HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1949-03-09, Page 12TWO SHOWS Each Night, starting at 7;15 p.m. SATURDAY MATINEE 2 p.m. ,,„„„,„,",...„„„„„„„,.,„,„„„„„ ... „„11 ...... ...... ..... .. ........... .. 4 .. p1114.4444A444440441 WEDNESDAY, THURSDAY, MARCH 9, 10 All Your Foods Are SAFE in a WestiilghouSe THE ONLY REFRIGERATOR WITH TRUE-TEMP CONTROL .0.11111•1 MENNE ImEaME 00.010.1 .1.1 11 1 11 11 1 1 1 1 1 1 11 1 1 1 1 11 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 SENMEE.. IMENMEN ONMEENE mum., ••••••• IMMEMMEN. INENIME MOEN ENME.NEI OMOMMINI MEM* ••••••• OWN. :NEM Immo "SAIGON" ALAN LADD VERONICA LAKE Smith's Economy Food Store Crosse & Blackwell tin York Brand 12 oz. tin Date and Nut Loaf 23c I BOLOGNA 36c Puffy All-over DOT CURTAINS in attractive criss-cross snowy white Marquisette, 46" wide, 21/4 yds. long, Per pair $5.25 LACE CURTAINING and DOTTED MARQUISETTES, in natural color or colored dots. By the yard for living room, kitchen' pr bedroom, per yard 59c to. $1.00 PAPER DRAPES—Ready to hang, in rich Floral Effects. Flame-proof— Cleanable and no ironing needed. Difficult to tell from cloth drapes. 58" wide, 21/2 yards long, per pair ..$1.59 and $2.50 For Window Beauty, Ready made or Yardage DRAPERY or NET ELIZABETH ARDEN'S .Ardenaglimd- 0 -3onik Crimson Lilac Mil Lacquer Extra-protective Ardona Hand-O-Tonik lightens, soothes, softens, of course ...and leaves a non-sticky invisible after-film that continues to protect against wind and weather! For pretty fingertips, the latest fashion is a whispering lacquer tone —Crimson Lilac is the newest! SOMETHING SPECIAL FOR YOU! For a limited time only--a special miniature of Crimson Lilac Nail Lacquer with Ardena Hand-O-Tonik at 1.25—miniatures of Crimson Lilac Nail Lacquer, Foolpruf Undercoat and Cuticle Cream included with Ardena Hand-O-Tonik 2.23 size! NAIL LACQUER, 1.00 • FOOLPRUS UNDERCOAT, 1.00 McKibbons *MEM MEMO K. D. S. limimmuliminimmumniummillimminimimminiumninommumminummomminimminiumiumiN BELGRAVE The 6th line E. Wawanosh Farm Forum met at the home of Mr, and Mrs, Borden Scott with an attendance of 23, The meeting was led by Mrs. Melvin Taylor. Discussion groups reached these conclusions. 1, (a) What factors affecting in- come are peculiar to farming? Variation of ogees, variation of pro- ducts, weather, •soil, labor and the' fact that the farmer has no say in pric- es either to buy or sell, (b) Which of these require special consideration in income tax law. Taxes on produce losses suds as Cattle and crop losses caused by Weather conditions, Figuring income On a five year basis would help. THE WINGHAM ADVANCE-TIMES ' Wednesday, March .9th, 1949 *AG TIMVE ginHOOMMUUMINUMMOHNIMUNOWHOHNINNUMUMMUHHOMMINCi 4' EE IIEFEEN KING DEPT. STORE •4•04.1 Mammal "The Friendly Store" f Institute, when 16 ladies were present. IMrs. Elwood Barbour was in the chair and the roll call was responded to with an Irish Recipe. It was agreed to invite the ladies to hold the West Huron District Annual meeting at St. Helens. The matter of the Girls' project, "The Supper Club" was left with Mrs. Will Rutherford, local leader of the project. "Sleeping Gar- ments" and the girls who arc taking that course. Mrs. W. A. Miller read a paper on Publicity and one on the Institute Ode. Mrs. Stan Todd read a poem "If." At the conclusion lunch was served by the hostesses, Mrs. Carl Durnin and Mrs. Chester Taylor. • The Young People presented their play "Uncle Cy Hits a New' High" to a full house in the Wingham Town Hall, sponsored by St. Andrew's Church choir on Friday night. This was the ninth successful presentation. Other engagements include, Goderich, Under titre auspices of the W. A. of Victoria St. Church, the Agricultural Society of Ripley, the Y, P, U. of United Church, Delg'rave, and the Anglican Church Guild; Auburn, the date not definite. ' Mr, Elmer Woods is making favour,. Able ,progress in the Wingham Hospi- tal, Where he has been confined for the past two weeks following an accident in the bush, when he was hit on the head by a falling limb. "THE SEARCH" Spring Colour Scheme! New Draperies Curtains - Curtaining A. MacMAHON IVAN JANDL cmostotiomm .............. ................................ 411.1101.11111111 .. ....... .............. ..... I ...... En.•••• INOIONE. EOM. REMINEN• MIME MEM. 1•01NEEN INEEE11• **MEM law010/1 MOW= POMMY WORN. 01.111:0•1 INNEEME MEM* IENIEME IMINEEN. WM.= I Mil/ ••••••• 11110M41 11.1••••• 1.001=11 OEM. INNEMMEN EMMEN 1111•11 MEM* =IMMO MENEM, •••••• •••=:"E;7 MARCH 11, 12 CREEK" FRIDAY, SATURDAY, "CORONER R. SCOTT M. CHAPMAN for that New Home, or for to make the Home Look New Omoramb MEMO. .MMO. M.EN4 Wm.E.N1 INNIONMEI 1•••••• EMMEN IINEENE• MARCH 14, 15' MONDAY, TUESDAY, "THE BISHOP'S WIFE" Cary Grant Loretta Young David Niven NEVE* RAYON DAMASK—Self-pattern- ed in shimmering satin motiff, 50" wide. Eggshell, Maroon, Blue, Green, per yard $3.50 Rayon Damask in Floral' design with pastel back- grounds of Green, Wine, or Natural A gay and brightening touch for plain nails. 50" wide, per yard $1.89 Heavy Floral COTTON DRAPERY in all-over pattern. Very attractive` colorings for Spring. 50" wide— Per yard $2.49 FLORAL CHINTZ—Bright with color, for drapes or slip-covers. Backgrounds of Rose, Green, Nat- ural, 50" wide—Per yard . .. .$1.75 MONKS CLOTH— Drapery suit- able for any room. In natural tone, heavy weight drapery in basket weave or check design-50" ' wide. Per yard , $1.69 1111•=MI 1•11.1•16 EMINIMMEN WEDNESDAY, THURSDAY, MARCH 16, 17 MEMO MENNE EMMEN. MOEN. 1 immib 1.0011. ST. HELENS Mrs. M. G. Newton is visiting with 1.2.awr daughter, Mrs. Charlton and Mr. CO'..xilton at Port Alma. The women of the Missionary Sac- ••••••• • MENEM iety joined with those of Whitechurch for the observance of the World Day of Prayer on Friday, in the White- church United Church, Mrs. Stanley Todd was hostess for the March meeting of the Women's NOREEN •••••••, 11.01111. MOM. SOMME *MOE* rm.= ••••••••; The Salvation Army Captain and Mrs. H. deVries BAPTIST CHURCH I Rev. 0..1. Coupland, Pastor 11:00 a.m.—Holiness Meeting. 2:30 p.m.—Sunday School. 7:00 p.m.—Gospel Service. O Yes, there's a place for everything in the Westinghouse "Dual-Automatic" Refrigerator . . and exclusive "True-Temp" control lets you select the correct degree of cold for the food you wish to store . . . then maintains that temperature—regardless of the weather! Only Westinghouse offers this great advantage. And every Westinghouse refrigerator has many other modern advancements you will want .. . you get MORE in a Westinghouse. Come in 'nd see them! a,m..—!4Blind Servant". 7 p.m.—"Signs of Idolatry". You Are Welcome Monday- 7:00 p.m.—Sunshine Hour. Tuesday- 2:30 p.m. Home League. 8 p.m.—Youth Group. Thursday- 8 p.m.—Prayer Meeting. A hearty Welcome awaits at the Salvation Army. Children's Meeting, Fri., 7 p.m, ''See that none renders evil fOr evil unto any man; but ever foll- ow that which is good, both am- ong yourselves, and to all men". —I Thessalonians 5:15. e FLORAL Pattern CRETONNE Ideal for bedroom or for chair cov- ers, 36" wide, and bright cheery designs. Per yard 79c S Frilled Curtains with colorful dots. Very suitable for bedroom and kitchen. Good weight, 36" wide x 2 1/4 yds., pr. $3.25 $4.50 Pretty Pastel Bedroom CURTAINS with deep ruffles. Rose, blue, tur- quoise. 21/4 yds., per pair $4.95 Lace Curtains Ready to hang. Made in England quality. Rich honey color, in dainty Lace effect. Silk Marquisette Curtains, plain, 45" wide, 2% yds. long, per pair 4.29 to 6.95 FOR PALE VELVET HANDS , WITH WHISPERING FINGERTIPS • RADIO & ELECTRIC "We Service Everything We Sell" 0=10101=1101=10=10=10=0=0=0X 'Phone 161 Free Delivery Prompt Service MEIN.MME Ereamm EEN.m. MENEM ommip Fawns ••••••• WEINNIEB 0 1111••••• VENNI* P E C I A L! Fresh Ground Mornhig Cheer COFFEE, lb. 53e o. O O 01:11 • SPECIAL • Weston's OATMEAL Cookies • SPECIAL • McCORMICK'S BRIDGE CREAMS or FRUIT TARTS 28c lb. M 11 1 1 11 1 11 1 1 11 1 1 11 11 1 1 1 11 1 11 1 32c lb. , . .. . , . • • Pastry from Teeswater Bakery RIEMME CAKES SNOWBALLS TARTS PIES Arrive FRESH Tuesday, Friday and Saturday VanCamp 15 oz. tin PORK & BEANS ..11c SPECIAL Extia LOW PRICE E. D. SMITH'S PURE 13 °z Blue Boy tin bottle. 21 C GREEN BEANS, 2 - 25c Ketchup Neilson's Jersey COCOA, 1/2 lb. 27c lb. 39c Smith's Four O'Clock TEA, 1/2 lb. 50c Velveeta or Chateau CHEESE, 1/2 lb. 30c 2. Do you consider income tax to be, a fair method of taxation. ?hair. The minutes and roll call read by Lila Bennett, the Secretary-Treas. NO Hardest worker pays most, The scripture' lesson read by Jack Takation or property owners ,n an Ivlillligan, and the Worship period was assessment basis would be fairer. taken by Mrs. George Griffith. The ABS Most able to pay, pays most, business discussed was the social but forms are too complicated and dance Friday night,. March 4th, in the form income difficult to keep straight. Town Hall, Wroxeter, Proceeds in aid 'How many are employed in the of the church, All were requested to Dominion Income Tax Bureau? How come out to support the first public much of Farm Income Tax is request., Social. Brown's Orchestra in attend- ed to pay their salaries? ance, There will also be a euchre on Tuesday, March 8th, ,at 8.80 p.m. in WROXETER the Masonic Rooms, in aid of the Sun- day School work. Ladies provide re., Anglican Church Mews freslunents, The meeting dosed with The regular weekly meeting of the thd benediction, Rev. I. C. Caley talc- A, Y. P. A. was held in Wroxeter on lug over the Edification part of the Tuesday, March '1st, And opened with program and concluded with game% the President, Jack Griffith, the and refreshments, Fresh Fruits and Vegetables O Na. 1 Ontario I Imported Idaho o Cooking Onions 5 lb. 25c I Spanish Onions 3 lb. 29c Firm, Ripe Imported Tomatoes lb. 25c Fresh Florida PASCAL CELERY, large I7c O CourteouS Service Free Delivery 'Phone 161 01=0) (0= 40=6 s0=01