HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1949-03-02, Page 4OH ! CATHCART OUT OF 6 COLORS TO CHOOSE FROM,YOU HAD TO GET ONE THAT WOULDN'T GO WITH MY NEW DRESS. RADIO et ELECTRIC Telephone 171J CLASSIFIED ADS. WARREN HOUSE — FURNISHINGS VENETIAN BLINDS 1 All eolout's, with Tapes to match Installation Free LAMPS BOOKS NEEDLEPOINT Suitable for Pictures, Chairs - Fire Benches RUGS RUGS Belgium Biarritz Axminster Oriental for Living-room— Dining-room Bedroom Loopa Twist Rugs All sizes 18 colors to pick from C. C. McKibbon 'Phone 475 Wingham FIREPLACE FURNACE. For Summer Homes and Cottages.... draws cold air out of room —sends hot air in to re place Ir instead of beating outside—circulates air— saves fuel—so mom cold evenings it cane. Write to .., TWEED STEELWORKS asseAr-35 TWEED, ONT. Barker's 6 oz, pkg. SODA BISCUITS 10c Plain or Salted * .. And Quality, too, at Your Dominion Stores with A Full Range of Tasty Groceries, Delicious Meats and Fine Foods of Every Variety lb. 39c Dozen '" ▪ 40c ai New Mild Coloured CHEESE Grade A EGGS - lb. 1 OC No. 1 Ontario Hand-picked BEANS', - Pride' of Niagara Prune PLUMS - 20 oz. tin ▪ 10c Richmello Fresh Ground COFFEE - lb. 57c IM Fancy, Red Cohoe SALMON - A Meal in a Jiffy KRAFT DINNER Brunswick Chicken HADDIE - - 23c Ready-cut Bulk lb. MACARONI - 2 for 19c Clark's 20 oz. tin TOMATO JUICE 2-17c Clark's Vegetarian, in Tomato Sauce 20 oz. tin BEANS - - - 2-25c Dominion 16 oz. jar , PEANUT BUTTER 39c Utopian Choice 28 oz. tin TOMATOES - 2-35c Velvet 5 lb. bag CAKE FLOUR - - 39c Milled from Washed Wheat 24 lb. bag Robin Hood Flour 1.27 Navy TOILET TISSUE 3-25c.c White Swan roll TOILET TISSUE 3-32c Weston:s Golden Brown Plain or Salted 16 oz. SODAS - — 28c Weston's Bulk lb. Sandwich Biscuits 35c For Hot Breakfast!--Dr. Jackson's 2 3/4 lb. ROMAN MEAL 32c Fresh, Economical 8 qt, bag Newport' Fluffs 25c Values effective to closing time, Saturday, March 5th, 1949 All Merchandise sold at your Dominion Store is unconditionally Guaranteed to give 100% satisfaction 7 3/4 oz. tin ▪ 33c 7V2 oz. pkg. - 15c 14 oz. tin Heat and Eat—Lipton's Noodle SOUP MIX - Johnson's Paste FLOOR WAX CRISCO Brunswick, in oil SARDINES - From Ripe Tomatoes—Heinz KETCHUP - pkg. 2-25c 16 oz. tin 59c lb. pkg. - 47c 31/2 oz. tin 9c 13 oz. bet. -25c McLaren's (6 Flavours) pkg. JELLY POWDERS 3-25c Large Laundry Bar SUNLIGHT SOAP 2-25c Fresh Milled Bulk lb. 11,OLLED OATS - 3-23c With Cheese—Libby's 15 oz. tin Cooked Spaghetti - 14c lb. COFFEE 49c Shirriff's 8 oz. pkg. . Lemon' Pie Fillers 16c Jello 41'/ oz. pkg. Lemon Pie Fillers 2-19c Early Morning Economical Shamrock Pure LARD Domestic SHORTENING ICING SUGAR Aylmer JUICE iselmtNids ttesket 0070 21c 37c lb. pkg, - 2-23c, 20 or. tin " 10c *PAO FOUR 4 THE WINGHAM ADVANCE-TIMES Wednesday, Marct 2nd, 1.9* A PERSONALITY "PLUS" BY WESTINGHOUSE WANTED—A young woman for gen- eral housework. Phone 308, Geo. Adams, Ron MeMichae and dill l'hornton were in Clinton last Tues- day evening at the annual meeting of Huron County Junior Farmers. Glenn Austin was elected to the office of first Vice President, and .Geo. Adams director. Miss Erland Gregg was also made a director of the girl's section. A large number from this district were in Mildmay on Wednesday night, when the local hockey team played their 4th game with Moltke, resulting in a 5-3 win for (Moltke-This is their third in the best "three out of five" series and gives Moltke the W.O.A.A. "C" Intermediate Championship. Al- though not the winners the Gorrie boys are to be heartily congratulated on their fine standing for the last.few years. World Day of Prayer A cordial invitation is extended to all the women of the village and com- mnnity to attend the World Day of Prayer service in the United Church, on Friday, March 4th, at 3 p.m. "More things are wrought by prayer than this world dreams of" so join in the intercessions for a troubled world. New Railing On Gorrie Bridge A fine new railing, which was un- obtainable last fall, has 'been added to the new bridge and adds greatly to its appearance and also to -the safety. Women's Institute The March meeting will 'be held on Tuesday. March 8th, at 2.30 p.m., at the home of Mrs. Cloyne Michel. Mrs. Pearl Kaine, Historical Research con- vener, will be in charge of program. Roll Call, a bit of Irish 'wit. St. Stephen's W. A. The Women's Auxiliary will meet on Wednesday, March 9th, at 2.30 p.m. at the home of Mrs, Geo. Anger, Roll Call. A verse from the book of Exodus. Lenten Prayer Service Rev, 5. C. Caley will hold prayer services at the homes during the Len- ten season. On Wednesday evening, March 2nd., the meeting will be at the home of Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Strong at 8 p.m. William West The death occurred in Stratford on Sunday morning of Wm. West, a for. mer resident of Orange Hill, folloWing a three week's illness from pneumonia, r RAILROADERS, Telephone Men, Hydro Men, Section Men, Milkmen, Breadmen, and all men whose occu- pation is outdoors, in rain, sleet and hail, who know the comfort of keep- ing their clothes dry and warm— use "RAINPROOFER" on all their work clothes. Just sprinkle it on—it is invisible but sure keeps the rain off. All 89 cents bottle will rainproof about four or five pair of overalls and jackets.. Get it at Donald Rae & Son, only. WANTED Knee hole Office desk, size about 27x42, with drawers. Ap- ply Advance-limes. ANNOUNCING—We are agents for Britishknit Woollen Wear f o r every member of the family. Made to order and made-to-measure. Yemen's, Wingham, Phone 279. ASK FOR—I russes, Lumbago Belts, Abdominal Supports, Elastic Stock- ings, Suspensories, at Kerr's I D A Drug Store. BE YOUR OWN BOSS!-Distribute on Part Time or Full Time basis, our 250 products: Toiletries, Vita- mins, Extracts, Spices, Baking Powder, Cakes, Doughnuts, Glass, Silver, Furniture and Shoe Polishes, etc. Each Individual a customer. Excellent opportunity to test your business abilities. WRITE for FREE details and catalogue, FAM- ILEX, 1600 Delorimier, Montreal, CONCRETE BLOCKS FOR SALE —We lay blocks and do concrete work of any kind, foundations, floors, sidewalks, driveways. etc., estimates free. Brooks & VanCamp, Phone 608r5 or 8W, Wingham. CLERK WANTED—Full time Em- ployment, one with experience or sales ability. Apply Pollock's Shoe Store. FOR SALE-2 Trucks, 3 ton Dodge, '41 model stake body, also 1939 Panel Delivery Chevrolet. A. 5. Lockridge, Phone 35. FOR SALE-7 roomed brick house possession in May, Apply Harold Ross, Charles St. FOR SALE —1935 Ford V8 Sedan, new tires and battery, good shape. Slim Boucher, CKNX, Phone 618r4. FOR SALE—Percheron Horse, about 4 years old, 1300 lbs.; 4 Brood Sows. Apply Harold Dennis, near ceme- tery. FOR SALE-1935 Ford Sedan, good tires $285.00. Phone 625r41, after 5 p.m. FOR SALE—Building lot, good resi- dential location in Wingham. Apply Box \', Advance-Times. FOR SALE-5 acres maple tops. Mr, Leander Good, Phone 624r3, Wing- ham. FOR SALE-2 very large black Wal- nut Trees. Apply Advance-Times. FOR SA I .E-1. 2 ton 1041 Chev Truck, good condition. Apply W. H. Gallaher, \Vroxeter, Phone 5r6. — FOR SALE-100 acres, lot 11, con. 13, Howick, 1 mile from Highway, brick house, bank barn, drilled well, water in stable. silo, hydro available, Apply Leonard Metcalfe, Clifford, or Roy •tiowdy, Wroxeter, FOR IMMEDIATE ,DELIVERY— New Cockshutt Conde Milking Ma- chine, also Viking Cream Separators and rubber parts for all makes of Milking Machines. We also have tractor tires and rims in stock. See us about changing your steel tired tractor to rubber. J, Bumstead .Son, Wingham. FOR SALE-160 acres in Howick Township on paved road, consisting of 6 acre,4 of hardwood bush, 100 acres workable and remainder in pasture and swamp limber. Barn 40x60 with straw shed 28x60, ce- ment stabling with water inside, and hen house in barn also drive shed and colony house. Cement veneer house with furnace, telephone and rural mail delivery, for further par, t. Oculars, apply to D. I.. Weir, Wins- ham, Ontario. Possession immediate- ly. FOR SALE—Corn on the Cob, about 10 ton, $40.00 a ton. Walter H. Woods. Phone 12t0, Wroxeter, WANTED TO EXCHANGE York Hog about 300 Ws, for either York or Tamworth, Phone 640r22, WANTED—Second or Third Class Stationary Steam Engineer. Apply in writing to. The Andrew Malcolm. Furniture Company, Listowel. IT GROWS HAIR VIVAX—the amazing new discovery of the Vivax Co, grows hair and checks dandruff. Results will amaze you. You Can't lose, This sensational new dis- covery re-grows your hair and checks dandruff or money promptly refunded with no questions asked. Recommend- ed for men and women. ',Complete treatment $5 postpaid. (C,O.D.'s post- age extra). MEDICAL PRODUCTS (Dept 436) Station B, Montreal, Que. NOTICE The new Building Code for the Town of Wingham, as provided by By-Law No. 1195, has been finally approved by Wingham Town Council and will become effective on and af- ter March 8th.., 1949. This By-Law provides for the in- spection of all new construction with- in the Town. as well as regulating the moving of all buildings and the control of Fire Hazards. Anyone contemplating any altera- tions or the erection of new buildings should call at the Town Clerk's Office and obtain a copy of the regulations, so that they -fnay keep within the pro- visions of this By-Law. W. A. Gabraith, Town Clerk, Wingham, Ontario TENDERS Tenders will be received by the un- dersigned for the supplying of Diesel fuel oil, No. 1 gasoline, No. 1 motor oil and hydraulic oil. Applicant to supply pumps and containers. Ten- ders to be in the hands of the under- rigned not later than March 4th, 1949. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Anson Galbraith, R. R. 1. Gorrie, Ont. Road Superintendent of Howick Twp. TENDERS Tenders will be received by the Clerk of Howick Township for the Printing Contract for the Township of Howick for the year 1949, Tenders to be in the hands of the Clerk by 12 o'clock noon, on March 4th, 1949. Lowest or any tender not necessar- ily accepted. P. L. Direst, Clerk of /-lowick Township, Wroxeter, Ontario. TENDERS Tenders will be received by the Clerk of Howick Township for the crushing and spreading of 8000 yards more or less of gravel, 314 inch screen to be used. Gravel to be delivered any- where in the Township of Howick under the direction of the Road Sup- erintendent. Tenders to be plainly marked "Tenders for Gravel" and to be in the hands of the Clerk by 12 o'clock noon, March 4th, 1949. A cer- tified cheque for 5% of the contract to accompany tender. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Work to be completed by September 1st, 1949. P. L. Durst, Clerk of Howick Township, \Vroxeter, Ontario, NOTICE TO CREDITORS All persons having claims against the Estate of Mary Coultes, late of the Village of Belgrave, in, the County of Huron, Married Woman, who died on or about the third day of February, A.D., 1949, are notified to send to the undersigned on or before the fifth day of March, A,D., 1949, full particulars of their claims in writing. Immediately after the said fifth day of March the assets of the said testatrix will be dis- tributed amongst the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to claims of which the executor shall then have notice. DATED this fourteenth day of February, A. D., 1949. CRAWFORD & HETHERINGTON Wingham, Ontario. Solicitors for the executor. NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE of CHARLES J. DAY, late of the Village of Gorrie, in the County of Huron, Gentleman, deceased. TAKE NOTICE that creditors and others having clainis against the es- tate of the said Charles J. Day, de- ceased, are required to file their claims duly verified with the undersigned on or before the fifth day of March, A. D., 1949, and that after the said date the Executors will distribute the estate having regard only to the claims of which they shall then have notice. DATED this ninth day of February. A,D„ 1049. A, H, McTavish, Teeswater, Ontario, Solicitor for the Eexecutors. CARD OP THANKS I wish to express my thanks to friends and neighbours for visits and gifts of carols, flowers and many other remembrances which came to me tiur• ing my illness in Wingham General Hospital. These expressions were deeply appreciated, Mrs. Geo. C. Johnston, GORRIE Mr. Bud Stewart of Detroit, spent the week-end with his wife and family. Mr. ,Bill Bennett underwent an ap- pendectomy in Wingham General Hos- pital on Wednesday last. His con- dition is reported as favorable. Mrs, B, Greaves of Galt, called on friends 'here on Saturday. Mrs. John- ston of Galt and Mrs. Greavcs were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Baker of Fordwich, over the week-end. Miss Lois Montgomery, Stratford, and Mr. Oscar Thompson,.. Kitchener, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Montgomery and family of Milton, visited with Mr, and Mrs, John Montgomery on Sunday. 'Mr. Louis Charles, Gowanstown, called on friends in town on Saturday. Mrs. Bagnell of Toronto. was a re- cent visitor here. Miss Barbara Fortune of Waterloo. has been spending some time at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Gamble, Mrs. Gamble has been 'under the Dr's. care. Miss Maxine Farrish was home from Listowel for the week-end. The W.M.S. of the United Church will meet on Thursday at 2,30 p.m. at the home of Mrs. 'Hec. Hamilton. Roll Call, Sowing. Mrs. Ella Lackie of Waterloo, visit- ed her brother, Mr. Herb Neill on Sat- urday. Congratulations and best wishes to Mr. and Mrs, Albert Dustow on the occasion of their thirty-first wedding anniversary on Feb. 27th. In the W.O,S.S.A. semi-finals pub- lic speaking contest hetd in Palmerston on Thursday night, when Champion speakers from four High Schools, Lis- towel, Exeter, Palmerston and Milver- ton competed. Miss Marianne Doig, daughterof Mr. and Mrs. Harold Doig, con. 4 was again a winner in the junL" for girl's class. Robert Gibson, a son of Irwin Gibson, Listowel, was first in the sr. boy's class. Each speaker was required to give a nine minute prepared address and a three minute impromptu address. Deputy Reeve Harry Gowdy and Councillor Harvey McMichael attend- ed the Good Roads convention held at the Royal York in Toronto last week. The Y.P.U. will meet at the home of Miss Gwen Ruttin next Sunday evening, Mrs, A. Hamilton has returned from London. Mrs, Milo Casemore of Wingham, visited with Mrs. Etta Day on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Manfred Irvin and Mr. and Mrs. Bower Farrish were in Guelph on Sunday to visit Mrs. Ir- vin's mother, Mrs. Sam Douglas who has been very ill. Lackie Bros. of Waterloo, were in town on Saturday. They have pur- chased the steel work of the Robt. Sanderson bridge, washed out by last spring's flood, Cement abutments for the new bridge were erected last year and construction of the steel work will be commenced shortly. Miss Erland Gregg, Glenn Austin, CARD OF THANKS To those who expressed their sym- pathy in so many b'eautiful and prac- tical ways during our recent bereave, ment, we extend our heartfelt thanks. Mrs. Matthew Bell and Family. NOTICE`TO CREDITORS All persons having claims against the estate of Samuel Wright Ferguson late of the Village of Gorrie, in the County of Huron, Retired Farmer, de- ceased, who died on or about the 1st, day of February, A.D., 1949, are not- 'lied to send to the undersigned, on or before the 12th day of March, 1940, full particulars of their claims in writing, Immediately after the said 12th day of March, the assets of the said testator will be distributed amongst the parties entitled thereto, raving regard only to claims of which the executor shall then have notice. DATED this 18th day of February, ckgw176RD & HtTHERINGTON Wirigharn, Ontario, He was in his seventy-fifth year, Born in England, he came to Canada at the age of eleven and lived for nineteen years at We home of the late Mr. and Mrs. Richard Dennis, lot 14, con. 10, known in more recent years as the Ed- ward Galbraith farm. He then went to England to visit his mother and on his return to Canada was employed in Stratford in a furniture factory and later in the C.N.R, shops. He retired about nine years ago. His wife sur- vives him. Funeral service will be held on Wednesday in Stratford, with in- ternment in Stratford cemetery. While living in Howick he was a member of the Orange Hill Methodist Church and of the choir. He has been a fre- quent visitor at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Gco. Johnston, Fordwich. Mrs. Johnston being a daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. R. Dennis. WROXETER Anglican Church News , The regular monthly meeting of St. James' Ladies' Guild will be at the home of Mrs, Victoria Brothers on Tuesday. March 8th at 2:30 p.m. Do- nations will be received for members' subscriptions to Forwards at this meeting, A community dance held recently in Wroxeter Town Hall with Browns Or- chestra supplying the music under aus, pices of a new "Social Club" was much. enjoyed by all, especially were the members of the committee pleased to see so manytof the older folk enjoying the modern and old time dancing. A request was made to hold it again. Mrs. Geo. Griffith and Mrs. Dave Draper were in charge of the refresh- ment booth. Mr. and Mrs. Clark Sharpin -will convene the next dance, assisted by a chosen committee, Mr. Mac Steurnol, is visiting in Lon- don for a few days. Miss Olive Lovering of Severn Falls, accompanied by her small granddaugh- ter, Barbara Sexty, Saskatoon, Sask., are visiting for a few days at the home of Mr. and Mrs, H. V. McKenney. Mr. Harvey Reidt and Mr. Harold Durst were in Toronto last week on a. business trip. INANTED__worriau f or h ousewor k ;me or two days a week, or reliable school girl, from 4 to 7 p.m. (one ehibi). Apply • Box 391, Wingham, Phone 541W. ..... WA NTED---Girl or woman for up- stairs work. Phone 161. FOR SALE-1 fresh .Cow. Apply Ad- .vance-Times. FOR SALE—Beatty Gasoline power- ed Washer, Briggs & Stratton mot- or, nearly new. Apply George Fear Myth, Ontario. R. R. 3, Phone 1'1r4. FOR SALE—Ladies brown gabardine suit, size 18, good as new. Phone 111 FOR SALE—SINGER Sewing mach-" ines. Electric portables & cabinet models; new and reconditioned, all guaranteed time payments. For in- formation. WRITE Singer Sewing Centre, Phone 403, Hanover,- Ont. FURNITURE—Select from a very -wide range of Chesterfield and bed- room furniture at J. F. Schuett & Sons, Mildmay. They compete with mail order catalogues. Also new and used pianos. 60 cycle washers and refrigerators. Free delivery. IF YOU ARE IN THE MARKET for good Chicks, how about placing your order with us for either Bray or Lakeview chicks? Write or phone 643r2, Jas. R. Coultes. "I RECOMMEND THEM" says Customer, Mrs. John Carnochan, Brussels, of her BIG-4 Chicks. Once a customer usually always one. We suggest it's high time to order yours. The Dept. of Agriculture, says "Hatch early for profit." Canada approved, backed by a breeding pro- gram on Hatchery's own farms. Get price list, order now, Wilbur Hogg, R. R. 4, Wingham. NOW IS THE TIME—To order Tweddle Chicks for bigger profits in 1949. Order now for delivery any date you desire, Call or see Harvey Cook, Belgrave, phone, Wingham 634r14. PART-TIME OPPORTUNITY For women of above average intelli- gence, resident in or near Wingham, to take part in nation-wide survey in April, May and June, and to con- tinue as resident interviewer if sat- isfactory. Write: Canadian Pacts Ltd., 146 Wellington St., W., Tor- onto, at once, PICTURE FRAMING A SPECIAL- ty. Warren House, Phone 475. QUAKER OIL BURNER — With force circulation, the floor is as warm as the ceiling. See Edwards Motor Sales, IN MEMORIAM 5PARI.ING—In loving memory of our dear husband and father, Alonzo SKINNY r&fEN, WOMENI bah' 5 to Sparling, of Wroxeter, who entered 15 lbs. New Pep, too, Try fatuous his Heavenly Home two years ago Ostrex Tonic Tablets for double March 6th, 1947, results, new ,healthy flesh; new rig- Gone is the voice we loved so dear, or, New "get acquainted" size only Silent is the voice we loved to hear; 60 cents, All Druggists. Too far away for sight or speech, But not too far for thought to reach, TRUCK FOR SALE 1042 Dodge, Sweet to remember him who once was 3 ton with rack in first class con- here, clition. Call in and see same, C. And who, though absent, is just as Bondi & Son, dear. .—Sadly missed and always remember. ed by his wife and family. sA, Bu lova DIANA 17 Jewels 83750 David Crompton JEWELLER Certified Watchmaker Gifts For All Occasions WINGHAM PHONE 59