HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1949-02-02, Page 9version,of Saul, Events that lead up
to it and his life afterwards,. The
choir sang "Softly and Tenderly Jesus
is Canine'
The meeting of the Y.P.U. in the'
United Church on 'Sunday evening was
Mrs, Harold. Harris of Mount For-
est spent part of last week with her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Edward John-
Mrs. Annie Wray of Woodrow,
Sask., and who was spending the win-
ter with her sister-in-law, the late
Mrs, Jos, Brandon at Belgrave, is vis-
iting her niece, Mrs. W. J. Johnston.
Mrs. M. L. Aitken, Lucknow, spent
flue week-end with her sister, Miss.
Mary Duff.
The women of the community are
cordially invited to attend the meet-
ing of the Institute to be held at the
home of Mrs. Stanley Darling on
Thursday, February 10, at 2:30, when.
Mrs. A. R. DuVal of .Wingham, will
be guest speaker. Her address will be
be on poetry. The roll call will be
to name a Canadian poet. Mrs. Alex_
Corriganwill be in charge of the
music. The assistant hostesses will
be Mrs. Raymond Elliott and Mrs.
Burns Moffat.
Wingham Telephone 34
HIM thi /1-IE
NilCK Ci Time' ;N -WHY 011-..).1/4ST
HAD MAi<tr-.-- A
Li:PA Cc', 1!)2 At-
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Rubber Stamps and Stencils
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of All Types
We are Distributors in
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For these items which are essen-
tial to your business and regular
Three Day Service
On Rush Orders
Also available are
''Extra Profits I In Your Pocket
The Shur-Gain
EXTRA PROFITS in your pocket because Local
Manufacture means SUPERIOR QUALITY
through extra freshness and palatability—LOW-
EST COST because there is only one hauling
charge, one _handling charge, NO middleman's
MC)!IESOUR-CI is fed in Canada than any
other brand.
iuiiiiuie iii,.. 111 i i i iiiii i Winn tttt t ttt tt OHM ttttt
a a a
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Come in today and see this sensational ex-piece ensemble
of quality furniture at our showrooms. You'll fall in love with
it at first sight! Quality-built throughout, it completely
furnishes your living .room ... or any room. And it's sectional
. .. you can arrange, rearrange and interchange it to
suit any size or shape of room.
The new "Stipple-tex" covering is a wonderfully durable
material and there's a choice of seven smart, modern colours
that will harmonize with arty colour scheme.
You simply must see this amazing furniture . . . drop in today!
Wednesday, FebinarY 2nd, 1949 Wednesday, FebinarY 2nd, 1949
the funeral of the late Mrs. 11
will be expected to make this
Will those farmers, who have
kept records, either in the Farm
Account Book provided by the
Dept. of National Revenue, or
in some other form bring in
their books for audit during the
months of February and March.
There's a let-up in farm work at
that time and by having your
records cleared during this per-
iod you will avoid the last-min-
ute rush in April.
Write or 'phone for appointment
`Phone 23w, Office, 23J Res.
for the Taxation Yeat: 1948 are
Refrigerator Service
Kelvinator Night 8 Day
Sales - Service Service
in stock
WROXETER I Toronto, on Monday, January 24th Cronhiehn welcomed tthe visiting
group as well as the audience, and
traduced Miss Jean Snarling, director
and coach of the play, who presented
the caste. The play, a 3-act comedy,
.was a, series of complications which
kept the audience interested and amus.,.
ed, until the- final curtain. The eleven
faking pact had their lines well meat.
orized and showed careful prepara-
tion, This group presented nheir play
in their home town also Brussels be,.
fore coming to town.
*Young People's Union
Bob Cunningham presided over the
weekly meeting of the Young People's
Union in the United Church on Mon-
day evening. Meeting opened with the
hymn, "How sweet the Name of Jesus
Sounds." The scripture lesson taken
from Genesis, ch. 2, verses 1-9 was
read by Gilberto. HOwes, followed with
prayer by Bill Hart, Committees were
set up for tthe social evening on Mon-
day next, All joined in singing "Thou
Hidden Source of Calm Repose."
Glenn McMichael gave a very interest.
ing topic on "The Sabbath Day." Rev.
U, E, Cronhielm conducted the Bible
Study, the hymn, "The Church's One
Foundation" and the Mizpah benedic-
tion brought the meeting to a close.
In Loving Memory
Lovely flowers in basket arrange-
ment were placed in the United
Clhurch on Sunday in loving memory
of Mrs. D. D. Sanderson, by mein-
hers of her family. Mrs. Sanderson
was a faithful and greatly beloved
member of the church for many years.
National Film .Board Showing Feb, 10
Say, haVe you ever stopped to con,
sider the. important place that science
plays in the life of the Farm? Just
how much helps you with weather
forecasts, plant and animal pa:etiology,
animal husbandry and pest control?
Well there's a new all colour National
Film Board production called Science
helps the farmer and it is coming to
Wroxeter Town Hall, on the evening
of February 10th. Included in the
programme will be, the Dept. of Edu-
cation Films, Thrushes and relatives,
Eskimo children, Film Board Films,
Eye Witness No. 9,. Designing women
and Rocky Mountain Trout I.L.O.
These pictures are sponsored by the
local 'Women's Institute for the bene-
flit of young and old in the village and
district, They are interesting and of
educational value, EverYone is cord-
ially invited.Tthere is no admittance
Library Party
The local library board will hold
a Euchre party in Masonic Club
Rooms on Wednesday evening of this
week, Feb. 2nd., at 8.30 p.m. Ladies
are asked to bring refreshments.
United Church Annual
The annual meeting of the United
Church was held in the church school
room on Thursday evening, January
27th, when members off the congrega-
tion gathered at 7 o'clock for a Pot
Luck supper arranged by, members
of fthe Women's. Association, with
Mrs. Win. Hart as convener. •
The business meeting which follow-
ed was presided over by the minister,
Rev. U. E. Cronhielm, who conducted
la Devotional period with the singing
lof "The Church's One Foundation."
Scripture reading and prayer, 'S'ec.-
{Treas., Mrs. A. J. Sanderson read the
!minutes of the previous annual meet-
,ing 'which were approved,
The, reports given by the various
organizations showed a year of pro-
gress with all obligations met and a
substantial balance. The Church
Treasurer's statement showed receipts
of f$3365.50. Renovating Church Fund
$561.71, MiSsionaary and Mantenance,
$531.01, Women's Association 29
members' with an average attendance
of 15 raised $$57.14, Mission Band,
$20.49, Sunday School, $216.23; Young
People's Union, $301.20; Women's
Missionary Society with an average
attendance of 16, $230.65,
Rev, U. E. Cronhielm exPresSPd his
deep appreciation to all for their' fine
co-operation during the year and stat-
ed there were 185 members in the
congregation. A vote of thanks was
tendered the minister for his faithful
leadership and guidance also to the
choir and their leader, Mr. G. A.
Weaning, and members of the Wo-
men's 'A.sociblion for the gift of
Silverware to the church, During the
year through voluntary gifts of money
and tune a new ceiling was built in the
auditorium and the interior of Ole
church redecorated. By unanimous
vote, the trustees were empowered to
have part of the building re-roofed.
The following officers will carry on
the work for 1949; Session, Chairman,
Rev. U. Cronhielm, 3, W. Douglas,
A, Munro, (1 W. Gibson, R. J. Rann,
W. A, Salve, A. Moffatt, T. A.
Shearer, G A. Wearring, Vern Denny,
Committee of Stewards: Honorary
Chairman, R. 5, Rann, G. W. Gib-
son; Chairman, Harvey McMichael;
Three years, L. Douglas, Dc S. Mac-
Naughton, R. Hunter. Two years,
H. Timm, hi, McMichael, J. IT. Wylie,
br, R. B. Palmer, J. W Douglas; One
year, W A. Sawtell, Philip Durst,
Win, Hart, Gilbert Howes, H, Towns-
end, Trustees—R. J. Rann,A. Munro,
W. A, Sawtell, J. .11, Wylie, 5, H.
Dott,thq Ushers I. Maclean, H.
Titimi, P. Burst, C. Moffat, I. S,
Musgrove, I. MacNatighton, S. Hig-
gins, 3'. Sanderson, L. Hart,' l, .1\fe,
Michael, S. Hunter, J, Wylie Jr.
Choir Leader---Mr. G. A. Wearring,
Organist, Miss M. S. Gibson; Seere-
tary Treasurer, Mrs. .A..5, Sanderson,
Attditors; L. Douglas, M. S. Gibson,
WOrneti'S Missionary Society
The February meeting of the We.
knOte8 M184)11407 Society will be held
in the United Church parlors on Fri«
day, February 11th, at 8 p.m. Motto,
19b9, to Mr. and Mrs. Jack Barlow,
a daughter, a sister for Ruth Ann.
Deepest sympathy of many friends
in this community is extended to Mrs.
Alvin Moffatt in the .death of her
mother, the late Mrs. Robert Cathers,
of Gorrie, Mrs. Cathers was known to
many here, having visited many times
at' the Moffatt home.
Mr, A. Mealien, local postmaster,
His many friends wish for him a
speedy recovery.
The boys who are attending the
Short Course at Gorrie, while visiting
the up-to-date poultry farm of Mr, and
Prayer is more essential than alms,
for the healing of the World's ills.
The devotional programme as found
in the Missionary Monthly will be
followed. Miss K. • Hazelwood will
have charge of the Study Book. Mrs.
Hamilton will give the story of a
well-known hymn. Two members of
the Mission Band, Winnifred Munro
bed Donna Maclean will sing. Roll
Call to be answered by a sentence
prayer for Missions. A cordial invita-
tion is extended to all to attend the
monthly meeting of the W4M.S.
Roll Calls Continued
These roll calls are gathered from
District reports, Guelph Area Con-
vention in eluding, Bruce, East Huron,
Halton, Wellington, Perth, Waterloo,
and may prove of value when organ-
izations are drawing up programmes
for the New Year.
Historical Research
A pioneer story, Grandmothers each
to describe her wedding day; Some-
thing from the farm you live on
shown or told; An old pioneer custom,
the name of a town and its news-
papers, Grandmothers youngest grand-
child, Famous sayings of pioneer men.
Agricultural and Canadian Industry
Name a vegetable and the proper
vitamin from the first letter of your
name,A weed I pull every time I sec
it; Hints on how I keep farm accounts,
How to make the farm interesting for
young and old; Something new to
plant in my garden. -
Who's who in Canada and why; A
law to benefit women, One way to
assist our, new Canadians,• Why I am
proud to be a Canadian, a duty of a
good citizen in the W.I., Name ways
of neighbouring, name one Canadian
law, and tell how it benefits Canad-
ians, Laws for which I am thankful,
a Law I would like to see revised; A
quality of a good neighbour, a safety
slogan, What can a W. I. do to better
our community, As a Canadian citizen
what is your beef? A national holiday
and its significance, a Canadian who
made good, a noted mother, Ideas for
improving home surroundings. .
Social Welfare
Pets and their relation to.- a child's
health, an article of clothing to be put
in a.bale, Ways of helping 'children to
farm, Habits of health and neatness;
An incident you have known _proving
the old adage. "An ounce of preven-
tion is worth a . pound of cure." A.
minor injury .and its home .treatment.
Farm Forum Carries On
The Fourth Line Ttrnberry 'Farm
Forum has carried on successfully
during . the winter season, meeting
every Monday evening at the different
homes, The discussion is followed by
a social hour with refreshments, The
Farm Forum not only provides a pro-
gramme of interest to rural people but
gives opportunity for a weekly get-to-
gether which develops the social side*
St. James' Anglican
• Annual Vestry Meeting
The Annual Vestry. Meeting of St.
James' Anglican Church was held in
the Church rooms last Tuesday even-
big, preceded by a very excellent pot-
luck supper prepared by the Guild
ladies. The Rector, Rev, J. C. Caley
presided and opened the meeting with
prayer. The Secretary, J. C. Milligan,
read the annual financial statement
which showed the church to be in a
healthy condition. Mrs. Caley read
the Guild Annual report and F. Mill-
ward read the Sunday School report,
both of which were very gratifying.
Mr. Caley appointed Wesley
Rector's Warden. J. Milligan was
elected Lay Delegate and Kenneth
Bennett elected Alternate Lay Dele-
gate. The balance of the officers were
returned to office. The following were
added to the Board of Management:
Wm. McDonald, Clark Sharpie, Day:
id Draper and ,Mac Steuernol, Robt.
Bennett and F. B. Millward were el.
ected Auditors, Rev. Caley closed the
meeting with prayer.
The regular meeting of St. James'
Ladies.' Guild will be held on Febru-
ary 8th at 2:30 p.m., when plans will
be completed for sponsoring the play,
"Uncle Cy Hits a New High". The
members will be the guests of Mrs.
Glen MeKercher, Jamestown. Trans-
portatibn is being arranged, so call
your Secretary, Mrs. McKenney, not
later than Monday evening, Febru-
uary 7th.
United Church Annual
The annual congregational meeting
of Bluevale United Church was held in
the school room of the church on Fri-
day, January 28th, at 8.30 p.m. with a
large number in attendance. Rev. J. A.
Burden opened the meeting with de-
votional. exercises. The minutes of the
last meeting were read by Mrs. Ed-
ward Johnston, the recording steward.
Reportsof the year's work were given
by all the different departments of the
charge and in every case showed in-
creases in givings and attendance.
During the year there was raised for
all purposes nearly $4000.00. There
was $613,00 sent to Missionary head-
quarters, The minister's salary has
been raised $300.00 since coming to
Binevale, in July, 1947, There is a
total membership of 290. Twenty unit-
ed with the ehurchthis year. It was
decided to make time shed a commun-
ity shed for the year 1949, for the use
of the public as the Presbyterian con-
gregation has given their shed for a
community skating rink. A vote of
thanks wasgiven to Mr. W. J. John-
Moll, who has resigned from the office
of Sunday School Superintendent, for
faithful service for nine- years, also to
Mr. Milton. Fraser, who held the same
office at Ebenezer Church and to Mr.
and Mrs, tine for their splendid
work ,on the charge. Henry Wheeler
and Charles Mathers were appointed
as new members of the session to re-:
place George Thoredonand Edward
Johnston the retiring members. The
board of stewards was reelected, After
the meeting hinch was served and a
social hour spent.
11ev, Leland C. Jorgensen 'conducted
the morning service at Knox Presby-
terian Unit h. He spoke on the. con-
Mrs, James Sangster has returned
home aftet:, spending several weeks
with Toronto friends.
Thelma Denny spent the
week-end with' Mr: and Mrs, Cliff,
Penny, Teeswater. Mr, and Mrs, Vern
Penny were Sunday guests at the
home of their son,
Refrigerator or Electric Motor
Walker's Home Furnishings
'Phone 106 Funeral and Ambulance Service
Those from a distance attending has been a patient at Westminster
Hospital, London, for some weeks. Sanderson were: Mr. and Mrs. Thos,
Sanderson, Detroit; Rev, Alex San-
derson, Tonoronto; Mr, and Mrs, FL
Mercer and sons, ,Markdale; Mr. and
Mrs,„ Selby Dobbs and family, Keeton;
Mrs. Stuart Sanderson and daughter, Af • t's. Mae, Seaforth, were given a Miss Catharine Sanderson of London. ' lovely surprise when they and their Born—At East Genet•al Hospital, teachers were invited into the farm
home where broilers, potato chips and
hot cocoa were on the,rnenti. The kind
hospitality of Mr, and Mrs. White was
much appreciated.
' In the January ,Missionary Monthly
there appears a very good picture of
Mrs. D. L. Maclean, Toronto, Mrs.
Maclean, Dominion Board Secretary
for West China and an able speaker is
a daughter of Dr. Thomas and Mrs,
Ball, now of Torontto, but recently
of Wroxeter South. Mrs. Maclean was
guest speaker at a ,local meeting of
the W.M.S.
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Millar, Detroit,
were week-end guests of Mr. and Mrs.
Robert 'Gibson. Mrs. Miller and' Mrs.
Gibson are sisters.
Mr. William Ferguson and Miss
Agnes Ferguson of Clifford, were
Sunday guests of Mr. Thomas and
Miss Beatrice Shearer.
Mrs, George St. Mary's and sons,
Billy and Andy, spent the week-end
'With Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Adams:
Fifty Years Of Achievement
The story of She Women's Institute
beginning with its Founder, Adelaide
Hoodless of Stoney Creek, and includ-
ing the 50th Anniversary celebration,
is now ready for distribution. It con-
tains a full account of the celebration
with many pictures. Addresses of W.
I. leaders, including that sent by
Queen Elizabeth, who is also a W. I.
member. This book will be a cherished
souvenir for W. I. members and oth-
ers. Ontario has the proud distinction
of having founded tlhis organization,
which is now world wide. Ontario
alone has 43000 members.
The Improper Henry Proper
Wroxeter citizens again showed
their interest- in the amateur play
when a good attendance enjoyed "The
Improper Henry Proper" put ,on by
the members of the Young People's
Union, Gorrie, sponsored by the local
Y.P.U., United Church. Rev. U. E.
Chrysler, Plymouth Cars and Fargo Trucks