HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1949-02-02, Page 8eA, Wednesday, February 2141, 1949 WINGFIANI ADVANCA-TIMES POFIT 'IS NOW LOCATED IN MASON'S Store iriammuunmammiiiimmemmanommummin a • Save Money , • • a mm a a me me a by PREPAYING • me a me • a a m ,.:',;;OR i). • III • WINGHAM stet4V INCDSZIRTED •••••= " FIRST CLASS WATCH REPAIRING at Moderate Prices. Mother, you know what coin- forting relief you get when you rub on Vicks VapoRub! Now... when your child wakes up in the night tormented with a Croupy cough of a cold, here's a speetal way to use hicks VapoRub, It's VapoRgb Steam —and it brings relief almost instantly! Put a good spoonful of Vicks VapoRub in a bowl of boiling water or vaporizer, Then . . let your child breathe in the soothingVapRub Steam. Med- icated vapors penetrate deep into cold-congested upper bron- chial tubes and bring relief with every breath! a N n a a n • • n Taxpayers may make payments on account of 1949 taxes up to 90 per cent. of 1948 taxes. • • Interest at the rate of `our per cent, per a'hnum will be allowed on such prepayments. • Prepayments of taxes must be made at the I Town Treasurer's Office, Town Hall. a n W. A. GALBRAITH, Treasurer, Town of Wingham n • allmamon.4.10.10* VMS. PROMPT SERVICE 1CKS VAPORUB REG. TRADE MARK Town of WINGHAM 1949 TAXES n a n n n n n n n n I FIRE and INFL ION Chesterfields and Occasional Chairs I Repaired and Recovered Free Pickup and Delivery STRATFORD UPHOLSTERING a a a a a a a U • Owing to lack of space, am compelled to restrict REPAIRS TO WATCHES ONLY. itors, John A, MacLean And Robt, Currie jr, Six honorary directors were elected to assist in the work of the ladies' department, ,as follows: Mrs. John J. Moffatt, Mrs. W. ,j, Currie, Mrs. Geo, Cruickshank, Mrs, Wm. Maxwell, Mrs, J. A, Morton, Mrs. H. B. Elliott was re-elected See,-Treas, Anderson - Russell—On Jan, -6th, 1909, Edith M., daughter of Mr. • Sam- eel Russell, was married to Robert 13, Anderson of Lockwood, Sask., ( brother of Mr, Jas, Anderson and Mrs. Thos, Deans of Wingharn), by the Rev. ,j, J., Ferguson, Wroxeter—The' following from last Thursday's London Advertiser, refers to the marriage of a daughter of Mr, and Mrs. John Barnard, former well- known residents of this place: "A very pretty wedding was solemnized by the Rev. James Rollins, of King Street Presbyterian Church, when Miss An- nie, daughter of John A, Barnard, was united in marriage to Mr. Edgar Marshall Bissett, at the home of the bride's parents, 139 Bathurst St," MacPherson—Langford—The home of Mr. and Mrs. 0., W. Ross was the scene of a quiet wedding on January 13th, when their neice, Margaret Isa- bella, only daughter of Mr, Langford, was united in marriage to Mr. Wm. McPherson, by the Rev. G. P. Duncan. Y.M.C.A. Ladies' Auxiliary—At the meeting of the ladies of the different churches held in the Y.M.C.A. rooms on Thursday afternoon, there was a partial organization of a Ladies' Auxa iliary in connection with the Wingham Y.M.C.A. Officers were elected as follows: Pres., Mrs, John F. Link- later; Vice-Presidents, Miss T. Kelly and Mrs, J. A. Morton; Sec'y, Mrs. Jas. McKie; Treas, Mrs. (Dr.) Red- mond; Directors, Treas, Alex. Ross asd Miss M. E. Fisher, Howick Orangmen Elect Their Of- ficers---The annual meeting of the Loyal Orange District of Howick was held in the Orange Hall, Fordwich, on Tuesday, January 12th and the foll- owing officers were elected for 1909: District Master, Wm, Crawford; D.D. M., Jos. Williamson; Rec, Sec'y, Geo. R. Dane; Fin. Sec'y, John Montgom- ery; Treas., Jas. Fallis; Chap,, Adam Spence; D. of C., John Campbell; Lecturers, Win. Dane and W. H. Gregg. Jamestown—Robert Scott disposed of a fine driver to Mr. Johnston of Bluevle. Miss Elsie Strachan is spending a week with her sister, Mrs. Peter McEwen, in Turnberry. Mr. Duncan Taylor, who has disposed of his farm, will have a sale next week COMPANY 42 Brunswick St. STRATFORD — ONTARIO Enquiries should be left at R. A. Currie's, Wingham, Arrange now to have that Chesterfield or Chair re-covered, before the pre-Christmas rushl REMINISC1Nfi FORTY YEARS AGO Turnberry Agricultural Society— The annual meeting of the Turnberry Agricultural Society was held in the Council Chamber last Thursday after- noon and the following were elected officers for 1909: Hon. Pres,, John Elston; Pres., W. J. Currie; 1st. Vice Pres., Wm. Maxwell; 2nd. Vice Pres., John j Moffatt; Directors: J A. Mor- ton, W. J. Greer, Geo. Bryce, T. M. Henderson, Arch. Campbell, W. J. Henderson, Geo. Cruickshank, James Henderson, Wm. S. Linklater; Aud- fcating Teeswater here on. Monday night, 6 to 1, The line-ups: Wingham, Zulauf, goal; R. Rae and B. Mitchell, defence; M. Rae, centre; Elliott and H. Mitchell, wings; Gray, Williamson, A ndy T3en and Cruickshanks, subs, Teeswater--McBurney, goal; A, Little and Colvin, defence; Habkirk, centre; Pratt and Hickey, wings; Thompson, Ireland and Homutla subs. Gorrie—The Royal Scarlet Chap- ter, Howick, met in the Orange Gorrie, on the evening of Jan, 17th, and elected the following officers; W,, C, C., W. H, Gregg; E. C, C., T. F, Montgomery; Scribe, 3, L. Cathers; Chap, J. H. Neill; Herald-at-arms, W. 5, Gallaher; Treas., Geo. A. Dane; Committee men: 1st., Wm. Jacques; 2nd., G. Hubbard. Lecturers, 1st. J. G. Underwood; 2nd,, J. W. Hyndinan. Past; W. C., J. A. Bryans. Wroxeter: The annual vestry meet- ing of St. James Anglican Church, Wroxeter, was held on Wednesday evening, Jan, 17th, and the following officers elected: Rector's Warden, A. J. Hooper; People's Warden, F. Dav- ey; Select Vestry, Geo. Paulin, H. Waller, Robt, McMichael, L, Kaake, F. Earls and S. D. Taylor; Delegate to Synod, A, J. Hooper; Sub: Delegate F, Davey; SecaTreas, Mrs. Waller; Sidesmen, Geo, Paulin, H. Waller and Wes. Paulin; Auditors, Geo. Paulin and L. Kaake, McKenzie - ,Wells—A pretty wed- ding was solemnized on Wednesday, Jan. 17th, in Guelph, at the Church of Our Lady, when Miss Dorothy ,Wells, daughter of Mr. and Mrs, Wells, of Guelph, was united in marriage with Mr. Dan McKenzie of Guelph, son of Mr. and Mrs. Angus McKenzie of Cul- ross, by the Rev. Fr. Riley. Horticultural Society Annual Meet- ing—The annual meeting of the Wing- ham Horticultural Society was held in the Council Chamber on Monday eV- ening and the following officers were elected: Hon, Pres., Mrs. T. Fells; Pres., Thos, Fells; Vice-Pres., N. L. Fry and Mrs. H. Angus; Treas., W. A. Galbraith; Sec'y, Mrs. E. J. Nash; Directors for 2 years, J. M. Graham, Mrs. (Dr.) G. H. Ross, H. Camp- bell, Mrs. C. P. Smith, J. H. Craw- ford; Directors for one year term: N. L. Fry, Geo, Williams, T. C. King, Dr. M. C. Calder; Prem. Comm., Mrs. (Dr.) G, H. Ross, Dr. M. C. Calder, ,Mrs. T. Fells; Street Comm., Thos. Falls, W, A. Galbraith and J. M. Gra- ham; Hor. Park, N. L. Fry, H. Camp- bell, Thos. Fells. Whitechurcli—Mr, and Mrs. James !Falconer and Mr. and Mrs. John Fal- coner spent the week-end at Bluevale with Mr. and Mrs. Win. Falconer. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Falconer and children spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Les- ter Falconer ofa'Culross. Mr. Rhys Pollock of Toronto spent Thursday last at his home here. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Gaunt spent Thursday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Green of Tees- water. Wroxeter—Mr. and Mrs. A. N. gar and sons, Leawood and Laurie, Fordwich, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. N. T. McLaughlin, 4th line, and Art McLaughlin of Fordwich, also spent the week-end with his parents. Messrs. Hugh and Jack Harris of Vancouver are spending sonic time at the home of their mother and other friends. Mr. Telford Sellers of Ethel was a guest of Mr. and Mrs. M. Sell- ers last week. Gorrie—Mrs. W. C. King and Earle spent the week-end at the home of Mr, and Mrs. trnest King. Miss Mary Hill, of Toronto, spent the week- end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Owen Hill. Messrs. John Hynciman and A. E Toner were visitors at Lis- towel on Friday last. Mr.: Norman Wade visited friends in Toronto this week, Mrs. Weir of Salem, visited her niece, Mrs. G. A. Dane this :week, Belgrave—The annual meeting of Knox United Church Sunday School was held in the classroom of the church on Tuesday afternoon of last week and the following officers were elected: Supt. Jas. Michie; Assistants, C. R. Coultes and Harold Vincent; Sec'y, C. R. Coultes; Assist. Sec., Nobel McCallum; Treas„ Freda Jor- dan; Librarian, Martin Grasby; Assist. Lib., Almond Jamieson; Pianist, Vel- ma Wheeler; Assist, Pianists, Cela Coultes and Dorothy Vincent; Audi- tors, P. W. Scott and E. Wightman; Cradle Roll Supt., Mrs, N. Grasby; Teachers and Assistants, Mrs, R. Chainney, Velma Wheeler, Helen Grasby, Mrs. Jas. Michie, Cela Coul- tes, Mrs, C. W. Scott, Mrs. ,C, R. Coultes, Robt. Coultes, Edith Procter, Mrs, C. Wheeler, Florence Scott, Mrs. C. B. Wilkinson, Stewart Procter. Stewart A. Scott FIRE CASUALTY - LIFE TELEPHONE 293 WINGHAM 80 Years Of Continuous Operation William Stone Sons, Limited, one of Ingersoll's leading industries, is now participating in a dual celebratiOn, 80 years of continuous operation, and completion of one of Canada's most modern fertilizer plants. Founded in 1870 by William Stone in the city of Woodstock, today the company's op- erations extend throughout South Western Ontario, serving agricultur- ists, the butchers and meat trade, as well as soap tanning and wool manu- facturing industries. \Viva to get away from it all? To go this year a little farther afield? Then plan a holiday in Ontario's Northland, Up north of Georgian Bay there is a lovely country of lakes and streams, from which fishermen bring back maximum catches of trout, bass and.pickerel— and hunters, of moose, bear, ducks and deer. For details as to accom- modation mostly of the hunting camp kind but comfortable . . t write to the Chamber of Commerce in North Bay or Sudbury, Allow a full day if you're driving from Most Ontario ceritres• two days if you're coming from Windsor way, Plane and train service, tool HURON CROP ASSN. PLAN TWII.DAY FAIR Our representatives arranged more new prottectiort in 1948 than in any previous year. HIGHLIGHTS OF THE YEAR Pala to Polleyholders end Beneficiaries $ 24,2821 552 New Insurance (excluding .... ..... 122,797,159 New Annuity ......... .................. .. 4 .. ... 4..444, 17,434,506 Insurance In Force (excluding . . .... • . 1,151,926,450 Annuity Business in Force. .......... ..... . . .. .. ... . . 153,639,491 Total Assets .. ...... .................... .. ssis414.4.4.4 369,275,849 SOnAllS 1.04, ..... ......... kro4.1i ...... 4 ..... io ......... ......... . ..... iIfy.se10.1.,s1Ol.4. 19,234,976 Interest Bianca .4.144.44W 3.020 Huron County's second annual Seed Pair and Crop Improvement Achieve- ment Day will be held in Clinton Dis- trict Collegiate Institute, March 11 and 12, This was decided at a meeting of the executive of Huron County Crop Association in the board room, Ont- ario agricultural office herb on Wed- esday afternoon. It will be a two-day show instead of a one-clay affair, as in 1948. Miner Robertson, R, R, 3, Goderich, presided at the Executive meeting With Harry L. Sturdy, Auburn, in charge of the proceedings of the pro- ject committee under which the Seed Pair will conic, The first animal hi the same place hi local Bruce League hockey team won was considered an its first genie of the season by de- test. PIPT4t14 1(HARS AGO Local Sextet Swamp Teesers—The ANA DA LIFE --Aa"fte't Seed Fair held he spring of 1048 outstanding sue- • F George Williams Poperty values are up. Power of the dollar to buy repairs is on the way down! Have you had the amount of your fire insurance checked against this alarming situa- tion? Before another day, take advantage of our expert opinion. We will gladly advise you without CaTagai,m.,,, obligation. Call us today. LW,. Robert Timbers Wilbert McFaddin Members of the team include Rhys Bacher, of Hagersville and Robert Timbers of Stouffville, winners in the Esso Tractor Class at last year's Tn. ternational Plowing Match ',at Lind- Rhys Bacher Five Ontario farmers sailed on Jan- uary 15 for the British Isles where they will represent Canada at the In- teraational Plowing Match to be held at Saint's Field, County Down, Nor- thern Ireland. Alvin Mark and Wilbert 'McFaddin of Millbank; the Salads Tea- Champions, and Elliott MoseS of Ohsweken, a Director of the Ontario Plowmen's Aspciation and Team Manager. Mr. Moses is a member of the Delaware Tribe of the say, Ont.; Alvin Mark of Caineron, Six Nations. and then go to Brussels to live, Jas, Richardson is visiting at his home on the 4th Con. and will return to Mr. Eli Smith's next March. Royal Scarlet Officers—The annual meeting of the Royal Scarlet Chapter, Wingham, was held in the Orange Hall on Thursday evening, January 14, and the following officers were elect- ed: W. C. in C., J. C. Smith; P. C. in C., J. Davidson; E. C, in C., B. Scott; C. Chap., J. Glenn; C. Scr., J. Guest; C. Treas., F. H. Roderus; C. H. at A., W. Moore; C. 1st Lect., W. Guest; C. 2nd Lect., B. Leary; C. 1st Cond., W. J. Greer; C. 2nd Cond., D. Lougheed; C. I. H., A. Fralick; C.O. H., T. Wheeler. Royal Arch Masbn Officers—The officers of Lebanon Chapter No. 84, G.R.C., were installed on Tuesday evening by Rt. Ex. Comp. J. E. Tam- lyn, and are as follows, for 1909: Ex. Comp., Win. Watson, I.P.Z.; Ex. Comp. B. H. Hamilton, Z.; Ex. Comp. Alex. M, Crawford, M.; Ex. COmp. Elmer Moore, J,; Rt. Ex. Comp. J. E, Tamlyn, Treas.; Vr. Ex. Comp, H. E. W. Tamlyn, S.E.; Ex. Comp. D. L. Dinsley; S.N., Ex. Comp. W. A. Campbell, P.S.; Ex. Comp. J. E. Mc- Guire, S.S.; Ex. Comp. 3. W. Mc- Kibbon, J.S: * *, TWENTY-FIVE YEARS AGO Young --MacDonald—Married at Chalmers Church, Guelph, on Thurs- day, January 17th, by the Rev. J, A. MacKenzie, Beatrice Muriel, young- est daughter of the late Alexander and Mrs. MacDonald of Guelph, to Gordon M. Young, son of Mrs. S. J. Young, 154 Greenlavi Ave., Toronto, and the late Alexander Young of Wingham. Hube Hill—Mis$ Vietta Hill of Wingham, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hill Of Pleasant Valley was united in marriage in Toronto, last Wednesday, to Mr. Harold Hube, son of Mr, and Mrs. R. 0. Hube of Lis- towel. Horticultural Society—The annual meeting of the Wingham Horticultur- al Society was held in the Town Hall on Tuesday evening and the following officers were elected: Hon. Pres„ J. A. Morton; Hon. Vice-Pres., W. A. Galbraith; Pres., Dr. R. C. Redmond; 1st Vice-Pres., Miss, E. Gilchrist; 2nd Vice-Pres.,, Mrs. H. E. Isard; Direct- ors for 2 year term; Dudley Holmes, Mrs. J. F, McCracken, A. G, Smith, Mrs. A. Cosens, Miss,. E. Dodd. Those who remain on thee Board from last year are: Dr. M. C. Calder, 3. A. Wall- ace, R. Vanstone, Mrs. Geo. Spotton, Miss M. E. Fisher. Auditors, C. P. Smith and F. W. French, Howick Elections—The municipal elections on Monday resulted in a number of changes, with the following results: For Reeve, Thos, Inglis 619, W, Jr. 'Spotton 221. Deputy-Reeve, Geo, Hubbard 470, John Bryans 368, Councillors, Gamble 442, Leonard 854, Taylor 347, Donaldson 338, Edwards 268, Douglas 150. Officers of 'L.T.B.A,—At the De- cember meeting of Fern Lodge, L.T. B. No. 19, the following officers were elected for the year: W. M., Mrs. E. M„ Mrs, M. Mullen; R. S., Miss V, Joynt; L. S., Miss M. Plenty; Treas., Mrs, L, Shackleton; Chap., Mrs, T. Casmitore; D. of d., Mrs. A. Joynt; Con,, Mr. A. E, Angus; I. T„ Mrs, T, 0, T., Mr. C. Shackle.. tort; Comm., Mr. W. T. Miller, Miss B. joyat, Mr. O. V. Hayden, Mrs. Gallagher, Mrs. M. Haines. Attended Conservative Banquet— Among those from this vicinity who attended the Western Ontario Con- servative Assoriation banquet to Rt, Hon. Arthur Meigheri on Friday, at London, were: Reeve J. W.. McXibb- Ott, T. J. McLean, Harry Carson, Mr. and Mrs. W. F. yanatmo, F, J. Hill„ W. H. Gurney and A. G. Smith of Wingham; Peter W, Scott, David S. Scott and Rich. Procter of Beigrave, and C. Taylor, joint Purvis, John joynt, and Robt. Johnston of Lucknow, a Camp-,fire meal near Lake Temiskatning NEAR 'SUDBURY In Ontario we have a holiday paradise . . let's do all we can to encourage visitors from across the border. Published in support of the tourist bust- ness by John Labatt Limited. Lgr$ MAKE THEM WANT TO COME BACK! AumeW DEAD OR ALIVE! vria pay fat old, disabled or dead COWS $5.00 ea. — HORSES $5400 ea. HOGS $1.50 per cwt. All according to At* sad condition hid*. COLL= or Pon*. castrato** service Ripley, 50 - 16 Wingliam 121/ Ing,ersoll 21 ,WILLIAM STONE .SONS LTD. INGERSOLL, ON'TA'RIO AN ALL-CANADIAN PIRM, ESTABLISHED Ili7O" ...Canada Life's Contribution to Increasing Thousands of Men and Women through 1948 ' YG fallaaaaaaaaaataaa