HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance-Times, 1949-01-26, Page 8The Salvation Army Captain and Mrs. H. deVries 11:00 a.m.-Holiness Meeting. 2:30 p.m.-Sunday School. 7:09 p.m.-Gospel Service. Monday- 7:00 p.m.-Sunshine Hour. Tuesday- 2:30 p.m. Home League. 8 p.m.-Youth Group. Thursday- 8 p.m.-Prayer Meeting. A hearty Welcome awaits at the Salvation Army. .O HT THU VSTIPIGHANI ADVANCACTIIVIE$ Wednesday, January 26, 1,949 pastor reported 205 persons under pas- tonal oversight and 45 families, per- sons removed by death, 25 persons by certificate,. The following resolutions were brought before the meeting. "We petition the Government and Liquor License. Board of Ontario to require 10;30 p.m, us the closing hour for li- censed premises according to regnIa- tion 20 of the liquor license act passed on July 27, 1948". This congregation records its opposition to any legiAa- tion'which affords a more open Sun- day". A copy is to be sent the Crown Attorney of Huron, and the Attorney General of Ontario, The meeting clos- ed with the benediction by Rev, A. G, Hewitt, Miss Thelma Snell of Stratford, vis- ited last. week with Miss Norma Tay- lor, Guests at the home of Mrs. Frank Campbell on Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Bogie of Nile, and Mr. and Mrs, Frank Tamblyn of Hullett township. Mrs. Stewart Ament of Hullet town. ship, visited on Sunday with her friend, Miss Janetta Snell. Mrs. Frank Campbell and Miss Win nifred visited on Thursday with Mrs. Norman Carter of Clinton. Miss Ada Stackhouse of Paris, is visiting at the home of Mr. Wm. Mc- Dowell. Mrs. Donald Snell is recuperating at the home of her parents, Mr and Mrs Norman Radford of Blyth, since leav- ing Clinton hospital where she recently underwent an operation. There was no severe damage done in this vicinity during the recent wind storm, although a number reported shingles blown of their bulidings and barn doors off, There was no hydro for several hours and the telephones were out for several days. Mr. and Mrs. Duncan McNicol and Phyllis of Walton, Mr. Harold Bos- man of Wingham, visited on Sunday with Mr, and Mrs. Morris Bosman. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Henry and chil- dren, Mr. add Mrs. Maitland Henry and Mrs, Wm. Vendor of Blyth, visit- ed on Sunday with Mr, and Mrs, Mar- vin McDowell. What might have proved a serious 11111111191111101111111111111111111111111111111111111101111111111111111111011111111101111011111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111112 gl ...... ...... - .......= = ...... = ...., .... = KING DEPT. STORE "The Friendly Store" == .....= = = = = = fi,„.„„, .. EJAPTIST CHURCH Rev, O. Coupland, Pastor TWO SHOWS Each Night, starting at 7:15 p.m. SATURDAY MATINEE 2 p.m. 11 a.m.--"Little Sins", 7 prn.---"Christ's Heart Search- ing If's". $ 4 $$ 440441114;0;1111;411f;40;;Mf4;41;;;A,M14.144441404 aaaaaa 000000 41141;41;Aff .... . ;kW .. 4 .. 44,1111fPfIffIllIMMI14.1 ... f . MIN WEDNESDAY, THURSDAY, JANUARY 26, 27 i•••••I Nara*0 •••••1•1 Nom. ommeil• pawn** )00.01 0••••• esega*V. Dom. 0.1••• 10=00 WOW. ••••••• 41••••••• 111••••• NM*. 1••••••• re•••••• NI•••••• 011••••• 1•••••• 1408•MO JANUARY SPECIALS in A Cordial Invitation is Extended to you, "A DATE WITH JUDY" Men's and Boys' Wear PIMOINI.1110•11.11111111 JANE POWELL .WALLACE BEERY "For the time is come that judgment must begin at the house of God: and if it first be- gin at us, what shall the end be of them that obey not the gospel of God?" M41111111111111141,11111111/11111111111..... ..... . ......... 1 . . 11 .... 1 lll I lll 111414 lllllll I llllllllll lllllll 11411 FRIDAY, SATURDAY, JANUARY 28, 29 Fury at Furnace Creek Mid-Winter Clearance .1010•1111 1111181111011111 .111•1111=11 VICTOR MATURE COLLEEN GRAY • 11=01101. ••••••1 of QUALITY CLOTHING 001•••11 11•••••• MOWRY 101•01•11 OrliMmO 111••••11 ••••=11 MINIM MONDAY, TUESDAY, JAN. 31, FEB. 1st (DOUBLE BILL) Prices cut to give you Worth-while Savings "13 LEAD SOLDIERS" 'HALF PAST MIDNIGHT' .1111IM MINION 04.1•11:1104104111/ • MONIS WORM MEN'S OVERCOATS-A great chance to finish Monalla 01•100d the Winter in a warm, quality coat, at greatly re- duced mem. •••••• prices. Alpacamas, Fleeces and Velours. A good range of smart styling in browns, tans, greys, blues. 20 to 33 per cent. off 111•=1••• WEDNESDAY, THURSDAY, FEB. 2 and 3 "A Southern Yankee" •••MIND •••••• MINIM WEENIE Red _Skelton Arlene Dahl Brian Donlevy 111•111M11 SIMEON 11••••111 MEM. MEN'S SUITS-Group One. Worsteds, Tweeds. Broken sizes, good colors. Reg. up to $39.50 JANUARY SPECIAL $27.50 •••••011 11•••••• • Aelmc•wiam.. 00100•01004111100100004010 0101.. 1•0.11111 the various secretaries. The Stewards report showed $1166.84 raised with $47.67 in hand; the Y.P,U, $14.59; Baby Band $16.00; Women's Mission- ary Society $243.00 an increase of $47; Missionary and Maintenance $373.04 and increase of over $83.00; Snuday School $190.56; Mission Band $22.30; Ladies' Association $90.71; Pension Fund $201.50; Redecorating Fund for painting outside of church $122.90. The WESTFIELD NURSERY SALESMAN For over 40 years we have been serving nursery growers in the Niag. ara District' with complete satisfaction and are now enlarging our sales force. We have an excellent position open in the Wingham District and territory for the right man. No previous nur- sery experience is necessary. If you are a worker, interested in settling down, this can be a lifetime position with high earnings and a happy fu- ture with us. We'll train you care- fully, as this will be a position with security and opportunity over the years for the right man. Car is an asset but not a necessity. Reply to J. H. McCO1VIB NURSERY CO. FONTHILL, ONTARIO , 11•••••• 'The annual congregational meeting ira the Westfield United Church was irxeId on Wednesday afternoon. A pot luck dinner was greatly enjoyed at the soon hour. Rev. A. G. Hewitt was in atarge •of the meeting which opened vela a devotional period. The minutes a the last meeting were approved. 31re following reports were read by OMEN IMMO= Ir•••••• so& GROUP TWO - Worsteds and Tweeds. Reg. to $47.50 JAN. SPECIAL $37.50 MEN'S PARKAS - All-weather twill gabardine. Detachable hood, full zipper closing, warmly lined. JANUARY SPECIAL $9.95 ••••••01 MISHISE11101.3193511101111019111111111iniingiln111smaiwilla11111111111111111111191111111111n11111111111111111111111111S1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111119111111111111111115 • STATION WAGON COATS-Heavy Melton, in navy only. Warmly lined. Large fur (mou- ton collar. Reg. $24.95. JAN. SPEC. $17.95 offht, i es . ••••••11 Heavy Tweed and Homespun WORK PANTS- JANUARY SPECIAL-25 per cent. Off Take precautions to avoid colds-Take VACAGEN TABLETS-the by mouth serum to build resistance against the infection-LANTIGEN A, the liquid that builds resistance $6.00 ATOMIZERS-Double the effectiveness of cold relief solutions-from 75c to $3. HOT WATER BOTTLES-Every home should have one-Guarantees rang- ing froni 1 to 5 years-Priced from 89c to $3.75. Ask for "KANTLEEK" FEVER THERMOMETERS-A stock item for every medicine chest. Made by Faichovey & Becton Dickinson $1.35 to $3.00. Mom. •••••• Ammissessinms. NOTICE to Householders BENCH JACKETS, MACKINAW JACKETS and COATS-JAN. SPEC. 20 per cent. Off pow.. 1••••••• gammil =mull CURLING SWEATERS •in Grey, Wine, Biege, White. 'Regular to $12.95 JANUARY SPECIAL-$9.95 WINTER CAPS and SKI CAPS-c--JANUARY SPECIAL-20 per cent. Off I•••••• 11•MININI e••••1111 .1•••=0.1 II•1111 =MM. ONION. =maw •••••• •••••:11 .O.1•10 Immop• 11111101 11••••• =MEM •••••• The Price of MILK in the Town of Wingham will be increased on FEBRUARY 1st, 1949 The new prices will be: QUARTS 18c PINTS 10c Wingham Milk Distributors U BOYS' WINTER WEAR COLD TABLETS Groves Bromo Quinine, 30c - 60c Rexall Cold Tablets 3c Rexall Cold Capsules 30c and 60c NASAL DROPS COUGH MEDICINES McKibbin's Mixture 50c Buckley's Mixture 40c - 75c PINEX 49c Rexall Ephedrine . .50c Vicks Vatranol ... 45c Pririne 85c ••1•111M ••••• MINIM EXTRA VALUE ON WARM WINTER' WEAR 11=.1 II••••• 111•••• MOM% •••••• 11•111••• ..•••••• 1•1•••• BOYS' PARKAS in all-weather twill, browns, greens, blues. Detachable hood, zipper dos- ing, mostly wool linings, from age 6 to age 18. JANUARY SPECIAL $9.95 `BOYS' MACKINAW COATS - Heavy weight mackinaw and warmly lined. Will give grand wear and warmth. Sizes nup to 34. Reg. $8.95. JANUARY SPECIAL $5.95 PONY LEATHER COATS-Fur (Mouton) collar and velour lined, Sizes 10 and 12 only., Reg. $22.50. JAN. SPECIAL . . $13.95 BOYS' OVERCOATS- Tweeds andFleeces. 12 to 16 years. JANUARY SPECIAL - HALF PRICE. BOYS' BREECHES-Heavy Tweeds, lined double seat and knees. Sizes up to 14 years. Reg. to $5.50. JANUARY SPECIAL $3.79 • ,••• .11•••• 01•••=1, .1•••••I. COUGH DROPS ASA Cough Drops . 15c Smith's Cough Drops 10c Boots Meloids 25c CHEST RUBS Vick's Vapo Rub ...45c Mentholatum 30c, 60c Mustex Rub 35c LINIMENTS Minards 29c, 59c Rexall White 30c, 50c Rexall Penetrating 35c and 60c MEM ••••=1, 1111=1111111111•111111111111, III••••• •11111MM IMMO accident occurred on Saturday, when Mr. Roy Noble was fixing his tractor in the garage and was overcome with carbon monoxide, caused from running the motor while fixing the tractor. We hope for a speedy recovery with no bad effects. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Buchanan visited Mrs. Lewis Cook on Sunday, at pres- ent a patient in Wingham Hospital. We hope for a speedy recovery. !MEM. KIDNEY and BACK PLASTERS will supply the warmth necessary for ach- ing backs-On Red Flannel 60c Belladonna 35c Take Resistance-building TONICS-Give them to the Children-Take Tonics filled with VITAMINS and MINER-ALS. Neo Chemical Food, "Maltlevol" "Plenamin Capsules"-You will feel better and resist infection. it U U U =ammo norm MOUND MINIM ONO.. !MOM •••••111 11141111111. &WYNN. 1•1410601 MM. 1•••••• amens MEMOIR fi BLUEVALE The Chitter-Chatter Forum, 1st. line of 'Morris, met at the §home of Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Robertson, with 43 in attendance. It was. review night, Miss Wilda Breckenridge gave a talk on the Folk School which she attend- ed January 9th to 15th, inclusive at the TELEPHONE 53 WINGHAM farm home of T. MacMillan & Sons, Seaforth. In the recreation period, CHECK COUGHS and COLDS McKibbons "D. DR1 G,PaPE 11111.111. MINIM .1•11•111 NOIRE 11,111110 MINIMS IMMO. U iitirAlintl1311111E111/11111,711161111111110111141111111111111111111111111111111111111111111118111111113121111111110111110113111111111111111111111111111115111111111111111111111111111111111‘11116111111111115 progressive euchre was played with tviriun atiih21150111101111/4111161M1101Alinalitiaill11111ilifitlialINUMIIIINIIMIAIIIZE111111111111111111111111121111111110111114111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111117A Prompt Service 'Phone 161 Free Delivery Ground FRESH When You Order SPECIAL agreed however that merry-go-rounds and pony rides were fun for children. The Margarine question zaused much discussion, all hoped for a world market' for butter, also a floor price. The remainder of the evening was spent playing euchre, when' the high prizes went to . Lome McAllister and Mrs. Nelson Pickell and the consol- ation to Mrs. Foster Marshall and Earl Caslick. Lunch was served by the hostess, high prizes going to Mrs. Allan Mc- Kercher and Fleming Johnston, low, Mrs. Chas. Johnston and Carl John- ston. Lunch was served by the hos- tess, assisted by Mrs. Jas. Johnston, Mrs. Chas. Johnston and M'rs. Jeff Brewer. Next meeting will be held. at the home of Mr, and Mrs. Chas. blathers with Stewart McLennan as leader and Miss Emma Johnston and Mrs. Harvey Johnston conveners of recreation. Morning Cheer Coffee - lb. 53c Fresh Fruits and Vegetables VINGS INCOME TAX RETURNS . for the Taxation Year 1948 are DUE APRIL 30th fit Smith's Economy Food Store Emperor Size 344s Red Grapes, lb. . .. .17c I Navel Oranges, doz. 35c ••••••....mm. FARMERS will be expected to make this Rettirnl Will those farmers who have kept records, either in the Farm Account Book provided by the Dept. of National. Revenue, or in some other form bring in their books for audit during the months of February and March. There's a let-up in farm work at that time and by having your records cleared during this per- iod you will avoid the last-ruins ute rush in April, S. J. IVYMM Write or 'phone for appointment 'Phone 28w, Office, to Res. Dalton's JELLY Powders .3 pkgs. 20c SPECIAL Blue Boy Green Beans 2 20-oz. tins 25c SPECIAL-Size 96s Texas GRAPEFRUIT .6 for 25c CULROSS ALPS FORUM The Forum Met on Monday evening January 24th, at the'home of Mr. and Mrs. Ross McRae, with an attendance of 28, The members divided into three grotips, discussed the topics "How to Improve Our Fall Fair" and "The Margarine Question." Taking the topics in order it was decided by all groups that Teeswater Fair could not improved upon as they considered it the best in Ontario. In Heinz Strained Baby Foods 3 tins 25c JAMESTOWN • A considerable amount of damage was done in the community owing to the terrific wind last week. Born on January 16th, at Dr. Myees in Brussels, to Mr. and Mrs. James Warwick, a daughter, Congratulations. Mrs. Grasby of Morris, is spending sometime at the home of her daugh- ter, Mrs. John Riley and Mr. Riley, Recent visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Ned Thompson were Mr, and Mts. Lloyd Workman, and Lynn of Brus- sels, also Mr, and Mrs. Jim Thornp. son and thildren, Fresh Iceberg Head LETTUCE . for 29c Holly Hill 48 oz. Grapefruit Juice, tin 28c Size 163s-DELICIOUS APPLES .6 for 23c Charm '200s Facial Tissues, box 17c SPECIAL Prairie Gold LEALAND . ' Puffed Rice,' 2 Pkgs., 27c -,....a.......... 6.i.a.i..,........i......aa,,,,..e.,..,,.oag,„,. Ais ' vfmnato Juice . A Pastry from Teeswater Bakery z'n. Shale* Ptire M ' ' ' ' = did discussion,] midways and aide Ai TOnititil Ketchup .25c 20 t12. tilt 10e Cakes, Tartar &OW Batt, etc. 'Tut*, Frio, Sat. !shows d unpopular,•• • .'4. 411 Prove as 1.. was . * 113 thought that side shows took away 611111101110101111111119111191111101011921100111111111111111111116111111011.111111111111N1160111111011111100811.111011119101101601,110.00011611110.1.111011110,100iiiNiiiiiiiiiMINM.Mitlaata money than they brought. It was 1 Thomson's I Choke 800s • Waxed Turnips, lb. 5c 'Lemons 3 for 13c