HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1949-02-23, Page 2544/ Pu, atoptae-,A4 Now — at half•priee! This famous, e.xtrarich, gently stimulating Richard Hudnut throat cream that helps counteract telltale signs of age . REGULAR 2.00 JAR FOR ONLY 1.00 rrmor.rier KERR'S DRUG STORE 'PHONE 18 WINGHAM Warren House Furnishings VENETIAN BLINDS Steel, Wood, Aluminum Removable Slats Tapes and Slats All Colours to match your Colour Scheme C. C. McKibbon Bedroom Rugs 18 colours in selection from 24" x 36" to any. required size — $4.50 up NEEDLE POINT PETITE POINT TAPESTRIES Suitable for Pictures, Chair Seats, Stools, " Benches — From 95c up 'Phone 475 Wingham Fast modern jet planes which are a vital part of the defence of our country need the finest attention. The men who keep them flying are the aero engine and airframe mechanics, the radio experts, the electricians and the instrument mechanics of the Royal Canadian Air Force, Upon them depends the proper maintenance of there superb aircraft. The combined efforts of skilled tradesmen in many branches needed to keep the Air Force and its equipment in tip- top shape. Join the R.C.A.F, get into this new exciting life in a flying Service. MAIL cOuPot4 TO YOUR ,NEAREST StAYION111110. Central Mr Command, R.C.al.f; Station . North Wettfilt Cornmand, Station ltenton Ont. Edmonton, Alta. l'letue moil fin e, without obligation tub Partieulare regarding enlistrrient seeteretnenta and openings am*/ available trt the NAME (Please strttitt Annusss.......... ... fr, .. er ........... IrrroWorimr . . 000000000000000000 o r 000 r CITY I, You are a Catuiditut elated or other Iirltleh kirbiet 2, You ore :stogie atul between 17 hind 30-"yearn, 3, You 'have -Junior Matritulatiret for WWI& traded androinirriufri of Oho year let* thhh I two. years, for all °theta ottulveleut both, thhen. (AV 24)W nil urn MI 111.1 II MN ill NI Ill MR Nil U I You are eligible to Apply if: " I I DOORS, and 'SPIRITS, SAGGING?' See t'he,Beaver Lumber Co, for a lift for both! We've Doors in Stock . Simple, Modern Locking Doors which will fit in with your home and home furnish- ings whatever their style. Place your order with us this week. BEA. R,1 MBE ,.,.,:,..4t.t.t,4•,,,i,,,c,i,-.....7.... WINGNAM - ONT. C. A. Loucks, Manager Closed Sat. afternopas • n n n n n • n n n n n • a • • n n n n n • n n n n n a • n a a Kerr 's Drug Store n ri Minimum Prices Courteous Service a 'PHONE 18 WINGHAM AmEEENENEEmmanninsmonsmEsimEmEmEmEmong n AmEnnumEmmunuanunsmintas ENNEEEEnnummai • • • n n • n •• • • n • • • • n n gallinlionalmanaismaiumnisamuumniEsammuis n M O n n n • n n • Telephone 139 Chevrolet, Oldsmobile Cars WEIMICEIRE T When you want Top Service from your car--.Get G.. M. Parts from - Wingho.m NUW YOU can buy... Motors arm 'Needs Dr. Hess Pol Dehorner, $1.00 Franklin Dphorning Paste, 75c • Justrite Pet Preparations SHIPPING FEVER. BACTERIN 4110 n at n n n Dr, Bell's Remedies I me is Infectious Enteritis BACTERIN n our pine pi fiu mg"' • Chevrolet Trucks a • ENEEssusoria n • a n 1 a n U 1 • m. n • a • • gee di /eat =n,4 AT MOOS' ) NEE _AV Aga j-ty ilunting in the Moose River Woods The Canadian Goose of all game birds is probably the one most North American sportsmen covet. And James flay in Northern Ontario, besides duck, doer, moose and , bear, offers fine sport with geese. The 8on8on is Tate September and October, At Moosenee or Moose Illactory you'll find outfit- ters and experienced Indian guides. * In Ontario we ha, re a holiday paradise , let's do all We Can to encourage visiters from across the border. Published in support of the tourist buil= loss by John Labatt More information from The Public Relations (Auer of the Ndrthern Ontario Railway, North Bay, Ontario. Trains leave Cochrane twice a week for IVIoosormee. Coch- rane is 482 miles (15 hours) north of Toroato. It's 5 hews flying time -,—airline arid chartered plane connections at Parquis Junction, C311TEWERS, SINCE1,402 off/52 ;141 J LET'S MAKE THEM WANT TO`` tiM INSECTICIDES WARBLE LICE POWDER 75c, 85c KILA-LICE, 2 lbs. 75c COOPER'S DRI-KIL, 2 lbs.. 75c DR. HESS LOUSE KILLER, 2 1/2 lbs. 90c • 1 CALVITA • CALF SAVERS • " 21 days $1.25 5 x 21 days $4.50 "800 JEES"(No, 290) 25,000 bit, Units calcium penicillin—sufficient for effective treatment. • New Reduced Prices • Package of ,6 $2.50 To control (99rget) mastitis rAon TWO . THE WINGHAM ADVANCE-1 EVIM3 Wedneeday, February 28, 1949 w,lognam Advance,Times Published at. - ONTARIO W, P. MeCool, Editor and Publisher Authorized as SeWild Class Mail Post Office Department Enleseription Rate — One Year $2.0 Six Months $1.00 in advance To U.S.A. 2.50 per year Foreign Rate $8,00 per year Advertising rates on application Vol. 76 — No. 23 COMMUNISTS WAR ON CHRISTIANITY There are many different kinds of war. All, except the very young, re- member the horror of the last world war which was "a fighting war," Since that war ended, the world has caper. fenced the anxiety caused by a "cold war" between Soviet Russia and the 'Western Democracies. During the last depression the world experienced the misery that unemployment, too low wages and poverty bring, necessi- tating a "war against want." And the world is continually waging war against famine, pestilence, disease, poverty, under-privilege, loss of hum- an rights and freedoms, intolerance, bigotry, oppression, etc. Now, in our time, we are exper- iencing- a religious war waged by the Bricklaying Plastering and Chimney Building Cement Work John McKay 'Phone 637r22 Wingham 1 Communists against Christianity, 'All of Christendom is threatened by the Communist attack on religion. Ever A illi:N: their rise to pi lwer in Russia, after the .first world war the eom- munists have been preaching- atheism and they have been praetieing what they Preach, Much of the spread of atheism throughout the ,whole world is directly attrihetable to the Metilee- tion of Comnewiee doetrines. This is a campaign against time be- liefs and praoties. of all X% lao accept Christian ethics as a guide, regardless • of where they live or the doctrine and church to which they adhere. They even extend their 'anti-Ciod" propa- ganda against Buddhism and Moham- medanism also. In our generation, for the first time since the emergence of European civilization out of the Isar- barism that followed the fall of Rome, • Refrigerator or Electric Motor Troubles RING— T. DARLING Refrigerator Service WINGHAM Kelvinator Night & Day Sales - Service Service 'PHONE WINGHAM 549 Household REFRIGERATORS in stock Fresh Shipment of English Pipes made by BARLING $3.50 Haselgrove's SMOKE SHOP Christianity is associated with •treaetm against the State and subversion of the social order. This is the starkest, most •appalling fact of the times. Some time before Cardinal Minds- ZentY Was sentenced to life imprison- ment, the head of the Lutheran Church in Ilmgavy, Bishop Lajos Or- loss, was tried and sentenced on sim- ilar charges. The Archbishop of Croo.- 'fist has been in 'prison for years, All the leaders of the Portestaut United • Evangelical churches of Bulgaria are in jail and so are all the bishops of the Catholic Uniete Church in Romania, These Christian mea are all accused of violation of the currency laws, es, pionage and treason. All are hauled be- fore People's Tribunals at which a judge presides, surrounded by a panel of Party members. A counsel, assigned to the accused, supports the prosecu- tion, and no one arrested is ever ac- quitted, Messages from China recently re- ported that the Cominunista there had ordered Christian missionaries, who are of many churches, to teach Marx- ian atheism. These facts, of course, can surprise nobody familiar with the writings of leading Communists from Marx to Stalin. It is no particular church or sect that they attack, but all religien, and every faith which asserts that the world holds more than mater- ialistic values. All Christians should fight CommuniaM as they would fight the most virulent plague. We want no •Communista in Canada. * * * TWO DIRE PREDICTIONS Two dire predictions, (1) uprising of colored races throughout the world, and (2) possibility that Christianity may be wiped out in 15 years, were made recently at London, Ontario, by. Dr. Robert S. McClure, prominent United Church medical missionary of Toronto. He appealed to Canadians to "face the facts—all the facts". He told the • London Council of Churches that ,"it is quite possible to stamp out Christianity by modern techniques in 10 or 15 years." The method would be "to kill off the older people and educate younger genera- tions away from Christian beliefs," Dr. McClure, who was born in China and spent 25 years as a missionary there, forecast that "what is happening in China today will happen tomorrow in other countries of the Far Fast and in other colored nations thorughout the world," He thought the "nationalistic" movement would spread to other coun- tries in this order: Indo-China, Bur- ma, Siam, Malaya, Indonesia, India, the Philippines and Africa. He said, "what is happening in China repre- sents the thoughts going through the heads of colored men throughout the world" and he urged the Western World to learn its lesson from China* so conditions of unrest may be cor- rected in other countries. He described Communist victories in China as a "slap in the face to the United States" and enlarged by say- ing, "China is not so much a victory for Russia as it is a diplomatic defeat for the United States," He said . that Russia was giving very little material help to the Chinese Comrhunists and their only influence is Russian ideol- ogy, which is not true communism in the Russian sense, Chinese commun- ism is increasing in popularity and strength because Communist-control- led China is getting the best govern- ment it ever had. A poorly governed country is fertile soil for communism. * * * KNOW WINGHAM About two miles west of Wingham the Maitland River crosses highway No. 86 at Zeeland. In 1858 Won. Beck- ett built a store, hotel and mill there a Bennett & Casemore 'Phone 447 Wingham For Your BUILDING, CARPENTERING Repair Work Built-in CUPBOARDS Here's a way to bring an entirely new atmosphere, new color and personality to any room , . . and in just a few hours. Sun-Tested Wallpapers offer you an unusual- ly wide range of charming colors and designs, front which to choose the exact patterns that best express your individual taste. At our store you will find a complete selection of Sun-Tested Wallpapers—fresh gay colors or subdued tones, together with other decorating supplies. Come in and see them today! , VARILIPAPItritS The Wallpaper Shop ELMER WILKINSON - Decorator and it was the nearest post office for the first settlers• in Wingham. The little hamlet is no more. * WEEKLY THOUGHT . • Except for death and taxes, there is one thing sure, and that is that you can't be sure of anything, BELGRAVE. The Young People of the 'United Church held their regular meeting on Sunday night. Two sets of colour- ed ICodachroines were shown on their !the Opening Ode, and the Lord's 'Prayer, The secretary read the ;totes and gave the •treesurerls report ,which showed a balance of about M. !Mrs. John Coultes was elected to the 'motion Nominating Committee. A was made to pay the district !fees, 'Mrs. W. 5, Moores, Social Welfare convener,o gave a Health talk fur con- . eninctmon with Health week. She spoke of Canada's new Health programme which will cost the federal government 30 million dollars, with the following point's, 1. Hospital laboratories for cancer' clinics, 2. Research into diag- nosis, treatment and cure of mental illness, 8. Registration, treatment and rehabilitation of crippled ehildren. 4. Free provision of streptomein, a new drug for use against T.B. Mrs, Ed- gar Wightmen, as M.C. presented a radio programme "What's your beef?" which is heard from CBL at 11.30 a.. m. Several ladies were introduced and presented their unrehearsed beeff's. On lady directed her beef to CBC to prsent time fine music again, that she 'more been hearing. Another wanted 'more sacred music on Sundays on the radio. Why the National Film Board pictures were not presented in Bel- grave was discussed and the fast through traffic, The Roll Call was answered by a quality of a. good neighbour, Misses Marilyn Meores and Donna Anderson entertained with a delightful 'piano duet. Mrs. W. j. Moores, as speaker, gave a book review, choosing one of Nellie McClung's. books. "Clearing in the West," which proved very interesting and showed the wholesome wit of the author, and can be well recommended as a good book to read. - Refreshments were served by has- tess, assisted by the committee, Mrs, C. H. Wade, Mrs. C, R, Coultes and Mrs. H. 'Wheeler, The next meeting will he at Mrs. Fred Cook's, when Rev. A. Nimmo of Wingham, will be the guest speaker. Play Presented From Blyth A large crowd attended the play from Blyth sponsored by the Anglican Young People on Friday night, which was very well received. Miss 0Shirley Phillips entertained at the piano be- tween acts. CONTRACT BRINE or jack, or both, in which event suc- cessive finesses will assure a club trick, Specifically, Easy, should lead the nine, letting it ride unless South covers with either the jack or queen, Should North win with the jack or queen, East-later will lead the two and finesse through South again for the remaining card' of the pair. One dcelerer made the maximum of five odd on the hand. Six others played one of the two suits correctly, and thereby Made their game con- tracts, Ir We now carry a stock of `P. BLUE POINT i OYSTERS Quality Oystets— Reasonable Price An unusual feature of the following duplicate hand was that the only var- iable factor entering into the play of it was the knowledge and application of the laws of 13'i-013-abilities exhibited by the ten different declarers. The 'results ranged from nine 'to eleven tricks. West dealer, North and South vulnerable, '9 9 V 10 8 7 4 j 2 s, 4.4 AA 5Q3:5A 4 Q 10 8 6 8 41, • 10732 W ,NONE V A J 6 2 N V Q 5 3 K 10 4 S.1.982 * 7 5 4 V+ IK 99 86 4 QJ7 6 East played the hand in spades at all ten tables, eight of the contracts being for game. After winning the opening diamond lead (north having bid one diamond) and drawing three rounds of trumps, it was natural for East to switch to the heart suit. Assuming normal de- fense, there is one slight possibility of avoiding the loss of a heart trick with the East-West cards, namely that South has the king either single- ton or doubleton, The technique is to lead the three, finesse the jack and then play the ace. It is just a one in ten chance, but why not try for it? This time it worked In the club suit the goal is one trick —a much easier problem, The king can win if South has the ace, but this is just a fifty per cent mathematical chance, and in this case it is much reduced by North's openinesbid. Eng) c Instead,, it is a three out of four that South has the club queen new projector. They were "Bible CAM- torns" and "Xorea Beautiful," The young people are holding a social iti the church on VV'edtieSday night and are expecting to present the St. Hel- en's play km the near future, Women% Institute The Social Welfare stetting of the Belgrave W.T, wag held at the home — ef Mrs, John AnderiOtt, With a large . P attendascc, The President, Mm Stew, a Next to Lyceum Theatre alit Procter 60Mwd the Ittettft g With 111401111011110110110111.1111111101111111iiiiiir .• /11 Lunches I • • SRER.BON. ....,..