HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1949-02-23, Page 4foR PALE VELVET ,HANPS. WITH WHISPERING FINGERTIPS 0, 4 .e. ELIZABETH ARDEN'S _Ardenacilimd- 0 -.gond- Crimson Lilac Mil Lacquer Extra-protective Ardena Hand-O-Tonik lightens, soothes, softens, of course ...and leaves a non-sticky invisible after-film that continues to protect against wind and weather! For pretty fingertips, the latest fashion is a whispering lacquer tone —Crimson Lilac is the newest! SOMETHING SPECIAL FOR YOU! For a limited time only—a special miniature of Crimson Lilac Nail Lacquer with Ardena Hand-O-Tonik at 1.25—miniatures of Crimson Lilac Nail Lacquer, Foolpruf Undercoat and Cuticle Cream included with Ardena Hand-O-Tonik 2.25 size! NAIL LACQUER, 1.00 • FOOLPRUF UNDERCOAT, 1.00 McKibbons z Ret40.e2 CLASSIFIED ADS. ANNOUNCING—We are agents fd•r Britishknit Woollen Wear f o r every member of the family. Made to order and made-to-measure. Yemen's, Wingham, Phon, 279. ASK FOR—Trusses, Lumbago Belts, Abdominal Supports, Elastic Stock- ings, Suspensories, at Kerr's I D 'A Drug Store. BE YOUR OWN BOSSI—Distribute on Part Time or Full Time basis, our 250 products: Toiletries, Vita- mins, Extracts, Spices, Baking Powder, Cakes, Doughnuts, Glass, Silver, Furniture and Shoe Polishes, etc. Each Individual a customer. Excellent opportunity to test your business abdities. WRITE for FREE details and catalogue. FAM- ILEX, 1600 Delorimier, Montreal. COLLIE PUPS—Black with white markings, born heelers, mother will fetch cows alone. .Apply Walter S. Scott, R. R. 5, Wingham, Phone 631r2, FOR IMMEDIATE DELIVERY— New Cockshutt Conde Milking Ma- chine, also Viking Cream Separators and rubber parts for all makes of Milking Machines. We also have tractor tires and rims in stock. See us about changing your steel tired tractor to rubber, J. Bumstead & Son, Wingham. "FARMERS" — "RAIN P it 0 0 F" your work, clothes, over-ails, jack. ets, tarpaulins, blankets, etc., at home, simply and economically. Just sprinkle it on—it is invisible but ' sure keeps out the wet rain. An 89 cents bottle will do about five jackets. Get it at Donald Rae & Son, only. FOR SALE-2 pairs ladies suede shoes unworn, size 713, black and brown. Phone 552j, FOR SALE—Moffatt 4 Burner Elec- tric Range, like new. Apply Ad - vance-Times. FOR SALE-10-20 McCormick-Deer- leg Tractor on Rubber and Plow, good condition. Apply James Pais- ley, R. R. 1, Glenannan. FOR SA LE-11 hoe Massey-Harris Seed Drill, complete: with grass seeder, Preston double driver fertil- ator. W. Sellers, R, 4, Wingliam, FOR SA1,E-1 girl's red suit size 12, 1 girl's green tweed suit, size 14, also 1 boy's sport jacket, size 18, Phone 546J, FOR SALE-100 acres in Howick Township on paved road, consisting of 6 acres of hardwood bush, 100 acres workable and remainder in pasture and swamp timber. Barn 40x60 with straw shed 28x60, ce- ment stabling with water inside, and hen house in barn also drive shed and colony house, Cement veneer house with furnace, telephone and rmal mail delivery, for further par- ticulars, apply to D. L. Weir, Wing. barn, Ontario. Possession immediate- . kali.. FOR SALE-6 lid wood stove, en- amelled front, Wingham make, 4 years old. Phone Brussels 11r10. FOR SALE-300 started Barred Rock Pulletts, 5 weeks old, a real flock. Phone 6431.2, Jas. R. Coultes. FOR SALE .2 crepe dresses, 1 woollen sweater, size 15, never ;worn. 1 black box coat, boy's raincoat, size 10, girl's heavy coat, size 8, Apply Advance-Times. FOR SALE-46 Ford De Luxe, per- fect condition, $1550. Phone 630r12, FOR SALE-40 bus. Montcalm Bar- ley, 500 bus. Cartier Oats, weighing 47 lbs. per bus, and grown from. registered seed, One pure bred Dur- ham Bull, ten months old. Apply Thos, Shearer, R, R. 1, Bluevale. FOR SALE-1 set of light team sleighs, 1 rubber tired wagon. Apply Phil. Dawson, Phone 613r4, R. R. 3, Wingham. FURNITURE—Select from a very wide range of Chesterfield and bed- room furniture at J. F. Schuett & Sons, .Milthrtay. They compete with mail order , catalogues. Also new and used pianos. 60 cycle washers and refrigerators. Free delivery. HOUSE FOR SALE—On corner of Charles Street, also Quebec Heater, and De Forest Crossley radio, good condition. Apply to Harold Ross. IF YOU ARE IN THE MARKET for good Chicks, how about placing your order with us for either Bray or Lakeview chicks? Write or phone 643r2, Jas. R. Coultes. KITCHENER BIG-4 CHICKS have stood the test of snore than 20 years, Most customers come back each year. They know what these chicks can produce. Canada Approved, backed Eby a breeding program on Hatch- ery's own farm. Bred by practical poultry specialists for practical poul- try keepers. Let us order for you, Wilbur Hoge., R, R. 4, Wingham, MODERN DWELLING FOR SALE —in Wingham, Ontario, center hall residence, constructed of brick, situ- tested on large corner lot, Recently decorated. Has four bedrooms, two bathrooms, large living and dining rooms, ultra MI/skill kitchen, hard- wood flooring, divided basement, lint water heating with new oil burlier, year-round hot water tank, soft water in laundry room, one-car detached garage. Immediate nem- army, For particulars apply H, . C. MacLean,. Real Estate and Business I3roker, Wingham, Ontario. NOW IS THE TIME—To order 1'weddle7 Chicks for bigger profits in 1949. Order now for delivery any date yOu desire, Call or see Harvey Cook, ReIgrave, phone, Wingham '03414, NEW 1049 1/2 ton FORD panel, equipped sti 1 ater and defrosters, side view, mirror and dome light, Huron 'Motors, Wingham. FART-TIME OPPORTUNITY For women of abpve average intelli- gence, resident in or near to take part in nation-wide survey in April, May and jvise, and to con- tinue as resident interviewer if sat- isfactory, Write; Canadian Facts Ltd., 1.46 Wellington St., W., Tor- onto, at once. PICTURE FRAMING A SPECIAL- ty, Warren House, Phone 475. QUAKER OIL BURNER With force circulation, the floor is as warm as the ceiling, See Edwards Motor Sales. SINGER Sewing Machines, all types new and reconditioned, all guaran- teed, time payments. RENTALS, REPAIRS, MOTORS ,For inform- ation, write, Singer Sewing Centre, Phone- 403, Hanover. SLENDOR TABLETS are effective. 2 weeks' supply $1., 12 weeks $5., at Kerr's and McKibbons Drug Stores. TRUCK FOR SALE-1942 Dodge, 3 ton with rack in first class con- dition. Call in and see same. C. Bondi & Son. WANTED—Young woman for gren- eral Housework. Phone 54, WANTED—Rooms, house, or part of house for light housekeeping. Keith Dunbar, Phone 471j. WANTED—Capable woman to look after children for 3 weeks, Apply Advance-Times, 1948 FORD PICKUP—Still in guar- antee equipped heavy duty tires, heater and defroster, Huron Motors, Wingham. APPLICATIONS Applications for linemen for Wrox- eter Telephone Co., Ltd., will be re- ceived by the undersigned until noon, March 2nd., 1949. Salary to be 75c per hour, company to supply truck. Ap- plicant to state experience and quali- fications in application. Further in- formation as to duties may be ob- tained from Sec.-Treas. P, L. Durst, Wroxeter, Ont. Female Help Wanted For General Hotel work. Ideal working conditions. Exceptionally good wages. Apply Queen's Hotel, Telephone 45, Seaforth. WANTED Operator for Wroxeter Telephone Co. Ltd. Good salary. Apply to Sec.- Treas. P. L. Durst, Wroxeter, Ont. Tenders Wanted Tenders will be received up to March 5th, 1949, by the undersigned for the wiring of the school-house of U.S.'S, No. 9, Kinloss, wiring to be done and completed in Easter holidays according to blueprint and specifica- tions submitted by H.E.P.C. Russell Gaunt, Sec.-Treas., R. R. 5, Lucknow. TENDERS Tenders will be received by the un- dersigned for the supplying of Diesel fuel oil, No. 1 gasoline, No. 1 motor oil and hydraulic oil. Applicant to supply pumps and containers. Ten- ders to be in the hands of the under- rigned not later than March 4th, 1949. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted, Anson Galbraith, R. R. 1. Gorrie, Ont. Road Superintendent of Howick Twp. TENDERS Tenders will be received by the Cleric of Howick Township for the Printing Contract for the 'Township of Howick for the year 1949. Tenders to be in the hands of the Clerk by 12 o'clock noon, on March 4th, 1.949. Lowest or any tender not necessar- ily accepted. P. L. Durst, Clerk of Howick Township, Wroxeter, Ontario. TENDERS Tenders will be received by the Clerk of Howick Township for the crushing and spreading .of 8000 yards more or less' of gravel, 314 inch screen to be used. Gravel to be delivered ,any- where in the Township of Howick under the direction of the Road Sup- erintendent. Tenders to be plainly marked "Tenders for Gravel" and to be in the hands of the Clerk by 12 o'clock nom March 4th, 1949, A cer- tified cheque for 5% of the correct to accompany tender., Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted, Work to be completed by September 1st, 1949. P. L. Durst, Clerk of Howicle. Township, Wroxeter, Ontario, NOTICE TO CREDITORS All persons having, claims against the estate of Henry Nelson Forgie, late of the Town of Wingham in the County of Huron, Retired Farmer, who died on or about the twentieth day of January, A,D., 1949, are noti- fied to send to the undersigned on or before the twenty-sixth day of Feb- ruary, A.D., 1940, full particulars of their claims in writing. Immediately after the said twenty-sixth day of February, A.D. 1040, the assets bf the said testator will be distributed amongst, the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to claims of which the Executrix shall then have notice. DATED this eighth day of Veins:, ary, A.D. 1949. CRAWFORD & HETHERINGTON Ontario, Solicitors for the executrix, NOTICE TO CREDITORS All persons lia`Ving claii7rs against the Estate of Mary COUltes, late or the Village of Tielgrave, in the County Of Huron, Married Weanass, who died JE WELLER Cefied Watchmaker Gifts For All Occasions WINGHAM PHONE 59 on or about the third day of February, A.D., 1949, are notified to send to the undersigned on or before the fifth day of March, A.D., 1949, full particulars of their claims in writing. Immediately after the said fifth day of March the assets of the said testatrix will be dis- tributed amongst the parties entitled thereto, haviug regard only to claims of which the executor shall then have notice. DATED this fourteenth day of February, A. D., 1949. CRAWFORD & HETHERINGTON Wingham, Ontario. Solicitors for the executor. NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE of CHARLES J. DAY, late of the Village of Gorrie, in the County of Huron, Gentleman, deceased. TAKE NOTICE that creditors and others having claims against the es- tate of the said Charles j. Day, de- ceased, arerequired to file their claims duly verified with the undersigned on or before the fifth clay of March, A. D., 1949, and that after the said date „the Executors will distribute the estate having regard only to the claims of which they shall then have notice. DATED -this ninth day of February, A.D. 1949. A. H. McTavish, Teeswater, Ontario, Solicitor for the Eexecutors. • NOTICE TO CREDITORS All persons having claims against the estate of Samuel Wright Ferguson late of the 'Village of Gorrie, in the County of Huron, Retired Farmer, de- ceased, who died on or about the 1st. clay of February, A,D., 1949, are not- ified to send to the undersigned, on or before the 12th clay of March, 1949, full particulars of their claims in writing. Immediately after the said 12th clay of March, the assets of the said testator will ibe distributed amongst the' parties entitled thereto, having regard only to claims of which the executor shall_ then have notice. • DATED this 18th day of February, A.D., 1949. CRAWFORD & HETHERINGTON Wirikham, Ontario. Solicitors for the executor. CARD OF THANKS Mr, and Mrs. Jack Thompson and family wish to express to their friends relatives and neighbours, their heart- felt thanks and appreciation for acts of kindness and the beautiful floral tributes and sympathy shown them in their recent sad bereavement in the loss of a dear baby, . . CARD OF THANES The family of the late Joseph J. Evans wish to express their deep ap- preciation to all who extended com- forting sympathy and help in their recent sorrow in the death of their father. Such thoughtfulness will al- ways be remembered, IN MEMORIAM ROSS—In loving memory of Malcolm Ross, who passed away, February 24th, 1948, The depths of sorrow, we cannot tell, Of the loss of one we loved so well; And while lie sleeps a peaceful, sleek), His memory we shall always keep, —Remembered by wife and family, sister and brother. BLUEVALE . The morning service at Knox ri.cs- byterian Church, was Conducted by Rev, Leland C, Jorgensen, who spokec on the sul>ject, "The power of fire' qtrenclied" based on the story of the three. young Hebrew men who were put into the fiery furnace and were -not burned because they had faith-and Balanced Feeding Made Easy • ALL the advantages of all the recent scien- tific advances in the field of animal nutrition are available to you—"just around ..the corner and right down the road". Right down to your local SHUR-GAIN Feed Service Mill. We obtain our concentrates from Canada Packers Limited whose nutrition staff have built into their feeds all the known scientific information available—thus ensuring perfect balance. When you order feeds from us, the grain is freshly ground and mixed according to formulas designed to produce a perfectly balanced feed. These feeds are. FRESH! None of the food value is lost due to long weeks in storage. If you prefer to use your own grain and bags, further savings are yours. s . See us when "next you're in town. Learn how easy it is to feed a balanced ration. , Learn of the savings possible through LOCAL manufacture. CANADA PACKERS, %INGHAM BLIJEVALE MILLING CO. LTD., BLUEVALE E. McNEE DELMORE DAUPHIN & GRANT TEESWATER ° 8 a a a a MORE SHUR-GAIN is' fed in Canada than any other brand. Min. iiiii ii DIM iii iii iif iiiiii i 'fi ii I i I ii if ' ' 3 M IM I 0 0 0 0 00 0 1 11 11 1 1 0 11 4 0 11 11 1 0 A VM . 8 IE I a a Just took How Much MORE You Get in a Westinghouse REFRIGERATOR $125 $50 DIAMOND AND WEDDING RINGS Da vid Crompton believed in the power of God, The choir sang "Face to Face." The Y.P.U. had charge of the even- ing service in the United Church with the president, Miss Wilda Brecken- ridge, presiding. Following a' song service of familiar hymns with Mrs. W. J. Johnston as pianist, the presi-' dent read a scripture message, based on "The Lord's Prayer" and led in. ifrayer. Mrs. . Stanley Darling had charge of the topic and read an im- pessive article on "prayer." Mr. Robt. Shaw offered the closing prayer. The Y.P.U. of the -United Church sponsoi.ed ae Valentine Box Social on Friday night. A good number of young people and children attended and en- joyed a season of games. Mr. Charles Hoffman acted as auctioneer and high prices were paid for some of the box- es. The proceeds amounted to $15.00. The 1st, line of ,Morris Farm Forum met this week at the home of Mreand Mrs. James Johnston with 53 in at- tendance, Stewart McLennan acted as leader for the review radio broadcast. Billy Robertson was named leader for March, Following the broadcast euchre was played when Mrs. Charles Mathers and Harvey Robertson won high score and Mrs. Fleming Johnston and Lee Breckenridge had the lowest number of points, Mrs, Fleming Johnston, Miss Wilda Breckenridge and Mrs, Harvey Rob- ertson assisted the hostess with re- freshments. Mr. Robert Shaw spent a part of last week with his sister-in-law, Mrs. Mary Robertson and other relatives, and while in the village he celebrated his 86th birthday. Mr. Shaw enjoys driod health, Mr, and*,11frs, Alfred Elsie of Fer- gus, visited with Mr. and Mrs.,Stan- ley Darling over the' week-end, Mr. James Stewart of Windsor, vis- ited with Mr, and Mrs, Peter S. Mc- Ewen on Sunday. Mr. Stewart was a former resident of the 2nd. concession of Tunberry and was here attending the funeral of Isis sister, the late Miss Agnes Stewart, -- Mr. Cyril Copeland, head of the Plant Inspection Office of the De- partment of Agriculture, Toronto, and his wife,. also 'Mr. Harold Caramody, of the Staff, attended the funeral of the late Charles Ross Messer, who had been on the staff of the office for • several years. • Mr, and Mrs. Jack Lillow of Strati- frIrd, were weekend visitors with Mrs. LilloW and other relatives and friends; Heavy snows have stopped some auto drivers in the Mid-West from going slaying, instead of being helped out, most of the unemployed want to be hold itt to a job, Wednesday, February 23. 194$1' THE WINGI-IAM ADVANCE-TIMES PAGE FOUR You'll feel a real thrill of pride in seeing your gleaming new Westinghouse Refrig- erator installed in your kitchen.... But that's nothing compared with the thrill of pleasure you'll, experience as you discover, day by day, the extra advantages, con- , venience, economy „and downright dependability you get in your 'Westinghouse. MORE PROTECTION for your food . . . with exclusive t Westinghouse "TRUE-TEMP" . . . the only Control offered by any refrigerator that allows you to select the actual degree of temperature you want for your f9od. MORE CONVENIENCE . . . with Covered Meat Keeper, Glass-topped Humidrawer, Sanalloy Super- ; Freezer for frozen foods and desserts, bandy Stor-Dor for smaller articles. • MORE SAVINGS . . . by elimination of food spoilage by lower operating costs (only a few cents a week) ... and by long-life, trouble-free service of the exclusive Dual-Automatic Economiser mechanism. MORE FOR YOUR MONEY . . . in this handsome built- in-Canada Westinghouse "True-Temp" Refrig- erator. at , at n 0111 RADIO & ELECTRIC Telephone 171J ..