of fine woven English Broad- cloths and fine print shirts, in ARROW and B.V.D. makes. Quality and colors carefully selected. In Pure Whites and Stripes, all definitely Sanforized. To match. up with that new Shirt, be sure it is a - New ARROW EASTEICTIE A colourful array in finest quality. Shirts 3.95-5.95 Ties 1.-2.50 cavatwin TOPCOATS MEN—Be sure and see the NEW 42.50 Mo▪ m. •••••• MOW. itoONIN Mom. •MoWit .1011 Walb =▪ MIN MM. Nom.. mom= small; MOO= 101.11•11 WEINER 1•1•1. K. D. S. NOM. MOM. ••••• , fommummimmillimmimmummummummumiiiiiiiiiiiiimmimmimimiumimitommummiimmuumm 'Phone 161 Prompt Service Free Delivery one 01:20==:10=10 44"231°===o1:1 firdieSsinoisialtesithsansgiastAlthaUtsaintainsititusdatstintedri Anglican Church is assistin g Rev. J. Caley at Lenten Services on Wednes- day evening in Gorrie. Miss Helen Duoklow spent Thurs- day and Friday of last week attending a refresher course of Ogilvie Sisters' treatments at Hotel London, London, Ontario. Mrs. J. Brophy and Mrs. M. Cam- eron visited with Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Jackson in Stratford last week, when Wed., Thur., Fri., Sat., Mar. 30, 31 'April 1 and at McKiblioni„, Wingham they celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary. Dr. and Mrs. J. R. St. John and family of ,Uxbridge, were week-end guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Murray Rae. Mrs. Donald Rae return- ed home after visitin g there for the past month. The many friends of Sally Lu Mac- William who has been .ill in Wing- ham General Hospital, for the past month, will be glad to know she is well again and returned to her home last weekend. Mr. Ross Willits victim of an ad*: cident last spring when he lost his right hand is a patient in Toronto General Hospital undergoing treat. ment. His many friends wish for him a speedy recovery. Miss Agnes MacLean of Toronot, is visitin g at her home here.