HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1949-03-23, Page 3GORRIE Mr, Harold Robinson Spent Tuve- day in Toronto, Mrs. Frank Warren of Washington, D.C., was „a recent visitor with Mr. and Mrs, John Warren. and Miss Catharine Werra, Fordwielt. Friends will be sorry to learn that Mr. John Warrell has heqn confined to bed for some time with 'a heart condition, Resident will recall that one year ago, on March .2f/th, the Maitland Riv- er went on one of its worst rampages, 'causing thousand of dollars damage to bridges, 'mill dams, etc., in Howicic alone, , Mrs. Archie McMichael Annie Wilson, wife of the late Archie McMichael of Brampton, passed away suddenly on Wednesday in Brampton, Interment was made in Wroxeter Cemetery on Friday afternoon. She was a former resident of Howick and a sister of Mrs, George Ashton Sr. Another sister, Miss Margaret Wilson' of Brampton also survives. Mrs. :Thomas Simpson The death occurred in Listowel Memorial Hospital on Wednesday, of Isabella Wright, widow of the late Thomas SiMpson, Molesworth, in her 76th year. Mrs. Simpson was a resi- dent of Gorrie for a few years, moving away two years ago, and a former resi- dent of Con. 14, Howick, although the greater part of her life was spent iii Molesworth. She was a member of the Presbyterian Church. Surveying are twit sons, Wm. and Andrew, of Molesworth, also seven grandchildren; a brother, Frank Wright, Wroxeter; two sisters, Mrs. Richard Bennett, Fillmore, Sask., and Mrs. W. J. Fin- lay, Listowel. Funeral service was held on Friday with interment in the Molesworth Cemetery, Anglican Dinner and Sale a Success The memory of St. Patrick, patron Saint of Ireland, was fitting honored on Saturday when the ladies of St. Stephen's Church, served their annual dinner. Irish shamrock and other greenery was used for table decora- tions. There was a fine attendance, The sale of home baking, aprons and useful articles, sponsored by the W. A. in the afternoon was a splendid suc- cess. General Accountancy BUSINESS & TAX SERVICE for the SMALL BUSINESS MAN, PROFESSIONAL MAN S. J. PYMM P. 0. Box 74 Telephone 23 LUCKNOW - ONT. UNEMPLOYMENT INSURANCE BOOKS MUST BE RENEWED EMPLOYERS!—Please send all unem- ' ployment insurance books immediately to the National Employment Office :with which you deal, unless renewal arrangements have already-, been made. They must be exchanged for new books before March 31st. The new books have spaces for March contributions, so year can renew the old -ones before the end of the month. Renewal of books is important to you, to your employees and to the Commission. „Please Act Promptly. Milm.101111.11.11.11 TO THE INSURED WORKER!—Have you tut insurance book in your possession 0 If so, please take or send it to the nearest National Employ. ment Office for renewal before March 31st. If your send yout book, enclose your present address so that your tieW book may be returned to you Tromp tly. UNEMPLOYMENT INSURANCE COMMISSION 0, A. L. IVAIRCH/SON O. BISSON R. J.TALtom CoMmiSSiorier Chief CtimMissiOttet Connuikdoner C. G. I. T. A work meeting of the C,G.J.T. will be held at Phyllis Ford's home on Thursday, March 24, at 7:30 p.m. Young People's Union will ,meet next Sunday evening in the Sunday School room at 8:30 p.m. On Wednesday evening the National Film Board showings were presented in the Oran'ge Hall, sponsored by the Women's institute. Among the pic- tures were "Progressive Conservative Convention", "Prize Winners in the Bird Dogs International Field Trial", "Children of Holland", quaint cos- tumes and customs; "Home Town Paper", showing the activities in con- nection with making of same; "You Take the High Road", highway scenes from Banff to Jasper Park, very beau- tiful scenery in color, with interesting wild life depicted. "Get Rid of Rats" leaflets were distributed on this carrier of disease and destroyer of property apd food, and "Atomic Research". Silver Wedding Anniversary Mr. and Mrs. George Ashton were recipients of many congratulations and gifts on the occasion of their twenty- fifth wedding anniversary when they were at liotlte to their- friends on Tues- day, March 15th, afternoon and even- ing. Their daughter, Miss Shirley, received the guests and Mrs. Cameron Stewart of Molesworth poured tea. We hope Mr. and Mrs. Ashton may have many more of these happy anni- versaries. 55th Wedding Anniversary Congratulations and best wishes to Mr. and Mrs. Ernest King who, on March 21st, quietly marked their 55th wdeding anniversary. They received a surpriie visit and wedding, dinner from members of their family in the evening, f$E1.4RAVE' „.. Misses Eleanor Taylor and Ada Dow anti Mr. Bill Taylor spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Sam Sweeney at Brussels. Mr. and Mrs, C. Rt Logan visited in Kincardine on Sunday, Mr. Dim Manse spent the week-end in Port Elgin. Mr. and Mrs, Jack Perdue and fan, ily of Toronto, ,spent the week-end at the home of his mother, Mrs, A, R. Perdue, Mrs. Clarence Hanna and David, at, tended the funeral of his aunt in ,Strat- ford on, qaturdaY, The Y, P. S. of the United Church entertained the Anglican Young People ate social, The guest group had charge of the dev6tional period, led by Miss Audreyy Bradborn, Sing songs and games were led by Rev. W, J. Moores, Miss E. Walsh and Miss Patsy Anderson. Refresrments were served. Trinity A.Y.P.A. 'The A.Y.P.A held their meeting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Nes- bkitt, Auburn, last Friday evening. The meeting opened with a hymn, af- ter which, the president, Audrey Brad- burn, led in prayer. The scripture reading was given by Mr. Henderson,- The next meeting is to be held on Stokely's Golden Cream Corn 20 oz. tin 2k Fry's Pure Breakfast Cocoa 1/2 lb 29c - lb 49c Canada or Durham Cornstarch pkg 15c Libby's Dee `Browned Beans 2.2t1onsc... 29c Australian Crushed PINEAPPLE 20 oz. tin 37c 2008 or 300s Kleenex - pkg. 18c - 2 for 35c DESSERT( Finest Pitted DATES - lb 23c Aylmer VEGETABLE SOUP 3 tins 25c Monarch Sweet Pickles (so116edcl'all:aels) 19c Interlake TOILET TISSUE - Pepsod:nt Tooth Paste and Powder large size 29c - giant 45c ROBIN CAMPBELL'S GARAGE WILL BE OPEN, SUNDAY, MARCH 24 // 7/// IF YOU PREFER YOU CAN 77-1- . eadinu down Redstone bake itaild=1.464 IN THE HAL1BURTON HIGHLANDS If you like to get out on the lake for a sail—lie in the sun on a sandy beach—or fight'a small mouth bass on a rocky inlet —Haliburton's for you, and the Tourist Information Bureau at Minden, Ontario will help you with the details. There's hotel, lodge or cabin accommodation — and Haliburton is only three or four hours by train, bus or by car on highways 2 and 35 from Trenton or Toronto. Every year thousands of visitors enjoy our Ontario Holidays —it's up to us to see they have fun. "LET'S MAKE THEM WANT TO COME SACK" - 3 large rolls 32c 534-535 WE DELIVER—RAIN OR SUIT E Thursday March 31, at the home of 'are working on a Religious Drama for 'Thy Kingdom" will be put on, on Mr. and Mrs. Mel. Bradburn. lEaster. A one-acs play entilted "Into Easter: Sunday evening. Mrs. Nesbitt gave a very interesting talk on the visit she and Mr, Nesbitt • had recently in England. She showed Imam.: postcards and pictures to illus- ctrate her talk. Games were enjoyed lby everyone and Mrs. Nesbitt anti Mary served a delicious lunch. The Ladies' Guild of Trinity Churcr held a St. Patrick's Tea and Sale of Baking and Aprons in the Club Rooms on Thursday. The tables were appropriately decorated in green and white and the favours were green shamrocks., The committees in charge wish to heartily thank each and every ,one who so kindly co-operated to make the afteruoon a success. The Athletic Association held a euchre and old time Dance in the Forrester's Hall. Prizes for the euchre went to Mrs. Albert Bacon and Mr, Harvey Black. Low prize went to George Grigg and Mrs. George ,Martin. Clark and Maitland 'Johnston sang Irish songs during intermission, which were much enjoyed. Jackson's Orchestra played for dancing. R. J. MacKenzie and Trevor Moores were the managers for the evening, Euchre Marathon Interest is running high in the Euchre Marathon as it draws near the close, After the seventh night Miss Edith Procter is still leading with Mrs. jolm Anderson 5 points hehind. • Mrs. Calvin Robinson and Mrs, Jesse Wheeler in 3rd and 4th places, Lloyd Montgomery is in first place for Men and Jesse Wheeler second plce, 15 points behind the leader. James Leitch and Martin Grasby are in 3rd, and 4th places, "Lloyd Montgomery has the Most loan hands. Mrs, Art Scott and Mr, Ali. Nethery won the weekly prize and Lloyd lfontgontery and Mrs. Perdue were low. United Church Newfoundland's entry into Confed- eration with Canada as it's tenth Pro- vince. will he observed in the Service at Knox United Church, next Sun- day, March 27th. The Spiritual signif- icance of the event will he dealt with in Sermon and Song, as well as the Place which Nrewfoundiand occupies itt the trottt Church in Canada, Some members of the Young People Finest Red Cohere SALMON lk lb. tin 33c MIRACULOUS SUDS FOR DISHES AND FINE WASHABLES MORE PEOPLE ARE USING tog Krtemce MORE OFTEN Our Long Distance operators now put through over 5 million calls a month — twice as many as six years ago. To-day more families keep in touch with one another and busy men get more things done by Long Distance. Providing for this growing use of Long Distance is an important part of our vast expansion and improvement program. Thousands of new .operators have been added • more are being selected and trained. Hundreds of new and improved switchboards and lines have been built— more are on the way: With Long Distance as with local service, we want to put your calls through courteously, quickly and accurately—to give you even greater value by Continuing to provide more And better telephone service at the lowest possible cost. THE OELL, wrELEPHoN COMPANY OP CANADA 3 01 an Gilaranteed 10 Trust Certificates ISSUED for any amount . ... for a term of five years , guaranteed both as to principal and interest , . Interest cheques mailed to reach holders on due date, or, at holder's option, may be allowed to accumulate at compound interest. An ideal investment for individuals, com- panies; authorized by law for cemetery boards, executors and other trustees. THE STERLING "TRUSTS CORPORATION 372 Bay Street, Toronto 1 38 years in Business Cash for Used'. Clothing We will pay Cash for Wearable Men's Women's, Children's and Babies' Used Clothing We heed Dresses, Skirts, Blouses, Odd Slacks and Slack Suite, Sweaters, Men's and Women's 2-piece Suits, Women's and Men's Pall Overcoats, (NO' Winter Coats, please); Odd Suit Coats, Neck Ties, Odd Trousers, Shoes, Purses, Babies' and Children's Clothing. We pay from $3.00 to $10,00 for Men's Suits, WE PAY FAIR CASH PRICES SATISFACTION GARANTEED or CLOTHING RETURNED PREPAID Therefore, there cannot be any expense involved to the sender. DIRECTIONS FOR SHIPPING L Wrap and tie securely in corrugated bok, paper or sack. 2, Make sure your return addr=ess is written clearly. This will help speed out cash remittance to you. a, 'Phone the Express Company. They, wilrpick up the merchan- dise at your door. If ytnir shipment is over 100 lbs., please ship by freight or transport. 1. Do not pay any money for shipping. Tell the driver. You are shipping the parcel collect, and we will pay the shipping charges at this end. SEND PARCELS TO— THE GRES qTRADING CO. Dept, 67 St. Nicholas St, TORONTO, Ontario ••• k eeeteaF'eeee;eoxeeete,ereseesettetessxevssresseoeersetnsneeetoteeener.I'eewereseeleeletsseesntseste'seeee WE HAVE IN STOCK— FERGUSON TRACTORS PLOWS - CULTIVATORS TILLERS - TANDEM DISC DRAG TYPE and LIFT TYPE POWER TAKE-OFF PULLEYS PLOW SHARES COULTERS SAW ATTACHMENT, Etc. MERKLEY MOTORS FERGUSON Tractors, Implements and Parts Telephone 04 Super, Spice and Everidthin5 nice PURIT9 Weetgaia , . . and easy to make at home Appetizing, satisfying, monersavingl Make up this un!), Flour Sweet Bun dough and In quick time you eon hove IRO buns, fruit buns, spiced buns or Iced buns.,..ovott fresh. SWEET Butts Tested Recipe front the ...1 cake comProseed Yeast Purity Flour Kitchens... 2 cups milk (scalded and tooled Le •14res:01. salet'ut?ggsiMatt a .douvngrusoll Juke-warm) t p granulated sugar knead until smooth. Place dough l, the A cup shortening tightly.greased bowl and grease the enough to be conveniently handled, and I egg Surface of the dough lightly. Cover and 1 teaspoon soh to in 42 Warm piece (80°-90°P.) to the 51545 cups sifted PURITY FLOUR baankdinshape into rolls. Pio o greased until it has doubled In bulk. Punch down g Soften yeast cake In luke•Warm milk, (4025V) for 20-3 minutes, or unlit sheet, cover It and let rise Cream sugar and shortening and add w en. light brown, Yield about 314 dozen rolls. until double In bulk. Boke In et hot even FRUIT B UNS--Add 1Y2 cups currants or ralsMs dredged with flour, before shaping le. u water. dough Into buns, Just before belting, glaze with' ermixture of 1 egg White and 2 table. CINNAMON mixture dough out to a long narrow sheet inch thick. Brush with melted butter. Mix 1 OP brown sugar with I 1,•'.2 teaspoons cinnamon and sprinkle over clough.if desired 51 cup of rtisins may be added. Roll up lolly-roll fashion entreat edge. milk and sprinkle with sugar and cinnamon mixture. • Cut Into 1 Inch slices and place cut side down In well.greased muffin tins, Brush fops, with What a taste thrill ... what a thrill to get a recipe that means so much wonderful food for so little money. And this recipe calls for Purity Flour ... your favourite, the flour that's specially milled from fine hard wheat, the flour that means successful cakes, pies, cookies or buns, every time, on the time. $1 buy* you the famous PURITY COOK 800K-1 with ifs 875 recipes developed In the Purity I Flour Kitchens. Send to your dearest Purity Flour Mills' office—St, John, N.D., Montreal, Quee Ottawa, Ont., Toronto, Oct., Whinlpez' I Mane Calgary, Alto., Vancouver, R.C. Name — 1 ..... • ... al......./•••••• • toy Prey Wingham YOU NSW ONLY ONE 14.0011 ast*41 godly • Oen— Grand for greeklan PURIT FLOUR itESUt14-PliFitilurd Wednesday, March 23, 1049 THE WINGI-TAM ADVANCE-TIMES 'AC Una