HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1949-03-16, Page 4Carmichael 's 9
Telephone One Wingham
Red Calf
Twin Straps at the instep
Brown leather
Staunch Moe-Type Vamp
For school days, 'lay days
and Sundays . . flexible
foot-conforming shoes for
'day-in,* day-out „coMfort
that your youngsters heed!
Ili sat, suple calf anti
Patent leathers
unlop's Shoe Store
Outstanding Values
ANNOUNCING—We are agents for
Britishknit Woollen Wear f o r
every member of the family, Made
to order and made-to-measure.
Yemen's, Wingham, Phone 279,
BASK FOR—Irusses, Lumbago Belts,
Abdominal Supports, Elastic Stock-
ings, Suspensories, at Kerr's I D A
Drug Store.
Farm Stock and implements will be
held at the farm of Chas, Hodgins,
Lot 22, Con. 10„ Kinloss, 2 miles
east of Lucknow, Gravel, at 1 p,rn,
on Tuesday, March 29th, Terms;
Tractors, 50% cash and all sums of
$25 and under cash, over that amount
6 month's credit on bankable joint
-notes at 6 %, Chas, Hodgins, Prop.,
Donald B. Blue, Auct.
—We lay blocks and do concrete work
of any kind, foundations, floors,
sidewalks, driveways, etc., estimates
free. Brooks & VanCamp, 'Phone
608r5 or 8W, Wingham.
about the quality of your chicks.
Maybe you can get cheaper chicks
than Kitchener Big-4, we don't
know. We do know it is hard to
equal them. Early hatched pullets
and cockerels can be marketed with
demand keen and prices high. Can-
ada Approved, backed by a breeding
program on Hatchery's own farms.
Order now for profits later, agent,
Wilbur Hogg, R. R. 4, Wingham.
"FARMERS" — "RAIN P R 0 0 F"
your work clothes, over-ails, jack-
ets, tarpaulins, blankets, etc., at
home, simply and economically. Just
sprinkle it on—it is invisible but
sure keeps out the wet rain. An 89
cents bottle will do about five
jackets. Get it at Donald Rae &
Son, only.
FARM OR $.A.LE-197 acres in grass
at present, good buildings. consid-
erable bush, good water supply. Aps
ply Jas. Gibbons, Phone 398, Wing-
FARM WANTED — Comfortable
buildings, with hydro, on highway
or snow ploughed road. up to $5,000.
R. D. Kerr, 177 Hatt St., Dundas,
FOR SALE-100 acre Grass Farm,'
in Morris Township, also deep well
Force Pump. For particulars apply
Harvey Robertson, Phone 10-8,
FOR SALE—Evaporator 4'x16" with
all equipment, 600 buckets and
spiles. 1935, 11/e ton Fords truck,
also 1938 Ford coupe, new tires and
battery. All in excellent condition.
Apply Melvin Taylor, Gorrie.
FOR SALE-10 ton baled hay. A. R.
,Satre, R. R, 5, Brussels.
FOR SALE-100 acres, lot 11, con.
13, Howick, 1 mile from Highway,
brick house, bank barn, drilled well,
water in stable, silo, hydro available.
Apply Leonard Metcalfe, Clifford,
or Roy Gowdy, Wroxeter.
FOR SALE—Durham milk cow, fresh.
Apply R. H. Coultes, R. R. 5, Brus-
sels, Phone 32-4,
FOR SALE—Purebred Yorkshires, 1
boar, near 5 months, either sex,
2% months. Herd entered. for A.
R. test. James Turvey, Bluevale.
Brussels Phone 11-18.
FOR SALE-21 Young Pigs, apply
John Potter, Lower Wingham.
FOR SALE—,5 water fountains, 5
feed troughs, 25 rod of Poultry
fence, Apply George Sidling, Wing-
ham. - —
FOR SALE—One Draft Mare, 12
years old, reasonable price. Apply
Gordon. Grieg, R. R. 1, Bluevale.
FOR SALE—General Purpose Bay
Horse, 8 years old, guaranteed
sound. Apply Earl Toner, Phone
Forchvich 57r31,
FOR SALE—Whippet Car, New
snow tires, 1949 license, man's C.C,
M. bicycle, Both in excellent con-
dition. Apply Advance-Times.
FOR SALE—Frame six room house,
almost new. House contains two
bedrooms, four piece bath room,
Water heater and pressure system,
For particulars apply to
Wingham, Ontario.
for good Chicks, how about placing
your order with us for either Bray
or 'Lakeview chicks? Write or phone
643r2, Jas. R. Coultes.
for immediate delivery, the follow-
lag No. 5 manure spreader, lever
and drag harrows, horse and power
mowers. See the new Polley and
Lavish Lime and Fertilizer Spread-
er now on display.
LOST—On Culross Boundary, BlaCk
' Hound, spotted chest. Reward.
Fleas4 notify Nat. Thompson,
Whitcchorch, Phone 611r41, Wing-
PERSONAL—Skinny ,Men,
GAM 5 to 16 lbs. New pep, toe. 'fry
famous Ostrex Tonic Tablets for
double results; new, healthy flash,
new vigor. New "get acquainted"
sciv.e only 60e. All Druggists,
ty. Warren House, Phone 476.
force circulation, the floor is az-
warm as the ceiling. See Edwards
Motor Sales.
to perfect sewing condition. Apply
TRUCK, FOR SALE-1942 Dodge,
3 ton with rack in first class con-
dition, Call in atid see same. C.
Bondi & Son.
apartment for family of three. Ap-
ply Box OW, Advance-Times.
Repair Man For Morris
Schools Wanted
Applications for the position of gen-
eral repair man for 1949 for the
schools of Morris School Area will be
received,, until March 28. Applicants
state lidurly wage and rate of mileage
R. S. Shaw, Bluevale, Ont,
Assistant Office Clerk, Bookkeeper,
for General Office Work, Applicant
must have knowledge of typewriting.
Applications to be in • handwriting,
stating age, qualifications and exper-
ience, Address application to Wing-
ham Utilities Commission, Wingham,
Ontario, marked "Application,"
Applications for sealed tenders for
the Township of Turnberry, for crush-
ing and spreading of 5000 cubic yards
of gravel more or less, one or two sets.
One inch round or 718 inch squarae
screen to be used. Marked cheque of
10% of contract price to accompany
each tender. Tenders to be in the
hands of clerk by 4th of April. 1949:
Work to commence at discretion of
road superintendent and completed by
October 1st, 1949. Lowest or any ten-
der not necessarily accepted. The
Township reserves the right to use
their truck.
W. R. Cruilrshank, Clerk,
Township of Turnberry,
Wingham, Ontario,
late of the Town of Wingham, in the
County of Huron, Gentleman, who
died on or -about the tenth day of Feb-
ruary, A,D. 1949, are notified to send
to the undersigned on or before the
second day of April, A.D., 1949, full
particulars of their claims in writing.
Immediately after the said second day
of April the assets of the said testator
will be distributed amongst the parties
entitled thereto, having 'regard only
to claims of which the executors shall
then have notice.
Dated this fifteenth day of. March,
A.D., 1949.
All persons having claims against
the estate of Isobel Simpson, late of
the Town of Wingham, in the County
of Huron, and Province of Ontario.
Spinster, who died on or, about the
fifth day of November, A.D., 1948, are
notified` to send to, undersigned on or
before the 2nd. day of April, A.D.,
1949, full particulars of their claims
in writing. Immediately after the said
second day of April the assets of the
said testatrix will be distributed
amongst the parties entitled thereto,
having regard only to claims of which
the executor shall then have notice.
DATED this ninth day of March,
A.D„ 1944..
Wine-ham, Ontario.
Solicitors for time executor.
AD-A M S—Tn loving memory of my
dear wife, Mrs. Tan Adams, r
Oar, who passed away, March 170,
Two dear bright eyes, a tender smile,
A loving heart that knew no gnat,
Deep trust in God that all was right.
I-Ter iny to make some other bright,
If sick or suffering one she knew,
SOMP gentle act of love she'd do.
4r. isaa s-i,s o f self. bill- of "the other"
I lmow tTe said" Well done dear
Ever remembered by her husband
a nd brothers.
Three Times A' Winner--Wingham'
Hockey Team again captures the
Northern League Cup. The hockey
season, as far as Northern League
games are concerned, closed here last
Wednesday evening in a red hot con,
test between the Durham seven, win-
ners. of District No. 2, and Wingham,
champions of No. 1, As the score was
a tie at .5 all at Durham, it was thought
our boys would have a romp, but the
Durham team put up a strenuous game
before going down to ' defeat before
the silver seven of Wingham by a
score of 5-1. The line-ups: Durham,
Laidlaw, Wilson, Cowan, Saunders,
Cameron, Lavelle and Begley. Wing-
ham, D. McGillivray, Moore, J. Mc-
Gillivray, Johnston, McLean, Elliott
and Fleming. Referee, W, Heim of
Big Night Atathe Rink—Two hoc-
key matches are on the boards at the
rink for tomorrow evening. At 7:30 the
Bachelors and Benedicts (picked from
the best in town) will face the puck
in a half hour's contest.' Following
this a game will be played between
teams styled "Fats" and "Slims", the
former being composed of Messrs. A..
Rintoul, Dr. H. E. W. Tamlyn, Geo.
Spotton, C. VanNorman, j. VanNor-
man and V. VanNorman; and the lat-
ter, Messrs. J. Stevenson, W. J. Wy-
les, J, Lennox, E. Armour, A. J. Al-
derson and Mr, Elder. The weapons
for this latter event, so the poster says,
will be a big rubber ball and the butt
end of a broom.
Aitkenhead Armitage—Married on
Thursday, March 4th, 1909, at the resi-
dence of the bride's father, 785 King
St., London, by Rev. Dyson Hague,
Blanche Alberta, daughter of C. H.
Armitage, to Albert E. Aitkenhead,
M,D,, Hensall, and formerly of Blue-
Morris—George Kelly, Sr., of. Mor-
ris, has purchased lot 23, con. 9, from
the estate of John Skelton for $3,750.
Mrs. James Duncan is at present in
Toronto. Miss Edna Watson has re-
turned home from an extended visit
with friends at Minkton.
Belgrave—Mrs. J. Clegg is leaving
for Nelson, B,C., where Mr.. Clegg has
been teaching school for some time.
The W,M.S. of the Methodist ,Church
will join a public meeting in the
church Thursday, April 1st, at which
Mrs. F. G. Sparling of Wingham, Dis-
trict Organizer, will give an address.
The call from Knox and Calvin Chur-
ches to Rev. J. A. Ferguson, B. A.,
of Glenarn, has been accepted.
* *
13. Browne and H. Browne, wings;
j. Fowler and N. Williamson, subs;
Fordwich, Brears, goal; H. Rogers and
W. Rogers, defence; MacLachlan,
centre; Sternal and Dorrah, wings;
Denny and C. Gibson, subs. Referee,
Earl Denny, of Fordwich,
Personals Mr. T J. McLean is on
a business trip to Toronto. Miss Doris
Fells spent the week-end in Toronto.
Miss Nora Gracey of London, is vis-
iting with her sister, Mrs. T. C,
King, Rev, H. W. Snell, Mr, W. J,
The family of the late John A.
Fraser wish to express their deep ap-
preciation to friends and neighbours
for the many kindnesses and expres-
sions of sympathy shown them in
their recent bereavement,
I wish to express my sincere thanks
to friends and neighbours for visits,
cards and other remembrances which
mule to me during my illness in Vic-
toria Hospital, London. These .ex-
ptessions were deeply appreciated.
Albert 'Walters,- .
Mr. and Mrs. John A., Reid and
family wish to express their heartfelt
thanks to all friends and neighbours
who extended comforting sympathy
and help in their recent sorrow. For
the bemniftd service, floral -Offerings,
loan of cars and other kindnesses, they
are deeply grateful,
Mastic Tile Flooring
for Homes, Offices and
Plastic Wall Tile
Kitchen and Bathroom
Norman Rintoul
'Phone 251 Wingham
Chesterfields and
Occasional Chairs
Repaired and Recdvered
Free Pickup and Delivery
42 Brunswick St.
'Enquiries should be left at R. A.
Curie's, Wingham,
Arrange now to have that
Chesterfield or Chair re-covered,
before the pre-Christmas rush!
Women's Institute
The March meeting of the Women'F
Institute held at time home of Mrs
J, Smith had an Irish flavor. Roll
Call was answered by Irish' jokes;
Mrs, Walter Srnillie gave a history
of St. Patriek,.prepared by Mrs, Gor-
don !Mundell. Mrs, Smillie gave a talk
ott the Huron Co-Operative Medical
Services "Hospitaal Contract", mem-
bers were asked to name their favor-
ite programme during the year and to
say why it was the favourite, No. one
could choose a one favorite from
more than half a doaen favorites. A
shower of kitchen utensils for the hall
particularly coat 'hangers and hooks
for the dressigg rooms is asked for
the next meeting.
Mrs. W, H, McKinney gave Cur-
rent Events, which included the King's
health, new citizens born in the nei-
ghborhood, the present mild, convene
Tent winter and closed with humorous
verses written by Mrs. George Heth-
erington on the new enterprize, "The
Village Skating Rink," Mrs, E. Nich-
ol, Mrs, Harvey Robertson and Mrs.
J. H. Smith were elected a nominating
committee. Time annual meeting will
'fie held at the home of Mrs. W. H.
McKinney on April 14th. On Thurs-
day, May 12th, Miss Frances Beatrice
Taylor of the Free Press Staff will
address the Institute in the Commun-
ity Hall. Lunch Was served by the
hostess assisted by Mrs. J. j. Elliott
and Mrs. Waddell. Cake with green
icing carried out the spirit of St. Pat-
rick's Day,
Celebrated 44th Wedding Anniversary
Mr. and Mrs. Norman Ireland of
Climax, Saskatchewan, were the guests
of honour at a dinner party on Tues-
day evening, March 8th, at the home
of their niece, Mrs. Turvey and Roy
on the occasion of Mr. and Mrs. Ire-
land's 44th wedding anniversary. .
The were married by' Rev, Mr, Cars-
well, IvIcKillop. They farmed for four
years on the Mill Road near Seaforth,
before leaving for Climax, Saskat-
chewan, where they operated a dairy
farm for 39 years, Mr. and Mrs. Ire-
land came East in November to vis-
it Mrs. Ireland's parents, Mr, and Mrs.
J. M. Govenlock of Seaforth, On their
return to Western- Canada they will
take up residence in Alberta where
their four daughters live. Among the
guests present were; Mr, and Mrs.
William Ireland, Brussels; Mr. and
Mrs. R, W. Whitfield, Mr. and Mrs.
Silyvon Baker, Ethel; Mr. and Mrs.
Ed, Miller, Seaforth. Mr. Whitfield
proposed a toast to the bride and
groom. A gift was presented to the
honored guests by their nieces, Mrs.
Turvey, Mrs. Whitfield and Mrs. Mil-
ler. Following the dinner, euchre was
enjoyed. Mr. and Mrs. Ireland return-
ed home with Mr. and Mrs. Miller.
Browntown Community Club
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Salter opened
their home this week for the weekly
gathering of the Browntown Commun-
I ity Club. Euchre was played, Mrs.
Charles Bosman was fortunate in win-
I ning high honours for both lone hands
land for points. Hugh Bowie was high
in lone hands and Charles Bosnian
for 'points. Consolation prizes went
to Mrs. R. J. McMurray and Bill El-
ston, Lunch was served by the hostess,
United Church Mission Band
The Mission Band of the United
Church met in the Sunday School
room this week. All joined in sing-
ing "Hear the pennies dropping" and
repeating the regular routine exer,
cises. The roll call was answered with
a verse commencing with the letter
13. During the worship service jean
Hall read the 1st. psalm 'and Verna
Wheeler led in prayer. Birthday
greetings were sung for Cavelle Rut-
tan, Miss Margaret Curtis continued
her story of the Lang family and their
wonderful faith in the power of pray-
er. The title of the story "R air Com-
es.", Etoile Moffatt and Cavelle Rut-.
tan were appointed to arrange the
program for the Easter Thankoffer-
ing meeting, when the Band will ens
Regular $1.65 for
$1.55 pr.
Reg. $1.65 for
$1.39 pr.
- Also -
Lovely Sheer
with Pencil Seam, at
Remember, Ladies, these
so, for REAL VALUE,
some of the Countries behind the iron
curtain. It told of conditions there
and her impression of the Canadian
people and their attitude regarding;
these conditions. A discussion follow-
ed. The society is planning a St. Pat-
rick Social for Thursday night.
Messrs. George Hetherington, Alvin
Procter, Weldon Robertson and Earl
Hamilton attended the Huron County
Seed Fair at Clinton on Saturday.
Mr. ,Duncan McDougall, a former
resident of this neighbourhood is a
patient in the Wingham General Hos-
pital, where an operation was per-
Mr. and Mrs, N. T. McLaughlin of
Wingham, visited Mr. and Mrs. P. S.
The 1st. line Farm Forum met on
Monday0evening at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. Fleming Johnston, Euchre
followed the business discussion with
Miss Nora Fraser and Mr. Addison
Fraser winning high points. Lunch
was served in the form of a box social..
The 2nd. line Social Club met on
Monday evening at the home 'of Mr.
and Mrs. Earl Sellers. Euchre was the
game of the evening and everyone
reported a good time,
Here's a warning directly atchool
Millions of Canadians have colds .N.‘
A music critic says good •music is
heavenly. The kind that comes from
next door usually is unearthly.
tertain their mothers,
Play Well Attended
Although weather conditions were
not the best there was a good turn
out for the play, "Aunt Minnie from
Minnesota" presented by the young
people of Atwood and sponsored by
the Ladies Aid of the Presbyterian
Church. The play was directed by the
Rev. Hugh Pritchard, who also in-
troduced the cast. The playa rs acted
their respective characters in fine style
especially Aunt Minnie who was the
star actress. Vocal duets between acts
were sung by Mrs. A. D. Smith and
Mrs. Gordon Greig, with Miss Mabel
Marshall as piano accompanist.
. Church News
Rev. Leland C. Jorgensen occupied
the pulpit in Knox Presbyteriaan
Church and continued his . pre Easter
series of sermons, His message was
based on the text, "Mother behold thy
son; Son behold thy Mother. He
spoke in paraticular of the four women
who were at the cross. Mrs, Archie
Parker and Mrs. Gordon Grieg sang
"Have You Counted the Cast" as a
Fleming Johnston presided at, the
meeting of the Y.P.U. at the United
Church on Sunday evening. After a
song service and the reading of a
scripture passage and prayer, Miss
Emma Johnston took charge of the
topic on Christian Citizenship. She
read an article by Molly McGee, who
had spent 10 years in England and
Wednesday, March 16, 1949
1.1h cents a word per insertion' With a Minh'itlim;harge of 25o.
Callahan Wilton—Married at St. NOTICE TO CREDITORS Ambrose Church, Brussels, on March
h All persons having claims against 3rd., by Rev, Fr. McHugh, Kathleen,
the estate of Joseph James Evans, daughter of Samuel and the late Mrs.
Wilton, to 'J, L. Callahan, of Belle-
'Glenannan—Miss Mary Eadie has
been visiting with her. sister, Mrs.
Chas. Cathers, of Howick. Mrs. R. J.
Scott of Wawanosh, called at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Robt, Aitken
one day last week. Mr.,and Mrs. John
Mundell of Bluevale, spent a day last
week, with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. H.
Mundell. Miss Edna Lincoln is spend-
ing a few days at the home of Mr. arid
Mrs. Clarke Renwick, of Howick. Mr,
Robt, Breen, 6th line of Turnberry,
Wingham, Ontario. spent Sunday with his brother, Mr.
Solicitors for' the executors.David Breen.
East Wawanosh—Mr. and Mrs.
NOTICE TO CREDITORS 'Geo. Walker aand son, and Miss Lila
'Humphrey, spent Sunday at the home
All persons having claims against of Mr. and Mrs. Win. Humphrey of
the estate of Matthew Pinkerton Bell,
late of the Town of Wingham, in the
County of Huron, Retired. Hotel
Keeper, who died on or about the
eleventh day of February, A.D,, 1949,
are notified to send to the undersigned
on or before the second day of April,
A.D. 1949,, full particulars of their
claims in writing. Immediately after
the said second day of April the assets
of the said testator will be distributed
amongst the parties entitled thereto,
St. Helens, Mrs. Jas. Bone is visiting
at the home of Mrs. Allen on the '13.
Line of Turnberry, over the week-end.
Mr. and Mrs. Win. -Love entertained
a number of their friends arsd neigh-
bors on Friday night last. •
St. Pauls vs Fordwich—On Fri-
day evening last, St. Paul's Athletic
Club Hockey Team journeyed to
Fordwich and was defeated by a score
of four to three by -a team from that
having regard only to claims of which village. The Jirte-ups; Wingham, G.
the executor shall then have notice, Robertson, goal; Geo. Lediett aand J.
Dated this fifteenth day of March, Field, defence; E. C. Williams, centre; A. D.• 1949.
Wingham, Ontario.
Solicitors for the executor.
Campbell of Culross and Mr, J. V,
Haines of Morris, are in attendance
at the Provincial Grand Orange Lodge
of Ontario West in session at Brant-
ford 'and Rev. J. W. Hibbert leaves
on Thursday morning for Brantford.
Belgrave—A large number gather-
ed together on Thursday evening at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Leitch,
when a reception was held in honor
of their daughter, Jean, and her hus-
band, Mr. Clayton Logan, whose mar-
riage took place that afternoon in
Blyth. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Young
and Miss Mae Young of Lambeth,
spent the week-end with their parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Young. Miss Norma
Habkirk spent the week-end at her
home in Seaforth and Miss Elizabeth
Ross at her home in Wingham. Mr.
and Mrs. Manning and family spent
Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Jas.
Gorrie—Messrs. W. C. King and
Thomas Nichol. spent the week-end
in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Victor Shera
spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. J.
H. Wylie in Wroxeter. Mrs. Chas.
King and Jack Musgrove spent the
week-end in London, at the home of
the forther's son, Mr. and Mrs. Jack
King. Mr. Kenneth Hastie visited
with friends in Brussels on -Saturday.
Miss Beryl Ashton was in Toronto a
few .days' last week.
Wroxeter—Mrs, Thomas Brown re-
turned home on Saturday after an en-
joyable week's visit in Toronto, Mr,
Mr. and Mrs. Irwin Edwards and
baby of London, skrit the week-end.
with Mr. and Mrs, Jim Harris, Mr.
Mr. and Mrs. Hanmiey lately of Pal-
merston, have moved into Mr. D. Rob-
inson's house on Centre Street, Mr.
Robert Gibson moved his household
effects from Ann Street on Monday
to the house across from the sawmill,
lately leased from Miss Gallaher,.
Salem—Mr, Edwin Palmer visited
friends at Whitechurch the first o.
the week, Mr, and Mrs. Joseph. San-
derson from near Gorrie, called on
Mrs, Edwin Bennett last Sunday, -Mrs,
Thompson of Wingham is visiting at
the home of Mr, and Mrs. Charles
Cathers. Miss Marie Mines, who tea-
ches school near McIntosh's Church,
spent the week-end with her .parents,
and Mrs. W. A. Mines.
Elected Elders of St, Andrew's—
The members of St, Andrew's Pres-
byterian Church recently voted, to el-
ect four new el.clers to the Session of
the church. The results as announced
by Rev, Kenneth MacLean on Sun-
day were its follows: Messrs. 'I', C.
King, R. H. Lloyd, J, Moffatt and A
L, Posliff. The induction of these new-
ly-elected elders will Utilize place on
Sunday, March 25th. •
12th Line of Howick—Messrs,
Thomas and Ceveland Nittie spent
the week-end in Orangeville, Al
Henry Finlay spent a day With Mends
near Zion. Mr. Harvey Reidt of Wing.
liana, spent StindaY, With Mother,
Mrs. John Rcidt. Mr. and MIL Mel-
vin Finlay were Saturday visitors at
the home of Mr, John