HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1949-03-23, Page 6„ JPAIGV. SIX VACUUM PACKED is ALWAYS FRESH 8 .�IiiIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIiIIIIIIINIIiIllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll Ferguson Tractors SALES and SERVICE We have just installed NEW, MODERN EQUIPMENT FOR SERVICING FERGUSON TRACTORS. We have a few TRACTORS left for Immediate Delivery. MERKLEY MOTORS "The Home of Hudson" -- Sales and Service Telephone 84 Wingham ''iIIiil(illlllillllllllllllilillllllllll!((IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIillllllllllllllllllllllllllil a�t�l THE �] Elliott. Miss Eileen McKinney of the Sta of Victoria Hospital, London, was week -end visitor with her mother, Mr 111. H. McKinney and Elizabeth. Mrs. Harold Procter was a Sunda visitor with her mother, Mrs. Edit Curtis, Air, and Mrs, Spence McKinnon ( Georgetown, spent the week -end wit Mr, and Airs, K. H, McKinnon. The Y P,U. of the United Churc sponsored a St. Patrick's Social i the Sunday School Room and spec the evening playing progressive crol inole. Billy .Thompson, Billy Ye( Eleanor Smith and Eizabeth McKil ney were the prize winners. A bount: fu lunch was enjoyed. The National Film Board picture were shown in the Community Ha: on Friday night, The showings wer of interest and enjoyed by a good at tendance. Following the pictures a dance wa held in the hall when a good crow( enjoyed dancing to the music of Tif fin's orchestra. The local Women' Institute had charge of a lunch coup ter. Church News The morning service in the Unite( Church was conducted by Rev. JI A Burden. He preached on the subjec "The Saving Anchor". Eleanor Smith Joyce Hoffman, Jean Hall and Phyllis Hamilton sang "The Great Physician Now is Near." Rev. Leland C. Jorgensen continue( phis series at the morning service it TKnox Presbyterian Church, using a., his text, the fourth of Christ's say ings on the Cross, ";lfy God, My God Why Hast Thou Forsaken Me.' Speaking of the reality of Christ being, forsaken by God, the reason for it and 111111 the result. The Young People had charge of BLUEVALE two sons, of Mount Forest, were Sun- the service in the United Church on day visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Ed- Sunday evening and was opened with Mr. and Mrs. Hilliard Jefferson and ward Johnston, a song service of favourite hymns, led family of Donnybrook, also Mrs. Mr. Chas. Elliott, a patient for the by Mrs. W. J. Johnston, pianist. The 'ti5rickstead of Morris, spent Sunday last two mouths in the Winghain president, Miss Wilda Breckenridge, with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. General Hospital, is feeling a great read the 1st, chapter of 1 Corinthians Thornton, deal stronger and was able to spend and led in repeating the Lord's Prayer. Mr. and Mrs.. Harold Harris and ISunday with his son, Harry and \:G s. Sparling Jolinston had charge of the K0% OM), L �iA IL7ALIL M�71 E, FOR PROFITS i • GROWING MASH �., ,moi• J; After getting them off to a fast start with Roe Vita Food Chick Starter, switch at the seventh week to Roe Vita -Grow Growing Mash. Made fresh daily, these profit-making feeds are produced in Western Ontario especially for Western,Ontario chicks and pullets. Both of these Roe Feeds have what it takes to build big frames, sound flesh, healthy internal organs ... this means bigger profits for you later. One season will prove that it pays to use Roe Feeds. See your Roe Feed dealer. PASTURE y� H BAA o . G � Spring Spring Grasses, rich in proteins and vitamins are harvested at their nutrition ' peak, dehydrated in minutes, then added to all goo Vito - fa mixed Feeds ... a "green gotd" diet bonus for poultry, livestock. " RFW 'QCs o ROE FARMS MILLING' COs; ATWOOD, ONT topic and read- a very fine paper on Of What Value is Prayer to Me?" The president closed the meeting with Me benediction. Knox Ladies Aid The Triple Group of the Ladies' Aid Society of Knox Presbyterian Church met this week at the home of Mrs. iA. D. Smith, with twenty-three mem- bers and one visitor present. The president, Mrs. Gordon Mundell con- ducted the meeting. After a hymn was sung, Mrs. Archie Parker read a passage of Scripture, and the Lord's Prayer was repeated in unison. The { sec retary..treasurer re -ported that 12.60 f had been realized as the Society's share from the play recently presented by Atwood talent, (Names were chosen for the two groups in the attendance contest. ,Mrs. Alex McTavish's side (will be known in future as the Turn - (berry Hustlers and Mrs. Leslie Green- away will captain the Busy Bees. Dur- ing the afternoon the women cut quilt patches. Assisting the hostess with re- freshments were Mrs. J. J. Elliott and Mrs. Raymond Elliott. The President of the Morris 'Group of the Ladies' Aid Society of Knott I Presbyterian Church, Mrs. Bill Elston, entertained the members at her home this week and conducted a short dev- otional period. A hymn was sung and a passage of scripture read, the Lord's prayer repeated. There were eight pre- sent. A few items of business were ;arranged and the ladies quilted. A (delicious lunch was served by the hos- tess. Mfrs. Frank Shaw offered her home for the April meeting. I WHITECHURCH Miss Doris Hutchison who has ,been working .in London, for tine past few ,months, spent the week -end With her (parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Hutch. ison. Hockey Fans from here attended the Mildmay-Lucknow game at Lucknow= jon Saturday night. Mrs. Arthur Goudie of Kitchener, spent a few days last week at the 'Home of her sister, Mrs. Clarence Mc- �Clenaghan. Mr. Ezra Scholtz had the misfortune to have his radio stolen from his car one night last week. Police have been investigating. (Raymond Adams had his eye injured severely when he fell against the stove In the service station here last Friday. He was taken to Wingham General Hospital for the week -end. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Falconer of Kincardine, spent the week -end with his parents, Mr.' and Mrs. Jas. Falcon- er. Mr, William Purdon is still oil tine sick list but has been improving. Mr. Lorne Johnston who has been at Westminster Hospital for the past rnrnith went through a serious opera- tion there on Friday last. ,Mrs. John- ston, Mrs. Scholtz and 1M.P. Gordan McGee motored to Londbu oil Thurs. day and Mrs. Johnston, Mrs. Plunkett and Mr. and Mrs. Ezra Scholtz were there on Sunday and his condition is as good as can be expected. Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Farrier and children of Kincardine, spent Sunday will, his parents, Mr. atnrd Airs, W. R. Farrier. Mrs. Herson Irwin had the misfor- tune to fall from a step ladder ane (lay last week and badly sprain liar ankle. Mr. Aldin Purdon !Sas been very ill during the past week with a heavy cold. Mr, and Mrs. la,.. McInnis expect to move this week to their Stew home Fast of the village. NGHAM ADVANCE -TIMES We. have a stock of 10" x 424 OPEN or GLAZED SASH . for Colony Houses, Basements, Barns, for Immediate Delivery. EGG CRATES and CHICKEN CRATES SASH OF ALL KINDS Made -to -Order Campbell & Gorbutt Sash and Box Manufacturers Diagonal (ltd., Wingham It TAX I DAY or NIGHT Phone 65 JIM CAMERON All Passengers Insured D "Z' %EYES NEED ATTENTION Our 25 point Scientific Exftmin- tion enables us to give you Clear, Comfortable 'Vision. F, F. HOMUTH Optometrist Phone 118. Har-42tor [r, and Mrs. Cecil Forester and fam- of Palmerston visited on Sunday the home of his sister, Mrs. Alex obertson. Mr. Harold Waller of East .Wawa- )sh, has been a patient in Winghani os ital during the past week, return - g home on Saturday. Doctors tied f the vein which had been giving in so much trouble in leis' leg, and lie slowly improving. His sister, Mrs. 1. Irwin of Goderich, spent the fek-end with Mr. and Mrs. Walker. Jack Forester, son of Mr. and Airs, BIG• CARP` OWER . t r" C!.. i Wm, Forester of W. Wawanosh Kaci the misfortune to have the end taken off a finger in the motor of the chop - Per at the farm of Mr. Andrew Gaunt, where he wads working. Mr. and Mrs. Lawson Majury and children of Paisley, spent Sunday at the home of her sister, Mrs. Albert Coultes. Mrs. Patterson and Mr. Thos. Gaunt of Wingliani, spent Sunday at the home of Mr, and Mrs. John Gaunt, The people of the 9th con, held their euchre at the home of Mr, and Mrs, John ,McBurney last Thursday even. ing,, and Mrs, Cecil, .Cliamney and John McBurney held high points and Mrs. Mark Armstrong and Mr. Albert Vincent held low, The final euchre will be held this Wednesday' evning at the home of Mr. and Mrs, John Mason. Mr. Wendel Taylor of Kinloss. is improving from his ilhiess. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Mason and little son, Keith of Kincardine, spent ' Saturday at the home of his parents, Air. and Mrs. John Mason and Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Mason and her little nep hew Kerry Robinson of Kitchener, vis- ited there on Sunday. ,Miss Lenore Adams of Hespeler, spent the week -end at the home of her brother, Mr. Robert Adams. t L001 Itllll Lill!■I I lil I I■II I!I I I■Illi! 1 1■l l I■I I IR I I■I I I� r A — _ MONUMENTS I Fn A family plot should be graced = r with the shrine -like beauty of a monument which will be ever- lastingly a tribute to those at Cd r rest. We have many classic FN styles to suggest; and will work = with you on custom designs. Exceptionally Low Prices. i FE Wm. Br ownlie A FE Box 373 'Phone 450 Alfred St. _ Wingham Fa =F Inscriptionsti n s Repairing rin g Sandblasting Memorials _! ®" 25 years experience LN A The latest in Portable Sandblast r F Equipment = qu pment � L=11 All Work Personally Executed E ill!■111!111■III■III■III■III■III■III■IIIlIIIlIII!! AT THE GREAT - Jpv— Plymouth engine improvements Includes higher horsepower (971; higher compression ratio; automatic choke; better fuel delivery, singother warm-up; longer spark plug life. BIG CAR COMFORT With longer wheelbase, better cradling of possengers, Improved springing, chair -height seats and roomy interiors, Plymouth giver you "ble car" comfort. BIG CAR VISION More efficient wlnd�hield wiper with over 61% greafersweep. Edward's Doter • Sales .. ... _.. ... ... .—_ 4`iX,:mx .. c� .:t:.k i1M... ...�.i..-, ...{t�'__. ,..:Im!• .... ..Air,, AND COMPARE 'PLYMOUTH SPECIAL DE LUXE FOUR -DOOR SEDAN Including Special Equipment ...• .Cd�1P�RFAy�da�Ytb,�,S��.. Compare the new Plymouth 1 You'll find its styling smart• ... and functional tool Plymouth styling allows ample head, leg and shoulder room in both front and rear seats. It provides wide-angle vision for greater safety. Its doors permit easy entrance and exit. Plymouth's stylish "bustle back" allows a spacious luggage compartment. Its fender openings permit easy servicing of tires and the Buick application of chains, when necessary- Plymouth's functional styling retains fenders, so that with Plymouth a minor scrape does not mean a major repair. Compare ills netu Plymouth for comfort! Plymouth's bedy is a more dust -proof and is rust -proofed for a 'longer, brighter life. Its longer, 118 %" wheelbase allows passengers to be seated even farther head of the rear axle, for greater comfort. Note Plymouth's romy interior , , .its rich, Fashion -Tone upholstery . its comfortable chair -height seats. 'Try them! L back and s -t -r -a -t -c -h . , . you'll like their comoungefort. Compare the new Plymouth's ride! Better insulation and softer rubber body mountings minimize road noises. Its soft-' acting coil front springst airplane -type shook absorbers and, low-pressure; Super Cushion tires all contribute to its incredibly, v smooth, relaxing ride. Dompare Plymouthl ... outside inside and under the hood!, When you do, you!U agree that HYMOUTH brings you more of ,the things you really want in an automobile. e *Rear Fender Stone Shields and Whitewall Tires 'Y'OU CAN EEE THE GREAT NEW PLYMOUTH A1'+ :- Telephone 417Windham , w LA 0 PATTERNS - -,BEAUTIFULLY COLOURED and of lasting quality. The 016 17-ecavoteND S WallpaperL,M,T,a, W, PERi Shop Lop ELMER WILKINSON DECORATOR and other visitors oil the tour. Some VISIT PURINA RESEARCH FARM of the many results of the Purina Pro -rani of feeding, breeding, manage - Wilford Vollmer and Lloyd .Hutton inert and sanitation which were point - of Howson & Howson .Flour and Feed ed out, were dairy heifers ready for Mills, recently returned from a visit breeding at 12 to 15 months, sows to the Purina Research Farm at,Gray from which au average of well over Sttmulit, Missouri, near St. I..ouis, 17 fatghogs a year have been market - where they saw practical feeding and ed, and broilers that grew to an aver - in management operations designed to of r e 3to3 /z curers a n � P t 11 weeks help- farmers produce mote meat, milk of age on,only 10 pounds of feed. and eggs from the poultry and live- A banquet was held at the Ralston stock on their own farms. Purina Company in St. Louis in hon - On h t e Purina Research Farm pt our of the visitors. e They were also 738 acres, the newest rations and taken for tours of the Purina Chow methods of feeding were explained to Mill and the Purina Research Labor- %Vilford°, Vollmer -and Lloyd Htuton atories. AND COMPARE 'PLYMOUTH SPECIAL DE LUXE FOUR -DOOR SEDAN Including Special Equipment ...• .Cd�1P�RFAy�da�Ytb,�,S��.. Compare the new Plymouth 1 You'll find its styling smart• ... and functional tool Plymouth styling allows ample head, leg and shoulder room in both front and rear seats. It provides wide-angle vision for greater safety. Its doors permit easy entrance and exit. Plymouth's stylish "bustle back" allows a spacious luggage compartment. Its fender openings permit easy servicing of tires and the Buick application of chains, when necessary- Plymouth's functional styling retains fenders, so that with Plymouth a minor scrape does not mean a major repair. Compare ills netu Plymouth for comfort! Plymouth's bedy is a more dust -proof and is rust -proofed for a 'longer, brighter life. Its longer, 118 %" wheelbase allows passengers to be seated even farther head of the rear axle, for greater comfort. Note Plymouth's romy interior , , .its rich, Fashion -Tone upholstery . its comfortable chair -height seats. 'Try them! L back and s -t -r -a -t -c -h . , . you'll like their comoungefort. Compare the new Plymouth's ride! Better insulation and softer rubber body mountings minimize road noises. Its soft-' acting coil front springst airplane -type shook absorbers and, low-pressure; Super Cushion tires all contribute to its incredibly, v smooth, relaxing ride. Dompare Plymouthl ... outside inside and under the hood!, When you do, you!U agree that HYMOUTH brings you more of ,the things you really want in an automobile. e *Rear Fender Stone Shields and Whitewall Tires 'Y'OU CAN EEE THE GREAT NEW PLYMOUTH A1'+ :- Telephone 417Windham , w LA 0